#yes the title is kind inspired from the falling like the stars by james arthur
beclynn-herondale · 3 years
Falling like the Stars
Jace was organizing papers: putting them into specific categories. He accidentally cut his finger on the edge of a piece of paper.
Involuntarily, he said, "Ouch." 
His daughter, who had been coloring a picture for Clary, jerked her head up. "Who hurt you?" her sweet little voice asked in a fierce and protective tone.
It took him a moment to answer, he loved his baby so much and when she did things like this it made him want to fall to the floor. "No one, Celery. I just got a paper cut," he said, tears forming in his eyes. "But, you're so protective and I love you."
She smiled like the sun. "Love you, too, dada," she said. "Can I beat up the paper?"
He laughed. "You can't beat up paper."
"I can."
Yes, she has the stubbornness of both him and Clary, both their babies did.
"How about instead we go start dinner," he said, "I'm kinda done with this paperwork."
"Yay!" she was beaming.
Jace always included his children when he did things like cooking or baking or when he took care of the plants in the greenhouse. It allowed them to spend time together but also he wanted to teach them these things, to pass things onto them so they'll remember forever, and to share memories that they'll hold with them forever.
He also taught these things to his nieces and nephews.
"Alright," Jace said, pulling a stool up to the counter and picking his daughter up and placing her on it. "What do we want to have?"
"Mommy said she's been craving the chicken stir fry you make."
"Has she?" Clary had craved that a lot when she was pregnant with the twins, and even after having them still wanted it often. "Well, mommy has been out most of the day. Let's surprise her with dinner."
"I think she will love that."
Cecie had always been pronouncing words very well for her age, there were moments when Jace wondered if Clary and him had made a genius. Though, maybe every parent thought that. And then Archie had the artistic talent of his mother, Clary had included him in painting since it was safe to allow him to do so, and he was already drawing things very well.
They made dinner and by the time they were finished Clary was back and Archie was back from playing soccer with Max and Rafe. Clary tackled their daughter with kisses while Archie ran up and tackled Jace's leg. "Hey, buddy," he said, while ruffling his son's red curls. Archie took after his mom in looks while Cecie took after him, except their eyes, Cecie had her mom's eyes and Archie had Jace's eyes.
"Mom, you gotta hear what happened to dada today."
"What?" asked Clary.
"A paper cut him," Cecie said, "I threatened to beat it up." She sounded so serious it made Jace want to laugh.
Clary stared at their daughter with a look Jace knew well, it was a look of holding yourself back from squeezing one their children into a hug too tightly. "You're so precious," she said. And hugged her with tears of joy in her eyes.
Jace watched them for a moment with adoration. Archie appeared to be trying to decide if he should tackle them both. Jace picked his son up and then went over to take both his daughter and wife into his arms, three of the most important people in his life. They both laughed and kissed him on his cheeks. His little family.
After dinner they put Cecie and Archie to bed.
"Read this one to me, da," said Cecie.
Archie nodded.
Jace was never able to say no to them. "Alright." He'd lost count of how many times he had read this book to them. It also happened to be the same book Max was obsessed with when he was younger, Jace looked at the book, The Very Small Mouse Who Went a Very Long Way.
Alec couldn't look at the book without remembering the many times he himself had read it to Max. Funnily enough, Alec had regifted it to Jace and Clary when Celery and Artichoke came along, Jace believes this gesture had hidden intentions. Aunt Lily also read it to them, though she also threatened to eat them because they were so cute and sweet, Alec told Jace that Lily didn't actually mean that, and he knew that as well.
After reading it to them twice, they both finally fell asleep. Jace gave them both a gentle goodnight kiss on the head and shut out the lights.
He headed to his and Clary's bedroom. Once you became an adult and a parent sleep was very much welcomed.
Clary was in their bathroom combing out her wild red curls. "Are our little Shadowhunters asleep?"
"Yup," he said, "after reading that book two times through."
"I do believe Alec gifted it to us as a way to secretly torture us."
"I think you're on to something, my love," said Jace.
She gave him that smile that was for only him. "How was your day?" she asked.
"Good. Celery really did threaten to beat up a piece of paper."
Clary laughed. "How did we get so lucky?"
"I don't know. But I know I can't imagine our lives without those two."
"Me either," said Clary.
They both got ready for bed and went to sleep.
Clary was walking toward her desk to get a pen: she was signing official Clave documents for the Clave in exile.
Sadly she still had clumsy moments and even more sadly she was barefoot, she stubbed her toe on the foot of the desk.
"Ow. Damnit!" she said, then covered her mouth as she remembered her two year old was in the room with her.
"You okay mommy?" Her daughter asked.
She looked down at her daughter, her big green eyes were full of concern. "Mommy is fine," she said, "just hurt my toe on the desk."
"Damnit! Stupid desk," said Cecie.
