#yes i want to quit my shitty toxic job but i will be stubborn about it despite my declining mental heath!!!
ear-motif · 1 year
i understand will graham completely by the way
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illumose · 5 years
BTS reaction : when they say something they end up regretting [ part 2 ]
genre : angst and fluff, it depends on the member
requested by : a lot of people ✨
author’s note : thank you for reading and the feedback, I appreciate it a lot xx [ part one, must be read in order to understand ]
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seokjin •
Seokjin asked himself why he said those horrible words to you. He wondered how he could invalidate your feelings and have no consideration towards your person. Yes, it was his job to be nice with fans, but you were his significant other. The person he wanted to marry, to have kids with. Yet, he managed to fuck up so badly that you avoided him at all costs. It has been three days, three days of silence and quietness that he could no longer bear. He missed your laugh, he missed you. He heard you cry at night and it broke his heart. He felt so guilty, he felt like an asshole.
"Y/n, honey. I’m terribly sorry, I’ve been such an ass with you. I shouldn’t have reacted like that, you had all the reasons to be upset," He started, sitting next to you on the couch. "I can’t quite understand why I reacted in an aggressive way when you only voiced your concerns and feelings. I bed your pardon, my love. It will never happen again, I promise you."
You looked at him, he was wallowing in guilt and sadness. In spite of what he did, you did not want him to be sad nor sorrowful. "You used my fears against me, it’s not fair."
"I know, and I’m sorry. I can’t bear to be without you. You’re my universe, please, give a chance to make it up to you," He pleaded, his eyes lighting up when you snuggled into his chest.
"One chance, that’s all. Don’t waste it," You warned him as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
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yoongi •
Like you asked him to, he moved back to the dorm. Yoongi regretted his words, however, he was too proud to make the first step to apologize. He had believed that with time, you would have calmed down and you would forgive him. Well, his little plan did not work. He took you for granted too many times, and you were not going to let him treat you like trash. You ignored his calls, his texts.
He was now in front of your front door, knocking and screaming like a mad man for you to open the door. He began to realize what he was slowly loosing. You, the person he loved and cherished the most. He could not let it occur.
"I have plenty of time, Y/n. I can stay here all night. I just wanna talk to you," He explained, his ear against the door. He was trying to know if you were behind the door. You sighed, tired of his bullshit. You knew he could be stubborn.
You opened the door, much to his surprise. He had a bouquet of flowers in the hands, an apologetic smile on the lips, and dark circles under the eyes. He must have exhausted himself in his stupid studio.
"You look terrible," You said, bitterly. You let him enter your apartment, but you did not sit on the couch.
"It’s because I need you. I know I said the opposite, but I was just irritated because of work. I know it’s no excuses. You’re the one who keeps me sane, without you, I would die," He explained, with sincerity.
"Prove that you won’t do it again, and I might consider giving you a second chance. Otherwise, it’s over between us."
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hoseok •
Jimin followed you after you stormed out of the practice room. He felt sorry for you, and wanted to comfort you. "Y/n, don’t take his criticism to heart, he’s moody," He tried to reassure you, speeding up to keep up with your fast pace.
"It does not give him the right to be hurtful and mean towards me, not when I’ve been here for him for so long. I asked him to teach me, not to judge me. I’m tired of being comprehensive and understanding with people," You claimed, eyes filled with tears. This time, you won’t forgive him. He often snapped at you for no reasons, and you grew tired of feeling sad. "I won’t leat anyone bring me down, not even him. I love him, but I love myself more," You finished, flashing Jimin a smile.
"You’re only debuting, and from what I’ve seen, you clearly succeeded more than any other beginner. If you want to, I can teach you," He suggested, knowing that Hoseok was wrong.
"I’d like to," You replied, hugging Jimin to thank here. "I’m going to go back home, tell Hoseok that he can pick up his stuff. I don’t want to live with someone who disrespects me."
