#yoo min
1liv · 8 months
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krayonimous · 8 months
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BTS? I like them too. Dynamite is great, I like Spring Day, though. I like Spring Day, too!
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moonlightsdream · 5 months
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FILMS in 2024: 28 | Oldboy 올드보이 (2003) — dir. Park Chan Wook
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dingyuxi · 10 months
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shitposting-i-guess · 9 months
If I had a nickel for every time I watched a webtoon-turned-kdrama in which the fml discovers her fiancé (who doesn't actually love her) and her sister/sister figure (who is always belittling her and planning her downfall while pretending to be nice) together and dies in a tragic manner, then travels back in time and decides to get revenge with the help of a good female friend and the rich successful ml who is also the fiancé's boss and has also travelled back in time and has a certain physical mark to prove it and has been in love with her since before, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't alot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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cinefiliz · 27 days
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Go Min Si as Yoo Seong Ha in The Frog (2024)
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kateknowsdramas · 10 months
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After I met you, I learned that happiness is in the everyday. That it's in the moments we pass by daily. So this is our perfect marriage.
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storge · 11 months
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That… That was not enough.
Perfect Marriage Revenge (2023)
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agentmilayawithshield · 7 months
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redrose10 · 8 months
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Chapter 11! Thank you for all the comments and messages. It is appreciated! I love hearing everyone’s theories.
Yoongi X Female Reader. CEO/Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: You were selected to marry the wayward CEO/Billionaire/Heir, Min Yoongi. You went into it with an open mind and heart determined to try and make it work. Yoongi on the other hand had no intention of ever letting you in let alone allowing himself to fall in love with you. Slowly you start to associate the smell of cinnamon and vanilla with the feelings of hurt and sorrow.
Word count: 2,815
Warnings: (May get updated as chapters progress): Arranged marriage, cheating/infidelity, hints of smut (Probably won’t get very explicit but we’ll see how it goes), Sexual Assault, Brief mentions of death, Reader grew up an orphan, General Angst, Swearing
Tag List: @gimeow @kam9404 @baechugff @gaby-93 @kayleefriedchicken @igot7fairlyoddparents @jalexad @drrookie
You swung open the door unaware of the information that had just been disclosed., “Alright guys, I got some pork and beef and a few different sides. I hope that’s enough. It smelled amazing in there so I think this will be good.”, you said closing the door behind you after returning from the restaurant. When you turned around you could tell the atmosphere felt different than what it was when you left. Yoongi was staring off into space while fidgeting with the hem of his tshirt and Jin seemed very jittery as well. You started unloading the food onto the table which Jin graciously thanked you for getting. He ate so quickly you were afraid he was going to choke. Yoongi on the other hand wouldn’t touch the food. Even when you grabbed the chopsticks and tried to feed him he shook his head and refused to eat.
“I’m going to go make a couple phone calls and see if we can get this all finally cleared up.”, Jin said before wiping his mouth with a napkin and walking out the door.
“So anything new happen while I was gone?”, you asked taking a bite of the food.
Yoongi felt the room spin again making him feel sick. All he could do was shake his head.
“Hey are you okay?”, you asked concerned with how much his demeanor had changed since you left. He gave you a tight lipped smile and nodded. You continued to eat in silence sneaking little peaks of him while he sat there picking at the skin on his thumb.
Eventually Jin came walking back in and sat down with a smile, “So as mentioned earlier the police are willing to cooperate with the cash payment and be forced to drop all charges against Yoongi. Now as far as Suri and Hwan are concerned they are willing to just drop everything as well as long as Y/N agrees to not press charges against Hwan for what happened at the auction.”
You pondered your options for a moment. You looked Yoongi over and noticed how pale he looked. The circles under his eyes somehow looked darker than they were when you left. You could only imagine how you looked. You were both exhausted physically and emotionally and just wanted to go home. You were also smart enough to know that Suri must have bigger plans and this was just some kind of a distraction or something.” As much as I’d hate to see that creep walk free I’m at the point where I just don’t want to talk about it any more and I just want it to be over with. So if that’s what gets us out of here then that’s fine but make sure he knows how much of a low life he is and if he ever comes anywhere near me or Yoongi again I promise that I won’t be so generous.”
