yottabytecomic · 6 months
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YOTTABYTE is a sci-fi/mystery webcomic that follows a PI named Mercer Hart as she investigates the mass murder of the employees of a robotics company, and cultivates a tenuous relationship with its mysterious CEO.
Today (04/14/2024) is the launch of the comic! It will be updating every Thursday. You can read it on neocities here!
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endersartworks · 3 months
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A redraw of a photo I did ☺️ no lore behind this the woman in the photo just looked like Molly and it inspired me
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colossalsquidz · 5 months
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My style is more cartoonish than realistic so it doesn’t come across but if I were to draw her in a realistic style Molly has an updo like this. A little old fashioned. So she has long hair she just keeps it pinned up
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yottabites · 4 months
Yotta i made a shimeji of you do you like him pls ....
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"Oh my god—?!?!" He laughed, leaning in close to the screen and staring in wonder at the mini him that dashed around the monitor. "Like him? I love him, that is so cute, it's a little guy! A little me! That's so cool. Look at his lil boots... " Yotta coos over the shimeji, pretending to drop it into a png full of lava.
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nyastyaraspurrtina · 6 months
yottabyte update today......
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mitjalovse · 7 months
Electronic music labels tend to be established by the musicians playing in their mostly favoured styles – that's not always true –, they find their peers, they sign them up. Look, Martin Garrix noticed he would've been better off on his own, so he decided to have his own company. Of course, the latter follows his view on electronica and I must say I sort of like his taste. Sure, he's pretty much an EDM superstar with all the phrase entails, yet he doesn't prefer the obnoxiously stupid vulgarity the style, he's more interested in melody than anything. I mean, one of the tunes he released under his firm does sound like a better way to do the genre. Too bad many refuse – or don't want to, I'm unsure – follow that.
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scienza-magia · 2 years
Nuovi numeri che ci avvicinano all'infinito meno uno
Ronnabyte e quettabyte, i nuovi nomi per i numeri giganteschi. Aggiunta resa necessaria dalla crescita vertiginosa dei Big Data. Ronnabyte e quettabyte sono i due nuovi nomi aggiunti al Sistema internazionale di unità di misura (Si) per descrivere le quantità gigantesche di dati che saranno presto prodotte nell’era dei Big Data: dopo lo yottabyte, che sta per 10 alla 24esima byte, una quantità di dati che richiederebbe una pila di dvd alti fino a Marte, avremo ora il ronnabyte (10 alla 27esima) ed il quettabyte (10 alla 30esima), come si legge in un'analisi online sul sito della rivista Nature. Per simmetria, all’altra estremità della scala sono stati introdotti anche due nuovi prefissi per descrivere quantità estremamente piccole: ronto e quecto, che stanno rispettivamente per 10 alla -27esima e 10 alla -30esima. Per dare un’idea, 1 ronnagrammo sarebbe all’incirca il peso della Terra, mentre un elettrone è pari a 1 quectogrammo.