As much as you loved Hoseok, he crossed the line. You would never forget his cruel criticisms, you needed to end this relationship which quickly grew toxic. It was not the first time he made hurtful comments, but it was for sure the last time.
"Be careful on your way back home. If you need anything, text me. I’ll be here in a minute," The blond-haired boy told you, earning a laugh from you. He was Hoseok’s friend, but also yours.
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namjoon •
The moment you closed the bedroom’s door, Namjoon understood that he slowly destroyed the love you two shared. His behavior towards you was toxic, it consumed your happiness. He promised you to never break your heart, however, he broke his promise.
Being tired was not an excuse to be an asshole, he knew it. He called you a ‘pain in the ass’, something he said, out of his mind, without thinking. Of course you weren’t one. He messed up, and he did not know if he could make it up to you.
After a few hours of being locked in the bedroom, you decided to confront your boyfriend, well future ex-boyfriend. "Namjoon, can we talk?" You asked, finding him sitting in front of the door with puffy eyes. He nodded, following you in the living room. It hurt you to see his saddened expression. Nonetheless, he was responsible for his own pain.
"I know. You’re sorry, you did not mean it. It’s like the past few weeks, you mess up and then you apologize, thinking I’m going to forget and forgive. Do I look like a punching-ball? I’m not. I refuse to be one. That’s why we must end it before it gets worse," You stated, seriously. "I love you, and I will forever do. However, you crossed the line. You took me for granted, and treated me like garbage. You cannot expect me to stay in a relationship in which I feel more hated than loved. I’ll be moving out in the following week, Namjoon," You went on saying, flashing him a sympathic smile, supposed to comfort him.
He sobbed, realizing that he destroyed everything. He was the main reason behing the break up, and he wouldn’t forgive himself.
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jimin •
You two were currently on no speaking terms. You avoided him, and he avoided you. He did not know what to say, and thought that he would only make it worse. He knew it was not your fault if you had missed the date, your boss did not give you the choice.
A knock on the door pulled him out from his daydream. "I need to shower." You stated, coldly. His childish attitude irritated you, even more when it was unfair. He unlocked the door, letting you in. You did not acknowledge him, and walked past him, undressing yourself.
He watched as you got into the shower, thinking about the words he pronounced yesterday. I did not make the mistake to propose to you. He scoffed at this untrue statement, he was acting like a prick. All he wanted was to see you walk down the aisle, and now, his dream was compromised by his shitty actions.
"Y/n, love. I did not mean everything I told you yesterday." He said, joining you despite your small mumbles of complaint. "I don’t know what has gotten into me. I guess I was pissed off because I wanted to use this date as a way to propose to you. I felt upset when you couldn’t come, so I snapped at you."
You reached out for the shampoo, feeling your heart warm at his words. He wanted you to be his significant other for life, which was a huge commitment. "I guess I can forgive you, even though I shouldn’t," You responded with a smirk on the lips. He kissed you as your hands were wrapped around his neck.
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taehyung •
"C’mon, I apologized. You’re not actually going to break up with me because of small argument, are you?" Taehyung frowned, confused as to why you were still not talking to him nor forgiving him.
"Are you deaf? Do I need to repeat this again in order for you to understand? It’s over between us, Taehyung. You’ve been such a prick for the past few days. I can’t believe you’re still here thinking you can make it up. I’m tired of your excuses, I’m tired of you. I’ve supported this attitude for too long, now, I’m ending it. You and me, it’s not possible. I deserve way better than you," You smirked, watching as he was being hit by realization. "I don’t why you’re behaving like this, but you should figure out the reason before your friends actually give up on you."
"Is it really over?"
"Yes. No second chance because you already got four. No making it up, no marriage counselling. See this as an omen, you’ll be able to find someone perfect who doesn’t mess everything," You laughed out loud, feeling relieved.
Taehyung’s eyes filled with tears. Why did he have to be mean? He should have been encouraging. He failed miserably his job of boyfriend.
