#yes it's me aka @zoennes
zoeloockx · 2 years
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“Don't listen to her. Women who call other women whores have 90% more chance of getting chlamydia.”
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formerprincewille · 3 years
In your opinion, what are the bottom aka worst 5 seasons of the skam universe and why do you feel that way?
Oh boyyy you’re really setting me up to piss everyone off. OK I’m not gonna put this in any particular order because it’s not something that I can really do. All of my least favorite seasons are kind of like apples and oranges because they all have their own reasons. Which I will lay out.
Wtfock season 4. I mean, no explanation is really needed on this. It’s objectively the worst season of skamverse. However, it’s not actually my least favorite personally and I will lay out some reasons. Why it’s bad: they had a girl who was racist as a main character. They also did nothing to actually make her relatable to a general audience because she was a model and Instagram influencer. Romi is a weak actress. Now, I’m actually going to be fair and say that she is not the worst actress I’ve ever seen in my life or anything. But she is way too weak to handle her own season. I thought that she was OK in season five but that’s because she only had a few lines and things were not in her pov. But her acting is weak and it’s made all the more apparent because she is surrounded by what I consider to be the most talented cast in all of skamverse. On top of the racism and having an unrelatable main character played by a weak actress, the season was also just… Boring. And I will actually give a little bit of understanding to the fact that this was done during the height of Covid and there were very strong restrictions but it was still so blahhh. But I actually did a recent rewatch, and removed from the fury of the time that the season was live, I can still appreciate a few things about it. All the actors (other than Romi) do a fantastic job with a crap script. The soundtrack is, as always, fantastic. That’s one thing wtfock can always be counted on for. I liked that Yasmina and Luca both got decent amounts of screentime. I loved the Moyo development and even though Noa deserved SO much better, he really was amazing as Moyo and made the audience love him when as a character he was not always well-liked. I loved seeing Robbe so carefree and happy after he had it so rough. It was so wonderful to see him completely comfortable with himself. Though there were only a few, I loved the sobbe and zoenne moments we got. And I loved that the show didn’t majorly fuck with them and instead allowed them be happy. And I loved seeing Milan. Even though he was used as a sympathetic ear for Kato, it is still kinda in his character to be so and I just really missed him. Yeah that’s it. All of those things can’t make up for how terrible the season was, but I’m someone who tries to see the good in things whenever possible.
España season 3. Hate it. Loathe it. I make no secret about the fact that I am not a fan of Nora Grace. I never have been. She is my least favorite Noora. I find her condescending and off-putting. I don’t think Nicole is that great of an actress either. And I know there are people who are like “but the MESSAGE” and my response is what’s the point of having a message if the season is unbearable to watch? I just couldn’t stand it. Yes, abusive relationships are an important topic. But to take a character and make them spend an entire season in one was not needed. It was frustrating and infuriating to watch Moyo with Kato (don’t get my started on them staying together ugh) but the same went for Nora. I don’t even LIKE Nora, but to make her spend the majority of her screen time with the literal devil was such a disservice to her character. And while I don’t care about Nora and Alejandro, the season made their eventual endgame feel so sloppy and unearned. As a survivor of intimate partner violence, mental and emotional abuse, and sexual assault, that entire season should’ve come with one big trigger warning. And Skam is still meant to have entertainment value, even with its lessons. This season had none. There was no lightness to balance the darkness. It was all hurt and almost no comfort. One or two or even three hell weeks I can handle. But ten? No thanks. I have only watched it once and never will again. The ONLY good part was Viri’s clips. I liked those. Oh and one other thing I liked were the posters of Nora with the shadows on her. But that’s it.