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Ronnabyte e quettabyte sono i due nuovi nomi per descrivere le quantità gigantesche di dati che saranno presto prodotte nell’era dei Big Data (fonte: Pixabay) I quattro nuovi prefissi sono stati votati il 18 novembre scorso da rappresentanti dei governi di tutto il mondo, riuniti alla Conferenza generale sui pesi e sulle misure tenutasi fuori Parigi. Si tratta del primo aggiornamento del sistema dei prefissi dal 1991, quando l’aggiunta fu però resa necessaria per il campo della chimica, che aveva bisogno di poter esprimere numeri molto più piccoli. La proposta di modifica, presentata da Richard Brown del Laboratorio nazionale di fisica del Regno Unito dopo un lavoro di cinque anni, si è resa necessaria anche perché iniziavano a circolare nomi informali per esprimere quelle quantità, come hellabyte e brontobyte. “Sono rimasto inorridito”, commenta Brown, “perché erano nomi del tutto non ufficiali”. In passato, termini nati in modo informale sono poi stati adottati dal Sistema internazionale, ma stavolta ciò non è stato possibile poiché i simboli associati a questi due nomi sono già utilizzati all’interno del sistema metrico per altri prefissi o altre unità di misura. Adesso, dice Richard Brown, non sono rimaste altre lettere dell'alfabeto disponibili per nuovi prefissi, quindi cosa accadrà quando, e se, qualche campo scientifico riuscirà a spingersi a grandezze oltre quelle attuali, rimane una questione aperta. Read the full article
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nixii-sabre · 9 months
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Them <3
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holonetnews · 5 months
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lynxgriffin · 2 months
Not an ask, but a thought I had. It suddenly occurred to me: Spamton could have just sent the Mansion a ZIP bomb if he really wanted to cripple it. I'm just imagining Queen going "LMAO" and opening an unmarked box full of 40 yottabytes of Pipis. This thought entered my brain, and now it has to be in yours too.
I'm guessing that Spamton didn't actually want to destroy Queen's mansion or anything, he just wanted that elusive freedom. Queen would think that was a funny prank though...the Swatchlings that have to clean up acres of pipis, less so.
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corvin-ito · 1 year
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a sequel to lizard pog dot jpg (link to that post)
text under the cut
1589.769 - PRIVATE Five Pebbles, Chasing Wind, No Significant Harassment, Unparalleled Innocence
NSH: [File Attachment: Funny.zip 2.60 MB]
NSH: do not open that
NSH: do not open that
UI: What is it?
NSH: its uh
NSH: like 55 yottabytes of data. squished into a tiny zip file
FP: Why do you have this?
NSH: raw hubris and boredom
UI: I’m downloading it.
UI: I’m not going to open it i’m just downloading it
CW: Wait
CW: If you know it’s a zip bomb why are you going to download it?
NSH: yeah thats. totally not worrying at all
UI: Says the one who made it.
NSH: okay yeah fair
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yottabytecomic · 1 month
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Chapter 2 of YOTTABYTE begins with two new pages!
Read from chapter 2
Read from the beginning
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endersartworks · 3 months
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colossalsquidz · 5 months
HI I'M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG BUT yottabyte fanart :) also I did not use references I am so sorry if this looks weird 😭 picture formatting is so weird & I accidentally got an ink blob on the fourth drawing but fuck it we ball (also in the 3rd picture Mercer is using a vending machine if that's not clear because I did not use a reference for that either) also Molly gave me Odin vibes so uh. Odin! Molly.
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Waaaaaugh thank you so much these are great!! :]
Odin!Molly is iconic omg… and I love the different outfits you put them in! I’ve been staring at these for ages :’)
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yottabites · 4 months
Yotta, Matrix, how does it feel to essentially be enemies due to your agencies? Do either of you have a strong opinion on the other agency? Do your personalities mesh or clash?
"Definitely a lot of clashing," Yotta side-eyed the vampire seated next to him, "He's cool with a lot of stuff that I'm... really not cool with,"
"Like committing crime. No dip, my guy, you're talking to the you that's from the enemy fuckin agency." Matrix rolled his eyes, "And for that, this other me is really lame. Shame, too, cuz otherwise, he's pretty chill."
"Sorry I'm not chill with the agency that's constantly trying to kill us-- one of my best friends very much included--????"
"I'm just the tech guy, man. Plus I think EOD is pretty good at killing their own agents already-- except not even given Zoraxis wouldn't even exist. Dummy."
Yotta slumped in his chair, inhaling. "Safe to say, I don't like this guy, and definitely not the agency he's associated with."
"My poor feelings. Well, hey, we both like minecraft. That's something, right?"
"I guess."
Matrix leaned against Yotta's shoulder, smirking. "And twinks,"
"Excuse me--???"
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nyastyaraspurrtina · 6 months
why is drawing hair so hard
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