#yielding isn't my middle name
dixons-sunshine · 11 days
Yielding Isn't My Middle Name—Chapter Two | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Chapter Summary: You and Daryl get a little bit more insight on your ambushers. The leader, Liam, is extremely suspicious, but you just can't figure out why. And to top it off, a certain secret of yours gets revealed that changes everything.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of injuries.
Word count: 3.6k.
A/n: It's finally done. I powered through and got it done. Yay me! However, this chapter is pretty boring with limited action, but I hope y'all like this nonetheless!
Taglist: @dixons-girl89, @jupiter1700, @enlightndone, @shadowcitrine, @ddamm (comment/DM/inbox to be added!)
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“I know, it's a lot to take in at first.” With a grand gesture and a big, inviting smile, Liam proudly showed off the beautiful landscape behind him, putting all of the luxuries they had on display for you and Daryl to see—well, as far as luxuries could go in a world ran by the undead. “But I promise you, as soon as you get settled into your new...” There was a slight pause before he continued. “...chambers, a wonderful life most certainly awaits you.”
The leader's voice barely reached your ears. The whole scenario baffled you; if they wanted you to join their community, why feel the need to ambush and kidnap you? Why tie you up and throw you in the back of a van, with a sack over your head to obscure your vision, most likely as a way to ensure you didn't know what turns they took? And why wouldn't they just ask you whether or not you wanted to join the community in the first place?
A million thoughts ran with the speed of light through your mind, but there was one thing you knew for sure; you didn't trust this Liam guy, and you certainly didn't trust this community. You could immediately tell that something was off. You couldn't figure out just yet what about it unnerved you so much.
“Dave, Marco.” At the sound of their names being called, the two guys who stood beside you and Daryl perked up, their backs straightening as they regarded their leader. “Make sure that the cooks make enough food for our newest additions. And,” he began, looking at you with a sympathetic look in his eyes. Whether it was real or not, you didn't know yet. “Call up doctor Miller and tell him to expect two patients.”
“Why two?” one of the goons questioned. He looked at Daryl in disgust, something that irked you beyond belief. “Only the sexy lady here seems like she needs it.”
From the corner of your eye, you could clearly see Daryl tense up. To the untrained eye, they wouldn't even have noticed the way the archer's body language shifted, but you caught it. Of course you caught it. You knew Daryl better than anyone, and you knew that he was getting more pissed off by the second. One wrong move, and that man was more dead than the monster's that roamed the earth.
“Jesus, Dave,” Liam reprimanded him, clicking his tongue and shaking his head in disappointment. “You knocked the guy out with some hardcore stuff. We don't know how much of the fumes he inhaled. I don't want to take any chances. Our guests need to be properly checked out.”
Dave grumbled something under his breath, but ultimately agreed. However, right before he and the other man, who you assumed to be Marco, walked off in the direction of a small building, he stopped next to Liam and whispered something in his ear. The leader nodded before waving him off. They left and soon disappeared, and your attention quickly got drawn to the leader again.
Liam turned back to regard you and your husband. His lips formed into a tight smile, his eyes squinting with the pull of the muscles. For some reason, the action sent a shiver up your spine, and definitely not the good kind you'd experience when Daryl softly traced his fingers over your back. You had a lot to be wary of, and this Liam guy certainly didn't make a very good first impression on you or Daryl. You were sure that your husband wanted to lunge at the man and pound his face into the ground with his bare hands, and you definitely didn't blame him. You wanted to do the exact same thing.
Liam motioned to someone over your shoulder. In moments, somebody was grabbing at your shoulders and hoisting you up onto your feet. You stumbled a bit, not tumbling back to the ground only because Liam stepped forward to steady you. You instantly jerked back, moving away from his touch. You would've punched him for even thinking of touching you when he was the reason you were probably light-years away from your friends and family, but the rope tightly binding your hands stopped you from doing so.
You heard grunting coming from behind you. You spun around and saw the same goon practically manhandling your husband, forcing him up to his feet. When Daryl struggled against his hold, the man decided that punching him would be a good decision. The sight of Daryl being knocked back down to the gravel unleashed a certain protectiveness in you, and you took a warning step forward.
