#yes i'm really trying to give logic and lore to minecraft
fridgrave · 2 years
i want to hear your headcanons about slime's "birth" in dream smp, especially knowing what scu is a canon prequel for him
in my head charlie as a god always wanted to know humanity more. to be a part of it, to be human. so he intentionally erased his whole god memories to have a full experience (but his powers are still with him). schlatt aka his doubting friend was against it and multiple times tried to make charlie remember his true nature with an apple (which charlie gave to schlatt himself explaining what this will bring memories back). by creating natural disasters and investing in zombie apocalypse (drugs for a mad scientist) schlatt wanted to show charlie what being human suck, and charlie's true nature would make it worse for everyone as well (zombies appear close to him not because of schlatt, charlie always magnetized 'em). but no matter what charlie refused to take the apple, because deeply inside he still wanted to be a part of humanity, and in the end of 100 days he showed schlatt what he won't go back (even when he didn't know what this "back" really was). and schlatt let him go. charlie was torn apart by zombies, but didn't die, because he can't. ground took his body, rotting it to the musk what turned into slime, while almost every signs of zombies were erased from the face of earth by the grieving ram, who decided to join his friend after all (he never wanted to be alone, as a god nor as a president). charlie forgot everything again, rebirth as a slime hurted his memory even more — as so his powers, but for millennials he looked after people, great and simple ones, after empires which rised and fell, for new catastrophies what always reminded him of someone he wished to remember, but never was able to find. and one time, charlie thought to himself "i want to be a part of this. i want to be human!" — and then he climbed out of the ground in the restaurant in las nevadas
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scarletpath · 20 days
Okay, I'm going to have to put in my own two cents here about the new Minecraft Trailer. First, it actually doesn't look bad and I'll tell you why.
1- We have TONS of Minecraft media. We're practically spoiled with it. And it seems like they're doing something a little different (Very Jumanji like) ((remember how everyone was already sharping their pitchforks before watching it and it actually turned out to be good))
I would've been upset if it was just copying from everything. I've seen people cry "OH! But they had the blueprint right here! Why didn't they use it!" Because that's that MC world and story. And I'm pretty sure people would get rather upset if this movie was a copy and paste.
And seriously. A lot of you have forgotten what the core of MC is. World building. Adventure. Exploration. That each game, each save, each server is never the same.
2- I'm okay with Jack playing Steve. And I have to be honest that I get rather upset when I read "Oh, but Steve is mega strong! Why can't Jason be Steve? Why they make a fat man be Steve?!"
Okay, so you watched Game Theory. If we view that as lore, then there are other things out there that would be considered 'lore' and that will make things rather disorganized. But you know what is lore? Steve ISN'T the main character. WE ARE! Have we forgotten the ending when we beat the Ender Dragon? So to make Steve like any other person is a good thing. And not making Steve some generic big strong man (no disrespect to Jason. And please, stop trying to Dwanye Johnson him) Plus, with that logic, every MC character is equally strong as Steve. So we would have a movie with a full muscle builder cast.
3- The design is good. It's suppose to have this new world and discovery feel. Not everything has to be 'pretty and sparkly'. Like yes, the original design for Sonic was bad because they were changing the look from a very iconic character. But freaking out at the sheep? Really? It's exactly what it would've looked like if made somewhat real. Have you seen a real sheep before? I think we're forgetting that this isn't a CARTOON. It's IRL and CGI. So of course they're not going to pick cartoony designs for everything.
-In conclusion, I think a lot of us have been hurt with what happened to the Borderlands movie. It's easy to expect a movie, especially if it's based on media that we love and adore, to be bad. We've had some bad experiences and yet we have plenty of good ones. Even good ones that people automatically tried to shut down because they saw one thing that they didn't like.
I think this movie is going to be a mix of the Mario movie and Jumanji. It's going to be fun. It's going to try new things. My guess is that they're transported into the game and Steve was a man who got in it but loves the world and doesn't want to leave. So they have to 'Play the game'.
And serious. Do we even care about what is technically 'lore'. Because I know a lot of us use mods, shaders and stuff when we play. Because to us and to everyone, Minecraft is not one world. Not one story. But an endless array stories told and yet to be told. And this movie will be one of the many that are out there.
