#you cant work FOR anti-intelectualism
graysbullshit · 1 year
Dark Academia could become an incredibly relevant subculture if some of yall were less aesthetic focused and more critical of the elitist racist nature of academia and more combatent of anti-intelectualism...
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tentacion3099 · 10 months
Got any clue to conceal body heat from night vision or thermal vision?
The way I understand, it depends on the situation. I am no expert, but I would say distance and material density and insulation are your best friends (useless intelectual answer i know). Thick obstacles help. Any close range solution will require specific gear, like anti-IR/thermal clothing, which may not work that well, or some kind of improv DIY that would require you to have what you need at hand and lets hope you have enough skill to do it. You can find any solution for this on the internet, but each situation is specific and requires more than a few variables and training for it, even then, it may not work.
IMO Best way to block NV/thermal - get yourself NV/thermal, get proactive, and make sure they cant use their gear.
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