“You stay the fuck away from him, and keep your goddamn hands to yourself!” you yelled in anger, moving over to your husband and sinking down to your knees beside him. You thanked your lucky stars that your hands were bound in front of you and not behind your back, because it allowed you to trace your fingers over his face, searching for any bleeding. “Baby—”
“M'alrigh',” Daryl mumbled, glaring up at his attacker, his eyes alight with the fire of a thousand suns. “Asshole punches like a girl. No offense, Peach.”
You gave him a small smile. “None taken.” You helped him sit back up with a lot of effort, your hands straining against the rope and getting rope burn in the process. You clambered up onto your knees and carefully stood up, struggling to maintain your balance. Daryl followed your lead, and soon the two of you were stood in front of the leader.
Liam gazed at the two of you thoughtfully, his face unreadable. His green eyes flickered between you and Daryl for a moment too long for your liking before he readapted his smile. “Sorry about that, mate,” he began, his gaze landing on Daryl before moving over to the goon that had just attacked Daryl a few moments prior. “Peter just doesn't know how to behave himself.” The aforementioned man cowered under his leader's gaze, something you instantly picked up on and locked in the back of your mind. “Don't worry, he'll be punished appropriately.”
“Sir, please, I'm so—”
“Save it,” Liam snapped, glaring at the man harshly. “You know the rules, Peter. All actions have consequences. Those are the rules. If I ease up on you, the next person will expect me to do so and order will be disrupted.” He stopped for a few moments, simply staring at Peter with an unreadable look in his eyes. “You are dismissed. I expect you to be in my office in two hours. If you're not, well, you know what will happen.”
Whether that last part was a warning or a threat, you didn't know. However, what you did know was that for whatever reason, this Peter guy was deathly terrified of his leader. He visibly slumped and averted his eyes from everyone as he hurried away, practically bolting as if being chased by something.
Now being left alone with Liam, your eyes locked with the man's green ones. You couldn't quite place your finger on it, but there was something wrong with the man in front of you. He reminded you a lot of the Governor, the more you thought about it, but at the same time, he was different. It annoyed you to no end that you couldn't quite figure out exactly what about the green-eyed man made you feel cautious.
Well, his men ambushed and kidnapped you and your husband, so that was a pretty good place to start.
“Once again, I am so incredibly sorry about that,” Liam started, his face adapting a look of sympathy. “Peter is a rather new addition to my ‘police force’, so to speak. He hasn't quite learned that we don't resort to violence unless it's an absolute necessity.” He stopped for a second, looking at you before sighing. “Miss, I truly am sorry about what Peter did to you as well. Please excuse me for saying this again, but you do look like shit.”
You couldn't understand what this man's deal was. Merely a few minutes ago, while he was surrounded by multiple of his men, he had seemingly mocked you about the injuries you had sustained. However, now he was apologizing and being sympathetic? What was this man's motive?
“Now, Daryl and Y/N, I believe?” Liam began, successfully gaining confused and guarded looks from both you and your husband.
“How the hell do ya know tha'?” Daryl barked defensively, straightening his back to appear larger—almost as if he was facing a bear.
Liam's lips twitched up into a small wicked smirk at the archer, but he very quickly disguised it with a welcoming smile. “I know a lot of things, mate.” He shrugged his shoulders and motioned to the farmland surrounding you. “I need to know things to keep my people safe. They depend on me, you know?”
“Still doesn't answer my goddamn question,” Daryl practically growled, taking a threatening step towards the man. “How the fuck do ya know our names?”
Liam didn't falter under the Dixon man's harsh glare. If anything, he straightened his posture and met Daryl head-on, his height adding an advantage over the archer. However, having known your husband for a long time, you knew it was time to intervene before he started a fight he wouldn't be able to finish. His hands were tied and Liam had who knows how many people to back him up. The two of you were heavily outnumbered and outgunned.
“Daryl,” you called to him softly, raising your tied hands to gently grip his shoulder. “I really don't think that's the thing we should be concerned about right now. It doesn't matter if he knows our names. What matters is that we have to get the fuck out of here. We do that by playing along for now,” you mumbled into his ear, quiet enough to not alert Liam of your plan.
Daryl glared at the leader of the community for a few moments longer before stepping back, sharing a determined look with you. You gave him a small smile before turning back to Liam, regarding the green-eyed man with a strained, fake smile.