Though this doesn't mean if the writing will be good. We'll just have to see. And that's the thing we can't see until we give it a chance. Do I want this movie to be good? 100% Will I admit that the movie was bad if I didn't like it? Of course.
But we'll just have to wait until then.
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beaskaa · 3 years
Yoooo! Your axolotl!dream design is really cool 😄 I'm really looking forward to the other part(s) to be drawn!
I think it's a really clever design and headcanon - you can even tie the staying hydrated part back into the lore, because Dream jumped into the cauldron a lot when he was visited to "splash."
Feel free to disregard, but if you want some angst ideas:
- the harsh conditions of the cell cause Dream to start shedding his slime coat = he looks really patchy and his skin starts to get messed up since he can't get back to the correct conditions to regrow/renew the coat
(which you are already kinda doing with the melty look in the last panel of the recent comic)
- axolotls are supposed to be in cool/almost cold water, so the heat from the lava causes major problems not just to his skin, but heats up the water he has access to and causes problems that way as well (can't cool down at all, everything and everywhere is warm/hot)
- axolotls have also been reported to have eaten their shed slime coats... and potatoes (any vegetable) aren't a food source for axolotls, since they are predators and don't really have teeth/can't chew their prey... mild body-horror elements? If you're comfortable with that -- since it's Minecraft Logic™️ and your version of Dream is a hybrid, maybe the diet restrictions change a bit?
Info from: https://axolotlnerd.com/axolotls-shed-skin/
"(...) they will shed their slime coat, not their skin. And that is an indicator that there is something wrong with the water or the conditions in the tank."
"Other tank mates might cause a lot of stress for your axolotl. As they are relatively territorial beings (...)"
High stress = "(...) will result in them not eating, hiding a lot, and shedding their slime coat."
"Axolotls aren’t supposed to shed naturally, and it only happens when there is something off with the water, or if the stress levels are too high."
"(...) look for other signals of distress, which might include unwillingness to eat, apathy or lethargy, unusual behavior, floating in the water, and the overall unwell feeling."
Got a bit excited on the info dump, but maybe some of it will be useful?
Have a great morning/noon/night! 😄
Omg Yes
I love this ask so much. I know little about axolotls, and even if I try to read about them, I’m still very limited, so asks like this are a god blessing. There was a lot of information that I didn’t know! And you even mentioned your source *bless you*
First at all, thank you for pointing out that lore bit, I didn’t make the connection before, so that make me delighted to see canon elements working with that headcanon.
Considering your angsty ideas:
the harsh conditions of the cell cause Dream to start shedding his slime coat
Great point, I will 100% adopt that. A visible consequence of the living hell that is his cell. I did some google research to see what an axolotl shedding looks like (and poor little creature) so I can see how I can incorporate that in the future.
Now I wonder how that must feel to hug Axolotl!Dream. He must be slightly slippery and gooey
The heat from the lava causes major problems not just to his skin, but heats up the water he has access to and causes problems that way as well
Yeah, that make sense! Even if he can avoid drying out, he’ll still be in a constant state of hyperthermia, that will lead to healths problems (sleepless, uneasiness, lose of appetite, headache…) . With time, I see his organism adapt to the hotter habitat and he will be slowly getting better (but surely with lifelong consequences).
axolotls have also been reported to have eaten their shed slime coats... and potatoes (any vegetable) aren't a food source for axolotls, since they are predators and don't really have teeth/can't chew their prey... mild body-horror elements?
I feel fine with drawing that (him eating his own flesh pog), but can’t say if I will, I’m not inspired at the moment! You raise a good point about his diet. Hum… I think he does have teeth (from his human side, maybe retractable teeth like toothless from « how to train your dragon »? That could be cool) and have an omnivore diet (with a preference for seafood, he could last with only eating fish). So clearly having to eat only potato is less than optimal (as for everyone actually) so he definitely grow sick and weak because of them too. That would lead to Prison axolotl!Dream being pretty underweight :(
Btw that how I see his character, but I fine with other interpretation !
Also I want to point the « relatively territorial beings » it work well to explain Axolotl!Dream drives to destroy L’Manberg
« Look for other signals of distress, which might include unwillingness to eat, apathy or lethargy, unusual behavior, floating in the water, and the overall unwell feeling." THE ANGST it’s perfect.
