#yes the bami clan deserves happiness
mirobami · 3 years
Hello! May I request a kind of sequel? to the bami clan(background and reader being like let’s get yall some teddy bears) fic? Just fluff you know, y/n taking all pf them out to see things and buy them ice cream??? and the song being Runaway-AURORA
Your fics are just *chef’s kiss* ✨beautiful✨
CHARACTER(S): The Bami clan
SONG: Runaway (AURORA)
A/N: Hi hi, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Honestly, I wanted to write a second part too so >:D you read my mind (this was longer than what I expected), let’s get started! 
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The day Y/N had said that they’d be able to go through their childhoods, even for a short time, was arriving sooner than anyone had expected. They were all eagerly waiting for that day, more than any of them had thought. As much as they tried to seem casual, it was clear that they wanted one day in which they didn’t have to worry about money or poison or anything obscure. 
Y/N had given them the place where they had to meet up and the time as well, but what she didn’t expect was them being there earlier than what she had expected. From what she could see, there was still a bit of awkwardness amongst everyone for the sole reason that they had been against each other and now they were all supposed to hang out with one another. It didn’t matter, she’d find a way to break the ice.
“All right! So today’s plan is to go to Build-A-Bear, eat as many sweets as we can, let you buy literally anything that your parents never let you--within reason, we’re not taking home a sword--I’ll pay for it all, don’t worry.” The bright smile on Y/N’s face made them all feel more elated.
With those words, they followed Y/N around like ducklings to see where she’d lead them until she led them to a mall. So many people were bustling around, shopping bags in their arms as they talked with their companions or just bopped their heads slightly to the beat of the music overhead. The songs were completely different than what they all usually heard so they had to stand there for a bit to drink it all in.
“This is a commoner mall?” Miyo asked.
Y/N blinked. “Please don’t tell me your malls are bigger, I’m gonna feel more broke.”
Miyo made a pained expression, as if trying to say no when in reality it was true, their malls were so much bigger. Y/N sighed and pulled them all towards the Build-A-Bear workshop. Inside, there were already a couple of people picking out bears and talking with the cashier. It seemed like the clan had never seen anything like it before so when Y/N let them loose, they all tentatively walked in before walking everywhere. 
Y/N went over to the cashier and watched as they all started talking with one another, mingling for the first time and bonding over bears they wanted. Yumi, Ibara and Miroslava were hanging around the bears before picking up the ones they wanted and walking towards the station where the bear would get stuffed. Rin, Sumika, Erimi and Rei were all talking casually with the bears in their arms, looking through clothes. Miyo, Miri and Nozomi were picking out clothes, showing each other the cute clothes they found. Kirari and Ririka were already dressing their bears up, having chosen the same bear but with different clothes. They all seemed to be having fun, smiles spreading on their faces.
The price was higher than what Y/N had expected, but it was worth it if it meant they’d be happy. Sure enough, they were chattering happily as they walked out of the store. 
“Okay, what do you guys want to do next? I’m thinking playground but if you guys want to buy something else here, we can do that too.”
It was a unanimous vote on the playground. All of them went to a playground that was near Y/N’s home and it was surprisingly empty. Y/N was also surprised, considering there were usually tons of kids playing there, but not today. It’s like the universe had decided to let the clan have fun for that day. Y/N held out her hands. “Give me your stuffed animals and go, I’ll take care of them.”
With the biggest smiles ever, they all let Y/N take their bears and immediately went towards the playground. It seemed like none of them even touched sand on a playground because they were playing with it rather than the structures. Miyo was on the swings with Sumika and it was clear from their laughter that they were enjoying it. Rin and Ibara were making a sandcastle with Terano, who was sitting on the side of the playground, unable to go and play on the structures. She didn’t mind, she was just determined to build a better castle than the boys. 
As Y/N continued watching, she silently told herself that whatever the Elders did to these kids, she’d have a good long chat with them and perhaps hire some people to toss them into a retirement home. It was clear that these kids had never had a real childhood and here they were, having the time of their lives like they never had before. It made her sad at first and then happier because she was the one doing it. No one had done it for them, so it was up to her to do it and she couldn’t be more content. 
Miri and Erimi were on the slides while Yumi and Nozomi were having a battle on the monkey bars. Miroslava was supposedly the judge for the castles along with Rei and they were both grinning as they ever so sneakily poked Rin and Ibara’s castle when they weren’t looking. The castle didn’t crumble but one wrong move and it’d be destroyed. Sure enough, a few minutes later, Y/N heard a cry of agony and it was Rin and Ibara lying face up, their castle destroyed as Miroslava and Rei started laughing with Terano. 
There was a sound of an ice cream truck nearby and Y/N called out, “Do you guys want ice cream?”
The clan suddenly felt bad, considering that she was paying for all of them but it was like she could read them. Crossing her arms, she said, “I wouldn’t be taking you guys out if I didn’t know that I’d have to pay for you. Go and order, I’ll pay for you.”
A few moments later, they were all sitting with their ice creams, happily eating them as they concentrated on the landscape around them. Y/N had a gentle smile on her face as she watched them look at everything with childish wonder, obviously never having been there. Yumi and Rin were sitting near her legs and they both leaned against her, making her heart clench. Tear away their jobs and they were just so adorable. “So what did you guys think?” 
“Can we come here again?” Kirari asked immediately and Terano nodded in agreement. 
Y/N smiled and chewing on her last piece of ice cream cone, she said, “Of course. I don’t mind.”
“Can we go to your house at some point too?” Yumi asked nonchalantly. “We want to hang out with you there!”
It seemed like the clan also wanted this and with a laugh, Y/N replied, “I guess we can do that too and sleepovers. I don’t mind at all, you guys deserve it all.”
Not only did Y/N care for them, the entire clan cared for her just as much if not more. Here she was, doing so much for them and she didn’t even expect anything back. So this was the feeling of love they had never felt. Just a rush of adoration swelled up within them all at this girl who gave them a chance when no one else would. This was the girl who they would be able to call home at some point, just not yet. However, they all already knew from one day with her that they wanted to be around her. That’s exactly what they planned to do. 
Now take me home, home where I belong, I can't take it anymore...
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