“I'm sorry about him,” you began, your voice sickeningly sweet. You were taking a page out of Carol's book—you were playing the wolf in sheep's clothing, biding your time until you and Daryl could strike back. You could only hope that your earlier outburst towards Peter wouldn't be used to call your bluff. “It's just that we weren't brought here under the friendliest circumstances. And now you know our names and it's a bit creepy. He's being wary.”
“For good reason,” Liam replied with a nod, motioning for you and Daryl to follow him. You shared a look with Daryl before following behind the man, Daryl following close behind. “You can't be sure about the dangerous pricks that are out there.”
“Ironic, ain't it?” Daryl grumbled lowly, glaring at Liam through his hair as the two of you followed behind the leader. He received a slight jab to his stomach from your elbow, and he let out a soft grunt.
“You see, that's why we built this place.” Liam walked on and motioned to the fields on his left. There were multiple people working on the crops; some watering, some picking, and some planting. You couldn't be completely sure, but you swore you saw a faint glint of metal wrapped around most of the workers' legs. Were you just out of it from the pain in your head, or were those shackles?
“Well, built is the wrong word. We found this farm back when everything first went to shit. The crops and the farmhouse were luckily still standing. We... expanded, so to speak. We built the walls to keep the flesh eaters out and built more homes on the property to house our growing population.” He stopped and turned back to you and Daryl. “I hope you don't mind, but you'll have to stay in the farm house with me for the time being. We're busy building new homes but it won't be ready for another couple of weeks, maybe months.”
“Jus' one question 'fore we decide,” Daryl began, stepping forward. “Why'd ya have to bring us here by force? Why didn't ya jus' ask us to come here instead of kidnappin' us?”
Liam stared at Daryl with a blank expression on his face. His face didn't give anything away, and it unnerved you beyond belief. However, he soon gave the two of you yet another smile. You were genuinely starting to wonder if his face was starting to hurt from the excessive amount of smiling.
“There's a reason for everything, champ. However, not everyone is allowed to know my reasonings to the things I do. That's reserved for the people I trust. But do know that I did it for your own goods. Between you and me, that entire building was surrounded by flesh eaters. You most certainly would've died without my men.”
“Wha' the hell do ya know 'bout—”
“Sir? I'm so sorry to interrupt you, but Dr Miller is ready for the new arrivals,” a small, timid woman spoke up, gaining the attention of you, Daryl and Liam.
“Ah, Mariah,” Liam spoke, nodding at her in greeting. He turned back to you and Daryl, using his hand to motion towards the woman. “Please follow her to Dr Miller. He'll make sure to patch you up and ensure you're fit and ready for tomorrow.” He walked a few steps backwards and clapped his hands twice. “Welcome to Sunny Meadows! Come meet me in the farm house once you're done.”
With that, he turned around and stalked off, leaving you and Daryl alone with the woman, Mariah. The aforementioned woman turned to look at the two of you. She was nervously fidgeting with her hands, her posture slouched and her eyes couldn't decide whether to focus on you, your husband, your wounds, the ropes tying your hands together, or the ground. You were confused by her obvious fear towards you. What people was she used to dealing with? Did she really think that you were going to hurt her?
“Please follow me,” she stammered out with a nervous squeak, turning around and speeding off into the direction of the very same building those other men, Dave and Marco, had disappeared into earlier.
You hesitantly started following her. Daryl grumbled and followed your lead, glaring at any person who dared to lock eyes with him. You had to withhold your chuckles at your husband, knowing that it was neither the time nor place for that. Under normal circumstances, you'd laugh at your husband's antics. But not now. Not when your main priority was getting the hell out of that place.
You soon arrived at the makeshift medical building. You followed her in, taking in the pure doctor-like feel of the building. If you didn't know any better and somebody had blindfolded you and brought you here, you would've believed that this was a legitimate doctor's office. But you did know better.
A man, who you presumed to be this doctor Miller character everyone was talking about, placed a syringe down on the table and gave you all inviting smiles. “Welcome!” he greeted you enthusiastically—and rather loudly, too. You winced at the sound, being painfully reminded of the incessant throbbing in your skull. “You both look rather terrible. Who should I focus on first?”
“Owen,” Mariah began in a soft voice. “If I may, maybe the woman? She took quite the beating.”
