#you can just directly message me if you aint comfortable sharing yourself with everyone?
atsu-i · 9 months
Uh... Just to be clear, I'd love to be your friend but also, umh, I don't want you to think I'm misleading you or something. I may be awkward and stupid but I don't want you to think I'm an innocent person or something. I know what's good and bad and, ugh, I'm just afraid to come off anon but I'll try it the next time. I just... Don't want to disappoint you.
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bnha-mha-imagines · 5 years
Helloooooo~headcannons for Bakugo, Todoroki, Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima with a shy crush and they want to ask them out?
I wasn’t sure if you meant the boys were asking their crush out or if the crush was asking them out, so I just went with the first option. Sorry if I misunderstood! :) I adored this tho
He doesn’t have a crush. Huh? (Y/n)? Definitely not a crush, what. Why would you think he had a crush on them? Because they’re so cute that it pisses him off and he lays in bed at night wondering what it’s like to hold their hand? What? Huh? Sorely mistaken.
No, for real though, this boy is so frustrating because he denies his feelings for you for the longest time. He’s trying to be the number one hero over here so when he meets you and just falls head over heels, he’s hitting every rock and bump on they way down to try and crawl out of that hole. 
The more he fights it, though, the more he’s forced to acknowledge it. He’d try to distance himself from you but it’s just so miserable and hard for him so he’s just always crawling back. But don’t mention that or he’ll get pissy. 
When he’s finally on board with his own emotional rollercoaster he finds it really hard to talk to you. Anytime he starts getting close to asking you out his brain kinda goes into overdrive and he’ll end up shouting or saying something rude. 
It. Breaks. His. Heart.
Because when he raises his voice at you, your lip starts to tremble and your eyes get a little glassy. He feels like shit for doing that to you, instant regret. Hates that he can’t control his mouth when he’s around you.
Because he’s shit at communication you think he hates you tbh. Kirishima gives him the great idea to find a different outlet to confess to you, an idea which...Bakugo hates to admit isn’t half bad. 
So he’ll start to do little things for you. Harps on people if they embarrass you, will make you treats and leave them on your desk before you get to class (totally denies it, fyi), forcefully throws his hoodie to you if you look cold, etc.
It kind of embarrases you to get this sort of attention, though it gets the message across to you that he doesn’t actually hate you. So you start spending more time together and it gives you butterflies :)
This goes on for a while and eventually people catch on that something is going on between you. 
Mina will just gape at you both and be like “How long have you been dating!?!” and Bakugo just wraps an arm over your shoulders and is just deadass like “Two weeks.” And your face is in flames because he never officially asked you out?!?! What?!
You’re not complaining though. 
When he first realizes he likes you, he’s a little at a loss. He’s never asked anyone out before and he wasn’t even sure if you felt the same way.
So like any normal person, he googles it.
He finds a wiki-how on how to know if your crush likes you back, so he sets up his own little experiment.
He tries different things to see how you react. Will look over to you during class to see if you’re staring at him, or he’ll see you in the dorm commons and sit directly next to you even if every other chair is vacant. 
You’re a constant blushing mess during this period of time because all of a sudden the stoic hot-boy you’ve been quietly crushing on is paying way more attention to you than you’re used to. 
You kinda start to wonder if he likes you or not but are too scared to ask. What if you were misreading his actions? How embarrassing would that be!
So you just allow yourself to freeze up and quiet down when he’s around. 
Todoroki comes to two conclusions; either you like him, or you’re scared of him.
At this point, he’s down a wiki-how rabbit hole and its not exactly working out for him. He gets a little frustrated with it and decides to just straight up ask you.
It’s after class one day and he stops you right before you’re about to leave. “Wait for a moment please, I’d like to talk.” 
You’re shook. 
Once the room is empty except for you both he doesn’t waste a moment. “Are you scared of me?” It’s so blunt and serious that it shakes you to the core. You’re instantly panicking.
“W-What?! No, y-you don’t scare me. Why would you…?” You’re embarrassed, half of your brain trying to convince him and the other half trying to look back at what you’ve done that could have made him think that.  
He kinda just watches you get flustered and this tiny smirk goes onto his face, totally making you freeze. “W-What?” 
“So that means you like me, yes?” 
Reader.exe has stopped working. 
Taking your silence as a yes, he’ll take your hand in his and give it a kiss. “Then, would you give me the honor of a date tomorrow night?” 
This boy will be your doom. 
He thinks it's totally hilarious when your face gets all red and heated so he makes it a game to see how flustered he can make you.
He’s not sure when his gag transforms into flirting; it’s so subtle that he’s a little off-guard when he finally realizes it.
You’d be hanging out with the group and he’ll tease you so that you hide your face in your hands, and he feels all gushy all of a sudden and is so startled by this emotion that he accidentally shocks himself. 
After he realizes he has feelings for you, he is 10x worse, ohmygod. 
He starts shooting you left and right with dumb pick-up lines.
“Are you related to Yoda? ‘Cause Yodalicious.”
Bonus points if he can get it electricity-based.
