#yes this is about the person calling that one redsovietelise post a “necrophilia drawing”
selbstverbrennung · 5 months
i never really saw the need to articulate the reason i stopped interacting with the codz fandom on here outside of reblogs and very rarely posting art, but i've noticed something has become ever prevalent again.
disagreements over headcanons, mischaracterisation, and being so rooted in fanon that you don't actually know how to interact with other human beings, to a vitriolic and frankly toxic degree. without sounding like i'm trying to gatekeep the ideas people have of fictional characters, because god knows that's nothing i care about, i think some of you need to actually play the games (again, perhaps) before you start hatefully yelling at strangers about things that are mentioned in game.
i dont know if it's because a lot of you people seem to be on the younger side these days, or some puritan culture that gives you the idea that liking "bad media" makes you inherently a bad person, or that you don't want others to assume you support x "irredeemable" thing because you enjoy a character who is "irredeemable", but it's actually embarrassing the way i see some of you posting and the anons you leave.
the ever divisive debate on richtofen's sexuality always comes to mind when i think about my experience in this fandom. i've been in this fanbase for over a decade, so i've seen the disgusting threats and comments people have left over simple disagreements in interpretations of a fictional character. now, i don't know if it's because he's the fandom's golden boy, or that people seem to end up way too attached to him, but what's a little agreeing to disagree between strangers? ignore it, and move on - if it bothers you THAT much, block and move on. it is NEVER worth leaving suicide bait or death threats in someone's askbox over.
something i keep in mind: are you sure you inferred that from the text, or are you so entrenched in fanon that you can't remember the text? and is that clouding your view and rational thinking when you see someone who doesn't have the same ideas of a character that you do?
i think what i'm trying to say with this post is that i'm so tired of seeing the way the characters have been whittled down into these sanitised perfect boys who can do no wrong, so when somebody dare bring attention to the fact that the series has dark themes, or merely make a tasteful in-character joke, they have to be crucified like some sort of vile evil trying to corrupt your space.
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