#yes seonghwa must always have a breeding kink
sanjoongie · 1 year
Pain into Pleasure
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ღPairing: Seonghwa x Reader (f) ღGenre: enemies to lovers au, Modern Wizardry School au ღWord Count: 3,853 ღWarnings: rough sex, pain kink with a twist, scratching, biting, spanking, hair pulling, the threat of choking, f and m orgasm ღRated: 18+ MDNI, smut with no plot
ღSummary: You’re a new teacher at the Twilight Academy, bumping into a supposed teacher and sleeping with them the day before you start. Little did you know… it wasn’t simply a teacher you were sleeping with insert pained smile expression here
ღDedication: @mejuii @downtoamagicalland sometimes I think I write Seonghwa just for you to tell me this version is your new favorite @flurrys-creativity​ why do you do this to me. but thank you. ღAll of the Parts | ღNext Part
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You settled into a creaky wooden chair, feeling quite happy with yourself. You had landed your dream job at your dream school, teaching, well, dreams. You were a happy white magic user, specializing in Dream Magic. You were to help the students at the Twilight Academy delve into the world of dreams. You were quite excited to be teaching your specialty magics and even more excited to be doing it at the esteemed Twilight Academy.
Now, to have a nice dinner at the pub attached to the inn you were sleeping at before your first day at the academy.
“What will it be, Sweetheart?” You looked up to see a wicked smile on the face of a dark haired man.
You cocked your head. “What do you recommend?”
He leaned his hip against the table. “New in town?”
You nodded, “I start at Twilight tomorrow.”
He looked impressed. “The new Dreams teacher, I assume?”
You raised an eyebrow and he laughed. “Small town. Everyone knows everything. I’m Wooyoung. I own the pub portion of the inn.”
“Well, Wooyoung. I’m a bit cold and I haven’t eaten much due to my excitement for this new leg of my life.”
Wooyoung nodded astutely. “One bowl of Hearty Jambalaya coming right up. You can handle spice, right?”
“Mmmm,” You hummed in appreciation, “My mouth is watering already.”
While you were waiting for your dinner to be served, the door to the outside opened and in breezed in someone who looked holier than thou. His bright white hair drew attention immediately, if not for the aura of authority around him. He sat down primly on a chair, taking the table that dominated the back corner of the room. He adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose to peer at the menu but then waved it away immediately. You felt your mouth lifting up in a sneer. By the looks of his golden embroidered jacket, with the feather embellishment, he was probably the school’s Demon Summoning Teacher. Those black magic users were always full of themselves.
“Oh, don’t break my heart and say you want Seonghwa along with your Jambalaya?” Wooyoung frowned deeply, approaching your table with your order.
You pasted a smile on your face. “No, I was thinking quite the opposite in fact.”
“Good,” Wooyoung grinned, “Now take a spoonful of this and tell me it warms your soul.”
You did so, groaning at how the flavors melted on your tongue. “That is exactly what I need.”
“That’s my magic power, knowing what dish my clients need. Eat up and then promise you’ll visit me once you get settled into Twilight Academy.”
Wooyoung was pushy, to be sure, but in a friendly and flirty way. You liked him immediately. “Promise.”
You watched as Wooyoung weaved his way through the room until he reached the man that was in the corner. “Ah, Seonghwa, what can I get for you, Mister High and Mighty?”
Seonghwa stared down his nose at Wooyoung. “I have a proper title, Wooyoung. Would it kill you to use it?”
“It would kill me, as in kill my soul. Now. A glass of 1609 Monastrell and a plate of penne pasta marinara?”
Seonghwa blinked slowly at Wooyoung. “How you do that every time, I’ll never know.”
Wooyoung winked at Seonghwa. “You don’t know everything, Seonghwa.”
You decided the quicker you ate, the faster you’d be warm and you could get this Seonghwa out of your imagery until you had to see him at school the next day. And maybe even then, you wouldn’t have to interact with him too much. Hopefully. 
“Excuse me but I don’t think I’ve seen you in here before?” The man with the holier than thou expression was in front of your table now. He had a small smile on his face, like it was difficult for him to maintain.
“New to town,” You said, frostiness coating your tongue. Did you mention you really hated black magic wielders?
“My name is Seonghwa, nice to make your acquaintance.” 
You stared at his hand and sighed. Probably best not to make a bad impression yet. You shook his hand and felt a zap of energy. You stared up at Seonghwa in disbelief. “Did you really just test your magic against mine right now?” It was the rudest form of greeting amongst magic users, really. How dare he?
Seonghwa’s smile widened a fraction. “Just a simple test.”
You narrowed your eyes up at the man. “Let go of my hand.”
Seonghwa did as you commanded but to your chagrin, he took the seat opposite of you. “You don’t like me very much, do you?”
“You certainly haven’t made a good impression of yourself, Master Black Magic User.”
“Good guess.”
You rolled your eyes. “No need to guess. You walk like you own the place and you dress like you're a pompous fool. Majority of your kind do.”
Wooyoung entered the main room from the kitchens and frowned. “Seonghwa?”
Seonghwa waved Wooyoung over without looking his way. “I’ll take my food over here, Wooyoung.”
Wooyoung didn’t look like he liked the sound of that but nonetheless deposited the plate and glass of wine in front of Seonghwa. “Whatever you wish, H--.”
“Now, you were just about to introduce yourself, were you not?” Seonghwa said. He took his utensils and began to dig into his dish. Wooyoung pushed his tongue out behind Seonghwa’s back at being cut off and made you giggle.
“No, I don’t believe I was,” You said. “And actually, I believe I’m done here. You’ve spoiled my appetite.”
Seonghwa watched, his lips stained with marinara sauce. His tongue came out absent-mindedly to lick the sauce away. His long tongue. His long, long, long tongue. Now that wasn’t something you saw every day.
“Then perhaps you’ll indulge me?” Seonghwa wondered.
“In telling you who I am?” You laughed mirthlessly, “To a black magic user? Would you like a lock of my hair while we’re at it? No, I don’t think I will.”
“Well, that’s going to make it awkward later when you’re screaming my name but I won’t know how to address you.” He took a deep drink of his wine, eyes twinkling over the glass’s rim.
You sputtered. How presumptuous? How the hell did he think you were going to invite him to your bed? “Wooyoung?” You shouted instead.
“Yes, my new favorite customer?” Wooyoung pushed through the small doors that broke up the main room from the kitchen.
“Do you want me to pay up front or add it to my tab for the inn with my room?” You stood up, gathering the book you had been planning on reading during dinner. “And please, don’t take insult to the food remaining on my plate. It was delicious. My dinner partner, however, was not.”
Wooyoung smirked knowingly. “I’ll add it to your tab so you can make a quick getaway.”
“Good day to you, Sir,” You sneered and began to leave the pub so you could get back into the inn and make your way to your room.
“Wait a moment, Mistress White Magic User.” Seonghwa used the same term you had thrown at him earlier. 
