#you can't put me in a box based on *vibes* goddamn
lab-gr0wn-lambs ยท 8 months
The queer comunity these days is OBSESSED with stereotyping people like it's some cute quirky lil thing it's infuriating. Lesbians looove frogs and mushrooms lmao, nonbinary people are all littol wittol rat creatures, asexuals love nothing but cake and garlic bread, transmasc little boy ukulele music, transfem TRIPPY WEIRD MUSIC, what do you mEAN you've never seen shitass lesbian film shitass lesbian film and shitass lesbian tv show what's wrong with you are you even a real QUEER? You HAVE to have seen- Shut up!! We're not a hivemind!! I'm going to puke!!
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lunar-years ยท 1 year
Okay other misc. thoughts about 3x07
can't believe our luck at getting a perfect hour of television two weeks running!! wow wow wow like there wasn't a single bad moment??? I was grinning like an idiot at my tv screen the entire time??? I fucking love this silly little soccer show ????
in hindsight changing the name from Ola's to the Strings That Bind Us was so deeply unserious I am rolling
The Sam plot was everything and more. Toheeb's rent was DUE. the man came to ACT. and boy did he deliver!!
I appreciated that Sam didn't let Simi's type of anger/wording define his own. he was still furious, but he was furious in a way that was true to himself and his own philosophies (that said I absolutely thought, when he typed "than a world class b--," he was about to type "bitch" not bigot hvsbfjjdsv)
his dad was EVERYTHING. I am obsessed! I am so so glad we got to meet him!
that said and not to make everything about Jamie (this plot was not about him but there's still a sad parallel I'm thinking about); the contrast of Sam having a breakdown in the locker room and then having his dad there to hug him and tell him it was going to be okay. versus Jamie's locker room breakdown caused by his dad where no one knew what to say and everyone stood around (before Roy stepped up.) Yeah. That was a bit of a gut-punch.
speaking of meeting people's families: I am obsessed with Nate's. I love that we found out he has a sister!! and they are clearly very close great siblings! I love that we met his niece! I enjoyed indirectly seeing a different side of his father via the map story, and his sister's comment about how Nate is just like his father surely was loaded. I could unpack that family dynamic for days but it was SO GOOD.
Nate spending a whole evening putting together that box to present to Jade! I audibly gasped when it fell in the street! But Nate did not let it deter him. oh no! He asked her out anyway! He didn't spit in that goddamn mirror! He took a risk!!! I am honestly so freaking proud of that man.
The Jack/Keeley stuff was yikesy. definitely love bombing. To me last episode's Rebecca plot was all about Rebecca learning to trust her gut instincts again and regain faith in herself, so you know what, if she is getting ~off~ vibes about Jack, I am with her all the way. It felt like they were definitely sprinkling the seeds for the means to a quick end for them. Sigh.
i love Rebecca/Keeley friendship it is truly one of my favorite female tv friendships in years. they are brilliant, they enchant me, etc.
based off of next episode's description and title things will definitely be blowing up for Keeley & Keeley/Jack. I just can't decide if it's going to be Shandy or Barbara who's going to plant the bomb. Ugh. Maybe they will team up and be horrible together.
Jamie in that dressing room....no thoughts to say about it just that I AM SO DAMN PROUD OF MY BOY
Trent Crimm the nerdy little man you are he is the BEST addition to the series regulars holy shit
this episode was genuinely really funny and probably my favorite jokes of the season it was all around so good
perfect episode was perfect.
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