#yes that bonus gif is hella important
kchasm · 6 months
Let’s Watch: Kamen Rider: Episode 5: The Monstrous Mantis Man
At the Central Earthquake Research Facility (which is either a central research facility for earthquakes or a research facility for central earthquakes; don't ask me which), Chikako Amemiya of the Academic Society for Earthquake Prediction answers a phone call.
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Someone asks if they have equipment of some sort, to which she says yes, they have hella equipment, it was in the papers and everything, why? To which the caller instantly hangs up.
And then the lights go out.
Fortunately, the security guard shows up at the door!
Unfortunately, he's dead. And then dissolves, I think.
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Probably because of this dude.
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What I am saying is that Shocker is up to some nonsense again.
Cut to: Takeshi and Tobee are doing motorcycle training, as per usual, when Takeshi's run is interrupted by the ground literally opening up a bit—an earthquake! There's been a lot of them, lately, and the two of them are concerned that they might be foreshocks to a much larger quake.
Also in case you do not know how earthquakes are measured here is a primer:
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Got that, kids? Don't say Kamen Rider never taught you nothing.
Bonus education time:
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This is funny because in Japanese myth there is a giant catfish that lives underground, and when it thrashes around, it causes earthquake. The catfish is called Namazu, which is Japanese for "catfish." Don't say I never taught you nothing, neither.
Oh, by the way, says Tobee, Chikako Amemiya was your childhood friend, right? Newspaper says she's gone missing.
Cut to: Takeshi at the lab, along with... is that Kishimori, the science guy who dispensed some information? Maybe-Kishimori says that the cell he's looking at under a microscope isn't a human cell, but looks more like the cell of an insect, specifically, the cell from a serrated insect let. It's too large, is the strange thing: The insect this cell is from would have to be monstrous in size!
I feel like this isn't the sort of thing you would be able to easily figure out by looking at a collection of cells under a microscope but also I was terrible at biology, so... I'm going to give this a pass, I guess. Takeshi says this stuff was on the floor of the earthquake research center, so I guess that Takeshi visited Chikako's office in that cut and this is stuff he found at the scene and brought back for analysis? It is not communicated very clearly!
What I am absolutely not giving a pass to is the whole sequence that follows: Takeshi says he feels like there must be a link between the strange insect cells and this map. And by this map what I mean is a map of Japan that Takeshi just. Has? Which I am about 85% sure we have never actually seen before? I guess this was also at the research center?
This map is a map of Japan apparently marking the epicenters of the recent earthquakes. Which... listen, I am not a seismologist, but I think I can imagine why a map marking the epicenters of recent earthquakes might be found at an earthquake research center. The map does contain some important info, though: The epicenters have occurred around the city in a way that seems somewhat unlikely.
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... I didn't skip any of Takeshi's reasoning here, by the way. He goes directly from "the earthquakes are oddly placed" to "it's Shocker." Which, of course: It is Shocker, because it's that kind of show, but also this is not how inductive reasoning works.
(Also, is that supposed to be soliloquacious just now? Because if not, I guess Maybe-Kishimori was read into the whole Shocker thing at some point. Or maybe Takeshi just occasionally says Sentences Fraught With Implication around folks not involved in the whole Fight Against Shocker thing and then doesn't ever explain and then those people are just left confused and/or unnerved. Honestly, with what we've seen of Takeshi I wouldn't be surprised either way.)
It gets better—or, you know, worse. Takeshi prods at the map with a Geiger counter and finds that the map is irradiated, which probably Takeshi would have preferred to have found out earlier. Still, the conclusion Takeshi comes to from this observation is all the more shocking: Shocker is detonating nuclear payloads underground and disguising the results as earthquakes! These recent small earthquakes have merely been tests, but they've been increasing in scale, so all of this must be a lead-up to a major earthquake that Shocker plans to engineer!
Again, I did not skip any of Takeshi's reasoning here. He just goes from Point A to Point Squid. Also, why is the map irradiated? If the map is irradiated, that implies that the map itself has been around one of the nuclear payloads—i.e. it must have been at a Shocker-controlled location. So it must be a Shocker map, rather than one that's supposed to be at the earthquake research center. In which case, why was it at the earthquake research center? Did Mr. Mantis bring it along with him when he kidnapped Chikako? And then he just. Dropped it? Accidentally?
