#yknow i really like writing goofy shojo-esque storylines
pavo-ocxllus · 1 year
heheheh hihi! i’d like to drop a request for bb geppie.. you can choose any reader for this i really don’t mind. butbutbut i’ve been thinking about him having a crush on a friend or even band partner of serval’s😞 serval teasing him abt it and sets them up
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"you really like that track in particular, hmm?"
GEPARD jumped at the sudden sound of his sister's voice in his ear, clattering a bunch of vases packed full of flowers in front of him. quickly, he straightened them out and placed them in their original positions on the display, but a glare was fixed on his face (of course, not because of the flowers.)
"what did i say about approaching me like that during my break?"
"what did i say about spending a lot of time here without buying anything?"
the younger brother could only retort in a sigh as serval laughed heartily, red coating his cheeks. he wasn't the best with comebacks anyway—looking at the pretty flowers trying to clear his head was a much easier task.
"...it wasn't playing that loud, was it?"
"you would put our concerts to shame, geppie."
the red on his face bloomed further as he yanked out the single ear bud in his ear and stuffed it in his pocket.
"i don't blame you, though... [name]'s got some nice pipes."
gepard started to frantically look around the area in a burst of panic. "don't mention their name so loudly!!"
serval didn't seem to fit into gepard's requirements for 'quiet,' so he started to groan with noises that didn't seem comprehendible to anyone other than her.
"relax, i'll let you shoot your shot with them!"
"i assure you, i'm not 'shooting' any 'shots' anytime soon."
it was then his older sister's turn to sigh.
"fine..." she trailed off while her eyes wandered to stare blankly behind gepard. suddenly, serval perked up. "ah! do me a favor and buy those ball peonies for me? give them to the first person you see."
"...what?! that's ridiculous-!"
"just trust me on this!"
gepard simply grumbled—whatever, at least his older sister would leave him alone for the time being. serval took it as an acceptable answer and left the scene satisfied, beckoning the eversummer florist's shopkeeper over to purchase a small bouquet for him.
once again, he jumped at the sudden voice, immediately recognizing who it was. swiftly, he tried to conceal the flowers behind his armor, hoping his hastiness was left unnoticed.
"i—uhm—" he cut himself by coughing, trying to compose himself. "h-hello there."
the pieces of the confusing puzzle were already getting put together in gepard's mind.
"hello to you, too," you giggled. he never understood how you simultaneously make him feel relaxed and nervewrackingly anxious at the same time. "those flowers are lovely."
you prodded at the arrangement, carefully nestling the petals in between your fingers.
"say... it's not often that people would buy ball peonies, especially for their price. what do you plan on doing with these—?"
"I'D—i mean—i would like to be extend these towards you," the words shot out of his mouth and the next thing he knew, his arm jolted out robotically. "...on the behalf of my sister."
it was just then when he finally realized what serval set him up to do.
to his horror, you simply blinked owlishly. he personally thought that the simplest of gestures were more intolerable than grander ones—it only clouded up one's intentions, only making it more frustrating for gepard to understand what was happening.
"uh, i'm quite flattered, heh," you rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly while embarrassment quelled within him. gepard didn't know what was worse, the fact that he caused this mess for serval or that he was supposed to be the one doing this. "but... i'm not interested in your sister."
of course, he was elated at the news on the inside... but he wasn't going to show that! instead, he decided to focus something else that was itching the back of his mind.
"i deeply, deeply apologize for causing you all this trouble—"
"—no, no! it's fine!" you knew he was about to go through this song and dance that could easily be substituted with two words, so you spared him the trouble by snatching the flowers out of his grasp. forcefully, you pushed your hands into gepard's to take his attention off of his apology.
"to be honest, you're really the one who caught my interest..." you flushed, much to gepard's confusion. if anything, he was the one that should be embarrassed (not that he wasn't.) "although... how about we take this more slowly?"
"i-" he sighed, a letting small smile on to his face as the tension in his shoulders disappeared. "that's what i was hoping to hear."
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note: according to the hsr wiki, it's implied that ball peonies are believed to have one's significant other say yes when asking for their hand in marriage!
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𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 <𝟑
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