#yhoi seunghyun
bbreactions · 5 years
Big Bang’s Reactions to you begging them to help you learn about music methods
I legit have no idea how the fu*k should I learn this so I wrote it like that and let’s hope it helps me get that grade up. I hope there are still fans of Big Bang even if Seungri decided to have a drama... I support them 100000% still. Can’t wait to see what they have for us at coachella. 
I hope you’re all good and healthy.
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T.O.P "What exactly do you need to know here?"
Annoyed you turned around and ugh-ed loudly. There's a music test you need to pass and the last time you tried it was a very straight F. You hoped this musical genius would be helpful since he's made a lot of money on music. BUT, you thought wrong as you struggled through these four methods you legit think that your professor totally made up. 
"Okay, I'll help you, my child. So, as I like Mr Orff, we shall start here. Orff was a genius, so of course, he wanted everybody else to be genius as well. So children would start their music career with learning instruments WITHOUT NOTES and with the help with his instruments, Orff's instruments. So the base of his method was IMPROVISATION and CREATIVITY. With the freedom you are given with his instruments, there's the perk of improving by yourself and leveling up with the self-made product."
That surprised you as hell. Did he just teach you a musical method without a wikipedia page?He did. "I BOW TO YOU, MY LORD." you almost screamed in your apartment. So Orff was nice to children and wanted them to learn without any notes, sheets and he used his instruments and wanted the huge impact of IMPROVISATION and CREATIVITY. THANK YOU, T.O.P.
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"So..... my dear student, it's time to learn about our beautiful man SUZUKI. Not the car guy, but the great violinist guy."
As you asked him for help with this, you thought it would be a disaster, but why not giving it a try? You have nothing to lose. This test needs to be Aced. You need good grades and you just happen to choose music as an optional subject. Lucky you, didn't know this was awaiting for you. 
" Suzuki loved people. Remember that. He loved talking and so he wanted everyone to collaborate with each other. PARENTS, TEACHER, A CHILD. Everyone needed to be included in the teaching process. He liked that children learned without any notes. And that's mostly it."
Jesus. I mean, HOLY SUZUKI. So Suzuki loved people, wanted them to collaborate through the teaching process and didn't want to torment children with the notes.
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"Sit down, student Y/N" 
You sat down with the last hope you had left. Taeyang. Was he really the musician, pop star, who deserved to be called a musical star. Let's test him. This should be easy for him. Easy. You have to learn about the DALCROZE method in music. Since attending the class didn't help with your understanding of the subject matter, you decided to give it a try to your one and only. He seemed to have taken it very serious at the moment. (Thank God)
"We shall start with the beginning of children's life. To the FIRST year, children's body is the instrument. He needs to learn how voices are made and explore. After the THIRD year he needs to learn about music itself, so MUSIC LITERACY. He wanted children to do good at music and be creative, use improvisation and play right just like the notes say they should. The most important thing you need to remember is FIXED DO, that is used in different music charts, but is the same tone/note as in the others."
I bow to senpai Youngbae. So Dalcroze wanted younger children to use their body as an instrument and then learn about music specifically and be accurate and improve. The most important is fixed DO, used as the same tone in every music chart. 
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Kodaly was the only problem at your music theory. The God himself threw this hell on you that you couldn't remember what that Kodaly guy did. So the last hope was yours truly, Daesung. A music genius. Or so you hoped. 
"Kodaly was a great old man who respected the elders. He wanted the impact of his music method stays on folk tradition and music notes come just at the time the children start school. He wanted the children to be creative and make interesting music. His most important thing is MOVING DO which means DO is ALWAYS the FIRST TONE of the musical chart. And here you go. That's science.”
God. Please let me pass this test. I beg you. I hope you gave him some special powers to include the knowledge in me. PLEASE. So Kodaly was a folk tradition guy and started teaching children when they enter school, he wanted CREATIVITY from them and decide to use MOVING DO- which is the first tone in every music chart.
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