“Peter?” the doctor inquired, shaking his head and sighing when Mariah nodded. “That man has sent more patients my way than any scavenging trip accident has. I don't even know why your husband still keeps him around.”
Wait, husband? Liam was Mariah's husband? Then why was he treating her like that? Why was she so scared of him? A million different possibilities ran through your mind for the obvious fear the woman held towards her husband, and none of them were good. Daryl's ocean coloured eyes locked with your eyes. He visibly shared the same confusion as you. However, the doctor's orders caught your attention.
“Mariah, is it really necessary to have their hands tied? I can see the irritation from here. Please remove their binds.” Doctor Miller stopped for a moment, regarding you and Daryl with a thoughtful look. “Sir, ma'am, speaking from experience, please don't try to run or attack once those binds are removed. Whenever there's a new addition, the walls are very guarded. You'll be shot instantly.”
Mariah gingerly removed the ropes from your arms and tried to remove Daryl's. However, your husband flinched back at the foreign touch, making the woman confused. You simply gently pushed her aside and moved over to him, starting to untie his binds. This time, Daryl stood still, and in no time at all, his hands were freed. He rubbed his wrists, the rope burns visible.
“Alright,” the doctor started. “Ma'am, please lay down on the bed. I'll tend to you shortly. Sir, you may take a seat on that chair next to the bed while you wait.”
You looked out of the window and weighed your options. However, the doctor wasn't lying; there were multiple guards patrolling the walls in the distance. There also were guards walking up to the makeshift medical building, most likely being sent to ensure you and Daryl didn't try anything.
You had no other option. You had to continue playing along.
You slowly walked over to the bed and laid down. Daryl hesitantly plopped himself down on the chair next to the bed, his eyes darting around the room. He was clearly trying to think of an escape plan, but he wasn't succeeding.
“Alright,” Doctor Miller began, walking out of the side room and rolling a machine out with him.
You instantly knew what that machine was. “No, doctor, you can't. No, don't—”
“Woah, woah, woah.” Daryl stood up from the chair and glared at the doctor, his mind instantly assuming the worst at your reaction. “The hell is tha'?”
“Sir, please relax.” Mariah walked up to the side of the bed, grabbing a tube of some sort of gel from the drawer. “We have some new equipment we've been wanting to test out. We found this ultrasound machine yesterday. We just want to test it out and make sure it works.”
Your heart stopped beating. All at once, thoughts of your unborn baby flooded your mind. You couldn't believe that you had forgotten about the fact that you were pregnant. With everything that happened, your mind neglected to remind you of that pivotal fact. And now everyone was going to know, including your husband who you had yet to tell.
“Doc, I don't think that's a good idea,” you warned him, pleaded with him, but the man didn't listen.
“Nonsense. This'll be over before you know it. It won't hurt, I promise you.”
“Ma'am, can I lift your shirt?” Too frozen to answer her, you simply stared. Deciding for you, Mariah lifted your shirt a bit and opened the tube with the gel. “This might be a bit cold.”
The cold was the least of your worries. You had taken quite the beating. What if your baby was hurt? What if your baby was dead? What if the doctor couldn't find a heartbeat? All of those thoughts flooded your mind, so much so that you barely heard Daryl talking to the doctor.
“Why does she need'a do tha'? Can't some other chick do this?”
“I was going to ask someone to come in today to test it, but she's here now. Might as well get it out of the way.” Doctor Miller started with the exam, placing the object on your stomach and moving it around. At first, the screen didn't pick up a thing, and that made you want to cry. However, the steady thumping of a heartbeat could soon be heard, and a small figure appeared on the screen.
“Oh, wow. That's a strong heartbeat,” Doctor Owen Miller told you with a smile, the ultrasound depicting a growing baby. “Congratulations, you two.”
Your heart was attempting to jump out of your chest. It was amazing to you that the little blob on the screen would soon develop into a baby, your baby. You would pick out their name and scavenge for things for your little one, and you're sure Daryl would—
Oh, god. Daryl.
Slowly looking over to your left, you locked eyes with your husband. Instead of finding the love, affection and adoration that usually swam in his ocean coloured eyes, you found something else. You found anger, shock, worry, but above all else? You could see a renewed sense of determination in his eyes.
