#yes im obsessed with MSR but I feel like you can't blame the man. like yeah of fucking course he would
ferdieinceladoncity · 2 months
war of the coprophages/syzgy (fucking hell, two episode names I can't spell without looking them up) are truly like sooo insane to me. They're both a lot of fun and y'know what, I kind of love the extreme bitchiness of mulder and scully. Yeah, look, I'm well aware it's kind of a misogynistic trope to have the female character suddenly get all possessive when the male character goes after another girl and Scully immediately hates her to death. However. Well. It's juicy. Scully girl you have GOT to stand up for yourself but the fact that you sleep with your phone on your pillow waiting for a call from Mulder intrigues me.
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