#yes i will continue to post abt sk8 and love reki and langa
emmiewtf · 3 years
ill never forgive sk8 for letting me down so much. i rlly thought itd just be a cute n goofy (it still is goofy, but like, in a bad way) anime w cool skating animation, along w some gaybait between the main protags (added for spice) and not... whatever it became in the end. we really Really did not need a "villain" (who doesnt even redeem himself in the end or even die like wtf was the point-). character conflict wouldve been enough + cool skating tricks. thats all i wanted
the way i COULD'VE looked past some of the flaws if ad*m had been arrested but nah he got progressively worse every episode and faced zero consequences for his actions.. like that sends SUCH a bad message and promotes so many harmful stereotypes. like ive seen ppl say 'he sucks but he's a good villain/adds to the plot/etc' but like.. i don't agree with that? like his character ruined the show for me he made me so uncomfortable and was so unnecessary like they could have still had the plot of reki's insecurities driving him and langa apart WITHOUT a pedo clown.. and yeah exactly like the tone in the first three episodes was so jarringly different than how it ended like it could have just been a low stakes funky little skating anime like i dont think anyone was expecting it to be anything other than that. my longest deep sigh
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