The archer was pissed at you for hiding your pregnancy and convincing him to let you wander beyond the walls, but he couldn't think about that. He had to get you to safety, away from these monsters. He had to keep you and your unborn baby safe.
The doctor should've heeded your warning. The doctor never should've insisted to take an ultrasound. Because of doctor Owen Miller, Daryl Dixon was determined. Daryl Dixon was going to tear that whole place apart, and anyone who dared to lay a finger on you would meet an agonizing end.
The people of Sunny Meadows were going to pay.
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dixons-sunshine · 11 days
Almost accidentally joined a voice/video chat on a discord server I'm in and nearly crapped myself lol. I should not be allowed near technology when I'm tired.
Anyways, chapter two to Yielding Isn't My Middle Name is done. Just need to proofread it, make a banner and find a GIF to fit the mood, and then it'll be posted. Also, I have a taglist for this story. If you wanna be added, let me know!
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dixons-sunshine · 14 days
Posting another sneak peek because I'm quite proud of the antagonist I'm writing. I was so scared I was writing him to be like Negan but some friends assured me I wasn't. I'm gonna continue working on the chapter tomorrow:)
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dixons-sunshine · 17 days
Hey! This is my first time writing one of these but I just wanted to let you know I love your writing! I’ve been a Daryl Dixon fan for a while now and your account is filled with amazing writing! I was also wondering when the second chapter to your new series was coming out? No rush what so ever I just read the first chapter and didn’t know if you discontinue your stories or not (even though it’s literally only been a few days since you posted the first chapter, I’m just curious lol)
First of, you wonderful anon who I wanna give a big hug to, thank you so much for the compliment! I've been feeling like my writing has been really lackluster lately so reading this made my day. I've had the worst couple of days since Sunday and my muse just decided to move out for the time being. However, I am busy working on chapter two! This series is not abandoned and I plan on seeing it through. My intention is to post a chapter once a week so that I have a little time between chapters to work on some one shots.
Thank you for reaching out to me about this! Not a lot of people seemed to actually be really into the first chapter lol so reading this made me want to get it written and ready tonight just for you. However, I do have a sneak peek to chapter two that I posted about ten minutes ago if you want to check that out. No pressure, of course 💜
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dixons-sunshine · 17 days
Another sneak peek to chapter two of Yielding Isn't My Middle Name because I'm just feeling out of it (I have nobody to talk to about it lol and I don't wanna burden people with my problems anyways) and I need something to distract myself.
“Oh, wow. That's a strong heartbeat,” the doctor, Owen Miller, told you with a smile, the ultrasound depicting a growing baby. “Congratulations, you two.”
Your heart was attempting to jump out of your chest. It was amazing to you that the little blob on the screen would soon develop into a baby, your baby. You would pick out their name and scavenge for things for your little one, and you're sure Daryl would—
Oh, god. Daryl.
Slowly looking over to your left, you locked eyes with your husband. Instead of finding the love, affection and adoration that usually swam in his ocean coloured eyes, you found something else. You found anger, shock, worry, but above all else? You could see a renewed sense of determination in his eyes.
The archer was pissed at you for hiding your pregnancy and convincing him to let you wander beyond the walls, but he couldn't think about that. He had to get you to safety, away from these monsters. He had to keep you and your unborn baby safe.
The doctor should've heeded your warning. The doctor never should've insisted to take an ultrasound. Because of Doctor Owen Miller, Daryl Dixon was determined. He was going to tear that whole place apart, and anyone who dared to lay a finger on you would meet an agonizing end.
The people of Sunny Meadows were going to pay.
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dixons-sunshine · 20 days
Okay, so idk if people would actually want this, but I'm gonna start a taglist for “Yielding Isn't My Middle Name”. If anybody wants to be tagged, just comment, inbox me, or dm me and you'll be added :) (Likes don't count, loves. I don't want to assume your like counts as an ask to be tagged and then tag you when you didn't want to be tagged. I need a clear “i wanna be tagged”, please 💜)
Currently busy with chapter two. Might have it done tonight, but probably not. I've been kinda busy these last few days.
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dixons-sunshine · 22 days
Yielding Isn't My Middle Name—Chapter 1 | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Chapter Summary: You and Daryl went on a run for some supplies when you stumbled across an injured man. While discussing whether or not to help the man with his injuries, something happened that instantly changed things for the two of you.