Before I can give myself any more of a headache, Takeshi gets a phone call. It's Chikako! She asks Takeshi for help, telling him she's found the main base of the folks who have been making these earthquakes; would you come quick here is the address.
And then we zoom out:
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Yeah, Chikako doesn't seem to be exactly speaking freely here. But Takeshi doesn't know that, so off he goes.
(Wait, ignoring the whole Being Coerced aspect, why would Chikako contact Takeshi regarding this matter, anyway? I mean, if I were a seismologist who had discovered the location of the main base of the people who are creating artificial earthquakes, and also by the way there are people who are creating artificial earthquakes, "my childhood friend" would not exactly be on the top ten list of parties I would contact off the bat. Like, there's the police. Newspapers. Higher-Positioned Scientist People. I don't know. But Takeshi's the protagonist, so she calls him. Fine.)
Takeshi arrives at some sort of... place, and you'd expect that this is the point where a bunch of Shocker goons would pop out to initiate a fight scene, but no, actually, it's just Chikako, alone, who runs thankfully into Takeshi's arms. This is, of course, absolutely sus, and if you don't suspect anything yet, here's a shot of Mr. Mantis watching over the reunion with a nefarious aura.
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I've found the entrance to the base, says Chikako, and then she pushes Takeshi into a hole. And then when Takeshi looks up from where he's landed at the bottom of a featureless shaft, she cries out as she's "kidnapped" by Mr. Mantis.
Yeah, so it was a trap after all, just a different kind. Mr. Mantis gloats over Takeshi's trappedness and lowers a ticking bomb on a chain partway down the shaft, then jets. How's Takeshi gonna get out of this one?
He, uh. He doesn't, that's how. The bomb explodes exactly how it's supposed to. And then Takeshi, uh, becomes Kamen Rider?
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Which means... looks like he's gonna have to jump? I guess?
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Mr. Mantis asks what's on everyone's mind at this point, i.e., what the heck was that just now, and Takeshi gives an answer.
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... It's not a particularly satisfying answer, but it's definitely an answer!
Anyway fight scene now.
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Long story short Takeshi recovers Chikako and then legs it.
Subsequently, Mr. Mantis is berated by the Big Shocker Voice. Big Shocker Voice says that Chikako is indispensable to the whole Do Earthquake operations, and Mr. Mantis must recover her at all cost.
Cut to: Amigo. Hiromi and Ruriko are sitting around when Shiro runs in, frightened out of his wits. He's seen a giant mantis monster, you see. Hiromi immediately teases him for having watched too much television. Hiromi, you have been directly adjacent to so much Shocker nonsense already. Please take the threat of monstermen more seriously.
Ruriko goes out to investigate on her own suddenly mantis!
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Just as suddenly cut to: Ruriko, quite not-captured, at Takeshi's apartment. She and Takeshi are watching over the still unconscious Chikako, anticipating an attempt by Shocker to recover her. Chikako looks like she's going through some pretty bad experiences, even unconscious, muttering things like "mantis egg" and "four PM." And then she wakes up.
What was all that about mantis eggs and four PM, Chikako? asks Takeshi.
I don't know what you're talking about, says Chikako. Also, I don't know anything. Also my name isn't Chikako and you have the wrong person gotta leg it bye.
Takeshi grabs Chikako to stop her from fleeing, but accidentally hurts her with his Cyborg Strength, but his opportunity to be understandably down about it is cut short by Mr. Mantis, demanding Chikako's return! A fight scene ensues. Takeshi gives Chikako a bracelet. Ruriko is removed from the playing field in the dumbest way possible.
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(The intent, I think, was to have Mr. Mantis toss Ruriko into the bookshelf. What we get, instead, is Ruriko turning around, staggering over to the bookshelf, and then carefully bonking herself against the head with it. It's... not well done.)