“This white magic user is about to use her magic against you if you keep this up,” You declared, spinning on your heel to turn around and address Seonghwa.
“I’ve a proposal for you.” Seonghwa leaned against the archway opening.
“I very much doubt I would like to hear it,” You attempted to shut him down.
Seonghwa lifted a finger. “Hear me out first. Then you may decline… or acquiesce.”
You sighed heavily. “Hurry up then.” 
“I’ve a spell that can translate pain into pleasure,” Seonghwa announced.
“Surely you don’t think I could trust you with something like that?” You said bewildered.
“You’re not tempted?” Seonghwa raised an eyebrow at you. “Your aura changed when I zapped you with my magic.”
This beanpole was implying that you enjoyed the small token of pain he had gifted you with. Then there was that long tongue that you had categorized while he was eating. You looked down at his feet. They were large. Shit.
Seonghwa passed through the doorframe and offered his arm for you. “Shall we?”
What did you really have to lose? You doubted you’d get much action once you were being housed with the rest of the teachers at Twilight. This could be the last time before you spend an entire semester dedicated to your students. 
“Fine,” You said crisply, avoiding his offered arm. “And I’ll have you know I know the perfect infertility spell to accompany yours.”
"Certainly." You went up the stairs, Seonghwa following behind you. "We couldn't possibly have little reminders of our night together. Black and white magic user little darlings. Wouldn't be becoming of either of us."
You stopped suddenly on the stairs. "Why in the world would you say that?" You turned around on the staircase.
"It's true, isn't it?" He quirked an eyebrow at you. "We can't let that happen."
You turned around and continued back straight away to your rooms. "Be quick or I'll start to rethink this."
"No," Seonghwa said, calling your bluff. "I don't think you will."
"Oh, Master of seduction now are you?" You opened your door and waved your hand to show you were waiting for him to enter.
Seonghwa ducked his head, laughing quietly. He put his hands in his pockets and walked to stand in front of you. "You want seduction? I thought you were a woman of practicality."
You laughed mirthlessly. "If I was a woman of practicality, I wouldn't have said yes."
"Then seduction you will get."
Gentle, beautiful hands cupped your cheeks. Lips pressed kisses to your jaw as those fingers tilted your head upwards. "Should I treat you like a flower?" Those same fingers wrapped around your neck, slightly cutting off your breath, not enough to stop breathing, but enough to threaten. "Or are you a bruised peach?"
With your eyes on the ceiling, you squeaked, “What about your spell?"
Seonghwa leaned in to whisper into your ear, releasing your windpipe. "You've not been seduced very many times, have you?"
You seethed with rage. "Are you determined to keep me angry instead of turned on?"
"I like your anger. It tastes yummy."
You shuddered. "The spell Seonghwa."
"You first. I can't promise to stop after I start mine."
You called upon Aphrodite to deny your womb all fruits that could be born on this day, your ancient Greek rolling off your tongue. Your eyes glowed yellow while the spell took shape and the goddess worked through you. A red rose took form, appearing as if it had grown from your stomach. It then wilted and in a poof of red smoke was gone. 
"Your ancient Greek is beautiful," Seonghwa murmured.
"Can we go inside my room now or would you rather an audience?" You hissed.
Seonghwa’s voice grew deep as he went into your room and spoke Norse. You closed the door as a boat drifted in front of you and then crashed into your forehead, poofing out of existence. "Freyr, really?"
Seonghwa adjusted his glasses. "Black magic user, remember?"
You brought your hands to the top of your sweater to remove it but Seonghwa’s hands closed over yours on the first button. "Please, allow me."
You watched with your breath held as Seonghwa took his time unbuttoning each and every button of your cardigan. It revealed a baby blue lingerie set that looked wonderful against your skin. Seonghwa seemed to think so as well, his fingers skimming your chest along the lacy cups. His nails dug a little harshly next and you gasped. You saw what he had done. You knew that his nails were digging into your skin but you felt immense pleasure from it. Seonghwa soothed the red marks with the pads of his fingers. His eyes peeked over the rims of his glasses. “Good?”
“Yup, the spell works,” You confirmed.
Seonghwa lowered his eyes back to your body and began to leave soft kisses down the valley of your breasts and continuing down your torso. He dragged his nails down your sides and you couldn't help but gasp again. The sensation was odd when one was expecting pain but it certainly wasn’t unpleasant. 
Seonghwa smiled knowingly when he got to the waistband of your pants, on his knees now. “Just wait until I bite you.”
“Seonghwa,” You said his name with just a hint of hesitation.
His eyes rolled up to meet yours. Simply the image of his head at level with your pelvis was making you swallow in an attempt to locate some moisture to your mouth. "Yes?"
"What about your clothes?" You weren't sure why you were whispering but it felt imperative to do so.
Seonghwa quirked an amused eyebrow up at you. “Worried I might be deformed or hiding tentacles from my black magic dealings?”
You choked on your own saliva and avoided his gaze. “No.”
“What is it that you want then, lover?” He was going to make you say it out loud. What a Sadist.
You could feel your neck and face heat up. “Am I to be the only one removing clothes?” You persisted stubbornly.
“Let me take care of you first,” Seonghwa lowered his eyes back to your stomach. He pushed his lips inwards. “I want to taste your anger on your skin.”
The waistband of your pants were undone, pulled downwards and Seonghwa’s long tongue came out to play. He licked a strip along your stomach, humming and sounding discontent. “Not angry enough.”
You pursed your lips. “Seonghwa,” you said his name in warning.
“Wooyoung saw us leave to go to your rooms, you know. That bridge will have been burnt by now. He’s probably figuring out what dishes I hate the most to prepare next time I dine here. It’s too bad, I hear he’s quite the lay. You might have to come back to me for more if you’re looking for something delectable in this sleepy town.”
You felt your anger boil up. “Why are you bringing Wooyoung up? And who are you to assume that I would want anything from you after this? All of you damn black magic users are full of yourselves.”
Seonghwa licked another strip, this one along your hip. “Much better.”
“Seonghwa! Is there any reason you’re delaying this?” You moved to take a step back but his fingers dug into the flesh of your butt to stop you. You hissed in pleasure as a result.
“Simply enjoying myself,” Seonghwa murmured. 
Without another word, Seonghwa tugged your pants off, holding your hand to keep you stable while you neatly stepped out of them. Then he cocked your leg so that he could throw it over his shoulder. He didn’t even bother to pull your underwear off, simply pulling it to the side and gave your clit a sneaky little kitten lick. When you yelped for him, he dove eagerly further into your cunt. His dark eyes remained glued to your face, watching for your reactions. His fingers continued to give you little jolts of pleasure, blunt nails digging into your skin. 
It felt too intimate to allow him to make you come with his tongue alone so you called a halt to it as you felt your climax languidly build due to his ministrations. “Seonghwa,” You said his name, voice husky.
As if on cue, he allowed himself one last long lick up your cunt and then sat back on the heels of his feet. “So eager for my cock that you must stop me?” He sounded a cross between frustrated and amused.