España season 4. This one broke my heart. After Joana, Amira was my favorite character on the show. In some ways, this is one of the worst of my five only because I care so much about the main. So let’s go through it just like Amira did: starting with the trailer. They baited a love triangle with her, Dani, and Kassim. Then it turns out Kassim was gay and they whitewashed Yousef. They spent entirely too much time on the stupid Lucas/Kassim thing. I don’t like Lucas and think the actor is pretty bad, but like what was the point of the storyline to begin with? Seriously why include it?? Which brings me to Dounia, who had great potential but it turns out she only existed to bring Kassim into the storyline. I hated that Amira outed Kassim to Dani. I hated that her big “I cant lie” theme had to do with outing a gay man. We spent a season of watching Amira suffer while simultaneously getting to see everyone else’s happy endings through extra clips. I hated how selfish Cris was too. It’s like they regressed her previous character development. I’m not a huge fan of Cris but I was proud of her growth as a person and s4 (for at least a while) was like bitch you thought. Now let’s move on to Dani. If we must. He is white of course, which is such a shame given the lack of poc actors on españa to begin with. The actor is terrible. Just… so bad. Dani is an asshole. He has no respect for Amira’s beliefs, culture, or boundaries. Younes, Yousef, and Mohammed would NEVER. He talks about her behind her back. He is not even worthy of breathing the same air as her. Which makes it kind of a blessing that they break up and don’t get back together in the end. But also- that is such BULLSHIT. Amira is the only woc on the show and she is also the only one to end up alone. She didn’t get to have the love story she deserved. She easily got the worst Yousef. Her season was cut short by two episodes. Her graduation speech was canceled and we never even got to know what it would’ve said. She spent 3/4 of her season fretting over Lucas/Kassim. She was done dirtier than any other Sana, and I stand by that. Yasmina’s gs was shitty, but at least she had a season devoted to her and not focusing on all the other couples with random gays thrown in for good measure. AND she had an absolute treasure of a man who deserved her. Imane’s season at least delved into the racism she experiences and even though I’m not a fan of Sofiane, she still got her happy ending too. God it was just such a waste. What I did like: Hajar’s acting. She does the shocked face a bit too much sometimes, but she is truly talented and handled her terrible storyline as best she could. And Joana’s clips. She is my fave and I loved getting stuff with her. Crisana’s tiktok shenanigans. And Cris coming out to her mom. And the ending beach scene was lovely. That’s about it.
France and OG s2: I don’t like most noorhelms, but these are undoubtedly the worst. William was so fucking toxic and seeing that romanticized was just awful. And then France saw it and was like “hold my beer” and made Charles even worse. The SA storyline was important, but then it was dropped. And Charles taking his brother’s side…and then making noorhelm and marles get back together and have it be like yay they made it…no thanks. OG had a good soundtrack at least. Idk I rewatched each of them one time and hated it just as much. I don’t have much more to say. They just suck.
Honorable mentions: Austin s1. Marlon sucks and the show was just so cringey. There was such a different vibe compared to the European remakes. And not in a good way. But Shay is amazing and I like the gs, so they had that going for them. And France s4. The gs sucked but I also don’t like Sofiane. Plus too much manon focus and stupid Charles returning (though the scene itself when he rolls up in the motorcycle is still hilarious to me).
And who knows, depending on how the rest of the season goes, Ismail could end up on this list too.
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zoennes · 5 years
I appreciate that some people are trying to make sense of the mess that is Zoenne’s storyline this season but I honestly can’t wrap my mind around it.
At the beginning, with the whole partying thing, I thought it would be about Senne sabotaging himself/their relationship, because the Senne we saw in s2 wouldn’t be leaving Zoë alone to go partying. He could always go to a party or two without her, don’t get me wrong. That’s healthy, they can have their separate lives/have fun without each other. While Zoë was always going out with the girl squad in the previous seasons, in s3 apart from ep 3 they were never with Zoë, which made me feel even more the weight of Senne not being there with her. Plus, when one of them was with her it was to make her feel insecure: Amber telling her Senne wasn’t missing her, asking if they’re in an open relationship, etc. 
The partying was never shown as normal behavior, though. It was always implied this was an issue. It was brought up every time we saw them: Zoë saying “see you tomorrow” when he said “see you tonight”, the way he was always out and she couldn’t sleep ~because~ of it, so much so she locked their bedroom door and he had to sleep on the couch when he got home so she could sleep for a whole night. 
Making him not reply to her messages was so ooc, when would Senne do that? That whole Halloween week was a nightmare. She was stuck with the idea Amber planted in her head (that he might have been cheating) while he didn’t care to reply to a message she sent saying she wished he was there and to the other messages she sent him that weekend. On Halloween night she was also checking her phone and looking disappointed, which makes me believe he wasn’t keeping in touch during that whole week. Also, why didn’t he go with her? (At least for the weekend.) Why wasn’t he home the night she got back from the trip? Oh yes, he was partying! 
Ok, this was a recurring drama that so far hasn’t been properly addressed, they don’t talk about it, Senne seems to think this is all okay and Zoë doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it even though it bothers her.
Then, to make things worse, the Zoë-is-not-testifying storyline came along.
To see this character testifying was something we always wanted.
It was realistic to show how women feel like it’s better to ‘forget’ what they’ve been through than relive it all going to court and having to tell strangers about it. The shame and guilt sa victims feel even though what happened wasn’t their fault at all is very real, unfortunately.
