#yes she's mimicking octavio
nephilimbrute · 6 months
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another little rina
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mirage-babey · 5 years
For scientific reasons, which trainers would be best buddies? Which ones would be rivals? What kind of lives would they live? What regions would they live in? I’m sorry for all the questions, but I’d like your opinion
okay, here we go! the current guide to the Apex Legends Pokemon Trainer AU!
Typhlosion (Partner), Braviary
From Kanto
Her family was originally military, but she and one of her brothers ended up running a fire-type gym after an incident
When Natalie and Octavio came along to challenge the gym, after talking with them she realised they all had parents that had placed very specific expectations on them and decided to tag along on their journey to broaden her horizons
She and Octavio, both challenging gyms, have a friendly rivalry going on
Gallade (Partner), Corviknight, Luxray
From Johto
A very mysterious character with a preference for honourable pokemon
Gibraltar and Ajay have no idea of this trainer’s background, but they’re always grateful for the assistance Bloodhound lends
They and their pokemon make a team of talented trackers, and it makes Gibraltar and Ajay’s jobs of finding and helping pokemon and people stuck in natural disasters much easier
Still, they are dedicated to Arceus above all else
Rotom (Partner), Dedenne
From Sinnoh
idk i’ll decide on his story when he gets released in game
Wheezing (Partner), Vileplum, Dustox
From Galar
He’s a scientist that wanted to develop the use of poison types but his work was deemed unethical and thus he was fired
however he found that a number of shady organisations were very interested in his work, and so he continued his research
His Wheezing is not a Galarian form despite Alexander being from Galar - it didn’t mesh with his evil scientist aesthetic
Hariyama (Partner), Aegislash, Aggron
From Alola
His parents were Pokemon Rangers, and he grew up to follow in their footsteps - usually a ranger has just the one partner pokemon, but Aegislash and Aggron just never really left his side
He met his partner pokemon the same day he decided to become a pokemon Ranger; he and his boyfriend got caught in a mudslide, and when his parents came to the rescue, a Makuhita - a pokemon known for it’s tenacity - decided it would try to help
Absol (Partner), Togetic, Chansey
From Unova
When she found out her parents were making some deals with some dodgy organisations, she left the life of wealth she lead in urban Unova in favour of doing humanitarian work with pokemon around the world
Her team consists of pokemon that’d help in rescue situations (Absol can predict natural disasters, Togetic is said to bring good fortune and happiness, Chansey shares its eggs with those who are injured)
Was close friends with Octavio as children, but they grew apart as their paths diverged in adulthood. She still supports his pursuits, though, and he regularly donates to the charities she works with
Gets on well with Gibraltar, they’ve worked together on a number of occasions - Makoa specialises in dealing with the overarching issue, while Ajay helps any injured people or pokemon.
Zoroark (partner), Vulpix, Mime Jr, Mawile
From Hoenn
His older brothers all left to go on their pokemon journeys years before he did. Elliott and his mother worked together on holographic tech for entertainment purposes, taking inspiration from the various pokemon that used illusions
He wanted to go on his own journey, but didn’t want to leave his mother alone. His mother’s Zoroark had an egg though, and she gave it to Elliott. The Zorua that hatched from it became his partner.
Most of his pokemon come from the fact that he’s a big softie at heart. Vulpix are known to feign injury to fool enemies and escape, which he thought was really cool. Mime Jr was practising its mimicking skills, Elliott complimented it, and it just completely forgot what it was doing it was so happy and so Elliott immediately took it under his wing. Mawile looks cute but it’s also terrifying and will kick your ass and Elliott just had to have it
He generally takes the route of a battle trainer, but he entered a pokemon contest once on a whim and completely dominated, much to Zoroark’s glee
One day while travelling through Johto he ran into an Espurr - a pokemon with a creept stare that wasn’t native to the region - that scared the shit out of him. He’d never admit it, but the fact that its trainer saw so easily through his pokemon’s illusions also kinda intimidated him
In Unova, he came across the same Espurr, except now it had evolved into a Meowstic. Similarly, his Zorua had now evolved into a Zoroark. He challenged the trainer to a battle and found her psychic type pokemon were at interesting match against his pokemon that specialised in trickery.
