#yes i revived my account solely for levi
jong-fetti · 4 years
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this is so sexy of him
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tamhrayis · 4 years
why do u think eren asked what were sasha's last words? had he seen her dying and saying ,,meat" before her death so he wanted to make sure that his vision was true? i cannot really explain that in other way to myself.. what do u think?
Hello! Ooof, Eren’s visions are really what make me confused. But anyways, let me try to answer this one as I understood it.
We still don’t know what exactly Eren saw in his visions. He never really voiced them or told what is going to happen in details.
I think if Eren really saw Sasha’s death, he would try to make them leave Sasha on the island. But what happened has happened. Sasha was killed by Gabi and her last word was “meat”.
At the moment, when she died, Eren couldn’t even say goodbye to her or at least see her corpse. He was all chained up and couldn’t even hear her last words. Here, I think, comes 3 things:
1. Guilt
Eren went to Marley on his own and created a chaos. His friends had to kill many innocent people and endanger themselves. Eren’s actions were very risky and miscalculated. Yes, they kinda won since they could escape and come back home, but because of his actions, Sasha died.
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Even both Hange and Levi were annoyed and really displeased with Eren’s plan. It really costed them a lot of things. Even the life of their comrades.
Eren felt terribly guilty. Particularly, it was his fault and he knew it. But at the same time, he couldn’t control nor Sasha’s nor Gabi’s actions. They had their own free will, which leaded to this moment. Eren could have stopped her, but he couldn’t.
On a bigger scale, everyone was responsible for Sasha’s death. It wasn’t only his fault:
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Yelena, Jean, Levi, Zeke...All of their small choices somehow led to Sasha’s death. But Eren took the responsibility way too personally and it really broke him.
He wasn’t the only one behind it.
2. Future and choices
Eren can’t affect the events nor control them. People are still free to make choices and act on their own. Sure, maybe he really saw Sasha’s death, but it was up to her and others to make it happen or not.
Fate is flexible. No one can really say that X thing will happen 100%. One thing that we can do is to predict. If Sasha’s death was really in his visions, Eren would tell his friends to make sure that she is safe, but since they didn’t give her an armor or some coverage, it’s safe to say that it was a product of miscalculation. Not fate or vision. It was really an accident. A product of miscalculations.
Aside from this, Sasha was Eren’s close friend. Of course he wanted to hear her last words or at least see her for the last time, but couldn’t.
3. Eren’s expression
Eren’s laugh-cry is a thing that even his friends can’t understand. He couldn’t cry, but that doesn’t mean that he wasn’t sad. It’s a fault on his friends’ side. 
Eren wasn’t laughing or testing his visions. In my opinion, he was genuinely upset for the loss, but couldn’t express himself properly.
As I said, Eren wasn’t the only one responsible for Sasha’s death, but counted it as his own fault. We couldn’t see his POV, but I believe that it was similar to what he said in ch.50:
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Eren is trying to avoid the risk, but can’t, because others don’t feel the same responsibility and weight of their choices. Eren understands that his actions, words and thoughts are impactful, because in the past he felt how it feels like to make others unintentionally sacrifice themselves, while others didn’t.
They were used to see Eren being the main piece of any plan and put a lot of responsibility on him. But at the same time, they forgot that the success of any plan comes from team work, not only from one’s power.
I am happy that afterwards they finally understood what Eren felt, because they also saw how they can’t put responsibility on others and be serious and cautious.
In conclusion, I believe that it was solely his genuine reaction. Eren wasn’t the only one accountable for Sasha’s death, but people are used to make Eren responsible for everything that happens. He felt terrible and couldn’t express himself. After all, now, Sasha can’t be revived and we have to live with this fact.
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