#you can make headcanons for vecna being abused by his parents but it's not canon
fanatics4l · 2 years
no it's actually hilarious that this fandom has sympathy for vecna because they think he was abused as a kid. he wasn't abused. there were no implications towards this. him saying to el that there was more behind the story of his childhood does not automatically equal abuse. on screen, his father was clearly caring and loving towards his wife, daughter, and son. vecna saying that to el probably meant he "witnessed the cruelties of this world" and went insane about it like a fucking weirdo.
"brenner abused him" girl yeah that sucks but he was evil before that so invalid point
y'all can read so deep into this child murderer's story and find sympathy for him, who slaughtered and tortured teenagers and children and his own mother. you can pull shit out of your ass about his backstory, but the second we do the same for billy, who we actually have a concrete, canon backstory for, we're the bad ones??
friendly reminder that the only canon child abuse victims in this entire show are el, jonathan, will, patrick, chrissy, and billy.
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willel · 2 years
Re: Will having the spotlight in s5, possibly having powers, being the hero, etc...It seems some people are trying to turn it into "this is misogyny" or something when it's just where the narrative is heading and what makes sense. I'm sure El will always have the most screen time/spotlight, it's not like Will playing a key role is going to take away from El. And he definitely deserves his "main character arc" after being pushed to the background for two seasons now. In fact, it'll be extremely unsatisfying if he doesn't.
I call it "fear of the unknown". They see someone say Will is gonna be the main focus or defeat Vecna and immediately think "THEY'RE TRYING TO REPLACE/COPY EL"
I'm sure there are some weirdoes who hate El and want to replace her with Will, but those people are wrong. There is no replacement to be had here.
We literally had El fight Vecna one on one and Nancy shooting Vecna repeatedly in the same couple of scenes. Would you say Nancy has replaced El as the hero??? No, of course not. She was just another focus! Same with Hopper and his sword.
In another post, I expressed my disappointment in some people for deciding to spread hatred instead of looking at things objectively and this is why.
Other things I've seen lately.
"You're just copying El, Hopper is El's dad ONLY." By that logic, is El copying Will since Joyce is definitely El's mom now? Of course she's not! Joyce and Hopper are dating. Also not sure if you forgot, but Hopper was also taking special care of Will in season 2 with Joyce. The relationship Will (and Jonathan) have with Hopper isn't the same as El and Hopper obviously, but he's literally gonna be their step dad.
"You're just copying El if you want Will to have powers." Dears, Will ALREADY has powers. No one (most people at least) wants Will to whip telekinesis out of nowhere either. Every big theory about Will's powers, whether it's manifestation powers, fire powers, electricity powers, etc... notice how none of that is copying El's powers or her role in things or her importance?
"You're just copying Vecna's bond to El onto Will!" Vecna literally admitted that everything that's happened these last few years has been Vecna. Will was kidnapped by Vecna. Will was possessed by Vecna. Will is still connected to Vecna, he can sense his pain and his intentions. How is that copying El and Vecna's history???
"You're copying El's entire backstory!" How? Will was a relatively normal kid who lived in a poor abusive household and then a single parent household. Was bullied his whole life and had 3 besties. El was kidnapped as an infant because of her potential powers and raised in a lab with other kidnapped children. What copying is going on here when their upbringings are entirely different? I think you've been reading a little too much fanfiction and headcanons, all of which are WRITTEN BY FANS and not intended to be canon.
If you believe Will has importance to the main plot, don't worry, so do I! If you think that means he'll be replacing El, you're wrong. If you think everyone who believes Will is important means we want to replace El, then you're super duper wrong.
See how easy it is to just sit down, relax and realize, "Oh right. No one has to replace anyone to be important. Silly me."
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cheerbears · 1 year
here's some stuff about chrissy i've spewed to just about everyone a bunch of times except for tumblr.
chrissy was obviously enduring verbal abuse from her mother. she was degraded and made to feel like she was fat to the point where she developed an eating disorder. these facts are presented pretty damn clearly for you in the show, it's canon. my headcanon is that laura cunningham projects a lot of her own stuff onto her daughter, too. like she was once the perfect daughter, but then she got pregnant right after high school and had to be the perfect wife instead. i think she's trying to set chrissy up for that life. jason and his family are rich and respected and she thinks chrissy needs to lock that down so she's taken care of after school like she was.
i think her relationship with her father was more complicated. they show him with his mouth sewn shut in her nightmare/encounter with vecna, which makes me think it symbolizes he turned a blind eye or never spoke up against her mother's abuse. i headcanon that he works a lot so he's not around much, too. he's the more religious one and turned laura on to that life when they got together, which added to that pressure of her being perfect for him. now she's running the whole household, forces everyone to go to church and be all "holy" and shit.
last in the family is chrissy's little brother. he's only ever shown in that family portrait that comes up, so i think their relationship was either a typical sibling dynamic or they they protected each other. my headcanon is that their parents are FAR more lenient with him. he's never given them any real problems and therefore he's the perfect little boy. i think he's the same age or a year younger than the core group of kids so he's grown to understand by now that his mother is a real bitch to chrissy and tries not to give her a hard time.
and then we come to jason. you can tell by how uncomfortable chrissy looked at the pep rally that he's probably got some boundary issues or just does NOT know his girlfriend. mason dye has said jason never really saw chrissy. she was there to prop up his popularity/image. i one hundred percent think he's right. the boy had some pretty obvious control and anger issues too. he was a religious nut and lead a witch hunt to take down eddie without knowing what actually happened. then he pulled a gun on lucas, his friend and teammate, and refused to listen to him. he didn't even know something was going on with his own girlfriend.
my headcanon is that he and chrissy vaguely knew each other at school but they met through their parents at church. then when it got to be their sophomore year in high school and they were both climbing that social hierarchy, jason asked chrissy out as some power move. i think he totally wanted to be steve harrington and he took that "king" title as soon as the opportunity presented itself. chrissy thought jason was handsome and probably got egged on by the cheerleaders to go out with him, so she agreed cause it felt like the right thing to do. he was probably the perfect gentleman at first, but quickly just slipped back into only caring about his friends and basketball. that shout out at the pep rally? he might have thought it was some romantic gesture, but subconsciously he did it because it made him look good. he should have known it would make her uncomfortable but he never really paid attention to her to really know what she did and didn't like. i think despite all the religious aspects that he totally would have pressured her into having sex with him too. he was absolutely a self serving, one pump chump.
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