#ymata one shot
ailendolin · 2 years
I finished The Wrong Mans yesterday and while I enjoyed it a lot, I have to admit I didn't enjoy it as much as I did YMATA. Though to be fair, you can't really compare the two shows and Mat's acting in YMATA is just on a whole different level simply because he's playing two very different roles at once.
That being said, one of my favourite things about The Wrong Mans is how Sam and Phil get thrown into these awful situation and try so hard to do the right thing but end up making everything worse for themselves and yet somehow still manage to outsmart all the professionals around them, both good and bad, by sheer dumb luck. I think that's also why I prefer series 1 to series 2 overall. I just love this sense of, "Oh, surely this can't get worse - oh no, here we go again."
Other favourite bits include:
Sam and Phil breathing into the paper bag to calm themselves down
Bob Peter Peter as a police officer
Whatever Marat had going on - that guy was fun!
Jim Howick randomly appearing as Sam and Lizzie's friend
Jim Howick actually taking Lizzie's side after the break-up
Sam protecting Phil and getting shot for him
Phil undressing Sam in prison and showing off the wrong shoulder first
SKYDIVING (I can't believe they actually did that! Mat's miserable face in the behind the scenes feature is so hilarious 🤣)
Hadley Fraser as an MI5 agent
The cinematic parallels of Sam and Phil reuniting with their loved ones
Phil's mum - she's so precious!
Sam constantly attracting unwanted attention and just rolling with it
Sam and Phil being badasses in the least badass way possible
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