And then Chikako clocks Takeshi with a lamp stand and then just stares into nowhere. Because she's been compromised. Obviously. Mantis tells her good job and everything.
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Cut to: Mantis pulling Chikako off somewhere. She's walking, too, but with her head rolling and lolling like she's dazed, drunk, or drugged (which I guess is just less specific "drunk"), but it's the magical kind of evil induced impairment where also you can pretend to be fully functional and hit your childhood friend with furniture. It is also the kind of magic evil hypnotism where also you can give presentations on the best way to use nuclear energy to destroy a city with an artificial earthquake.
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Eagle-eyed viewers may note that Chikako's shiny new bracelet is now blinking. That's because it is, in actuality, a tracking device, which Takeshi is able to follow! See, there was a reason I mentioned it.
He's intercepted partway by Mr. Mantis, but oddly, after some obligatory blows, the guy runs off again. Takeshi chases, obvs.
Back at Shocker base, Chikako intones to the Big Shocker Voice that the earthquake is ready for deployment and someone just needs to pull the Important Lever. The Big Shocker Voice tells her to sleep and await further instructions, which Chikako literally does, lying down and everything. So I guess she was hypnotized... but not necessarily brainwashed, despite that having been the usual Shocker M.O. so far. Odd.
Mr. Mantis leads Takeshi right to the actual entrance of the Shocker base, which is sort of the opposite of what you want to do when your Evil Plans are happening there and you don't want Kamen Rider to mess them up. He shuts a door, which Takeshi is unable to get through, because doors, Takeshi jumps somewhere and I don't even care anymore. You don't even get a gif.
Fight scene. Shocker mooks. Kamen Rider wants to know switch to set off the earthquake is, to which one of the mooks gurgles "mantis egg" before getting Taken Out Before He Can Squeal. Could "mantis egg" be what they're calling the nuclear bomb? wonders Takeshi. Also FYI the mantis egg is right there. Like, in the same room as all of this.
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Meanwhile there's all these shots of the clock getting closer and closer to four PM. Now, if I'm understanding this correctly, the episode has established that soon as it's four PM, all the preparations will have finished, and someone will just need to pull the switch in order to set the bomb off, right? I'm assuming that's it, and not "this bomb will explode at four PM," but this episode has been weird enough already—
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Okay, no, wait, so the mantis egg is where the switch to set off the nuclear bomb was hidden. For some reason.
Why, though.
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Mr. Mantis, defeated, immediately dissolves just like everyone else in this episode, as do all the downed mooks.
The episode ends with Takeshi carrying Chikako from the Shocker base, lamenting that he is no longer the child Chikako knew, nor even Takeshi Hongo, but a cyborg fighting against the evils of Shocker.
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... Wait.
Okay, so, uh, Takeshi actually disabled the nuclear bomb, right? I want to assume he did. It was literally in an "all you've gotta do is pull the switch" state the last we left it and Takeshi just left the base unattended. I mean, you don't need to be a humanoid mantis creature to pull a lever.
Also, Chikako still has triggers in her brain. I feel like this is worth noting. The Big Shocker Voice could give her new instructions literally anytime. Takeshi's childhood friend is has a friendly toggle button seared into her brain that makes her follow orders from an international terrorist group. I feel like this is maybe something you cannot just sleep off. Are we going to address this?
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... We are not going to address this.
... This was a bad episode. Writing this post took longer than any of my other posts because I had to keep pausing the episode, because I didn't want to watch the episode anymore, because this was a bad episode. I don't want to ever see or hear sign of Mr. Mantis Man ever again.