Jin lightly chuckled and nodded, “I’ll let them know. I’m sorry that it came to this Y/N. I’m going to have Jimin give you a ride home as it’ll still probably be a couple hours for everything to get cleared with Yoongi, you know paperwork and boring stuff.”
You looked over at Yoongi to make sure he was going to be okay but he wouldn’t even look at you.
“Yoongi do you want me to stay? I really don’t mind.”, you asked secretly hoping he would say yes.
“You should go back to Jimin’s.”, was all he responded with his eyes still trained on a crack in the wall.
“Alright well call me if you need anything.”, you said to both of them but mostly Yoongi. Jin opened up the door for you with a smile and pointed to where Jimin was waiting down the hall so you could make your way there. After he made sure you found what you were looking for he turned his attention back to Yoongi.
“Look you have to keep it together. Y/N is smart. She’s going to know something is wrong right away if you keep acting like you’re on another planet.”
“What did Suri say?”
“She’s willing to give you one month to figure something out. After that she’s going to the media to announce she’s pregnant with your child and that you’ve completely abandoned.”
Yoongi scoffed, “I didn’t abandon her. She never even told me she was pregnant.”
“Yoongi are you sure you are the father? I mean is it possible that she’s lying? You did say you haven’t slept with her in a while. Does the timeline match up?”
“I mean we always used protection but you know things can happen. She’s an evil desperate woman so of course she could be lying as well. I don’t know any more. How far along is she?”
“Well according to this ultrasound it appears that she’s about twelve weeks at this point.”
Yoongi took a deep breath and groaned.
“So I’m guessing that means the baby could be yours.”, Jin wondered out loud.
“The last time was probably about twelve weeks ago. I don’t really remember at this point. Jin what am I going to do? I don’t want to loose Y/N. Not now. I was just starting to make some progress on getting her to give me a chance and I was really trying to earn her forgiveness. This is going to mess everything up.”
Jin chuckled, “Look I’m going to tell you this not as your lawyer not as a business partner but as your friend because I think you need a strong dose of reality. You have no one to blame for this mess but yourself. The day we met Y/N I told you to give her a chance. I told you she seemed like a sweet genuine person who would treat you right and be everything you needed. But did you listen? NoooOOOoo! You’re Min Yoongi and no woman is ever going to tie you down again all because one woman broke your heart years ago. You always have to prove that you’re unbreakable. You’ve continually broke Y/N’s heart over and over and she still looks at you with compassion and love. She still worries about you even though you don’t deserve any of it. Now it’s time for you to grow up and face your consequences and you should hope and pray that this baby isn’t yours and that Y/N will still be understanding once it’s all said and done. But for now let’s just keep this information between us. Hopefully we can somehow convince Suri to have a prenatal DNA test done and if we’re lucky the baby isn’t yours and Y/N will never have to know.”
“And if the baby is mine?”, Yoongi asked already fearing the answer.
Jin scoffed, “Well then let me be the first to congratulate you Min Yoongi. My gift will be in the mail.”
Jin packed up his briefcase, “I’m gonna do a final check and make sure you’re good to go. I’ll call you in the morning. Go home and try to get some sleep. Don’t do anything stupid.”
Yoongi watched as Jin’s broad shoulders made their way through the door. Not long after one of the officers came by and told him he was free to go so he grabbed his jacket and phone and went outside where a car was already waiting for him.
Just as he was about to get in the vehicle he heard the sound of heels hitting concrete and then someone spoke making his skin crawl and his ears burn.
“I told you that it wouldn’t be that easy to get rid of me.”
Yoongi groaned and turned around, “Really Suri? This is what you’ve come down to? You are a disgusting vile person.”
“Well if it isn’t the pot calling the kettle black. You’re no Prince Charming yourself Yoongi. I don’t remember you calling me vile when you were begging me not to stop as I was riding you in your bed while Y/N was in other room asleep or the time I was hiding underneath your office desk with your dick still in my mouth because Y/N came to surprise you with a lunch she made. You are just as vile as me, if not worse. I believe the word that Y/N used was despicable.”
