#yes the sharpening is ruined in the last gif but do i care? no :)
seireitonin · 11 months
do u have E.J headcanons?
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Yes! I really love him! These are gonna be very different from how most ppl see him! Ty for the ask!
Jack was almost finished with med school at 25
So he was really close to achieving his dream of being a doctor/ surgeon
He was really only friends with his roommate because he was so focused on school
He also kept in touch with his family
He was so excited for them to come out and see him graduate! They’d be so proud of him!
They worked hard to get him in that school after all!
He was also kinda shy and quiet
Not antisocial per say just quiet and work focused
Then he met Jenny
She was outgoing and sweet and invited him to hang out with her friends all the time
Jack, almost done with school anyway, figured he could use more friends
So he started hanging out with them more
But especially Jenny
They would talk and text outside the group too
Jack started developing a huge crush on her
So when she asked him out for a night out in the woods, just the 2 of them he went along with it
Then he got hit over the head and tied up
He woke up afraid surrounded by people in blue masks with tar coming from the eyes
“Hi Jack!”
Jack recognizes that sweet voice, the one he loved to hear, tainted by what was happening
“Jenny?! What’s happening?!”
“Don’t be afraid Jack! You’re our chosen one!”
“Huh?! Stop! Fucking stop!”
No one listened to Jack though
The people who he thought were his friends were about to ruin him
Take the life he loved away
They started by scooping out his eyes
They didn’t care that Jack was crying and begging for him to stop
Since they were all in med school, they were able to take his eyes out very cleanly
Still lots of pain and blood though
Then came the chanting and the tar being poured into his eye sockets
Jack screaming filled the forest but no one would come to help him
As they chanted the spell to put the demon, Chernobog, inside him he felt his body change
It was extremely painful
He screamed and writhed on the ground as he felt his teeth sharpen. His blood go black, his skin burning as it turned grey. His bones snapping and twisting as he grew a foot taller
He was a monster
And he hates it
His cultist “friends” were so satisfied
And he ripped them to shreds
Saving Jenny for last
He loved her a lot and to be betrayed like that was heartbreaking to say the least
He let out literal growls and roars of anger as he did it all
He hated killing people
But they turned him into this thing
Jack ran into the forest and violently attacked every animal he came across eating it
Crying as he did
Well crying as best as he could
Since the tar messed up his tear ducts, he can only make deep heaving noises of sadness
Jack tried to eat human food
Really he did!
He doesn’t like bloodshed and killing
He was gonna be a doctor and help people he didn’t want this
But it just tasted awful and the cravings for human flesh got stronger
He was so hungry one night he gave in, eating and killing Mitches brother and eating pieces of Mitch himself
God Jack felt disgusted with himself
When he killed Mitch’s brother he felt like an animal
So he recomposed himself and decided to use everything he learned in college with Mitch, just taking something small and simple that Jack could take easily and store even more easily
The kidneys
He still hated using these skills to harm people but at least it’s more humane
He only needs a few pieces of people to survive. No one has to die right?
He’d stitch them back up! It’s like nothing ever happened right?!
This became his routine for years
Sneak in, take what he needed, patch them up and leave
Then he came across everyone else
He related to the proxies of Slenderman the most because like him, they were being controlled by something paranormal as well
And all three of them had no say
Especially sees himself in Masky and Toby though
Masky was in college when his life was taken away from him too
Maskys friends, his life, his family all gone
Had no choice or say in what happened to him
Toby was manipulated by Slenderman into doing his bidding, just like Jack was manipulated by Jenny
They both thought they could trust the people/ entities that took everything from them
Jack was taken in because well all the creeps get hurt and they need a doctor
Jack had so many mixed feelings
One one hand he was happy that he finally got to use his skills to help instead of hurt
But the people he was helping….hurt people
Some of them willingly do it too
But it’s either this or living outside and continuing to hurt people with his own 2 hands
If he stayed and helped and asked for food in return then he wouldn’t have to collect himself anymore
So that’s what he did
Everyone brings him food from their victims and he patches them up
And he has a place to stay
Jack, despite how he looks is still very human
But he can never go back to the life he lost
He looks in the mirror and tries to cry, but he can’t even do that
Just unsettling heaving noises
He hates how he looks. It’s awful
He hates how people are scared of him
He doesn’t want to be this way
Jack is so quiet just because he’s so depressed
He wants his old life back so bad
So bad, in fact, he goes to his old family home a lot and looks at his family through the window wishing he could be in the house with them where he belongs
He’ll watch them sleep
He watches them cry over his disappearance
“I’m right here” he says quietly and starts to heave and whimper sadly as he puts his hand on the window “please, don’t cry. I’m right here”
He knows he can never face his family or society ever again
Not after everything he’s done. Not with what he is now
Jack doesn’t want to die, he thinks that would be a waste of all the organs he took
Just wants his old life back so bad
He can still see, there’s a demon inside him that makes sure of that
If Jack doesn’t eat for extended periods of time, he’ll turn all animalistic and everyone will have to hold him down and restrain him until he snaps out of it
He feels ashamed when that happens
“I’m not a monster. I’m not”
Most of the Creeps don’t judge him
They’re all killers and monsters after all
But he gets along with Jane really well
He gets along with Toby really well too, but Toby can be a lot to handle sometimes
Part of him is scared to get close everyone but he’s scared of being betrayed again
So he keeps to himself a lot
Jack can eat human food again after years of trying. It was like recovery therapy almost
It makes him feel more human when he eats it
He has nightmares about that night. The night they violated his body
He can sometimes feel everyone’s hands on him
So he’ll shower for hours and scrub trying to get the feeling of their hands off him
Then he’ll go to Jane or Toby’s room and sleep on the floor
Doesn’t want to be alone after that
Him and Toby bonded a bunch because Toby is the main one getting patched up
Jack and him talk for hours after he’s done getting patched up
Also Toby needs regular check ups(cipa)
Wants a significant other to love him despite his looks. It’ll make him feel human
Seeing Jane have a wife gives him hope for himself
Hes 6’10
Fluffy brown hair
Never takes off his mask unless he’s around Toby or Jane
He’s insecure about his face
He’s actually pretty nice, still work oriented and quiet though and really serious and blunt
Very clean. Cleans his tools, his clothes, his room, everything
Not the monster that everyone thinks he is, he’s still connected to his humanity and plans to keep it that way
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madelyncilne · 2 years
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