#yes they are attracted to several genders. and they're not good at getting dates with any of them
moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
all i want is a chaotic bisexual character who is, in fact, bitchless
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dr-futbol-blog · 4 months
Home, Pt. 4
Sheppard and Teyla continue exploring what is basically Sheppard's mind. They have this exchange:
Teyla: What is it? Sheppard: I was just thinkin' again -- about Doctor Weir and everyone else on Atlantis. Teyla: Of course. I am sure she is fine -- as I am sure they are all fine. Sheppard: Yeah, I'm sure.
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This once more confirms that they all have different realities: Weir is still back on Atlantis on his. But this is also an example of something we see multiple times later: Sheppard cares so much about Rodney that he's unable to put it into words. to verbalize it, but Teyla, being both observant and empathic, figures it out anyway.
There are several times when Sheppard talks about some heavy emotional stuff and just tacks Rodney on as though he's an afterthought ("Even Rodney") because he just can't deal with the thought of losing him. He's using humour, he's using sarcasm, he's using flippancy, he's using any and every technique he can to distance himself from the fact that he is actually the one called to constantly put someone he loves Rodney in danger and this fear is certainly not lessened by the fact that he loved and lost someone who served under him (Capt. Holland, as we learn in Phantoms, S03E09) for which he very much blames himself.
Viewers that don't understand what Sheppard is doing probably get whiplash from Sheppard and McKay being best friends one moment and Sheppard talking about him to other people like he doesn't even care the next. Oh, he cares ("Deeper than words, my friend, deeper than words"), he cares so much that he has to try to trick cruel fate into leaving McKay alone by talking about him like he doesn't. Like not admitting it would keep his guilt-laden ill fortune, the bad karma of past mistakes, from getting someone he loves killed. Again.
Here, he's unable to speak Rodney's name ("and everyone else"). But Teyla, being the empath that she is, picks up on this and tries to alleviate his fear with "I am sure they are all fine".
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He looks so goddamn sad.
Here he is, back home with a beautiful woman with everything a man could ever want. And he looks like he would rather be anywhere else.
The fact that we transition from this conversation directly to McKay just confirms that Weir was not who he was actually thinking about, who he was worried for.
Sheppard's frat party with the dead friends and former crushes is interesting. We see Sheppard watch a bikini-clad hot woman dive in the pool and yet he's clearly more comfortable inside, fraternizing with the dead soldiers, and all the other dudes out and about. Who are all these people? Likely, they're all people from his past. There's his sixth grade teacher (and who hasn't had a crush on a teacher?), there's someone that wouldn't date him whose name he can't even remember. Likely he hasn't invented any whole-ass people but filled the room with people from his memories.
Also? We are lead to believe he is pointing at this woman in the pink tank top as the person who wouldn't date him because she is the only woman in the frame and she's lit up. But there are four people behind Mitch and Dex here, and Sheppard could mean any one of them. He does not mention this person's gender, just says "You wouldn't date me!"
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The heteronormative viewer is going to make the obvious interpretation. But by a sheer numbers game, this person is much more likely to have been a guy. The likeliest candidate is the one to the right of the woman taking a sip of his drink since he's the one Dex actually turns to look at once Sheppard points out this person that refused to date him (and Sheppard's own eyes also look very much to the right of the frame). And when Sheppard picks up his gun, this guy cowers behind the woman in pink like he's expecting to get shot.
There are hot women in the party, yes. But there sure are a lot of good-looking guys there, too. Maybe there are too many people he's found attractive at one time or another as he seems to be getting hot under the collar:
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The last person he looks at (in fact, he looks at this guy in the striped shirt three times) before he has to open his jacket to cool down? This guy:
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But, like. The mainstream audience saw the bikinis and nothing else.
The bikini-clad women also distract from their reminiscing about how Sheppard spent half the night sitting and "talking to this guy" in Afghanistan two days before his friends were killed outside Khabour. This is clearly weighing on him. The fact that just attempting to connect with another human being always seems to lead to people close to him getting killed. Again, we transition from this discussion directly to Rodney.
It may be that the house is so full of people, seemingly completely random people from his life, that he was trying to conjure someone to turn up there but couldn't manage it (because the mist wouldn't allow it). We start from his team members who appeared just when he was feeling lonely and thinking about the people he had left behind at Atlantis (Rodney), we know there's someone really smart (Rodney) there being a teacher to a sixth grader, someone he wanted to date (Rodney?), very attractive people (Rodney?), geeky poorly dressed people (def. Rodney). We start with his team members and we end with Ford, who finally comes in the door with a bunch of pizzas. He kept trying to get something to happen, someone to appear, which began with his dead army buddies and finished with Ford. Just saying, there were a lot of people there.