“How do you know about that?”, he looked at her through narrow eyes.
“I have my ways Yoongi. I know a lot more than you think.”
“Fuck off Suri.”
“Is that any way to talk to the mother of your unborn child? Is that how you’d talk to Y/N if she was pregnant with your baby?”
Yoongi stared at her with disgust as a car pulled up behind her. She swung open the back door before turning to him, “You have 30 days Yoongi. 30 days to figure this all out or I go to the media and tell them about our soon to be little family.”
The car sped off leaving him to stand and stare before his own driver got out and asked if he was okay. Yoongi nodded and got in the backseat.
The next morning you woke up feeling exhausted and sore. Your headache was so bad that you even made some coffee hoping the caffeine would do the trick. Jimin was still asleep and you were glad for the silence. Checking your phone you found nothing exciting just a message from Yoongi letting you know he was home and to call him when you got up. You went to hit his contact when you remembered another important call you had to make. Scrolling through your phone you found the name you were looking for and clicked dial. It went to voicemail. You tried again but right to voicemail. Finally you just decided on a text.
You: Hey Namjoon, just wanted to check in and see how you were doing. I was shocked to see you at the police station last night. Just wondering what that was all about. Give me a call when you can!
You tossed the phone down on your bed as you had a feeling you wouldn’t be getting a response any time soon. You decided to take a shower and get ready before giving Yoongi a call. Once you finally dialed his number he picked up on just the second ring.
“Good morning Y/N, how are you feeling today?”
“Alright I guess. How are doing?”
“Not bad.”
There was a long silence before he continued,
“So umm Y/N, I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight. I have something I wanted to tell you.”
“Oh yeah sure. What time were you thinking?”
“About 6:00 if that works for you? That way we can eat and talk about some things and then you’ll be able to get back to Jimin’s before it gets too late.”
“Actually Yoongi, I was wondering if maybe I could move back in with you?”
Yoongi felt his heart skip a beat, “It’s up to you Y/N. This is your home too so you’re welcome back any time.”
“Okay great! I’ll see you later Yoongi.”
“Bye Y/N.”
Yoongi tried to fake a smile as he said goodbye. He never thought you’d ever want to willing move back to the home you shared. Unfortunately he knew that once he told you his news, you wouldn’t want to stay in the same room with him let alone live in the same home together.
Yoongi paced back and forth around the kitchen. He had tried to busy his mind all day by cooking an intricate dish he thought you’d like. He fixed his tie for probably the twentieth time. Was he too dressed up? Maybe he should’ve just went with jeans and T-shirt like he originally planned. He knew he put on a little too much cologne especially considering the history the two of you had with it. He took a peak at the clock to see if he had enough time to shower and change again when panic set in. It was twenty minutes after six and you were late. You were never late. He began running through every possible scenario.
What if you changed your mind? What if you found out about the baby before he could tell you? Oh my god what if Suri hired a group of assassins to find you and…?”
Before his mind could finish the thought he heard the door click open. Quickly he ran over breathing a sigh of relief as he found you taking off your jacket and hanging it on the rack. “Hi, Sorry I’m late. I stopped at that new bakery to get us some desserts and I think half of Seoul also had the same idea.,” you chuckled handing him the box of various pastries you had picked up. He noticed your bag sitting by the door causing his chest to ache. You really were prepared to move back in and he was going to chase you away again.
Once back in the kitchen he set the box down on the counter and went to ask you what drink you’d like when you surprised him by wrapping your arms around his torso squeezing him tight. You took a deep breath to inhale the familiar cinnamon and vanilla scent. A little stronger than usual but you had to admit that you kind of missed it in a weird messed up way.
“Hey are you okay?”, Yoongi asked concerned when you didn’t pull away.
“Yeah the last few weeks have just been a lot.”, you mumbled into his chest. He squeezed you a little tighter knowing that this was probably going to be the last hug he’ll ever get from you.
