#yo my fuckihnggg gODDD
cullxtheherd · 3 years
#a quick updoot-#starting up pain management again with a new doc#yesterdays appointment was more beneficial than the other three 'professionals' i have seen in the past 7 years#got much needed mri scheduled for my neck#a catscan/ultrasound of my leg to check for clots b/c of extreme swelling (not sure which theyre gonna do yet)#aaand since he listened to me instead of brushing me off- yknow the part where i say#my birth mother was diagnosed with fibromyalgia many years ago but idk if that is whats wrong with me#he actually said the words i have been expecting for the past several years#'sounds like youve probably got fibromyalgia#but im going to order some films just to make sure yoir spine isnt being compressed'#yo my fuckihnggg gODDD#i could have cried because for this entire time the doctors i have seen have brushed me off refused to listrn AND#my first neurosurgeon and primary care doctor- both boomers lmao#their mf profrssional opinion of me was#'youre young you should be fine'#and let me tell yall the past 7 years of unbearable and widespread chronic pain have been so FINE LMAO#i havent worked this entire time and have riddenthr line of becoming financially destitue many excruciating times#but now?? my spouse finally has a job that respects and recognizes him#we finally have insurance that isnt nearly bankrupting us#and i finally found one#(1) O N E#doc that will listen#....im hoping this means things are going to get better from here on out#but holy GOD#idk if any of you have taken lyrica/pregabalin in the past or currently but#fuck holy fuck fucking never felt so drunk and sloppy in my life without actually taking a single sip#i finally slept more than 2-3 hours?? ?#its been weeks/a month since my nighttime mf tranquilizer stopper working#i canthjehdibfkfhsi#not only did sleep happen but my muscles stopped being bunched up and painful for a few hours
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