#yes im procrastinating Nanowrimo what of it
One day this Steddie fic duology is going to be done and then you all will see. You will see everything I've been wanting to scream for months on end.
I'm going to be the most impatient novel writer ever, if I succeed in doing that when I grow up. I can't wait this long for validation xD
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ev-n-learning 2 years
Cat stats: entirety of 2022 edition!
shut up no im not late youre late .
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Note: I double checked and literally All of that writing was in belarusian! Despite the fact that I switched how i was tracking this halfway through! So technically that's 114 hours and 8 minutes. Pretty close to russian, actually!
Marathi has so many simply because at the start of the year, I was still trying to get a handle on actually like... reading. I'm decent at that now! But currently I'm not at any sort of level where I can talk or really read or anything, haha.
(Apparently tumblr doesnt like readmores when you have an image id. Hoping this doesnt somehow ruin the formatting!)
So, starting with ukrainian; as of today I have four skills to complete to finish the duolingo course! So I think that's at least like, 12 more days? Or something? After that I'm going to go back through to make everything legendary, so I suspect in total I will have spent at least a year on it. So that's... something. Lingq is the only thing holding my reading comprehension together right now I think 馃槀
For marathi, I'm honestly just curious how much better I'll be by the end of this year! Maybe my goal should be like, 'read sentences' or something lol. I've long since come to terms with the fact that I just Don't learn fast at all... :)
Russian is currently sitting on the backburner, so maybe I'm a little bit better, maybe I'm not. For now, though, I'll try to stick with it and see where that takes me! I'm happy with the fact that I finally made it through duolingo, and hopefully never have to go back again, haha
Belarusian: my one true love, light of my life, So Fucking Hard to find resources for. Anyways.
You may have seen I did nanowrimo in belarusian this year! I wrote a Lot, relatively, and have written exactly one thing in belarusian since. Such is the way of nano burnout... (but actually, I'm just procrastinating.)
I haven't decided yet whether I really want to post what I did or not, so currently the file is just sitting on my phone, waiting to be transferred so I can fix typos and stuff. It's probably going to stay like that for a while.
In other news, while I did want to start usong polygloss more, I've made a fatal mistake in constantly forgetting to reply to people, so now I think the total of 3 other people on there are ignoring me. Or just not using the app anymore, one of the two. ...in light of this, I am not using polygloss for belarusian currently. #r.i.p. my dreams.
I haven't really thought much about what I want to do this year... write more, at least. I'm definitely going to try nanowrimo again, when it comes around. I'd love to start getting more listening and reading in, but I don't go on youtube much, and as far as I can tell, most anybody who's posting in belarusian is on twitter. My twitter account has been dead since 2018 (or something) and it is going to Stay that way. As far as actual books go, eh... it's a bit harder to get my hands on anything, haha. If you happen to have reccomendations, I'm all ears... :P
(Yes there is also The Tiktok鈩笍 but that, too, has the affliction of No Fucking Subtitles and is also a hellscape just generally, so... no.)
It's also still early in the year, so it's really anyone's guess how things are gonna end up! But that's where having simple goals comes in handy XD
In short...
Ukrainian: finish duolingo course, ???
Marathi: be able to sort of read, maybe
Russian: Who The Fuck Knows, better grammar (impossible for me and yet)
Belarusian: Know Everything Better, write... more comprehensively? write my langblr posts in belarusian, maybe?
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coldandhotsoba 6 years
I was tagged by @kingdomheartstrash
1. Pen or Pencil?
pencil. I make too many mistakes to do pen
2. Have you ever drawn your OCs? A couple of times? one oc for one of my fics? but thats pretty much it, i normally draw if i want to procrastinate. And drawing makes me frustrated so i tend to avoid it if i can.
3. Does your writing ever make you cry?
Nope. not even frustrated tears.聽
4. If your Muse was a person, what would they look like?
oh gosh idk? Probably a wreck. Like a trash goblin or like a turnip come to life.聽
5. Which of your pieces would you choose to be remembered for?
this is a hard one. I know what i wouldn't want to be known as. I also would prefer to be known as one of my multichap fics instead of a one shot.聽
6. How much have you written or worked on your WIP today?
uhh does thinking about working on it count? if so, yes. If not..nothing. i know i should get it done todayyy but im procrastinating bc idk how to end it
7. Have you ever based a piece (or a portion of a piece) on a dream?
If day dreaming counts, then both my multi chaps with shinsou in it, ya.聽
8. Do you prefer, silence a little noise (music, ambient nouse, fan, et) or a lot of noise when youre writing? I have playlists for all my fics that i listen too when i write. But the volume is at like 2, just so i can get a little bit of sound but not enough to distract me.
9.Do you have any routines before you sit down to write?
I have to have my hair up. Cant work with my hair down at all, with anything.聽 I also like to have a cup of water next to me.聽
10 have you ever participated in NaNoWriMo or a camp?
hahah no. Props to those who do! even if they dont finish!
imma tag these peeps.: @a-proper-hero @coffee-lynx @shinsoou @domineeringscarves
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