The match was observed by some really tall, lanky, excitable guy with an Ambipom and a Cubone. The three trainers coincidentally spent the night at the same pokecentre, and they just didn’t really part ways in the morning.
Also one time when he was drunk, Elliott was flirting with someone and that trainer’s Gourgeist attacked him. It was funny, and the trainer apologised, but he’s also lowkey been afraid of the entire evolutionary line ever since (Wraith and Pathfinder found out when one day, while they were at a pokecentre, Elliott turned around, saw a Pumpkaboo, and screamed)
Linoone (Partner), Zebstrika
From Unova
He grew up as a rich kid in urban Unova, but with busy CEOs for parents, he often found himself bored
As a kid, a Zigzagoon caught his attention while on a business trip with his family, and he ended up catching it
He and the pokemon got along famously, and when it evolved into a Linoone - the rushing pokemon - he found his taste for adrenaline evolving alongside it
He began to grow distant from his childhood friend Ajay at this time, but he still recognised how important her work was so he supports her whenever he can
Now he partakes in gym battles, the occasional contest (usually due to a friendly rivalry between him and one Elliott Witt), and regular death defying stunts with his high speed pokemon team
He lost his legs in an accident involving a race and a misuse of pokemon moves
He’s got a good few fans as a result of the videos he makes, but he can always count on Ajay, Natalie, and Anita to keep him grounded
He’s got a knack for convincing people to take a risk - it’s how he got Natalie and Anita to go on their own journeys to find what they want from life
Ambipom (Partner), Cubone
From Unova
He was an orphan with a desire to see the world (and maybe find out the story behind his birth parents along the way)
His first pokemon was an Aipom whose mobility he admired greatly. He has a Cubone because he found it crying and, as an orphan himself, he cared deeply for its loss
He isn’t quite sure what he wants from life, but being a pokemon professor and learning about the world sounds pretty good to him
Near the start of his journey, he was staying in a pokecentre and ended up being the referee for a pokemon battle
When morning came, those two same trainers looked a little lost (though they’d never admit it), and as he himself was brilliant with directions, he ended up offering to show them around the region
But they ended up sticking together long after that
Morpeko (Partner), Plusle, Minun, Luxio
From Kalos
Worked closely with her father researching ways in which electric types and people can work together and how those relations could be utilised
She and her father raised an unruly Shinx that was very uncooperative, but one day it accidentally electrocuted her (causing the scar on her face), and it was the guilt it felt that caused it to finally clean up its act
When he passed away, she inherited her father’s Electabuzz. At first, she wouldn’t necessarily consider the pokemon a part of her team, but more of a family member that still assists in her work, though this changed when she started her journey
(shoutout to @gayneflynt @wraithofthevoid for their ideas)
Met Octavio when he was participating in a competition at an arena she had previously done work on. Her father had just passed, and Octavio convinced her that she should give going on a pokemon journey a go to try and fill the void that had been left behind
She met Anita when Octavio was challenging a gym. Anita, sister of the gym leader, got to talking with the pair, and decided to tag along on their journey
Gothitelle (Partner), Meowstic, Abra
From Johto
She has amnesia, and woke with nothing but a psychic type pokemon leaning over her in an abandoned lab
Gothitelle is particularly protective of her, as a pokemon that can predict the future and can become aware of their trainer’s lifespan. This was the pokemon fawning over her when she awoke with no memory
Abra can read minds and sense danger, teleporting away when it feels threatened. Sometimes Wraith wishes she had the same ability - the two felt a kinship and it joined her team. She caught Espurr because it’s the restraint pokemon - she personally felt restrained by her lack of memories - and she was kinda fond of how weird and creepy it sorta was
The Espurr scared the shit outta one trainer she met while she was still in Johto - to be fair, it was staring at him weirdly
She ran into him again in Unova. Her Abra - despite being terrified of everyone they met - never once tried to teleport away from him, so in the morning when he invited her to join him and some makeshift tour-guide, on a whim she said yes
All of her pokemon seemed happy with the decision, so she decided that maybe she should stick around in this trio
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