Genre: Fluff, angst towards the end.
Era: Alexandria, no Negan era.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of being knocked out and drugged.
Word count: 2.3k.
A/n: I'm so excited to get started on this! It's not my usual writing but this is such a cool idea that was requested. Not a lot of things going on in this chapter, but I promise that the next chapter will be better and longer. Anyways, I hope you like this!
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The groans of an unsuspecting walker were effectively silenced by the flying of an arrow through its rotting skull. The owner of that very arrow, Daryl Dixon, stepped forward and aggressively removed the object from the monster's skull, blood splattering everywhere, including on the archer's face.
“Fuck,” Daryl cursed, wiping at his face to get rid of the foul smelling black liquid that spattered on his face, but instead of ridding himself of it, the blood instead just smeared across his face. “Fuckin' dickhead.”
Soft giggles reached Daryl's ears, making a small smile tug at the corners of his lips. Daryl turned around and locked eyes with you, an amused smile painting your beautiful features.
“Wha's so funny?” Daryl questioned, his eyes following your movements as you carefully hoisted yourself over the table that was previously used to block the door.
You shook your head, your smile never leaving your face. “Nothing,” you began, placing your hand in his when he offered it to you. “Just thinking about all my hard work that has gone to waste.”
“Wha' are ya talkin' 'bout?” Daryl asked, helping you jump down from the large object. Even when you were on the ground, the archer's hand remained in yours, a rare occurrence that you treasured greatly.
“Just the fact that I meticulously cleaned you up in the shower earlier this morning, and not even three hours later, you're already dirty again,” you explained, playfully bumping your hip against his. “I don't think there's ever been a time when you were clean for more than a day.”
“S'wha' ya signed up fer when ya agreed to marry me, sunshine,” Daryl began playfully, eyeing the ring on your finger fondly. “In sickness and in health. In cleanliness and in filth.”
“That's not how it goes,” you laughed, rolling your eyes.
“S'how I remember it.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head in mock annoyance. “Let's just get the supplies and get home. I'm hungry and Carol promised she'd make that lasagna of hers for me.”
Daryl chuckled. “Told ya tha' ya should'a stayed home,” he began, holding his crossbow up as the two of you entered a different room of the small store Eugene had found on one of his maps. “Ya've been feelin' sick lately. Ain't managed to keep any food down fer a while now. Ya should rest, take tha' medicine Denise gave ya.”
You laughed nervously and let your hand drift down to your stomach once you were sure your husband wasn't looking, slightly rubbing your hand over the nonexistent baby bump—a bump that soon wouldn't be nonexistent. A bump that would change everything for you and Daryl. Something you had yet to tell your husband of, too nervous about his reaction to even approach the topic at all.
You knew you shouldn't have kept something like that from the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. The life that was growing inside of you was just as much his as it was yours, and he deserved to know. He deserved to know so that he could choose whether or not he wanted to embark on the journey of parenthood with you. If he didn't want to be a father, you would never make him feel obligated to stay with you and raise a child he didn't want. However, you selfishly wanted to prolong the inevitable discussion of your impending motherhood, wanting instead to enjoy moments like these with the man you loved; moments where you bickered playfully, where it felt like the two of you were the only people in the world.
“Peach?” Daryl questioned, snapping you from your train of thought. “Ya alrigh'?” he finished, looking over at you worriedly. You looked like a deer caught in headlights, and he didn't like that.
You quickly sent him, what you hoped was, a reassuring smile. “I'm fine. Just got a little woozy there for a second.”
“Ya wanna head on back?” Daryl asked quietly, his eyes holding that softness that he reserved only for you. “I can get some things by myself. Ya dun' need to be here.”
You shook your head in denial. “No, I'm fine. I promise. I wanna help you.”
Before your husband could continue his concerned persuading, a loud crash came from somewhere in the relatively small building. Both you and Daryl spun in the direction of the loud sound, both of you raising your respective weapons—you raising your gun, and Daryl raising his crossbow.
Daryl's eyes flickered back towards you, a cautious glint in his eyes. You were sure your eyes mirrored his apprehension. Without speaking a word, the archer moved forward, his footsteps silent from years of hunting practice. Following closely behind him, the two of you moved towards the one of the only other doors in the whole building. You knew the noise couldn't have come from the fire escape door, so there was only one other option; the one that led down to the basement.