In the end, the alien mist brings them all together into the gate room, suggesting that they live out the rest of their lives in a shared reality. Something pretty interesting happens. The mist tells them that they are now experiencing a shared fabrication. Rodney is shook by this, likely taking this to mean that they have access to each others' minds.
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He almost looks at Sheppard but then averts his eyes. Clearly, he wants to look. A few moments pass, he looks more and more apprehensive, and he finally interjects with "So none of this is real? The cute brunette, of course, I should have known! How do you go from, 'You're a pig, but I like your cat,' to, 'I missed you'?"
First of all, he makes no mention of the cute brunette being a woman so for Sheppard, this could mean anyone. Second, this is the thing that McKay chooses to share of his own reality quite unprompted with the others here.
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Third, Sheppard looks all kinds of unhappy about hearing him say that. Like this entire thing is in reaction to McKay, the cute brunette and the cat:
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He's looked more or less upset the entire episode but suddenly he looks like his cat just died. Weren't you just in a house full of hot people you conjured up from your past yourself, Major? Is it even possible to interpret this as something other than an acute case of jealousy?
And yet he forgets it as soon as McKay starts flirting with him again:
Sheppard: The dead people were a -- dead give a way. McKay: Dead people? What were you doing?
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This. This flirty rejoinder was more important to McKay than food and water and their bodies being unconscious on the ground on some alien planet since all of this he only realizes once he has it out of his system, once he has had the chance to reconnect with Sheppard. They actually double-team on the alien mist and when McKay steps up to him/it, Sheppard does the same apparently to place himself between Rodney and fake!Hammond if need be.
When the mist suggests that they make the most of the time they have left, Sheppard gives McKay this look:
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McKay is out of the frame, Weir is standing between them so your average Joe viewer, if they pay attention to their looks at all, might interpret him as looking at Weir when that is not what he's doing at all.
When all is well and they wake up on the planet, the episode ends with Sheppard doing something that he loves doing: watching McKay work. He glances back at Teyla and Weir to see if they can see him looking but the episode fades to black with Sheppard and McKay's back-and-forth, once more in their own little world even with these other people around them.
This scene also circles back to the beginning of the episode. There, Sheppard was very obviously trying to not look at McKay. This was emphasized by the placement of Ford and the DHD between them. In this final scene, Ford and the DHD are also placed between them but by this time, they are having a conversation right over them, with Sheppard leaning over the DHD to get closer. They are having a back-and-forth regardless of any and everything that is between them and around them.
It's so familiar. It's so domestic. All is right with the world.
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stalwart-spirit · 4 months
If your OC were to dress up to show themselves off to their best advantage, perhaps for an existing partner, or in the hopes of attracting positive attention, what might they wear?
From this list.
Oh la la, armourous asks, I like this! I'll answer for Saeed and Soleil since they're the most fitting and "active" in PG terms, whilst Mica is more chill and Bjarni is ace and has no interest in such.
Under read more cause whilst it's PG it's still Spicy
Honestly he really likes to make himself good for his partners, moreso when he was younger and more stupid, keen for personal attention in a stranger's arms, a warm bed for the night, a mutual agreement where both sides wanted the same thing and nothing more. Nowadays he's likely to just do this when dating or seeking someone ahaha.
Saeed would be more into heightening his personal apperance, wearing his hair down and tousled, not one to shy from a little touching up of his face using makeup to enhance is natural features and the like. Granted, he does this in day to day life, he's a surprisingly well put together man with a skincare routine!
Clothing department isn't something he puts TOO much thought into, but still knows how to dress well when needed and if it's to turn heads he knows what helps accentuate his tall and slender frame in order to draw attention. Sometimes all it takes it being well dressed and not even in a sexy or provocative way for you to have eyes draw to you.
Same goes for the bedroom scenario, nice underwear is the extent cause in his brain; "I'm not intending to wear them for long am I?", and really there isn't anything more beautiful than the naked form itself (I can say this wholeheartedly as an ace artist who has done life drawing classes LOL).