“‘Ay, (Y/n), how about you leave the blinds open tonight so I can get a pikachu~”
“Are you a light socket? ‘Cause I feel a spark between us~”
“Are you my charger? ‘Cause I’d die without you~”
All of his friends call him cringey. He calls it romantic.
Everytime it brings a blush to your face and he eats it up. It’s just a win-win for him, he gets to be as cheesy as he wants and you’ll always get that cute little look on your face.
It kills you every time though because you definitely have a crush on him, and you still think he’s joking around with you. Eventually it gets really hard for you to deal with and you let him know you’ve had enough. 
“K-Kaminari, please stop.” You’re looking at your hands because you can’t meet his eyes. “I d-dont think I can take this anymore. It hurts when you joke like that when you...you don’t mean them.” 
He’s a little confused at first before his eyes widen and just laughs. Okay, at this point you’re a little hurt and annoyed because dude, you just built up your courage to ask him to stop and he laughs in your face, what the hell. 
But when he finishes laughing, he’ll look at you with those eyes and say, “(Y/n), do you really think those we’re all jokes? I mean, sure, I was trying to be funny but...the sentiment behind them is real. I really like you…” 
Your cheeks will get pink, not expecting him to just confess to you like that...and suddenly you remember everything he had said to you in all seriousness and feel so embarrassed!!!
“Do you still want me to stop?”
“No I...I think I like them now.”
Sero doesn’t really think he’s anything special, so he’s a little nervous when notices his feelings for you. He doesn’t see how someone as amazing as you would share the same kind of sentiment for a plain guy like him. 
Similar to a lot of his crushes in the past, he’ll try to quietly kill it off. When that doesn’t work, he just takes to secretly pining after you. 
He thinks your shyness is very humble and endearing, so he takes it upon himself to help you with anything you’d need. If you’re ever uncomfortable at a social event, he’ll take you to the side for a breather and carry out a more relaxing conversation.
You really lean on him when it comes to certain vulnerabilities, and you find yourself slowly becoming more open with him.
Sero doesn’t really notice it happening, but regardless is just a constant pillar of encouragement and support. 
Your conversations are gradually getting more intimate and you’re finding yourself more and more comfortable around him. He’s become your best friend, and you couldn’t deny you had feelings for him on top of that.
Eventually it becomes obvious to everyone that you both clearly have a thing for each other, and Sero’s friends are getting frustrated that he hasn’t done anything about it yet.
“Dude, they’re totally interested in you, why are you avoiding it?”
He just kinda shakes his head because...he just doesn’t believe them. He thinks they’re just trying to be nice because they’re his friends. When they can’t get him to confess, they at least get him to put it down in writing for you. 
He starts to write you little love notes and leaves them at your desk.
The first time you got one, you felt so flattered? He watched your face pinken as you read it before class. He had to hide his smile for fear of you realizing who wrote it.
He aint slick.
By now you already knew what his handwriting looked like, so you knew instantly it was he who wrote it.
But you don’t want to embarrass him so you never brought it up to him. So for a few weeks, he'll write you notes every other day, and you get so flustered if anyone asks you what they are. You hide it against your chest and blush...and then put it in a little bag you keep of every single note you’ve received. 
One day Sero walks into class, surprised to see a note on HIS desk.
He opens it and gets so embarrassed because it’s just a list of everything you liked about him and you signed your name with a little heart at the bottom. He’s so happy, he feels all light and bubbly.
During class he passes you a note and asks if you want to go see a movie that night, yes or no.
You get the rest :)
He’s probably the best out of these guys at asking you out, doesn’t really beat around the bush and does all the hard work for you.
By nature he’s really outgoing so even though you’re shy he always made that effort to include you and strike up a conversation. 
You find yourself more comfortable in his company than you are in most others, so you falling for him is a little inevitable. 
Once you realize your feelings for him, it gets a lot harder for you to be as open, and you kind of revert back to a lot of your shy tendencies.
It’s hard for you to hold eye contact for more than a few seconds and you trip over your words.
It confuses the hell out of Kirishima because he thought you were beginning to get comfortable with him? Did he do something wrong? He turns to your other friends to try and see what’s up.
“Mina, is (Y/n) upset with me or something??” 
The girl can’t keep a secret for the life of her, she rats you out so fast. “Huh? No, she just likes you, dude.”
Gets this silly grin on his face, can’t believe the class cutie actually likes him? Boy starts making plans.
He kind of avoids you one day and you begin to worry you made yourself too distant and ended up pushing him away. You were really frustrated with your shyness, feeling it ruined everything for you.
So when Kirishima pulls you aside after class, you get really frightened, thinking he was gonna stop being your friend. But instead, this guy pulls out some flowers from behind his back and your eyes sparkle because the gesture is so sweet.
“I heard from a little bird you liked me,” and he’ll pause just long enough for you to DIE and mentally curse every evil on a certain pink girl. “So I wanted to formally ask you...will you go out with me?” Of course you say yes.
You guys share a hug and you just hide your face in his chest because you’re so overwhelmed with joy and relief and can’t handle it.
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