It was your turn to quirk an eyebrow at him. “Enjoy eating pussy that much, Seonghwa, that you complain about having to stop?”
“Touché.” Seonghwa somewhat simmered down.
Seonghwa stood up and began to remove his jacket. He folded it neatly and placed it on a chair. He then undid his cufflinks, placing them in his pants pockets and then worked on the buttons of his shirt. “See? No tentacles.” No, but there were scars. You didn’t ask and Seonghwa didn’t tell.
“How would you like me, lover?” Seonghwa smiled crookedly.
You mentally told your heart to hush, erratically beating all of a sudden. “Sit,” You commanded.
Seonghwa chuckled as you turned around to sit on his lap. He yanked his pants downwards, keeping his underwear on. “Afraid if you make any more eye contact with me that I’ll be able to read your mind?”
“Actually, I was attempting to think of a good position to take advantage of your spell, but if you’d prefer the face to face, heart to heart, we can certainly rearrange things.”
“Would you do that for me?” Seonghwa, in response, pulled down your sweater until it was hanging from your elbows and bit down at your shoulder. 
You shuddered as the bit sparked something in your lower half once again, ignoring his poke at you. Between the two of you, you managed to line Seonghwa's cock up with your hole and you sank down on him. And sank. And sank. When your ass finally felt the soft material of his underwear, you sighed. “Long enough for you?” Seonghwa purred into your ear.
“A little warning would have been nice,” You said with a squeaky voice.
“What’s the fun in that?” And with that, Seonghwa slapped your ass. You moaned out loud, the pleasant sensations radiating from the handprint now on your ass.
“Again?” Seonghwa wondered.
You nodded, not trusting yourself with your mouth open. Seonghwa did it again and you moaned just as loudly. You became very wet as he alternated cheeks. If this was how it was going to be and he was only seated inside of you… 
“Grab ahold of my hair and start thrusting into me…please?” You asked.
Seonghwa wove his hand into your hair, giving an experimental tug that gave you good tingles on your scalp and then said, “It would be my pleasure.”
You would have been embarrassed by the lewd sounds that were coming from your lower half if you weren’t completely absorbed by the pleasure you were receiving. The systematic tugs of your hair, the harsh grip of his other hand on your hip and the accurate thrusts inside of you were practically heaven. Perhaps there was a reason the man was full of himself. He was certainly a skilled lover; of that you were certain.
“How loud are you going to scream for me when you climax?” Seonghwa wondered out loud, “You think Wooyoung will hear all the way down in his kitchen?”
“Seong--Hwa!” You broke up his name into two very long syllables, his thrusts being part of the reason you did so. 
“You are too fun to torture,” Seonghwa chuckled. “Shall I put you out of your misery?”
“Are…you…close?” You panted before you realized how that sounded.
“Oh? Does my pleasure also matter all of a sudden?” Seonghwa queried.
“Seonghwa!” You shouted, anger making you a bit more coherent.
“Yes, lover, I’ll be coming with you. Such a thoughtful darling little White Magic User you are.”
Whatever rebuttal that was coming out of your mouth was lost because in a few more thrusts, you were coming undone. Your climax hit you like a tidal wave, wiping everything away other than the pleasure zooming through your nerves. You cried out loudly, body becoming a ragdoll for Seonghwa to fuck. You whined as Seonghwa climaxed as well, biting into your shoulder once again. And by the feel of the pleasure from it, it was going to leave a very good mark. 
Your head lay back on Seonghwa’s shoulder as you somehow managed to gather your senses and come back to your body. “You were so good for me,” Seonghwa cooed.
“Pat my head and I will bite you,” You groaned.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, lover,” Seonghwa purred.
ღ ღ ღ
You woke the next morning to an empty bed, and thanked your lucky star you didn’t have to kick anyone out of it. You dressed in a beautiful blazer and skirt of dark blue with whimsical pastel clouds that moved across the blue like aurora borealis. You had paid a pretty penny for the fabric but you were looking to make a good impression on the Director.
You were escorted to the Director’s Office, where he was sitting looking out the very large windows to the entirety of the school’s grounds. The chair was high-backed, so you couldn't even see a hint of his hair. 
“Director?” You called out, smoothing your skirt under you as you sat.
“Welcome!” The director turned in his chair and then the both of you were staring at each other with wide eyes. 
“You?!” You stood up abruptly, pointing a very rude finger at Seonghwa.
“Well, isn’t this a pleasant surprise?” Seonghwa said, a crooked smile growing on his face.
“No, it is not pleasant!” You shouted.
Seonghwa’s smile widened to a grin. “You were certainly pleased last night.”
“What I am not pleased with,” You said through gritted teeth, “Is that apparently I have slept with my boss!”
“How about we talk about it over dinner in my room tonight?” Seonghwa offered.
You groaned loudly. “This is ridiculous.”
Seonghwa’s eyes studied your outfit. “You are dressed to impress me.”
“And you’re wearing the exact same ensemble from the other night?” You screeched.
Seonghwa preened. “Corpse Crow Feathers are my favorite. Reminds my students of who I used to be during the war. Keeps them in line.”
You buried your face into your hands. “What did I ever do to deserve this?”
“Look on the bright side, Mistress White Magic User. At least we won’t have to deal with the sexual tension between us for an entire semester until you ultimately succumb to me during the Christmas break.”
You opened your mouth to spew insults to your boss but were interrupted by a man with yellow and orange hair. He bursted into the office, eyes wide. “Director Park--!” His eyes immediately focused on you
“What seems to be the emergency now, Professor Song?”
Professor Song ignored Seonghwa. “Song Mingi, Elements Professor,” He offered a hand with fingertips singed permanently, “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Mingi, the emergency?” Seonghwa demanded.
Mingi smiled goofily. “Students in the Dreamer Dorms seem to have invited a Fire demon in order to light a bonfire for s'mores. I’ve kept the fire back but we need your expertise to un-summon the demon.”
Seonghwa sighed. “Very well. And it's ‘dismiss’ a demon, Professor Song, how many times must I tell you?”
“Shall I take care of the new professor?” Mingi grinned widely at you.
Seonghwa halted before he left his office, speaking over his shoulder. “You will accompany me. And I have satisfied all of the Dreams Professor’s needs already.”
You winced at the implications. He was never going to let go of this, was he? It’s official. It wasn’t even your full first day and you were screwed. ღAll of the Parts | ღNext Part
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
My Captain (Pirate! Park Seonghwa)
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Pairing: Pirate! Seonghwa (Ateez)× Pirate! Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Pirate AU.
Summary: After taking victory over the most notorious beast to plague the seas, the ship's quartermaster wants to relish in the pleasure of claiming one of his crew members.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Soft to Hard Dom! Seonghwa, Sub! Reader, body worship, oral (female and male receiving), spanking, face fucking, multiple orgasms, Captain/power kink, unprotected sex (always use protection), breeding kink, degradation.
Taglist: @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @galaxteez @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy @deja-vux @brie02 @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny
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The young woman exhaled deeply, her eyes trained on the hands which were currently unfastening the front lacings of her brown leather corset in a rather desperate and anxious manner.