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dramaism · 2 years
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from vegas hating pete’s smile to falling in love with it
+ bonus: vegas kissing pete’s dimple
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trueheda · 7 years
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                     1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY. ya’ll know me, i hate making things serious and sappy but i really did want to get around to writing something more for my one year on this babe because she means so much to me ( and so much more now that i’ve been writing her for a year ). ontari is such a wonderful and complex character, and it’s a shame given the show she was given she was only in there for one season it’s always an honor for me that ya’ll are willing to accomidate me into your lives, rp timelines, and plots ! i’ve honestly adored spending this last year with yall. with so much that’s happened irl in this past year it’s been such a blessing to have a steady place where i felt comfortable and identified to be able to hang out and write creativly, plus the bonus of enjoying my bbies ( that’s you lot ).  and i know i’ve done some pretty shitty shit in this past year. and this is deffiently also a thank you letter to everyone that’s stuck by my side despite everything i’ve done not to deserve it. so this is my personal way of saying THANK YOU for being here, for wanting to write with ontari, for wanting to write with me, thank you for those 2AM movie nights, for the 4AM rush replies because a thread was just addicting, thank you for bringing a smile to my face for introducing me to friends new and old and freinds i wouldnt have been able to make if not for this blog. thank you so much. ya’ll don’t understand how much this means to me. and i dont think you will. so here’s a small little thank you notice for those of you that care:
if you were to LIKE & REBLOG this post ( * yes both ) you’ll be entered to win the following provided to you by YOURS TRUELY examples including ( all my rp blogs legit just look at any of the rp blogs ): a THEME BG + CODE * only if u want a custom code by me ofc it’s up to you, a PROMO SET, a DASH ICON, a MOBILE HEADER and !! an AZGEDA EDIT of your character because how tf would you not want more azgeda around !! 
now that we’ve gotten that out of the way and i’ve given ya’ll a small thanks, i want to give you an even bigger thanks ! and wanted to give a big shout out to my fave babes whom have stuck by my side through a whole lot of shit that is hella undeserved ! but yet you’re still here ! despite it all and i owe you all the world so thank you. so much. 
@murhys - MOON !! love of my life. cas to my dean. actual other half. salt king husband to our salt kingdom. moon you’ve been there for me since day 1 and are probably the only person on this website i’ve never had a disagreement with. you wormed ur skaidad into my baby icekids heart which i thought would be impossible and it’s magic how much i enjoy ur presence really. you’re deff like my other half babe. ultimate husband. ily
@azgona / @braverstars - HANNAH !! b to my v. actual partner in crime when it comes to like anything ! legit we write anything and theres so much perfect chemsitry between the characters that i think we were meant to b babe. like legit anything we do its magic and you really need to have more faith in this community because we need u man. we need you. 
@kiingbuilt - LENEE ( STARS ) !! actual babe. positivity queen lenee. honestly ur so sweet and so perf and idk what you want me to say bc ur awesome in every way ? you put up with me who’s like the dark hole to ur sunshine but like i’m always so greatful i don’t think there could be a better person i’d want to play tari against than you, roan and her have such depth and it’s so wonderful to be able to talk at lengeth about our ice siblings and what could have been like ! ily so much thanks for legt taking care of us all better than what we deserve
@leyosgona / @saviorbuilt - SOCHIE !! my babe sochie waht to i say about you. well lets start with the fact i don’t think i’ve ever become trash for a ship quite as quickly as i became trash for catari like wtf man. i’m going to second that with sayig ur clarke is presh and i love her to death ? and top it all off with the fact hat you legit always put up with me spamming u wit random af things without ur permission and are a okay with it all the time which makes u way too cool. 
@humansympathies - CHARLES !! legit one of these days im sealing u away form ur wife just u wait ( * hamilton an american musical plays in the bg  )  honestly i still need to thank you for making me so goddamned comfortable with being okay to write something i had been so nervous to write before because of the context of th show. you are the reason i was able to come out of my bubble and im so fucking thankful for that sitll am going to add #actualjohnmurphy bc nothing u do can change that
@ginatcnic - LAUREN !! gg lauren ur always around to help me when i need it and i really think i dont deserve you as a friend you’re amazing and always there for me and put up with me ranting @ you about the randomest bullshit and being vauge af about it and whatnot. ilysm babe dont forget ever that you are one of the most important parts of this fandom and we’d be lost without you. 
@foxofthe100 / allofthe100 - BRITT !! things i never expected i would do: ship with britt. things i’m super thankful happened: shipping with britt. not that we needed it to be friends bc w were friends beforei. but i deff think that foxtari has brought us closer and i’m so glad that it did !! you’re such a fun and acomplished person, and your view on things are always so well balanced and lovely to hear ! being who i am i love understanding things and you always put things in prespective. just in time to drop an angst ball on me but yknow. 
