#yesss why do i always forget how mucj potential those two have
For the fictional friends ask if you’re still doing. Since I really enjoyed your characterization in your Esteban/doña drabble, them for 1,3, 4,5, 7,8,13. If you don’t want to do them, maybe Gabe and Naomi.
Oh yes, I'm still taking them! And I could always use some more Esteban and Doña, cause my idea of them is majorly underdeveloped
1. When I think they became friends (if canon already hasn't showed how they became friends)
Hmm that's a difficult question, since are they really friends? Okay, I know they are, you know they are, even if they will never admit that XD
I think at first they met when Esteban had to make some big order for a palace or city event and the newly founded (or was it?) Emporium turned out to be the best supplier, so for some time their relationship was strictly professional and and not very personal.
A few years later as Doña proceda herself as a great merchant, businesswoman and became the Magister of trade, she became working more directly with Esteban, on things like the Friendship Festival and many more I imagine. And thanks to that, through the years they became closer, becoming acquittances and even unlikely friends. Obviously they aren't the closest in the world, but they still like working together, and through various occasions learned many things about each other and learned to trust each other.
3. A random headcanon I have of them
Esteban is one of the few people that know that Doña is from a rural area and knows her full name, but doesn't know the full story. In the same way Doña knows that Esteban wasn't exactly innocent with Shuriki taking over, but doesn't know the full story, and they'd both sometimes remininisce about their families. In a way they know more about each other than probably any other person in the Realm, but because they understand each other so well, they also never ask nor try to dig into the other's personal life.
4. My favorite thing about them
I'll go with a basic one and say their banter, but also those rare moments they're genuine with each other, and because of the first thing those are the more meaningful.
5. A scene I wish we had of them
Hmm there are a few I can think of, maybe one where they would memorize together? Or just talk/think fondly about something from the past? Though I'd also love to see what was Doña's reaction to Esteban's betrayal other than the obvious "yay more power for me now time to take his job" (he'd do the same for her btw I'm sure of that)
7. What makes me like their friendship
The fact how little we know about them and unique their relationship is. You could probably best describe it in the format of that tumblr meme of saying that "they're" and giving a ton of mostly contradicting things.
8. Who I think is the ”crazier” one
I'm actually not sure here XD But if say Doña, if only because Esteban usually would have more restrictions on him, but then again I think there would sometimes be situations where would be the more realistic one, since (at least pre-show) she'd have more to lose.
13. What I think would have happened if they never met
Avalor's economy would look much worse.
But in their personal sense, I think they'd both be even lonlier and more bitter. They might not want to admit it, but they really were each other's friends when they really needed that.
And that's it! Thank you for this ask, and I'd love to do Gabe and Naomi as well, so feel free to send another ask with numbers for them :>
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