The literal best way I can describe Sol is that he's a whore- Like, most of his time is spent wanting to be seen as attractive and alluring, he likes the attention! Thinks he's hot shit without even trying, but puts an insane amount of effort into his apperance and clothing despite claiming such. Woe to anyone waiting for him to get ready in the morning or to go to bed in the evening, it's a whole several step process--
Makeup to accentuate his features and push his genderfluidity, hair always well kept, smelling of only the most inticing perfumes and fragrances. Soleil HAS to be turning heads at him 24/7 or he perishes (not really but he'll act like a bitch for the rest of the day if he thinks he wasn't in peak condition).
Clothing... As mentioned, yes, 100%. Especially in private. He's actually fond of lingere (like in this gpose set), likes that it shows off his figure, how there's stuff out there that feminises his masculine form so to further toe the line of gender presentation. That is fun for him, and makes him feel even more attractive (have I mentioned he's a huge narcissist yet???).
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illusivesoul · 4 years
OC Interview Meme
Was tagged by @alyssalenko Thank you :)
I'll tag @liveinthehills @morgaine-of-avalon @1esk19 @flaine1996 @occorner @forlornmelody and @comefeedtherainn Only if you feel like doing this, of course.
Katerina Shepard (making the interview after saren's defeat but before ME2)
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name ➔ Katerina. Close acquaintances call me Katya.
are you single ➔ No. I have a beautiful blue doctor who somehow fell in love with me.
are you happy ➔ Yeah. For the first time in a long while, I think I am. Everything's gonna be fine.
are you angry ➔ Trying not to be this days, with Liara and Karin's help. I spent so many years raging against so many things. Now I'm thinking clearly and... getting better. I hope.
are your parents still married ➔ Maybe they are, or most likely were. Maybe i was the result of a crazy night between strangers. I never knew them, and they're probably dead by now, so I'll guess we'll never know.
birthplace ➔ Don't know where I was born, but I grew up jumping between Alaska and Russia.
hair color ➔ Red.
eye color ➔ Li says they're 'emerald green'
birthday ➔ Never knew the exact date, so an old acquaintance of mine back on Earth and I decided to celebrate it on October 28th. The date when John Grissom became the first human to go through a Mass Relay.
mood ➔ Like now ? Calmed. For the moment.
gender ➔ Female
summer or winter ➔ Winter.
morning or afternoon ➔ Afternoon.
are you in love ➔ Yeah.
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ I believe you might want to fuck someone at first sight. But love is more complicated than that, so no, I don't.
who ended your last relationship ➔ this might be surprising to you, but I'd never been in a serious relationship before I met Liara. At least one that didn't involve me doing works for the Alliance.
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ I have. Several times, with several people.
are you afraid of commitments ➔ I think i was afraid of not living long enough to see them through.
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ I have been attatched to Liara like a flea lately.
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔Secret and not so secret ones too. Comes with being turned into a propaganda figure.
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ ... Not yet.
love or lust ➔ both. Tough i haven't had much experience with love till now.
lemonade or iced tea ➔ Batarian alcohol.
cats or dogs ➔ Dogs. Always.
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ I have 3 best and regular friends. That's the whole extent of my friendship circle.
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ before i'd always said night out, but ive found that romantic nights in are much, much better.
day or night ➔ I feel safer at night.
been caught sneaking out ➔ Not really. Being good at sneaking around is key for being an infiltrator.
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ both.
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ All my time in the Alliance i was driven forward by my desire to help humanity. That was my blind zeal that drove me forward.
Also when Liara and I were on and off... yeah. I wanted to be with her badly. So yes to both of them.
wanted to disappear ➔ a lot.
smile or eyes ➔ both
shorter or taller ➔ i used to like being able to look down on people since I'm pretty tall, but Liara is a head taller than me, and I love having to look up at her and having to get on my toes to reach her height. Makes me feel all tingly.
intelligence or attraction ➔ depends on wheter is long or short term, but generally ill always go with intelligence.
hook-up or relationship ➔ before, hook ups. Now, relationship.
do you and your family get along ➔ i have 3 persons that i consider "family" And yeah, we get along. Most of the time.
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ it certainly hasn't been normal. And that's all I'll say from it.
have you ever ran away from home ➔ i ran away from the place that i considered home when i was a kid. And I nearly died because of it.
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ I've been kicked out of places like clubs and shit. But from home ? No. Never had a true home before so kinda hard to get kicked out from one.
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ I don't have that luxury when the friends i have can be counted with one hand.
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ if they're my friends they're already best friends as far as I'm concerned.
who is your best friend ➔ it's a tie between kaidan and karin. Don't know how those 2 have put up with my shit for so long.
who knows everything about you ➔ a pretty blue lady doctor. I say she knows more than most.
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