Making sure to keep an eye out for any potential walkers, the two of you carefully walked down the stairs. Daryl made sure to be ahead of you, his need to protect you from any danger overshadowing everything else. If there was danger down there, whether it be from a walker or another human being, he wanted you to be able to flee first. He'd rather die himself than have to lose you.
You heard the injured person long before you saw them. The muffled cries of someone reached your ears instantly when you reached the bottom of the stairs. In the old world, you would've run to the person to help, no questions asked, but the apocalypse hardened you. You couldn't trust anyone, even if they were injured. You just had to be cautious. That was the way of life in the new world.
Daryl raised his crossbow more, steadying the heavy object in his arms. You moved to stand beside your husband, raising both your gun and your flashlight to illuminate the small room. The beam of the flashlight landed on a man, his tear filled brown eyes squinting against the harsh glare of the light. He was gripping his side hardly, but streams of blood still pooled from the open wound.
“Hello?” the man rasped out in a broken whisper. Daryl remained silent, opting instead to keep his weapon trained on the man, obviously making him even more nervous. “I'm not dangerous, I swear.”
“Are you armed?” you questioned, not lowering your gun until you were certain of the safety of your current predicament.
The man slowly nodded. “I have a knife,” he began, unsheathing his knife and sliding it over to the two of you. “And a gun in my bag over there, but it's practically useless. I don't have any bullets for the thing. I came down here hoping to find more, but then I fell and knocked against that shelf over there. That jagged piece of metal stabbed my side.”
“So now yer cryin' on the floor 'bout it?” Daryl questioned gruffly. “Ya couldn't walk it off? Yer the perfect bait fer the walkers righ' now.”
“Daryl,” you addressed him in a low, warning tone. “He's hurt and he hasn't pulled anything on us. He gave us his knife. I don't think we have to be that harsh right now.”
“I dun' trust him,” Daryl grunted, eyeing the man distastefully. “It was too easy. Would ya give yer weapons over to complete strangers tha' easily?”
“I'm right here, you know,” the man groaned out, wincing at the pain in his side.
“Ain't talkin' to ya. Shut up.” Daryl turned back to you, his eyebrows furrowed into a frown. “We can't trust him, Peach.”
You hesitated for a moment, your eyes flickering between the unknown man and your husband. “Can we at least help get him cleaned up and bandaged? He's gonna bleed out if we don't.”
Daryl sighed. “Yer too nice fer yer own good sometimes.”
“I'm gonna choose to see that as a compliment,” you began, a small smile spreading over your face. “Does that mean we can help him?”
“That isn't going to be necessary.”
A loud gunshot echoed through the room, the man you had wanted to help being murdered right in front of your eyes with a single bullet to the head. You gasped and instinctively raised your gun. However, before you could spin around and assess the threat head-on, you felt a harsh blow to the back of your head.
You fell to the floor, black spots coating your vision. A strident pain flooded through you, and you couldn't think clearly anymore. The last thing you remembered was Daryl calling out to you, your husband vigorously thrashing against the hold of your ambushers.
Then everything went black.
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You groaned in pain when you awoke. Your head was throbbing painfully, but when you tried to bring your hand up to rub at the pain, you realized you couldn't. Your hands were tightly bound behind your back, and you soon discovered that your legs were in the same predicament. You opened your eyes to scan your surroundings, but just to rub salt into the wound, you found that you couldn't see anything. A coarse material rubbed against your face, and you quickly figured out that you had a bag over your head, successfully obscuring your vision.
All at once, the memories about the events leading up to your predicament rushed back to you. The store, the basement, the man you wanted to help getting murdered, Daryl calling out to you—
You gasped and tried to sit up, worry flooding through you like an unstoppable river. “Daryl?” you frantically called out, your words muffled by the sack over your head. “Daryl?!”
“Y/n?” came the raspy reply from your husband.
You instantly felt relieved. “Daryl, oh my god.” You could feel tears welling up in your eyes, a lump forming in your throat. “You're okay.”
“M'okay,” Daryl replied in a hoarse voice. “Ain't me ya need to worry 'bout. They only drugged me with somethin'. Put a rag up to my mouth tha' made me pass out. They hit ya over the head with a gun. Tha's way worse.”
