mythvoiced · 2 years
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@intergalacticxmisfits | “Wah, did you do something different with your hair?” (Minjae to HJ or Yoshino :3 he is v impressed and ready to unload all the compliments!) more random dialogue prompts
The grin exploding on Yoshino’s face would have blown several trees out of their soil, hadn’t her lips already been sporting a badly concealed smirk ever since Minjae had first announced he’d be stopping by and even more so ever since he’d actually shown up.
Given, it’s been a total of a handful of minutes perhaps and although Yoshino had definitely not shied away from moving her head this way and that or standing at particular angles or going as far as playfully slamming into Minjae to rub her cheek against his shoulder and her hair into his face, she does appreciate he’s noticed so fast.
She stops what she’s doing - trying to open a pillowcase of one of the pillows she’d taken from her bed in the hotel room they’d booked for this impromptu trip - tosses the pillow aside and spins around. Hands on her hips, she shakes her head. 
If spun this way and that, having it fly against one cheek, then the next, she can manage to have the light bounce off her subtly painted strands almost right. In resemblance of the back of a scarabeus, the brown shines with reflections of green, forest and lush.
“Sure did,” she says, grinning when her now unruly hair stops swinging around her features. “Wanna see up close?”
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