#you can reply or rb or send asks i just need some good vibes from the world
waveridden · 10 months
had a bad exhausting day so we're indulging in the waveridden dot gov tradition
besties. what's good with you
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enruiinas · 7 months
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Interaction PSA: Memes
[With less time to RP lately, I've had to be more selective and realized I often find myself browsing new followers' blogs for the types of PSAs they post/rb. Things like their meme and writing preferences, expectations for reply times, etc. They help me get an idea of if we'll be a good "vibe" or not, so I wanted to add a PSA / Interacting Info section back to my pinned with some (hopefully!) helpful info.]
♥ My memes have no expiration date. I go back through them regularly and if there are ones I no longer feel like doing, If it's in my meme tag, you're welcome to send it no matter how long it's been since I rb'd it.
♥ Memes are always welcome & a great ice breaker. If you're a new mutual and aren't sure how to reach out ic or ooc, memes are always a great option. Chances are, if you send me a meme for the first time and we haven't talked yet, I'll likely crawl into your IMs to say hello and thank you for sending something, so it's kind of two birds with one stone. (I am shy, but less shy when I know someone wants to interact enough to send something.)
♥ Multiple memes are not only welcome, but encouraged. I LOVE having options to choose from. My muse is sporadic and unpredictable. Some days I'm in an angst mode. Some days I just want fluff. Sometimes my brain just doesn't want to give me anything for a particular meme for a long time. I feel really guilty keeping people waiting for a reply if I don't get quick muse for the one & only thing they've sent in, so I promise you're both doing me a favor and making my day if you send me more than one thing.
♥ And no, I'm not exaggerating when I say there is no limit. You're not "spamming me", you're not "bugging me", you're not sending "too much". I light up each time I see "new ask received", so as long as you know they may not all get responded to right away / in order / in a "quick" manner and understand that I may still rb memes or post and/or like meme & starter calls even if my inbox is not empty, seriously - go for it. Feel free to keep sending even if I haven’t finished all of yours yet.
♥ In the case of new interactions, I will likely reach out to bounce ideas/thoughts for answering a meme. I don't mean this to be uncreative or annoying, but sometimes I freeze up when things are too open / have infinite possibilities. I do better with light discussion, outlining, or some plotting. If I reach out like this it's because I'm really excited and just want to bounce thoughts off of you to break that ice and get my brain cells working. I generally feel more comfortable winging it as I get to know a mun, but I enjoy plotting in general so if that’s your thing we can plot as much as you want, always!
♥ On NSFW Memes: This is the only exception to the above rules. Sinday and other spicy memes are reserved for active ships ONLY. I'm a selective shipper, and shipping generally depends on good chemistry between both the muns and our muses. I feel like you'll probably know if we have what I consider an "active ship", but pretty much if we'd had the "would you be interested in shipping" discussion and gushed to some extent about their dynamic (whether it's fully written out in threads yet or not), I consider you an "active ship". I timeline hop and write lots of verses, so our threads do not have to be linear. Like with any other meme, I may hold on to one until I get a good idea for it or feel like it fits or I've asked some questions I need to know first - but if we have agreed to ship and bounced any ideas on how we think our muses' overall dynamic will go, you can send these!
In the event of NSFW memes received outside of active ships, I will either reply in a different, PG/platonic context or - if that's not possible - delete the meme.
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Other PSAs: Memes, Plotting, On Verses & Verse-Building, General RP Preferences (Coming Soon), OOC interactions (Coming Soon), Mutuals & Affiliates (Coming Soon), ALL PSAs.
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