@si02built / @rainkiing - CHUCK !! yo you. yes you. i love ya man. like i do love you so much i don’t think you understand how much you’re amazing. you’ve been there for me since day 1 and i know that it dosn’t matter if i havent spoken to you in a day or in a month we’ll jump back into things just as they’ve always been meant to be and i think there’s a sort of treasure in that tat can’t be sahken. i love you man. kisses. take care
@damnleader - NIKKI !! i dont know where to start with you man. i started off as ur biggest fan and now look at us. we’re trash and i love it and you legit need to get ur ass back onto this account so i can yell at you about how presh u are and how much i miss talking to you and ranting and bless. 
@youngcst​ - MOO !! moo. legit i never knew whether to call you that or lois but you know what it don’t matter much now does it. waht i will say however is how thankful i am that we were bros for such a long time, and how much it means to me what nova and tari built toether and their relationship like i sob over our babies so often you don’t even know ! please always keep bringing us babe characters. 
bonus shoutout - @ CONSQUAD because yall put up with my ass for 4 days and if anyone can do that i think they deserve like a gold medal or smth like pls yall are honestly some of the best people keep being you !! @banishhim ( black hole ) / @algaenotwar ( milky way ) / @stellarstolen
bonus bonus shoutout - @ icesquad because AZKRU BEST KRU - some of ya’ll are inactive and need to get ur asses back here just sayin’ @icymenace / @azhaihefa / @aznofi / @azkeyva / @azgedaechoes / @azgada / @aznontu / @komashdaun /  @azenblida / @dubiousloyalty / @challengedloyalty / @shudameika / @aiopgona / @zosimekomazgeda / @wintamnontu / @deathwants / @icebuilt / @icebitxh / @leyosgona / @kiingbuilt / @haihefaroun / @firraun / @rcyalscars / @acrownofice / @youngcst 
i also wanted to make a sort of like FOLLOW FOREVER ? like ? idk how you make a solid one of these but just like all the blogs ? i’m in awe of whenever they come on the dash seemed like a good idea ? like these are all so quality all the time eve if some are inactive i refuse to unfollow just because of the chance they’ll come back, they should be a shoutout bc they are my inspiration to write they make me a better writer every day ! and love the hell out of them: @wolfsouled / @rattledbybullets /  @ragnarsscn / @princeubbe / @belomi / @soldiiermade / @imqetuous / @everyturnanycost / @noximperator / @lionoffrance / @praycd / @redempticnarc / @bloodshedbound / @allvanquisher / @murdocksredemption / @damnmechanic / @leaderbuilt / @casuistic / @headstrongblake / @crimiinalchemiist / @noukru / @starxbcrn / @arroworn / @survivorbuiilt
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everythingtimeless · 7 years
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Welcome to EverythingTimeless’ Weekly Roundtable, a sprawling discussion in which your friendly neighborhood Mod Time Team breaks down episodes of our favorite show, Timeless. We can’t promise to be coherent, but we’ll try our best. Lovely header gif courtesy of our pal @lady-demelza.
This week: Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot
Sarah: I think that we should first state that we are currently blogging this from what we consider the present: Wednesday, the 11th of July.
Ann: I hate to break it to you, Sarah. But it is actually the 12th of July.
Sarah: Well, I am in the past. Apparently. Changing it.
Ann: *Lucy screams in the distance*
Sarah: Can we call ourselves The Time Team? Time Team Part II?
Gissane: I like The Time Team Part II!
Ann: So I am actually just now rewatching the pilot (because if there is anything I excel at it's procrastination) and I still die over 2 things right off the bat: the cinematography of this show and MA'AM.
Sarah: That scene? With Lucy, Wyatt, and Kate silhouetted by the fire? Gorgeous.
Gissane: Agreed. It's STUNNING. And good grief, ma'am. Ma'am is everything.
Ann: Omg, for a minute I thought you were talking about /our/ Kate and I was VERY confused.