"Before we get any further, I want your full and complete consent to what is about to happen."
Letting the article of clothing drop to the floor, the sailor in front of her took a step closer to her, his thumb pressing down across her bottom lip. His eyes became even more narrow as they looked at her mouth with hunger, wanting nothing more than to close the distance between them and press them against his own.
"Say no right now and I won't push the matter any further." He repeated himself, his Adam's apple moving abruptly from how hard he swallowed back a nervous lump of anxiousness and self restraint.
The young maiden took a deep breath and brushed her fingers across the white silk shirt the boat's quartermaster was wearing, the deep V neck allowing her a glimpse of his bare, tanned upper chest, the outline of his pectoral muscles peeking out. She hummed out an incomprehensible tune as she looked up at her superior.
"Does the Master Seonghwa need to make use of my body? Would he like to release his deepest passions on me?" She reached a hand up and caressed his cheek, half expecting him to swat her hand away since he was not known to be a gentle or affectionate lover, given the long list of women that have had the pleasure of being taken to bed by him. But unlike her expectation, the male actually let out a small and contents sigh, his face falling deeper into her touch, his hand reaching up to clasp it in his own before bringing it over to his lips where he placed a tender kiss on each of her fingertips. It confused the woman utterly to see the usually strict, ruthless and unmerciful pirate act so mellow, meek and warm, yet it also sent a flutter into her chest.
"What I want hardly matters right now, I can manage either way. But I need ... I must know if you're ok with this Y/N."
She widened her eyes when he called her by her name. On a daily basis, ever since she had been forced onto the life of piracy after they raided her village, he'd never addressed her with anything other than mean spirited and sometimes even cruel insults, as he did with those he deemed inferior to him. It shocked her greatly to think he even knew her name in the first place.
Taking a step away from him, Seonghwa's mouth parted in amazement when the crew member in front of him began to slide the sleeves of her dress off her shoulders, the fabric slowly sliding off her body until it pooled by her ankles, which she then swiftly kicked out of the way. His eyes beheld her nude figure, admiring from the top of her head all the way to her toes. She was simply mesmerizing, stunning, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in all his years of sailing across different continents.
"I'm perfectly content with anything my lord wishes to do. He may do with me as he pleases. Tonight..... he is my Captain."
Seonghwa's black trousers suddenly felt too tight, the title Y/N bestowed on him affecting him greatly. She gasped softly when one of his arms held her by her waist and pulled her against him.
"Your captain..." He muttered softly, his lips ghosting across her cheek until they came up to the corners of her lip where he then pressed them down harder onto her face.
"Yes- my captain-"
The rest of her words were muffled when Seonghwa's mouth enclosed over hers, his luscious lips parting and then closing over and over against her own. His hand cupped at her chin, keeping her head tilted up as he practically devoured her mouth. His tongue never poked out to intrude into her wet cavern, his teeth however had an utter fascination with nibbling onto her bottom lip, tugging and pulling at them. Y/N groaned in surprise when she lost her footing as Seonghwa backed her up into the bed, his arm clutching her tighter against his body to keep her from falling. Inhaling softly, she inclined her neck back to allow Seonghwa to plaster nibbling pecks along her skin, subtle red patches spreading around it.
His hands moved from her waist to caress her further down, his thumbs pressing down against her hip bones. Her satin like skin was practically inviting him to caress and admire every inch of her, and that was exactly what he planned to do. Starting in between her supple breasts, he slowly placed heartfelt and tender kisses that traveled from her sternum all the way to her abdomen, his knees slowly dropping so it would be easier for him. When he felt her pull slightly away, his hands pressed her further into his face, fingers digging into her thighs.
"Stay there." He told her as he dragged his tongue along one of her inner thighs, so near her core that Y/N held her breath when his nose neared her pubic bone.
"So pretty, and you smell so delicious." He mused out loud as his nose inhaled her arousal, tongue swiping across his lips.
Before he could even get to sample a bit of her juices, he was lifted off the ground by none other than the woman he was admiring, switching positions so now she was kneeling in front of him while he was standing.
"Y/N- what are you....?" He stood absolutely still, watching as she pulled his trousers down, freeing his painfully erect member that greeted her sight with tiny bursts of precum splashing onto the wooden floor underneath them.
"Tonight it's all about you, after all, you were brave today in taking down that vicious monster all by yourself. If it weren't for you, we'd all still be living in fear for the rest of our lives."
Gripping him at the base, she collected up some saliva in her mouth before spitting it around his length, wanting him to be properly lubricated before she started stroking him. His trembling hisses were music to her ears as she slowly pumped him, coating him even further, her eyes never looking away from his dazed look.
"It's only right you be rewarded as a captain deserves to be rewarded."
Seonghwa's mouth went agape, shuddered breaths coming out as he watched his cock disappear into Y/N's warm mouth. She didn't stop until she fit all of him inside, an impressive image to behold. She stilled for a few seconds before pulling him out, stopping when it was just his tip resting on her tongue and then proceeding to slide him right back in.
"Fuck- you're killing me beautiful." Seonghwa reached a hand up so his thumb could stroke one of her hollowed cheeks, full of his cock that she slurped on without hesitation. Y/N closed her eyes as she continued to savor Seonghwa's taste, long and slow strokes of her tongue making sure not one inch of him was left untouched or neglected. It swirled around the shaft before sucking onto him. Her hands came up to cup his balls, softly fondling them so that he may experiment the most pleasure possible. Seeing her look so calm, her mouth practically worshiping his cock, Seonghwa held back his urge to hold her head and slam his hips into her face. Instead he settled for running his fingers through her hair, brushing them up into a makeshift ponytail so that he may peer down at her with no distractions or anything intervening with the visual. During a particularly harsh suck she gave him, his hips had a mind of their own and pressed him back into her mouth, his tip reaching so far back that a muffled choke had her drooling slightly at the corners of her mouth.
"I'm sorry." He apologized when he saw her eyes shot open and she pulled him out of her mouth.
"Don't apologize my lord. As I said, do with me as you please. If you wish to fuck my face, then by all means, please do." She encouraged him as she pressed sloppy kisses along his head, tongue darting out to place kitten licks on his slit.
Taking hold of her jaw, Seonghwa positioned his tip at the entrance of her mouth, his face looking concerned, silently wondering if she was really ok with what he wanted to do. Nodding up at him, she opened her mouth as wide as she could and hummed in approval when he slid himself back into her mouth. She took a deep breath, readying herself for the coming assault upon her maw which came just as intense and fervent as she expected from him. Seonghwa rutted his hips up into her, using her hole to release most of the adrenaline that had been brewing in him ever since he went out in battle just a few hours prior.
"God! You have no idea how hot you look right now, letting me use your mouth like this. You're too good to me."
