#ying-yue and takeo
shroudkeeper · 2 years
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The moon and the stars / Ying-Yue and Takeo
It has always been close to me. How many more times do I still Need to say goodbye to the you of that time? A distant fragment of you shined deep inside my heart.
..She belonged to the kami, in a realm beyond the earthly domain he inhabited, yet she came to see him many a time after their first meeting. He gave her a name for she could not offer one, he recognized her as moon’s grace, the benevolent beacon of moon glow he wished to keep with him until his dying days, to illuminate the darkest parts of his path.
Ying-Yue forsook her heavenly domain to live a mortal’s lifetime, to share in the joys and sorrows that came along with it, if it meant that she was to know what it meant to live. The sacrifice was that she would not be able to return to the pulchritudinous domain of the tennyo, and her life-span would be that of a flower, withering when her bloom is over.
But, the love she received, the love she gave, would remain to be a story that would surpass their shared time upon this star.
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regalblossom · 2 years
under starry skies
The tale of Ying Yue ( 映月 ) 
The Reflection of the Moon. 
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During an evening hunt, when the moon's light bathed the quiet terrain, Takeo encountered a billowing silhouette cast against the glow of the heavens upon this auspicious evening. She was adorned in a hagoromo of ivory, with hair touched of moon glow and falling stars, and was perched high upon a gnarled pine's bough alone. So still she was that he believed that she herself was part of the tree’s design, but so captivated was Takeo by the ethereal vision, he dared not approach believing that the illusion would dissipate.
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The onmyoji had encountered many a spirit in his travels and hunts, though none as striking as this. Takeo was inspired to write a haiku at that very moment as he watched from the tapestry of mottled shadows cast upon tree he sought shelter under. It would be proof that he was not ensnared by a dream, that she was indeed existing before him. And so, from within his bag, he produced a scroll and found a quill with its inkpot to quickly put thought to parchment before it eluded him.
Celestial being, how the moon must envy you, gentle is your light.
Though when he looked up to see her anew, the woman in feathery garments was no longer there, only the face of the moon greeted him, but the image of her yet burned in the recesses of his mind.
It was the first of several haiku he would write, often taking detours purposely to return to the area where he last saw her, and only when the moon was at her fullest.  He would bring a scroll of his latest haiku and leave it nestled at the base of the tree in hopes that she would come upon it ..and take his offering in kind.
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Summer segued into autumn, and Takeo had not yet caught sight of the vision he saw in spring, when the blooms perfumed the path he traveled upon. Despite this, he continued to leave his gifts for her in hopes that she would receive them. He described her like the moon, distant, beautiful, a beacon of light amid the dark. In just three lines she learned more about his heart with each scroll left behind.
 Wrapped in moonlight, and the cool embrace of the evening's fog, she would descend to the earth and collect her most treasured gifts. For sometime she would not leave any indication of her visits behind, until in late autumn, before winter’s chill was cast upon the land. It was then that white flowers would mark the area where his scrolls where.
Speak your name to me A whisper upon the wind Let me listen.
Winter arrived and with it the vision of spring in white. She looked the very image of before, adorned in her garments of ivory, this time her eyes had sought his own, and in that moment, he dared to approach her perch, and ask for her to descend and join him upon the cool earth.
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shroudkeeper · 2 years
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The Reflection of the Moon. 🌙
映月  - Ying Yue
A monogatari told in images.
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shroudkeeper · 2 months
Lady Kikyo Takahashi
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thank you so much for the tags: @sealrock / @chadhunkler / @thefreelanceangel / @archaiclumina - I appreciate you all thinking of me!
I would like to tag @archaiclumina / @aethergazing / @aethernoise / @ishgard / @fatewalker / @gatheredfates / @houserosaire / @ungrateful-cyborg / @ahollowgrave / @icehearts / @rasenkaikyo / @riftdancing / @avampyone - and anyone else interested, you're tagged by me, love!
