#yes im maintagging this fuck you AKDJDKJF
sammekh · 2 years
I'm thankful for TGC adding the new map bc It's so cool and it's nice when you have all WLs and end up losing some and dont want to go thru the 100+ different locations in which one couldve fallen into....but
There's some places that, logically speaking, shouldn't be placed where they are. and it peeves me greatly to see them like that
This rant may contain Season of Little Prince spoilers which honestly I highly recommend you to play it by yourself if you havent its one of the best Seasons imo
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When you enter the Vault of Knowledge, in the main hall, you got two maps you can go to: Starlight desert to the left and the Archives to the right.
It makes no sense that Starlight desert is placed on the same side as the archives.
Not only that, but on the second to last quest of the season of Little Prince, the Little Prince goes to a desolate map thats right from the entrance of the starlight desert to go to the eye of eden. You can see the Eye of eden towards the right side of Starlight Desert. Placing the Starlight desert towards the right of Vault makes no sense because there's no connection to the Eye of Eden like that. Tge orientation of it is all wrong. I dont even UNDERSTAND what was the logic on placing it like that. If it's becayse of space TGC couldve easily moved the vault a bit more to the right to give The Desert some space
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I even roughly edited it to give an example of where it should go. this also wouldve made it easier to connect with the Flight Paths but I didn't want to do so much editing wuth picsart. The red arrow is the path the Little Prince couldve taken to get to the Eye of Eden.
2. THEN we got the Hermit Valley, Village of Dreams, Performance Theater, and the music shop. holy shit this all pisses me off to no end. It all just looks WRONG when you think about it for more than just 1 second. Hermit valley should be more inside Valley that outside, because the Village of dreams is basically a Corner between the Valley Social Area and the Colosseum, With Hermit Valley somewhere in the middle.
The Performance Theater is also NOT towards the right of Village of Dreams, but rather towards the south. The way the map places it just makes it seem like the Theatre is only accessible through the music shop just from how poorly its distributed? Anyways I did a very quick (Not actually. it took me very long to do)edit on how I think it should go:
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Red arrows show how the Village of Dreams is like a "Corner" in between. You can access it from the Valley Social area on the left and teh Colosseum on the right. Hermit Valley should be somewhere in between.
the Wind Paths towards Hermit Valley in this case would be going around the long tunnel that goes from Social Area to Village, shown in blue.
The Performance Theatre has also had its position adjusted to make it make more sense with the actual location in the game.
Ik that these are just like. Idk. pet peeves. And Maybe TGC had a reason to make the Maps look the way they do (Probably trying to too much clogging between areas?) but Like. goddamn it pisses me off when I always like it when things like. make sense.
Thanks for reading my rant.
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