From what we’ve seen of s2 Zoenne though, they always talked. It could begin as an argument but 1 minute later they’d be understanding each other’s point of view/reasons for acting a certain way (most of the time). Plus they were going through extreme circumstances. And now they LIVE together, I imagine they would be able to talk and understand what the other was feeling much more instead of screaming at each other or leaving slamming doors. Zoë wouldn’t be throwing at his face this is her problem and he has nothing to do with it, because deep down and being the empathetic person she is she knows he feels very guilty about what happened to her. Senne would talk to her in a way that would make her feel better, feel she can count on him always, like he did many times before. 
Notice that she said Senne was being pushy in s2 when he was talking about them meeting with Viktor, that only happened because she was super nervous about his offer and he couldn’t have guessed why, he wasn’t really being pushy. Now she’s feeling just like that again. After 382 fights Zoë suddenly decides to testify, letting him know she’s doing it for herself and not for him. He seems pretty happy and okay about it. (As he should!) He just wants his brother to pay for what he did to her. It’s complicated af, but to them I feel like it wouldn’t be this complicated, you know? Because they were always very honest, I believe he would end up talking about feeling guilty again and she would assure him it wasn’t his fault. She would tell him it hurts to remember it all and he would hug her and make her feel a bit better. They would come to an agreement after all, even if their opinions diverged.
Yesterday was the last straw for me. I couldn’t even cry because I was so shocked. I couldn’t and I still can’t believe they did that to this important part of Zoenne’s story. I loathed this clip.
Their whole argument was bullshit. So unecessary. So hurtful. S2 Senne would have been preparing her for this day through the whole week, all of them would, actually, but he’d be spoiling her, and his support would give her the extra strength she needed. Not because a woman needs a man but because we feel stronger when we have someone we love supporting us.
Making Milan convince her to go in 30 seconds of conversation... makes 0 sense and it’s definitely not the way I thought this storyline would end. I’m heartbroken that that’s what they decided to do. Milan is very important to Zoë, he’s a great friend, but this was supposed to be a Zoenne moment. They were Viktor’s victims, Senne should have been the one going with her, YOU CAN’T CHANGE MY MIND.
Their chat gave me a minute of peace but... for how long?
The partying thing is still there, this Viktor nightmare needs to be worked through (maybe both of them should go to therapy together, it’s that serious, yes) and the saddest thing and the main reason why I don’t understand the point behind giving them more than 1 difficult problem to deal with during these past few months is: it’s not their season anymore. We won’t be seeing the way things unfold, we can’t be with them when they’re enjoying each other’s company, we mostly got to see the ugly parts. Why give them more shit to get through if they’re not the main focus of the show anymore? How can we be satisfied if we can’t watch them working through all this? If they keep them together, that is... 
Just imagining Zoë being miserable around the girl squad in s4 (either because Senne is acting *OOC* or because they aren’t together) while Amber talks about how wonderful her boyfriend is... it makes me sick. (Nothing against Amber btw, I’m just using it as an example of how unfair the story goes when it comes to this pairing. They went through hell to be and stay together while for other people it’s so easy and uncomplicated.)
It makes me sick because s2 Zoenne is wonderful. And powerful, and passionate and intense but also full of love and patience, even if both of them are extra when it comes to being dramatic. (They had their reasons, let’s be real.) They love each other so much.
I wish they had respected Senne’s growth (the fact that he EVOLVED!) during the course of the previous two seasons instead of giving him the party guy crown this season among other stuff that made it look like the promise of not wanting to be a jerk anymore isn’t being taken seriously, and I wish they had shown us how they were getting over the obstacles s2 threw at them and making their new relationship status aka living together work, even if it’s not always easy. I didn’t want perfect, I wanted normal problems that could be solved with talking and tickling and kissing. It’s enough drama for a lifetime, what they went through in s2. No one likes to see their OTP suffering during an entire season!!! I wish we had had a few more cute parallels to s2 or new cute breadcrumbs every 30 seconds they would appear in a clip. I’m so beyond salvation that I see a couple that moved in together being happy in a movie or something and I feel bitter, I sigh deeply and think “that could have been Zoenne, if only...”
My wishes are worthless, I know.
But that’s what I hoped and it will always be the way I see them and I know a lot of people would agree with me.
Let’s put our clown make up on and wait for what’s coming. 
One thing I know: I won’t ever stop loving the characters I got to know so well. I will probably write lots of fics to cope until they come back to us, the OTP we fell so deeply in love with last season. I still hope this will happen and that it won’t be just a thing that happens when the show is ending, I want to see them happy and enjoying each other’s company with no ghosts or stupid storylines to make them suffer. I don’t want an endgame only, I want and could watch them washing dishes and walking holding hands in parks for the rest of my life.
I’m counting on you to not leave me alone in this. Zoenne deserves our love, they always will.
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