Kate: Ma'am forever and always. The little battles that Lucy and Wyatt have in that first episode create some great tension.
Ann: I swear she is a little happy when he gets time travel sick. And I appreciate that level of petty.
Sarah: Oh, definitely Ann. In retaliation for that self-satisfied look when she couldn't handle all of the seat belts. Surely.
Kate: He gets that same look when he tells he he needs her very modern bra.
Sarah: Perhaps we should start from the very beginning? I'm told it's the very best place to start.
Ann: The very best.
Kate: Maria Von Trapp was a wise woman.
Sarah: Lucy: First impressions.
Kate: Besides her phenomenal hair game? This woman is incredibly intelligent, but even better, she is witty. But Lucy in that classroom? All confident and full of facts. Leading lady swoon.
Sarah: Leading Lady Swoon™
Gissane: I loved Lucy's excitement! She puts so much heart into everything she does, and she is flat out perfect.
Ann: My first impression of Lucy was OH BUT I LIKE HER. She's a nerd through and through, in that she is hella passionate about history and is basically just Jazzed Beyond Belief about it all.
Sarah: I could definitely do with more of Professor Preston.
Kate: And having trouble with the establishment bros getting tenure? I was indignant on her behalf. But it leads nicely into her struggle to start her own legacy or fulfill her mother's. Which I think if you juxtapose with the last episode makes you go DAYUM.
Gissane: Amen to that, Kate!
Sarah: Definitely, Kate. But is also makes her intelligence and success working as part of the Time Team more satisfying. She's the fricking best.
Kate: She really is.
Gissane: Lucy was so easy to love from the moment she was on screen. Maybe it's because Abigail Spencer is a brilliant gorgeous unicorn, but she just had so much personality.
Ann: It's funny rewatching this after so long, and after being such a fan of everything about it, how different they all were at the beginning. It's like as much as I loved Lucy from the get-go, I did NOT like Wyatt.
Kate: So true. They became such a cohesive and indivisible unit i was hard to go back and see them before.
Sarah: Amen, Ann.
Ann: He was brash, kinda ruthless, and a little unhinged, to be honest.
Sarah: I thought Wyatt was boooorrring.
Ann: The dimples happily remain unchanged, however.
Kate: And besides the ma'am that stopped my heart, I was so very worried that Wyatt was going to be Vanilla Male Lead #950643
Sarah: Yes, Kate. Yes. I was like - Oh. Pretty and Generic.
Gissane: You know what I just realized, we never get a scene of what Wyatt's doing before he gets called in. We have Lucy's life and Rufus', but Wyatt nothing and now I'm very intrigued. Are we even told where he was? My memory is blanking on this.
Sarah: No! You are so right, Goose.
Sarah: We start in medias res on Wyatt.
Kate: I think Wyatt is meant to be the mystery as he is the military man. Shrouded in secret missions and all that.
Sarah: I think it also keeps him as Generic Military Pretty Boy.
Ann: I really expected him to be a cardboard cutout of the media's interpretation of a Super Soldier. As well, this episode did a really good job painting him as such. I was so happy to be surprised later on.
Gissane: And I agree. I didn't have any thoughts on him particularly rather that I didn't care. But then he mentioned his wife's death and I was like oh? Tell me more. Tell me more about the mysteries behind those blue eyes. Please and thank you.
Ann: I am at that scene right now. The whole jail scene with him and Lucy really deepened my interest in all of the characters.
Kate: And Rufus. Rufus is never not just everything and more.
Ann: E V E R Y T H I N G.
Sarah: I think that's one of the aspects of this show that really hooked me: It took character archetypes I thought I knew, and made them real, likable, and interesting.
Gissane: That entire scene in the jail is perfection. I get chills every time I think of Rufus' speech to the guard. Brilliant. EPIC.
Sarah: Fun fact: Malcolm Barrett improvised most of that speech!
Ann: He did?? I didn't know that!
Kate: That scene is even more profound now.
Gissane: That's when Rufus went from aww, what a sweetheart to OH MY GOD, YOU ARE EVERYTHING TO ME.