Hearing him suddenly praise her, a stark contrast to the daily criticism she only heard from him, had her getting more wet in between her legs. She moaned as she continued to lap at Seonghwa each time his cock forced itself back into her throat. Saliva ran down her chin from the force his body used to buck up into her mouth, his previously mannered thrusts now becoming less calculated and more spontaneous as his high was nearing.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum all over your-" His hands clasped her head and held it still as he roughly pumped his cum down her throat, which Y/N promptly swallowed fully. She was gasping for air when he pulled himself out of her, panting hard as she caught her breath. She wiped the slick that was glistening on her lips and chin.
"No woman has ever managed to make me cum with their mouth."
Y/N's head whipped up at Seonghwa's revelation. He was peering down at her with a curious yet smug smile.
"You're the first to do so. You really are too good to me." His index finger wiped off some leftover slick from her cupid's bow.
Y/N was practically purring at his words, reveling in his praise.
"My sweet and good girl, I think it's only fair if I pay you back." He chuckled heartily.
Swiping her off the ground, Seonghwa pulled back the covers of his bed and then layed Y/N down on it, her head falling back against one of the soft pillows. She could not protest when Seonghwa spread her legs, eagerly placing his face right above her wet core.
"You smell and look so delectable. I wonder how long it'll take for you to lose control."
With one hand pressing her down to the mattress, Seonghwa latched his lips to her sensitive clit, producing a loud whine out of his crewmate above him. He was bewitched by how amazing she tasted, his tongue relishing in her flavor. He couldn't contain himself as he lost himself in consuming her heat. Dipping his tongue into her hole had her spilling out more slick which he lapped at with great intensity. His lips smirked against her folds when he felt her try to buck up into his face, her whining sounding so needy for him.
"I could stay here forever." He murmured.
The hand that was keeping her down dropped down to grip one of her thighs while the other did the same thing. Lifting her hips slightly off the bed, Seonghwa became like a beast as he devoured the entirety of her sex. Y/N writhed underneath him. Before she was antsy about pushing herself closer to his lips, now she was squirming to draw away from him. But of course Seonghwa wasn't having that. He simply relished in working her up until she reached her peak, which seemed to be coming up very soon, his skilled tongue making sure of it. Y/N tossed her body about as much as she could, which wasn't much considering Seonghwa was holding tightly to her. He slurped at her as if his life depended on it, even his nose would rub against her mound from how hard he was burying himself in her.
"Seonghwa-" Y/N cried out when a sharp smack landed on her thigh.
"It's captain to you. Now go on, say it or else I'll stop right now and tie you to the bed." He ordered her, slowing down his movements just slightly.
"Oh my- captain! Please-"
Hearing her beg for him just riled Seonghwa even further, his ego boosting more as she whimpered and squirmed frantically, her juices pouring out from inside and collected by his tongue. His chest practically puffed up with pride as she continued to shudder even when her climax had passed and he was merely cleaning around her folds, not letting anything drip off onto the sheets since he wanted it all for himself.
Pulling back with an audible pop, he sat up and nearly ripped his shirt off his body, discarding it somewhere on the floor. Y/N marveled at the sight of his godly body making an appearance, her instincts making her reach out to touch him.
"Turn around, ass up and on all fours." He instructed her as he worked to take off the remainder of his clothes.
Rolling over on the soft bed, Y/N did as she was ordered to, making sure to push her ass as far as she could just for Seonghwa. He seemed to appreciate the gesture given his hand was now caressing one of her cheeks, starting off gentle and loving before pinching her flesh, which made Y/N groan.
"You're really begging me to fuck you." Seonghwa grunted as he brought his hand down to strike her ass.
Y/N clenched around nothing, shuddering at Seonghwa's harsh treatment.
"Is that what you want? You want me to fuck you? Want my cock to tear that pussy of yours?" He mercilessly teased as he glided his tip along her slit, slapping it against her nub.
"Y-yes! I want my captain to fuck me like one of his whores." Y/N exclaimed, unable to bear the wait any longer.
Seonghwa raised an amused eyebrow at her pleading.
"Oh? So you've heard some of the other sluts talk about me haven't you?" He said with a slight dark laugh that sent shivers down Y/N's spine, heightened more when Seonghwa plunged his cock into her, stilling when he was fully stuffed in her.
"Want to experience it firsthand then? Want to feel how good my cock will fuck your brains out?"
Y/N nodded frantically, wanting to slam herself onto Seonghwa's cock but restraining from doing so less it should result in him denying her what she wanted.
"Don't say you didn't ask for it."
A sharp cry was forced out of her mouth when Seonghwa pulled out with no warning only to slam himself back inside her. He set a rough pace, each deep stroke against her velvety flesh pulling out cry after cry out of her lips. It was sheer and painful bliss to have the ship's quartermaster tearing her insides apart, her heat pulsating against his length as it constricted around him. Seonghwa's tip plunged into the deepest part of her, slamming against the entrance of her womb as her plump ass rippled against each slam of his hips against them. Y/N's deafening moans were so loud she was sure the party above them could hear what was going on below them. She buried her face on the pillow underneath her, only laying there for less than a minute before a pair of hands harshly pulled her back up, a strangled gasp emanating from her throat.
"Don't you dare. I want everyone on board to listen to me destroy this little cunt of yours, I want them to hear you scream my name." He growled in a low and deep tone that her folds further clenching around him.
Y/N's face started to contort in ecstasy from all the pleasure burning through her body, her whiny pants and sobs flowing out endlessly from her lips. Seonghwa's pounding became more violent and brutal, losing himself in the mutual lust that was taking over both of their bodies, the heat and warmth of Y/N's slick filled walls throbbing against his shaft.
"You're close aren't you my little whore? You're gripping my dick impossibly tight." He snickered behind her, his hips continuing to jolt harshly into her.
"Yes captain! I'm so c-close." She responded loudly, her panting becoming more exhausted as her skin started to glow from the sheen of sweat that was stemming from their passionate affair.
"So am I, my cock is twitching to fill you up with my seed."
Y/N nearly drooled at the thought of having Seonghwa cum inside her hole, filling her up until she couldn't contain his cum anymore. She was snapped out of her fantasy by Seonghwa's hand that struck her ass.
"Beg me for it you wench. Beg me to fill your cunt with my cum." He commanded her.
"Please my lord! Fill me up with your cum! Want my captain's cum inside of me!" She pleaded, hands nearly tearing the pillow she was clutching so tightly.
Seonghwa's eyes were like a raging sea, his thrusts becoming more sporadic as he worked to bring the both of them over the edge.
"Shit! I'll fill this hole of yours up, I'll fuck it full until it drains me of all my cum. Wanna see your pussy stuffed with my seed."
With walls fluttering around him, Y/N was a frantic and screaming mess as an agonizingly hard and euphoric chord snapped in her, prompting her body to burst open as her essence poured out all over Seonghwa's cock. Seonghwa himself was hissing and grunting fiercely as a wave overtook him, drowning him in an abyss of pleasure while his release flooded into Y/N's cavern, her walls hardly able to contain all that he pumped into her that some of it trickled down her thighs. With curses befitting his status as a sailor, Seonghwa pulled himself out of her warmth and collapsed next to her, eyes wide open as his chest heaved up and down with labored breathing. The girl beside him was in no greater state as she felt an intense ache and burn when he slipped out of her, her thighs and legs still trembling after having her superior conquer her body.
