#yes im crossposting again from twt because there really is 0 consistency of what i post here or there
banyanas · 2 years
I really do find the idea that Marcy treated Amphibians as NPCs rather odd- if anything she’s the kind of person to treat game npcs as people, rather than the other way around. like the ‘NOOO i can’t say something mean to this fake pixel person’s face I’d feel so bad about it!!’ kinda thing.
And to me it’s fairly self evident, both in terms of what we’re shown in canon and what we know of her character, she cared for Amphibia wholeheartedly? She “promised to do her best to look after this place as well” and then did that. She had fun doing it, certainly, but it doesn’t erase what she was doing, why, And the fact that it was hard work. Just because a lot of the (many) layers with her relationship with Andrias were built on lies and being used (on that note. would Love to give this sonofabitch a chlorinated swirlie) doesn’t mean that it was the same for ALL the newts she interacted with. Like not a particularly deep connection, but y’know, even if the ranger that saved your kid or stopped a crop-blight is a weird monster, you’re gonna remember them kindly and send em off with some cookies.
(Also i know it would ruin the surprise of MATG but it would’ve been cool for the fwagon crew to roll through a village close to Newtopia and it’s like oh the reactions are... not ‘oh wow your adopted mammal is kinda scary looking to us’ but more welcoming? A Night Guard squire came through here a few months ago, you see, and helped the community out of some real trouble, so hey, this other human must be decent too!)
(Not how species traits work but given the existent caste-dependent stereotypes already prevalent in modern Amphibian society (thanks for nothing Andrias), it makes sense some of ‘em would be inclined to think this way. Good thing they didn’t meet Sasha first though, or that opinion on humans would be... significantly more wary)
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