#yesss I love letting Tantalus' venom set free
brightwingedbat · 2 years
7, habits; 1, personal life; 1, motivation for Tantalus? (@commanderhorncleaver)
Habits 7 - What sort of clothes do you wear? Would you make changes to your wardrobe if you could?
"When I'm out an about, I'm always in my leather armour and thick coat, prefer not having my scars on show. At least not the back ones, can't help much with the ones on my face. My hat helps somewhat with that at least, keeps my real identity from the Legions too."
"Though I do have a casual outfit I wear when going to locations I know are on the down low. Nothing fancy."
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Personal life 1 - Who are your parents? Do you have any siblings? Are they still alive?
The charr snarls viciously. "You just had to get me started on those. My dam was Unglot Fearripper, Blood Legion, she died when I was still in fahrar. My sire... Clement Forktail. Left Iron for Flame before I was even in fahrar."
The bared fangs on his face shows this is something harsh in his life. "Bastard came crawling back, and that damn Tribune Brimstone chose my brother Marcus Furyclash over me for the job. He got our sire pardoned! He got fucking promoted to centurion! And they're both still alive, Marcus is even thriving as a damned celebrated hero with all the freedom of the world and I got left in his shadow, trapped in the Legion machine!" He huffs frustratedly. "Damn him all the way to hell, and the Legions too..."
Motivation 1 - Is your cause noble? Do you care?
"I don't care if it's noble, I just want everyone who ever wronged me to suffer for it. And that encompasses the entire Legions themselves. I did not deserve to go through what I did, I was just as loyal as Marcus was, and got shit all!" A growl rumbles from the Deadeye's throat. "Noble doesn't matter, the Legions ain't noble, never have been. I'll see 'em dragged down one soldier at a time..."
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