Through clenched teeth, Y/N moved one foot to rest on the hard floor so it could help stabilize her as she tried to get up. Remembering all the stories Seonghwa's previous affairs recounted about him not liking to have them around after messing around with them, Y/N slowly began to sit up and show herself out before the quartermaster himself ordered her out his chamber.
"Where are you running off to?" He questioned, hand reaching out to clasp her own before she slipped out of the bed.
"I was just going to collect my clothes and withdraw to my own room Sir. If you'd like, I'll even take your clothes with me and return them clean to you in the morning." She offered, knowing he was an avid clean freak that hated even the slightest bit of dirt or dust around his space.
"Don't worry about the mess Y/N, we can sort that out tomorrow. Stay for tonight, I insist. It looks like it'll be a cold and rainy night as well and I know your quarters tend to leak."
Without even waiting for her response, he tugged her back by his side, covering them both up with the blankets. Y/N stared off in confusion when Seonghwa pressed his chest to her back, an arm slung protectively around her. She began to question so many things surrounding her quartermaster. Didn't he dislike her? Why was he still keeping her around when he's notorious for not liking affection? He discarded all his previous lovers as if they were used rags, so why was he not doing the same to her?
"Don't think too much about it, just go to sleep and rest up." He seemed to be reading her thoughts, his nose nestling against the crook of her neck as he hugged her tighter to him.
"Yes....thank you my lord."
Seonghwa whined tiredly at her response.
"Seonghwa. Just call me Seonghwa..... my love."
He must have really been so tired and out of it for him to blurt out that endearment to her. Y/N blushed, unable to contain the shy smile on her face.
"Yes Seonghwa."
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hanatiny · 3 years
Cry For Your King
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gif by @barnesbabee​ ♡
a/n: ‘tis finally done, part two of Bow To Your King - read that first if you haven’t yet! hope CFYK lives up to the quality of its predecessor~
pairing: demon king!Hongjoong x f!reader
genre: smut
word count: 2469
warnings: sir kink, pet names, teasing, dirty talk, oral (f receiving), edging/orgasm denial, overstimulation is mentioned, dacryphilia, extremely vaguely implied exhibitionism, implied breeding kink, implied corruption kink, very slight possessive undertones, reader acts like a brat for a solid 0.5 seconds, Joong has piercings & tattoos (the latter are only briefly mentioned), brief mention of unconventional toys, strong language
You officially married Hongjoong and were crowned as the queen of the underworld not too long after the 'incident' in the throne room. That must've been nearly two years ago now, you mused.
In human years, anyway - you were quick to be told that time flowed differently, much slower, in the underworld. And you felt it too, because while two years weren't much, you did notice that days and nights both felt much longer than they used to.
You certainly weren't complaining about it, in any case, because it meant more time to spent with your demon lover, whom you've been trying to find for a good while.
He had adamantly been avoiding you for the past week and if you did run into him outside of your shared bed late at night, he'd be pressing his lips together tightly and making up nonsensical excuses to not kiss you on top of that.
You figured he was just extra busy but you were still fed up, to say the least.
Your husband has been avoiding you and, as his closest confidant next to you, so has Seonghwa, and nobody you asked could give you anything more than a shrug as an answer as to why this was the case.
With a pout on your face, you huffed as you sat down on your large bed.
If Hongjoong wasn't going to spend time with you, a nap seemed like the most logical thing to do considering you didn't really have anything else to occupy yourself with presently.
You rolled over on the mattress, pulling the blanket up to cover your body as you curled up into a ball. You tossed and turned but you weren’t able to catch much rest, especially not once you felt the mattress dip behind you before a calloused hand ghosted over your hip.
You knew who the hand belonged to, body going rigid as you inhaled sharply.
"I know you're awake, darling...~" Your husband's sultry voice whispered near your ear, coaxing a soft whine from you in response.
Your refusal to react, even if you failed in your endeavor, amused him greatly. After all, it was only a matter of time.
Hongjoong knew you better than you knew yourself; he knew which buttons to push to make you break, to make you tremble beneath his touch and moan his name loud enough for everyone in the castle to hear.
He leaned in and allowed his lips to brush over the exposed skin of your shoulder near the demon mark on your collarbone, letting them curve into a grin when he felt you jolt and shiver from the brief contact.
“Easy there, honey. It’s just me~” He purred into your ear and you whined once more, louder this time.
“It’s not just you, Hongjoongie,” you pouted with a huff, his expression softening momentarily at the nickname as he nudged you to turn onto your back, compliance almost immediate, “You’ve been avoiding me for the past week and a half, why-”
Hongjoong hushed you with a finger to your lips, his eyes widening before he regained his composure when you kitten licked at his digit.
“All in due time, love. You shall find out about my motives soon, very soon as a matter of fact~” You could practically hear smugness and sadism both dripping from his voice, and it sent another shiver through your body while he pulled his finger back before replacing it with his lips briefly, but not long enough for you to be able to distinguish the foreign sensation that clung to your husband’s lips.
When he pulled the blanket away from you and let it fall off the bed, he licked his lips and his eyes flashed their signature red as he shifted himself to kneel between your instinctively spread legs.
Suddenly, you understood. You understood why Hongjoong kept avoiding you while he smirked knowingly, pausing his actions to allow you to process
Thanks to the passionate glow of his irises, you were able to clearly see the jewelry surrounding your husband’s mouth.
In hindsight, you mentally chastised yourself for neither seeing nor putting two and two together beforehand - it should’ve been clear to you that the reason you and your lips were being avoided for so long was that Hongjoong had gotten a variety of piercings and was allowing them to heal.
Snake bites, a lip ring as well as a stud decorating his tongue that you spotted when the organ darted out to moisten his lips.
"Like what you see, princess~?" Your surprise must have been palpable, if the gallivant edge in his tone was anything to go by.
“I like what I’m seeing immensely, but I thought my title was queen~?” You teased, although immediate regret settled deep in your gut when Hongjoong tilted his head to the side slightly and gave a crooked smirk.
“Not when you act like a spoiled brat entitled to me and my attention, it isn’t. Now part those pretty legs for me more, like I know you want to...~”
You shuddered, but stubbornly refused to budge.
“Ah, I see how it is. Precious little brat thinks she’s in charge hm~?” He growled savagely, the red hue of his eyes darkening dramatically as he clicked his tongue.
“Stupid mistake... Do you even deserve to get what has been prepared for you specifically? Or would you rather just have me watch you fuck yourself on my sceptre, which I’m aware you’ve been wanting to do when I’m not around~?”
Mouth agape, you were left stunned at Hongjoong's words while his lips curled into a triumphant grin.
From the very first day on you had been told to tread carefully, that he had eyes and ears anywhere even if you weren't aware of them till the moment of truth came, that he'd know your every secret eventually.