Thank you so much for taking the time of writing this, it was really useful and clever! You definitely give me ideas and boost my motivation <3
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chaoticgearz · 2 years
From my short attention span and my plot bunny form being overrun by rabid rabbits that's just begging to be let out-
Lucky Guy as The Fallen King of Dogwarts
Because this man is a glorified self insert due to his lack of lore and very minimal character traits. Seriously, give this man some lore and some more skins y'all are depriving him at this rate.
General Description
He'd definitely be on the taller side amongst the other survivors and a lot bulkier with muscles
Long hair tied like one of those dead moms you see in anime
Since he's mostly based off RenDog, he has wolf ears that are constantly raised to attention and a fluffy tail, though no one dares to touch it unless they wanna risk pissing him off.
Sharp fangs as well as short and well taken care of claws
He probably has that 19/7 resting bitch face (he needs that 5 hour beauty sleep)
Scars from the explosion! He does his best to cover them since he doesn't want to make anyone uncomfortable
He also has a scar from when Martyn hacked his neck so that he can become a red life, which he also hides
Really rocks that War Tyrant/King kind of aesthetic. His main colours are Red, Black, Grey and the occasional White.
He's got them shades to shield his eyes from the haters (He has sensitive eyes)
When he was first introduced, everyone thought he was a Hunter due to the vibes he gives off as well as the fact that he has them wolf like features and his scars
(Joseph was so happy over the idea of having a Hunter being shorter than him that wasn't Robbie or Yidhra's follower)
So imagine their surprise when he enters the survivor's side of the waiting room and plops down onto one of the chairs
Naib asked him if he realized that he entered the wrong side and Lucky replied, "Is this not the survivor's side? Because I'm pretty sure I'm a survivor." Cue the disk scratch soundtrack
He makes for a decent kiter and a good rescue
His traits include,
Howl To The Moon: Lucky is able to see survivors who're within 12 meters from him
King's Men: Movement Speed is increased by 3%/5%/7% the longer you kite the hunter and dropping pallets would decrease the Hunter's stun recovery by 8%
Bleeding Heart: Decoding speed and Healing speed decreases when a survivor is place on a rocket chair
He acts pretty aggressive and is very active when he's on the field
He seems very fond of Chasing Shadows as well as Duo Hunters, participating in as many as he can
Outside of matches though, he's relatively a chill person and is surprisingly friendly to both Survivors and Hunters
His favourite dish is Tempura and Fried Egg
He often has tea parties with Memory and would teach her "royal manners" if she asked him
Robbie likes playing tag with him since he's really quick despite his bulky stature and it's always fun trying to chase the other
Kreacher tried to steal from him, which is how he discovered that Lucky keeps diamonds in his pockets but the other merely handed him an emerald and took back the diamond he tried to steal, leaving the thief stunned (he can't craft any weapons with emeralds after all)
Yes, he works with Minecraft logic and it's hilarious
He likes to hang around the gardens and often naps under the trees
So far he's managed to befriend Andrew, Naib, Helena, Wick (he wasn't able to befriend Victor yet since the other was terrified of him) and Mike
The Hunters he managed to befriend are Bloody Mary and Joseph
His friendship with Andrew mostly happened because his first meeting with the gravekeeper had been him falling into one of Andrew's burrowing holes
Andrew apologized profusely when he found Lucky stuck in his holes and helped pull him out
While he was pretty annoyed from getting stuck, he easily forgives the Gravekeeper when he apologized and invited him to join him to another of Memory's tea parties
He hits it off with Naib after the initial confusion of him being a survivor happened
They both the type who sought after peace and justice, even if their ideas to obtain it differs from one another
His friendship with Helena was built on the fact that they both spend a lot of time in the library
He'd follow her around a lot and she doesn't really mind it since she feels much safer whenever he's around. Not to mention, Lucky is such a kind person!
Mike had been curious whether or not Lucky had any dog like instincts and threw a ball at him, which the other caught almost immediately
It ends up with the two playing an intense game of fetch and promising to play again tomorrow
Mary was the one that gave him the tour around the mansion and since they're both royalty, they hit it off right away
Short kings stick together, or at least that's what Joseph thought before it was revealed that Lucky is a survivor, not a Hunter
He still gets along well with Lucky and they'd share their interests with one another
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