Name: Takahashi Kikyo ( formely Miyoshi ) Nicknames: Yugao-hime, Kikyo-dono, Shinigami, Little Kami Age: 25 Springs Nameday: 4th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon Race: Miqo'te ( both Sun and Moon ) Gender: Cis female. Orientation: Demiromantic / Demisexual Profession: Teacher of the arts and language, the Shepherd of Souls
—𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒔
Hair: Once a light lilac, it has darkened into a rich purple hue. Eyes: Golden Skin: Dark brown Tattoos/scars: A few faded scars from a previous life. Most of the others are not privy to the naked eye.
Parents: Miyoshi Takeo & Miyoshi Ying-Yue ( both deceased ) Siblings: None. Grandparents: Unknown. In-laws and Other: The adopted father is Takahashi Fusanosuke. Clan brothers, adopted from vassals, Kurosawa Hiroshi and Seito. Pets: Kumo, her father's loyal shiba.
Abilities: Due to her over-abundance of dark aether and her connection to the yomi, Kikyo utilizes umbrakinesis to manipulate darkness to her will, further amplified by the use of 离别钩 ( The Parting Hook ) which is a scythe that only her hands can wield, due to its ability to draw the life force from anyone who comes in contact with it, she is burdened with carrying this tool of death; the devourer of life. Though Kikyo is mostly seen with that weapon, she is also trained in the art of iaido from Hayate, a master swordsman in iaijutsu, however, it is on rare occasions that Kikyo is seen carrying her beloved swords. Hobbies: Playing her variety of instruments, painting, pressing flowers, volunteering, and making wagashi.
Most Positive Trait: Unfaltering kindness. Most Negative Trait: Self-sacrificing.
Colors: Red, purple, and white. Smells: Incense, pine trees, flowers, freshly brewed tea, and salt from the sea. Textures: Silk, bamboo, grass, snow, ash. Drinks: Tea ( green, barley, oolong )
—𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔
Smokes: No. Drinks: On certain occasions, Kikyo would partake in sake or plum wine. Drugs: Never. Mount Issuance: She once had a horse-bird when traveling in Gridania, however, while in the East, Kumo wears a charm that allows him to grow in size and offer reprieve when she needs to travel far. Been Arrested: She was detained by the occupation of Garleans, who invaded her village, for sheltering refugees seeking safe passage, and previously due to practicing her faith openly.
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shroudkeeper · 2 years
.onerous // prompt .06
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“Her name .. will be Kikyo, a flower born under the moon,” her soft voice reflected the warmth that was found within her amethyst-hued gaze as she looked down at the babe cradled in her slender arms. The child was born under the season of spring, birthed under twilight when the hour was nigh for spirits to cross into the realm. 
Ying Yue was radiant, despite her exhaustion after her labors, for mirth had replenished her spirit entirely as she looked at the peaceful expression upon the babe’s face. Her hand brushed the silk of lavender hair, matching that of her own, away from her slumbering eyes. “She is beautiful, we have been blessed,” she whispered while a kiss was placed upon her brow, Takeo wrapped his arms around them both, keeping them warm against the cool breeze of the evening. The chimes rang out quietly into the night’s air, a melody of silver bells that kept the unwelcomed at bay. 
“A gift.. though I fear for her path,” He admits in a whisper; the joyous occassion was not meant to be soured in such a way, but he could not help to think ten steps ahead instead of living in the moment of it all. She could not ignore the worr  intricately laced within his words, a cumbersome feeling she wished to dispel as if waving away the coiling smoke of incense. Gingerly, she took his hand and guides it towards the extremely small hand of his daughter, one that he knew would have to carry the burden of his family’s tradition, a responsibility that had become more dangerous as the day had grown long.
“We do not know where her path may lead,” came the tender voice of the mother, speaking quietly to not only to her husband but the sleeping child, “..if she will face such hardships, but if she does, you and I will be there for her, to guide her.” 
Ying offered a comforting smile to counter the dour expression that was painted upon her husband’s lips. “We shall be the beacon in the dark, support her in her darkest of hours. Together.” Fingers curled around the cut of his jaw and he leaned into her hand, kissing her thumb as he acquiesced to her words.
“Together, then.” He repeats against the soft, sun-kissed cheek of his wife before his forehead presses upon her painted flower adorning hers.
Unfortunately, together did not mean forever, for they did not know where their own paths would lead, and how it would come to end.
a bit of background for my dear @regalblossom 🌸
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