"I wish you the best, Taehyung. I truly do, even if our relationship ends badly."
With that, the two of you never talked again. It was over, even if Taehyung still loved you.
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jungkook •
A mess, it was the best word to describe Jungkook right now. Without you, he was miserable. He tried to reach out for you, but you avoided all his calls.
"Please, hear me out, babe," He begged you, following you like a lost puppy. You just got out of work, and he was in front of your workplace, waiting patiently for you. His voice was full of despair.
"I‘m giving you the space you asked for," You replied, ignoring his soft gaze. His words caused you sorrow. It was particularly harsh, and aimless. "Stop following me."
"No. I won’t stop until you let me apologize properly," He declared, speeding up when you tried to lose him in the crowd. "You’re not uptight, you’re far from uptight. You’re generous, kind and loving. You’re the most amazing soul I’ve ever got to meet. Perhaps you deserve better than me, a man who cannot think before thinking. I’m sorry. I love you deeply, Y/n."
Jungkook reached out for your hand, and for the first time, you did not try to reject his affection.
"I cannot express how sorry I am. You’re my lover, not my mother. I don’t want space, I want you. You’re the only one I’ve ever loved," He confessed, his body getting closer to yours. "It won’t happen again, I promise. Don’t dump my ass, please," He implored, and you finally gave in. You planted a kiss on his lips.
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primabcllerina-blog · 6 years
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⇢ ☆ did i just see CINDY KIMBERLY walking down hollywood boulevard? no, that’s just JULIETTA SANTOS, the TWENTY-ONE year old CISFEMALE and aspiring DANCER. i heard SHE has been described as +ARDENT & +CREATIVE, but can also be -RETICENT & -STUBBORN. i think i heard on tmz that UP UNTIL THE SHOW BEGAN, SHE WAS HOMELESS, LIVING OUT OF HER CAR but that’s probably not true. guess we’ll have to see if they make it.
heeeyyOoOoOoo friendos!! i’m mack, and this is my tiny dancer julietta. uh uhhh uhhhh under the cut you’ll find a run down of her background + her personality + connection ideas and i’m gonna .... try not to ramble but i’m Queen of That Shit™ so. .. .. .. godspeed
julietta was born and raised in san bernadino, california where the crime rates are high, the public schools are shitty, and the temperature never dips below 50º !! her father wasn’t around and her mother ... really wasn’t much of a mother. she tried to be, but [ DRUG ADDICTION CW, OVERDOSE CW;; she was a young parent and struggled with a heroin addiction before her pregnancy and unfortunately continued to struggle with it after her daughter was born. she was in and out of rehab, clean one year and hooked again the next. when julietta was ten, her mother lost that battle and died of an overdose. ]
luckily, jules was in good hands. her grandmother loved her like she was the only good thing in the world. she was the one who enrolled jules in her first dance class at the age of three. the two of them spent an obscene amount of time in dance classes or at competitions. julietta thrived on stage, in fact, it was the only place she really allowed herself to be unapologetically, vibrantly her.
she did well in school but kept to herself for the most part. her evenings and weekends were spent in a dance studio or at competitions, and what little time she had left was taken up by her place on her high school’s dance team, homework, or a part time job teaching dance classes. things weren’t perfect, they weren’t easy, but they were okay for a while.
when jules was sixteen, however, her grandmother fell ill. she took the year off of competitions, picked up more hours of teaching, and watched as the woman who raised her withered away along with any financial stability the santos family might’ve had. hospital bills were high and morale was low. after a year and a half of sick, rita santos, the woman who shaped julietta, passed away.
jules was left alone, lost, and reluctant to go into the foster system as she was on the cusp of eighteen, so, as the sole benefactor of her grandmother’s assets, she did what she could. but funds run out and things go terribly wrong. after graduation, she hightailed it out of san bernadino and drove just a bit farther north to get back into the dance game and to further her education. 