You didn't believe in that at the time but you definitely did now and you knew there was no point in denial, so you drew your bottom lip in between your teeth and wordlessly, finally, did as told.
Hongjoong purred in approval, his hands ghosting over the skin of your already trembling thighs. He had one more ace of his sleeve, a literal one at that, but he’d save that for another time.
“So you can follow the orders you’re given... My good little kitten wants only Sir, doesn’t she? Wants him more than anything and anyone else hm~?” His voice sounded taunting and deep near your ear.
You didn’t even realize you had closed your eyes until they shot open moments later in surprise when you felt Hongjoong’s hot breath fanning over your ear. “Well~?”
You nodded frantically with a small whimper, growing needier for him as the seconds ticked by, and you knew he could tell. He always could. “Y-yes! Only want Sir, nothing and noone could satisfy me like him~”
Hongjoong chuckled endearingly, amused by how your voice betrayed you, “Sir’s the only one for you my darling, the only one worthy of having you like this.”
You enjoyed the possessive growl that followed as it sent a shiver down your spine, your husband’s eyes flickering with mischief in response while he shuffled downwards to settle between your legs, his face close to your throbbing core this time.
His fingers carefully pushed up the hem of your nightdress and hooked into the waistband of your panties before pulling them off with ease, his eyes twinkling in amusement as they rose to meet yours.
“So cute how wet you are for me already... This worked up about just a few piercings~”
You whined, feeling caught as your cheeks flushed in half embarassment and half arousal while he let a finger glide smoothly over your slick folds with featherlight touches.
"My darling wants me to make her feel good, doesn't she?" You could essentially hear the taunting grin in his words, your reply coming out more high-pitched than intended.
"I-I do~!"
"'I-I do' what, baby?" His tone was mocking and it felt like your face had figuratively caught on fire.
You had to actively swallow your pride to answer; while it wasn't particularly unusual for you to beg for his touch, Hongjoong hardly ever forced you to do it like this.
"I want Sir to make me feel good, please it's been so long...!"
Although meek and breathy, the way you pleaded appeased Hongjoong. He brushed his thumb over your swollen clit, and you jerked in reaction as he chuckled lowly.
“So sensitive...~”
“Only f-for Sir...~” Came your weak reply, and Hongjoong’s expression softened deceivingly before you felt his plush lips press lightly against your nub, the cold feeling of the metal contrasting the warmth of his skin and sending a shiver rushing down your spine.
Based on your reactions so far he knew you weren’t ready for what was to come, his lips curling into a sadistic grin while he trailed gentle kisses down your slit before stopping right at your entrance.
At times like this you cursed the fact that he let his hair grow out a bit over the years, as it tickled your inner thighs teasingly and it took every ounce of self control you had within you to not squirm violently from how sensitive you were.
You dared to tentatively lift your head to see why Hongjoong appeared to be hesitating, only for it to drop back to where it was onto the pillow underneath as your lips trembled before finally parting in a vulnerable mewl when his tongue slipped inside of your entrance.
It amazed you time and time again how he had become such an expert in pleasuring you with just his tongue or fingers, sometimes with both at the same time.
He lapped at your sex as if he was a starved man, moaning exaggeratedly at your taste for good measure, and it brought you to a sort of bliss you rarely felt so intensely.
Your soft cries grew louder every time his tongue dipped in between your dripping folds, and when he then paused to look at you, right before you could come undone for him, Hongjoong swore he almost came in his pants at the sight.
Your chest heaving with ragged breaths, your lips parted in sinful whines caused by the sudden lack of stimulation and your hair was sprawled out messily around your head. But to Hongjoong, the most beautiful part of it all was the tears that welled up in your hazy eyes. He knew you well enough to know they were tears of pleasure, and knowing that he caused them was enough to make his dick twitch as you begged for him.
His previously innocent, soft-spoken darling had become someone who'd ask for the pleasure he provided for you and the way he filled you up so often he might as well think you were addicted.
Your sobs only served to fuel his thoughts more, "P-please Sir, need to cum so bad! Please~!"
"God..." He groaned, willing his instinct to just go ahead and fuck you into the mattress until your voice became hoarse from screaming to take a backseat in his mind.
"You're so gorgeous, angel. I could do this to you all goddamn night...~" Hongjoong's purr both unsettled and excited you, causing a gasp to sound in your throat as he went back to working on your aching heat.
You didn't know what the foreign sensation was this time until you felt Hongjoong smirk against you and slip his tongue as deep inside of you as he possibly could.
You didn't know how it worked, or where he hid the remote if there even was one, but didn't care in the slightest - his tongue piercing could vibrate.
He proceeded to bring you right to the edge with it, to the point of needing a single touch to hit your orgasm, back down only to build you up again with his expertly technique.
Two or three times, you weren't exactly sure how many times he repeated the process. All you knew was that tears were now streaming down your face unhindered, your body trembling and writhing in pleasure.
"That's right, baby... I want you to cry only for me, cry for your king..~!" Hongjoong's voice sounded so breathy and borderline erotic, it made you believe he was getting off on the sight of your tears alone.
And he did get off on it. So much so in fact that he pulled away from your pulsing core, afraid he would be unable to control himself much longer and wouldn’t be able to cum inside of you like he wanted to.
You whimpered, starting to get fed up with the amount of edging your lover had already done that night. “Sir-”
“Hush, kitten.” He interrupted you with a growl, although you frankly couldn’t say that you minded, “You’ll be allowed to cum soon~ But not on Sir’s tongue...”
You tilted your head at his words as he trailed off, your bottom lip jutting out in a mildly confused pout. He groaned under his breath, muttering about how you’d be the death of him sooner or later while he busied himself with freeing his painfully hard cock from his pants, thankful that your shared bedroom was dark enough for you to not see the black ink peeking out from underneath his sleeve, even with the faint moonlight shining through the window.
It was something for you to get excited about later, he mused, before positioning himself above you and lining his tip up with your entrance. Your hands balled into fists in anticipation, bunching up the sheets in the process.
Before Hongjoong could finally enter you and give both you and himself the relief you so desperately craved, however, the door creaked open. Your husband didn’t have to turn around to know who intruded, letting out an exasperated sigh.
“I’m sorry, I just heard y/n crying and thought-”
“Well I think you should leave, Seonghwa.” Hongjoong bit back, clearly annoyed at the older man’s intrusion of such an intimate moment.
“I told you to get the fuck out if you want to keep your head on your shoulders past tonight...” Afraid he would be in genuine trouble if he didn’t obey, Seonghwa slammed the door shut again.
“Now, where were we-”
You swore you could see Hongjoong’s form shaking with rage at the comment he heard next, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t serve to fuel your arousal even more.
“Oh by the way, he got his dick pierced too.”
You blinked up at your husband with wide eyes while his cheeks flushed, the man once again grateful for the darkness of the room hindering your ability to see.
“You what?!”