Sarah: Yeah! Kripke and Ryan talked about it at the screening I went to. He also improvised the "the back of the bus was great" line.
Kate: What this show does with Rufus, giving him this complex, meaty character and actually allowing for discussions of race through history is one of my favorite parts of the show.
Sarah: Yes, Kate.
Gissane: All the awards because that scene was the episode's best -- context and performance wise.
Ann: Hard agree, Kate. And they did it right from the start and kept it up the whole damn season.
Sarah: The moment Rufus says to Mason that it has never been a good time to be a black person in history was when I knew this show was self-aware. You can have fun, you can have irreverence, you can have a family show and still address very real, very important, very serious issues.
Kate: It's a perspective that demands to be told. I could not be happier they were brave enough to.
Sarah: And by Malcolm Barrett, who is the most perfect cinnamon roll as Rufus.
Gissane: This show's self-awareness is what makes it so unique. Time travel? Cool, it's been done a couple of times. But to actually highlight the negativity in history makes it much more unique and intriguing.
Ann: Another thing the show does well? Guest characters you care about. These random, one-off historical people...somehow relevant and fleshed out in 45 minutes every week.
Kate: I could write sonnets about Timeless and their guest characters. Maybe I have and they are hidden in my sock drawer... you don't know.
Sarah: Kate Drummond appears. Could be some sort of Male Brand Strong Female. But is somehow so careful and wonderful
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Delve into the kickass history of the amazing female journalists who could have served as inspiration for the fictional Kate Drummond with this week’s Historical Hour with Hilary, our resident historian!)
Kate: She is ballsy and capable. I love her.
Sarah: Both Lucy and Wyatt's interactions with her.
Ann: Exactly! Kate Drummond was brilliant. Also kickass red lipstick, which is bonus.
Sarah: Are meaningful and lovely.
Gissane: And so dedicated to her work. No distractions. I loved that!
Kate: And I think it is important they chose her, a character she who was fated to die. Because they make us love her and it makes the implications and the desire to change history to save her real for us. Just as it is real for the Time Team.
Sarah: Right, Kate. Contextualizing what it means to change - or not change - history. Kate is someone Lucy admired and had to watch die. Kate is someone Wyatt identified with immediately on a very intimate level - and had to watch die.
Ann: It's so powerful.
Sarah: Wyatt, as we see briefly here, is obsessed with saving his wife because he feels responsible. But in the very first episode, we see him save someone from their "fate" - only to see that effort thwarted minutes later.
Ann: OH A WILD GARCIA APPEARS. Quite literally wild. But also dayuuum.
Sarah: AND WHAT A FINE SPECIMEN HE IS. I will never not love Goran Višnjić.
Gissane: WHAT A COMPLEX SPECIMEN. And now he is someone I literally couldn't for the life of me imagine caring about and yet, here we are.
Kate: I could stare at those broody eyes, flippy hair, and angular cheekbones all the days.
Sarah: He could have chemistry with a piece of anthracite.
Kate: Yes, Goose. I knew the second he was supposed to be our "villain" we were in for a much more layered portrayal of a man with much more to show us.
Ann: That's the brilliance of well-written character-driven stories. I demand more.
Kate: We all did, so much so they were forced to renew it. Hahaha But I digress.
Ann: You also speak the sterling truth. (CONGRATS CLOCKBLOCKERS.)
Gissane: Can I just mention how much I love that fandom name?
Kate: You most certainly can, and I will heartily second it.
Ann: Also can we talk about the supporting cast for a quick second? A Denise Christopher or a Jiya Marri perhaps? Because again with the fleshed out, interesting REAL secondary characters.
Gissane: YES. And right from the start they're both such a presence on screen. You instantly want to know more.
Kate: I love Denise and her no nonsense attitude. I need to you save time guys. You will do it. I will need you again. You will do it. Wonderful, thanks, bye.
Ann: Ha ha ha, exactly!
Kate: And smart, capable Jiya! Rufus was making heart eyes at her in the very first scene and I both understand that on a spiritual level and am here for it.
Ann: Again though, another example of characters I expected them to just leave as cardboard cutouts. But nope. Not Timeless. No simple Hard Liner Bosses or Nerdy Tech Girls here. We get warm, lovely, interesting people.