Once you pulled away with slightly blushed cheeks he invited you to take a seat at the table while he brought the food over.
Yoongi picked at as much of his food as he could stomach but he just tried to enjoy the moment with you knowing that as soon as he started talking things were going to take a turn for the worst. Even though Jin was adamant to not let you find out about the pregnancy right now, Yoongi didn’t want to hide anything from you any more. He barely slept all night, instead tossing and turning weighing his options but ultimately decided that it was best for you to find out from him personally instead of later on or god forbid from someone else entirely because he had no idea who else knew about his situation at this point.
“Hey are you okay? You seem really out of it?”, you asked pulling Yoongi from his thoughts. He nodded with a tight lip smile.
“You said you had something you wanted to talk about. Is that where your brain has been?”
Yoongi set his chopsticks down and took a big breath trying to calm his nerves. You noticed the slight shake to his hands which made your insides churn because this couldn’t be good news.
“Yoongi whatever it is just tell me. At this point there’s not much that will shock me.”
He chuckled to himself because you had no idea.
“Y/N, I don’t really know how to tell you this so I’m just going to come out and say it but I uh I might have gotten Su-“
Before he could finish your phone began to ring. The contact showing as Namjoon.
“I’m so sorry Yoongi but it’s Namjoon and I’m worried if I don’t answer it I won’t get in contact with him again. I want to find out why he was at the police station last night.”
Yoongi nodded and you picked up the phone greeting Namjoon a little more friendly than you probably should have. He couldn’t hear what was being said on Namjoon’s end but you seemed to get more and more upset the longer you were on the phone with him.
“Well yeah Namjoon I was just wondering why you were at the police station. It seemed a little suspicious given who you were with.”
“How did you meet her?”
“Mmhm and how long has that been going on?”
“Are you fucking kidding me? What do you mean Suri is pregnant?”
You glared over at Yoongi and he felt his stomach drop. Looks like the news was already broken to you.
“Okay text me the address. We’re on our way.”
You slammed your phone down on the table so hard you’re pretty sure you cracked the screen.
“That’s it. I’m gonna kill her. I can’t do it any more. She’s lucky she’s pregnant or I would go over there right now and strangle her myself.”you said pacing back and forth.
Yoongi looked at you wide eyed. He’d never seen you act like this and he was torn between being scared, being nervous, and also kind of liking it in a way.
You turned your attention back to Yoongi making him jump a little, “Come on Yoongi. We’re going to meet Namjoon at his sisters house. He said he has some important stuff to tell us about Suri and how he ended up getting her pregnant.”
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dangermousie · 10 months
This is AMAZING!!!!
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Oh my GOD! "Use me," he said. And she did. This is pretty epic - he's in love and she knows he is, she's not (or not realizing her feelings) and he knows she isn't, and they bang with him wanting to make love and her merely wanting physical release and ummm I have NOT seen dramas do that before. MMMM
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I love that the choice is always hers.
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So gorgeous!!!!!
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It's like a dam breaks. That makeout is INSANE!!!!!
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I love that she's a full participant, see her going for his shirt, go get it girl!
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She wants him bad and it's glorious!
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Hahaha he rips his shirt off in the best harlequin tradition and I love it. I mean, show off all those hours of work in the gym, thank you!
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This is the hottest make out I've ever seen in a kdrama!
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AAAAAAA! (But you know if she really insisted he stop, he would.)
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But she doesn't and so off they go again...
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I love the shot of their hands and seeing the timer on his hand too! In case we needed confirmation he's a transmigrator too!
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1liv · 7 months
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krayonimous · 8 months
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I want to be your solid ground - Yoo Ji Hyuk (Marry My Husband)
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liveasbutterflies · 8 months
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Character Posters for Exhuma
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dingyuxi · 11 months
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PERFECT MARRIAGE REVENGE (2023) dir. Oh Sang Won — Oh, I didn't prepare anything for you though. You can show me through actions, then .
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korean-dreams-girls · 5 months
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Karina (aespa) - Bubble Update Pic
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