----- Taglist:
@barnesbabee​ @cometoceantrenches​​ @ddeonghwva​  @galaxteez​ @illicit-roses​ @latte-fairytaekwoon​ @little-precious-baby​ @moonlit-lixie​ @multidreams-and-desires​ @nightqueennyx​ @truebluejoong​ @vocalyunho​ @yunhoes-twancings-nsfw​ @yunhoiseyecandy​
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Seonghwa “Boyfriend Headcanons”
Hongjoong version // Seonghwa version // Yunho Version // Yeosang Version // San version // Mingi Version // Wooyoung Version // Jongho Version //
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- He’s so perfect
- Like just to start out
- so perfect
- First date would be so incredibly romantic
- he likes watching dramas so i feel like he’s a hopeless romantic
- i mean he watched “When the Camellia Blooms” 
- I love that drama on a sidenote
- So yes first date very romantic
- a very nice resturaunt
- he’d be dressed in a nice jacket and button up
- Seonghwa would get there early to make sure every thing is right
- 10/10 would bring roses for you
- He’d want to go out for dinner because it’s conversation reliant
- he needs to be able to hold a convo with you
- finds that very important even on a first date
- though he doesn’t get onto the serious questions right away
- tries to keep the convo light and airy the whole time
- 10/10 walks you home and hands you his jacket if you’re cold
- this is something that is frequent in your relationship later on
- only kisses you if you want and if you guys clicked on the first date
- but if you clicked or not will ask you on a second date because he believes that everyone deserves a second chance and who knows you might have been nervous
- but if he kisses you, prepare for the like most sweet kiss ever
- the type you see in movies
- keeping his hands to himself, not touching you at all
- only pecking your lips before pulling away fast
- very soft
- But like as your relationship progresses so do the kisses
- very passionate kisser 
- Every kiss takes your breath away and he makes sure of that
- holds you flush against him every time
- relentless teasing if you get caught kissing by Wooyoung or San
- You must be able to bully him the same way the others bully him
- bust his balls a bit he thinks it’s funny
- Laughs it off very easy 
- speaking of his laughter
- its so beautiful especially if you can get him to that point of almost tears
- a beautiful sound honestly
- A sound that can make you feel better instantly
- Speaking of
- Seonghwa is so rational
- like he’s so good at listening to your problems and giving you good advice
- very rational and will also not always agree with you when you’re upset
- because you can’t always be right
- so it’s sparks arguments but arguments never last
- grand gestures to make things up to you
- roses
- has a thing for giving you roses
- to say sorry
- to say i love you
- randomly when he feels like it
- he just likes giving you roses
- But just because he disagrees with you sometimes when you’re upset it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt him to see you upset
- it does
- he doesn’t like it when you’re upset at all and when he can comfort you he does
- comforting back rubs
- offering to draw you a bath
- cook you dinner
- etc
- When Seonghwa is upset
- he tries to hide it a bit
- but he wants you to ask about it
- he wants you to know 
- he just is scared that you might perceive him as weak
- So you have to reassure him in his problems sometimes 
- let him know that it doesn’t make him weak
- it makes hims trogner to express those feelings
- doesn’t really cry unless it’s very upsetting to him
- Arguments happen
- yelling happens
- but that’s only when it’s really bad
- and even then the yelling lasts 2 minutes before you’re both profusely apologizing to eachother
- You need to be equally as clean and neat as Seonghwa
- If you aren’t, learn
- boy can’t stand things not being clean
- help him clean 
- I joke but I feel like he would enjoy cleaning together
- like music playing in the background
- kinda getting distracted and dancing with you while cleaning
- intimate soft moments
- Calm sweet serenades before bed
- petting your hair and humming
- cuddling is so 
- just sweet
- 9/10 you’re heads on his chest and he’s petting your hair
- tends to sleep like this too
- one arm wrapped around you
- Watching him perform gives you whiplash
- Seonghwa is so sweet and cute on a day to day basis 
- So seeing him on stage as the demon he is really sends
- loves matching outfits subtley l
- like the same colors
- or the same belt
- something like that
- very subtle but enough to make him smile
- Likes watching dramas with you
- likes cheesy romantic ones
- like very much likes cheesy romantic shows
- will watch The Notebook with you and enjoy it
- loves taking showers with you
- not in a dirty way 
- but he finds it so nice to have your back pressed to his chest 
- massage your scalp with shampoo etc
- very intimate but very sweet
- jealousy
- Seonghwa does get jealous
- isn’t afraid to show it either
- not toxic jealousy though
- never upset with you unless you do it on purpose
- but he isn’t scared to voice his annoyance towards the person he’s jealous of
- snarky judging Seonghwa for sure
- we know his judging face
- love language for Seonghwa is very vocal
- he tells you he loves you 
- in letter’s attached to the random roses he gives you 
- whispers before going to bed
- soft praises as he washes your hair
Love making from this point on
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- Okay
- Demon I see you
- A dom
- not a sadistic dom like a lot of people think
- i dont think any of Ateez are hard doms really 
- Body worship out of the whazoo
- never let’s you leave the bed without you feeling beautiful
- so we know Seonghwa’s tongue likes to make an appearance a lot
- he knows how to use it
- he loves giving oral
- absolutely loves 
- loves having you shaking with his tongue alone absolutely loves it 
- very into visuals
- wants to see you and your face
- wants you to dress up for him and if you want him to he will
- big fan of red lace on you
- just likes the visual a lot
- also mild breeding kink
- like the thought of having kids with you eggs him on
- a motivator
- Biting your inner thighs 
- missionary is his fav
- might spice things up and throw your legs over his shoulders
- does like spanking you
- he likes the butt a lot
- spanking you as a punishment?? 
- yeah sure why not
- even then that’s the extent of his punishments
- When I said he likes taking showers with you 
- that also includes shower sex
- passionate
- hot and steamy 
- this is why his showers are always so long
- also just the visual of you or him being pressed against cold tile in a steamy bathroom just 
- that’s *chef’s kiss*
- He also just really likes teasing you
- he knows exactly what he’s doing when he allows his hand to squeeze your thigh a little too high at dinner
- blinking at you with innocent eyes
- he uses his eyes to his advantage
- there is a big difference between his regular eyes and the bedroom eyes
Aftercare, sweet sweet aftercare
- He can get rough sometimes 
- so he knows aftercare is incredibly important
- like I said earlier he doesn’t let you leave unless you feel loved 
- and this goes for aftercare too
- you need to feel safe and comfortable 
- cleans you up with a nice warm wash cloth 
- or goes to take a shower with you for potential round two
- but it really depends on the mood
- the type to take care of you completely 
- like get you dressed and everything
- you aren’t allowed to move
- no matter what you protest
- have to convince him to let you take care of him after sex sometimes
- pet his hair
- let him know he made you feel good
- that you love him
- hold his face and kiss him 
- it’ll fluster him but he’ll definitely appreciate it a lot
- Your relationship with Seonghwa is very much one for the dramas
- a very serious and intense love 
- a lot of mutual care and love
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