she used what money she had left to rent a shitty apartment and worked her butt off teaching dance classes and going to school part time. but funds run out and things go terribly wrong. unfortunately, julietta got involved with the wrong people, fell in love with the wrong boy, and signed a contract with the wrong agency. her ‘friends’ surrounded her with the same toxicity that killed her mother. her boyfriend made her feel small and slept with a slew of other people while they were together. her agent took her money and never got her gigs, skipping town when she finally caught on. 
so she was pretty down in the dumps, but if her grandma taught her anything, it was resilience. but funds run out and things go!! terribly wrong!! unfortunately, she was forced to leave that shitty apartment and couch surfed in between stints of living in her car.
most of her money comes from teaching courses at different dance studios, cash prizes from competitions, and now the show. it was pure luck that she got on, got an apartment, and got to cut back on working in order to spend more time auditioning. things are looking up, but she’s not entirely sure she’s ready for the pressure of sharing her personal life with national television.
julietta is incredibly passionate about dance and really comes to life when she’s on stage. pointe/classical ballet is her favorite, but she’s also professionally trained in contemporary/modern, hiphop, ballroom and–– though she might not admit to it–– tap. the julietta on stage is her truest form, where she’s honest and open and good. really, really good.
she’s stubborn as fuck and a little bit too much of a perfectionist. she works herself to exhaustion and tends to be her own biggest critic. it adds to her greatness as she pushes herself to be the best she can be, but it causes issues as well. because she’s so hardheaded, she doesn’t recognize her own limits. she won’t take help, even when it’s stupid to refuse it. like yes life throws her some curveballs but fucking hell she tends to make her own problems much worse.
she’s very very very ,... quite. ‘demure’ or ‘wallflower’ fits tbh. when she speaks, it’s purposeful, but it’s rare. more often than not, she spends her time observing rather than speaking, at the edge of a party rather than at the center of it. like she really is an introvert through and through, only letting that goofy, more vulnerable side of herself out when she’s around people who know her very well.
she’s got an old soul. like she just carries herself in the way natalie wood or rita hayworth or grace kelly would. she’s a hopeless romantic like that, idk how to explain it!!!
worries about literally everything all the time. Mom Friend™
she’s just... v quiet. v thoughtful and v quiet. wants to be your friend but is too scared to ask you. 
goes on runs when she gets stressed out; stays after hours in the studio when she’s had a bad day
dabbles in choreography and might be good at it but is TOO NERVOUS TO SHOW ANYONE
has a cat named binx that is a very recent addition to the santos family but yes he’s named after that binx
loves holidays. is 110% the kind of mom friend that sends her friends holiday themed care packages when she can afford it
life dream??? being misty copeland tbh. would settle for dancing with the stars opposite like.... chris hemsworth or michael b jordan tbh
keeps a thought journal on her at all times
wears one (1) piece of jewelry at all times: gold pendant necklace her grandma gave her on her 16th
wannabe selena quintanilla but isn’t a pop star soOoOoo
old pals!! like long time friends from socal or school
bad influence/good influence 
confidant.... both ways man someone she can talk to or someone that feels ready to vent to her
competitors like get her riled up and angry because that doesn’t happen too often
that brother/sister friendship like so close they might as well be family................ bc you know she doesn’t hAVE any
this bitch is BROKE so !! roommates wanted and appreciated 
“are they just friends or are they dating who knows? not me”
that ride or die best friendship like seriously i just really love... fierce girl gang plots ok ok ok
“you know what stan twitter would love? a making it showmance”
bitch i love brainstorming and chem!!! so!! these are just run of the mill ideas to start with
SO ANYWAY THIS IS JULIETTA .... and it’s 1443245432 times longer than i wanted it to be so tldr: ya girl has had a rough go at it but she’s a-okay, quiet and observant and thriving on the dance stage !! will mom u and love u forever unless u hurt her feelings too much ya know???
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