Sarah: And then he asked her out like a normal person instead of weirdly objectifying her. And then she said yes like a person instead of being some strange Unattainable Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
Gissane: Shout it from the rooftops, y'all. From the rooftops!
Sarah: Yes - Annie. We actually get people!
Kate: And these people are women! How often does that happen?!
Ann: This and Wonder Woman? *laughs to keep from crying*
Kate: And women of color, no less. Be still my heart.
Sarah: I think one thing that really struck me upon rewatch was what a STRONG pilot this is. I always give myself the 3 Episode Rule.
Ann: Yes Sarah! I was just thinking that as it concluded. I immediately want to watch 15 more.
Sarah: Which is: Watch 3 episodes of a show before deciding it it's worth a watch. There wasn't huge amounts of obvious exposition. The plot was not throw-away.
Kate: It really had everything I was looking for.
Sarah: We were invested in the characters. And, as a person who is very picky about time travel, it handled that aspect so well.
Ann: I think, aside from Back to the Future, it's one of the only pieces of media that has handled time travel in a way I enjoy. Because OBVIOUSLY Back to the Future.
Kate: You can always tell when writers care about their characters because they give you no choice but to also. And they managed that with all of them which is no easy feat.
Gissane: See I liked the pilot. I didn't LOVE it. Until like the second rewatch after I'd already been invested, but it was just right to keep me wanting more. And then episode two happened. I have never looked back after that.
Ann: Oh man, episode 2. I think that is still my favorite episode.
Kate: I am not emotionally prepared to discuss episode 2. Lock it up, you two.
Ann: Gah, ok. You're right. That's for next week.
Sarah: So if we're going to sum up our feelings on rewatch:
Lady Swoon™
Wild Garcia Yes
Rufus FTW
No One Likes Wyatt Yet
(except Kate for shallow reasons only)
Sarah: Because that hat. Always the 40s fedora on classy, attractive gentlemen.
Gissane: He should always wear hats.
Kate: Ah yup. I mean all the Timeless men are yummy. I just want them all in various period hats for my viewing pleasure and I am not sorry.
Ann: And you shouldn't be.
Sarah: Never apologize.
Kate: The ladies, too. We are blessed.
Sarah: Any final thoughts on the first episode before we bring this Lifeboat back to dock?
Gissane: It's a damn good pilot when you think of it. So rich and full. And so very promising. I've converted about five of my friends into fans already. I'm stupidly proud of this.
Ann: I've got a question: What time period would you you guys travel to?
Gissane: One cannot simply choose. Nope. Don't make it.
Kate: Time travel questions are hard because being a lady in history could truly suck.
Ann: Yes it could. And probably will?
Kate: But I am not going to pretend like I didn't read all the Jane Austen and wish I wasn't Elizabeth Bennett.
Gissane: S A M E.
Ann: Oh hell yes. Or watch Meet Me in St. Louis and want to wear one of those outfits Judy Garland sports and sing on trolleys?
Sarah: Don't want to go all Owen Wilson on y'all, but send me back to that Lost Generation in Paris 1920s.
Ann: Only if I can drink with Hemingway.
Kate: Obvi.
Sarah: So long as you are Brave and Strong, Annie.
Kate: Can we just quickly pour one out for poor Amy?
Gissane: I wasn't prepared for that one, Kate. BRING AMY BACK.
Kate: Timeless and their twists man. MY HEART STRINGS CAN ONLY TAKE SO MUCH.
Sarah: *frantically makes buttons and posters* BRING BACK AMY. SAVE AMY 20K17.
Gissane: Seriously. MAKE ALL THE POSTERS.
Kate: They rip her away from us and Lucy and right before the episode with Robert Todd Lincoln. It is too much. I need to rest.
Sarah: May Robert Todd all carry us softly to sleep. Thanks for the great chat, ladies. Cannot wait to really unpack and dig in.
Gissane: Cheers to that. Til next week!
Kate: Agreed. Until next time!
Ann: See you IN THE FUTURE! #godiamsolame
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