#yes this is about tnil
esquitor · 11 months
[checks calendar] can i update fic yet? [checks calendar] can i update fic yet? [checks calendar] can i update fic ye
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thisfragilesky · 4 years
i wish In Hushed Whispers wasn’t so biased and skewed towards having More Content by sheer virtue of being time travel Bad Future fuckery where you can do fuck all for as long as you want as long as dorian eventually gets his hands on the amulet and turns time back right to where it was before and everything is hunky dory. just picks up right where it left off. they could be in the bad future for 10 years and everyone would be none the wiser. until they return and mahnon is even More Old and dorian is like I HAVE GREY HAIR. so does mahanon, sweetie, he has a lot of grey hair. it’s sexy.
meanwhile with champions of the just it’s.. all go go go because you’ve got a demon and red templars wailing on other templars and not a lot of ‘okay we can take a day’s break’ because uh. you can’t. it has to finish now.
and theoretically yes i can write both happening at the same time but then In Hushed Whispers is just Massively Longer than anything Champinos of the Just could be and it sucks because i feel like i’m putting more work into mahanon’s side than evelyn’s even though i want to write both relatively equally...
although granted i. initially was going ot make evelyn a companion. and then i thought about making mahanon a companion (which is how round 5 came about). and then i decided... they are each other’s companion. so really i did this to myself it’s my fault. could have just left evelyn as a companion and my problem would be solved but i like her a little too much to do that now.
anyway the templar/mage quest arc outline is like 3k words and covers at least 6 parts if i don’t decide to split them up more and i’m not even done i feel like crying. so many words to write.
i’d love to update as i go but the two quests are structured interweaving for Maximum Suspense (or so i’d hope). and so i can get the details right. i changed so fucking much. it ain’t canon divergence until you turn In Hushed Whispers into a 5 chapter arc with a possible chance of [redacted for fic spoilers] and also [redacted for fic spoilers]
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esquitor · 11 months
y'all have no idea how much i've written in 2.5 weeks. i've written just shy of 50k words. granted most of it was pre-scripted and some copy pasted directly from my script draft but i've been plonking out some 2-3k words a day at best and 1-2k at worst each day.
i have two chapters ready to post, 3 chapters that need editing before posting, and one at 4k words after 1.5 days
this is ridiculous. it's disgusting.
thank you stimuwrite. clicky noises supreme.
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