Fuck! She thought. "Sweety, please don't say that."
"Why not?"
"Well, uh, because it's not a good word."
"But you said it," said Cecie, looking confused.
"Yes. And mommy shouldn't have."
"Okay." Cecie shrugged.
"Hey, mom?"
"Do you want a candy to help you feel better?"
Clary teared up. "Yes, I'd like that."
"K, I'll get you one."
She dashed out the door, while Clary clucthed her heart and sat on the floor from how much she loved that little baby.
At that moment Jace peered his head through the doorway and instantly his face changed from amusement to concern.
"Clary, are you okay?" he asked, voice anxious.
She waved a hand at him. "I'm fine. Just lost the ability to stand from the love I have for our daughter."
"Ah," he said, "did she threaten to beat something up for you?"
Clary nodded. "I stubbed my toe and she looked like she was going to fight the desk. Where's Archie?"
"He's getting paper and crayons, he immediately ran to get them when we got back. Saying something about how mama needed a drawing," Jace said. "Our Celery is becoming quite the protecter."
"Yes. And caring, she went to get me a piece of candy to make me feel better. And Archie is becoming quite the artist and kind boy."
At that, Jace looked like he too may start crying from the love for their daughter. "She's such a good Celery," he said. "Archie is a good Artichoke as well."
It was funny how Cecie was like the protecter and Archie was healer, the twins were opposites but loved each other to the moon and back.
Jace had nicknamed their daughter Celery and their son Artichoke after they were born. Clary being exhausted and knowing her husband and that there was no use in arguing with him on these nicknames, gave in and grew to love them for Cecie and Archie as well.
Jace had a thing with giving the kids he felt affection for or loved a nickname, and he of course gave much thought to the nicknames for their children, listing the benefits of them. Clary found it sweet, but also realized Jace was definitely secretly a plant and health nerd. He'd grown a lot from when she had first met him, he was more open with his love now, more open with his gentleness. He still had moments where he fought back reacting the way he used to but he had learned to fight them back, she was extremely proud of how far he's come. Then again, she was always proud of him.
Cecie came running back into the room, dodging Jace's reaching hands. "Hang on, dad," she said, "I gotta give momma this first."
She handed Clary the candy, then kissed her on the cheek. She then ran to Jace's still outstretched arms, and hugged him tight.
A moment later Archie came running into the room with paper and crayons.
"My celery," he said. "How was your day?"
"Good," she said. "Mommy got hurt though." She looked back over to Clary, who was on her feet now, and picked Archie up. walking toward two of the loves of her life.
"Mama's fine," Clary said, ruffling her daughters hair with her empty hand. then kissing Jace's cheek. "Now, we do need to get ready for Magnus' dinner party."
"Ah, yes," said Jace. "That's tonight. He'll be very dramatic if we are late."
"Uncle Magnus is awesome," said Cecie.
"Uncle Alec is awesome too," said Archie. Archie was always following his uncle Alec around, watching him closely. Clary wondered if he wanted to be like Alec. Jace of course thought it was the most amazing thing.
"Yes," Jace agreed. "But, uncle Magnus is also dramatic."
"You're one to talk," Clary teased.
They all laughed.
"Let's go! I want to see Max and Rafe," said Cecie. Who loved her cousins so much, and would tackle them with hugs when she saw them. Max and Rafe were extremely protective of her and Archie, as well. They would always be there when they were first learning to walk to pick them up and kiss their heads. They had always been gentle with them. And when they had first been born, Alec and Magnus brought them to see their new cousins and Max looked at them and said "I'm gonna protect them like little siblings." Clary started crying and Jace lost it too, it had been an emotional couple of days then. Magnus watched this with a kind of loving amusement and Alec patted his parabatai's shoulder.
It was odd and the most amazing thing, Clary thought. How they'd gone from a bunch of misfits who were fighting a lot in the beginning to a family who would do anything for each other and loved each fiercely. To all being married and having kids. She wouldn't trade this for anything.
"Is pop pop and gammy going to be there?" asked Cecie.
"No, but they are coming to take you tomorrow for a sleep over, though," said Clary. Cecie and Archie had started calling Luke pop-pop and Jocelyn gammy. Luke held the title with adoration and now has a mug  that says "best pop-pop in Brooklyn" ( gifted to him by Simon. his and Izzy's son also calls Luke pop-pop)
They went to Magnus' dinner party. They laughed and had fun and ate a lot. Magnus as usual threw a magnificent dinner party. This was their big family and it was home.
Inspired by an ask I sent @khaleesiofalicante last night
Tag list: @chibi-tsukiko @spotsandclawsthings @megs-readstoomuch @magnus-the-maqnificent @replayfootsteps @simply-ellas-stuff @bookfast-at-tiffanys @jazzkaurtheglorious @my-archerboy
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