avalentour · 6 years
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Meet the "Classic Four" 👇 1. I’m not a “sales” person. 2. I'm too busy. 3. I don't have the time. 4. I don't have the money. We all have excuses. But, OPPORTUNITY WAITS FOR NO ONE. So, my suggestion? 1. FORGET selling - We're SHARING an incredible gift! Think of how many lives YOU could be changing! 2. DON'T play the busy card - We're all busy. This business is for people who DON’T want to be crazy busy anymore. Everyone’s busy, put down the busy badge. 3. MAKE time - It's amazing how much time you actually have once you skip that TV show, stop playing that game on your phone, or limit the FB scrolling. 4. FIND the money - Skip the $5 coffee and put that money aside so you can INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE.....and never again have to say, "I don't have the money." I seriously sold stuff on Things to Sell in Coweta and now I’m months away from matching Brad’s salary!!!! Make those little sacrifices NOW, so you don't have to sacrifice later. It IS possible. If it weren't, I wouldn't be doing it. avalentour.myrandf.com #daretodream #RFlife #yesisallittakes #stopwatchingandjoinus #nothingchangesifnothingchanges
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