“I don't think that really matters right now,” you began, a bitter chuckle leaving you. “We need to get out of here.”
“We will,” Daryl confirmed, a sense of sureness in his voice. “I promise I'll get us outta here.”
The vehicle unexpectedly lurched to a stop. You fell back against the metal wall, your head banging against the hard surface, only adding to your already growing pain. You winced and cried out, unwillingly letting a tear slip from your eye.
“Fuck, Y/n!” Daryl called out to you. “I swear, I'll fuckin' kill these—”
Daryl didn't get to finish his threat. The back doors to the vehicle were flung open, the squeaking of the hinges alerting you to that fact. Before you could properly process what was happening, you were abruptly grabbed and pulled out of the vehicle.
You were thrown down to the gravely ground, your captors only doing you one favour, which was to cut the rope that bound your feet together.
You were forced onto your knees, the little rocks painfully digging into your jeans. The sack was ripped off of your head, and you had to shut your eyes against the blinding rays the sun emitted. However, you heard a grunt to your left, making you look over. Your eyes fell on your husband, and you were relieved to note that he didn't seem to have any physical injuries, except for a cut on his cheek.
Daryl looked over to you and his eyes held both worry and anger in them. However, he couldn't say anything, because a man quickly made his presence known.
“Bloody hell, darling,” the man drawled, his British accent thick. “You look like shit. My men really did a number on you.”
You looked up at the man with a glare. You remained silent, eliciting a laugh from the green eyed man. He shook his head and walked over to Daryl, regarding the man with a smirk on his face.
“All you got was a cut?” he tsked. “Your girl over here have to protect you?” He laughed before continuing. “What's your name, soldier?”
Daryl clenched his jaw in anger, his blue eyes glaring daggers at the man who seemed to be in charge. He refused to break, refused to give the man a sliver of anything that could reveal too much about the two of you.
“Not gonna give me a name?” he asked rhetorically. His smirk widened into a wicked smile. “Okay, then allow me to introduce myself instead.” He extended his arms, as if basking in the sunlight. “I'm Liam Davis, head of the Knights. Welcome to Sunny Meadows, and a new, better life for the two of you. That is, if you do your part, of course. We don't take well to freeloaders. No more life on the road for you. We're here to ensure a better tomorrow for all of us.”
You frowned and glanced over at Daryl, meeting his eyes. Both of you were confused beyond belief, but there was one thing you were deathly certain of:
The two of you were in crap ton of trouble.
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dixons-sunshine · 22 days
Aah, yes. The calm before the storm. I love it.
(another sneak peek because I just started on chapter one and I'm having so much fun while writing it.)
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I know I said I wasn't gonna write this weekend, buuuuttt I had a bit of free time and decided to get started on this. There isn't gonna be a lot of action in this chapter, but we're gonna be introduced to the main antagonist real soon 🤭
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dixons-sunshine · 23 days
A little sneak peek to my upcoming series:
(made a mood board because why not?)
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“Ya best let her go, ya fuckin' asshole!” Daryl yelled angrily, desperately pulling against the chains that kept him shackled to the wall. Despite the furious facade the archer was keeping up, he was scared beyond belief. Where was this guy taking you? Would they hurt you? Would they kill you? He didn't even want to entertain that last thought. “Wha' are ya gon' do to her?”
Liam, the man who had brought the two of you to that hellhole in the first place, harshly pushed you into the arms of another man. He turned to Daryl with a wicked smirk on his face, the scar at the edge of his mouth adding to the cruelness the man exuded. Daryl would never admit it, but that look sent a terrifying shiver up his spine.
“All I'm gonna say is that she never should've tried to kill my brother. Now she has to pay, just like everyone else.”
With that, Liam turned back around and stalked out of the room with an air of arrogance around him. His henchmen followed closely behind, one of them dragging your unconscious body like you were nothing but a mere ragdoll.
As hard as Daryl pulled against the chains, as loud as he yelled, as much as he pleaded, it didn't matter. The door to his cell was closed with a loud bang, leaving him in the darkness, alone with his own thoughts. As tears filled the huntsman's eyes, only two thoughts remained on his mind; would he ever see you again, and would your unborn baby be okay?
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