#you could get the percentage up to 'maintain cold-blooded sedentary species at a healthy weight' by adding another cow or two to gold diets
kariachi · 2 years
Achi’s Pern Thought of the Day: A gold dragon in the 9th Pass is, from the information we get in the DLG, like 5 stories tall, and given that probably like 30 tons with our best size comparison being fucking sauropods because there is only so much you can drop the weight on a 131 foot long quadruped, and yeah the other ranks are smaller but there’s far more of them, even the bronzes outnumber golds by multiples, and the other ranks are all far more active especially during a Pass, but supposedly these carnivores are functioning off a small number of wherries or cattle a week- for comparison an african wild dog in a zoo is typically fed ~31% of their body weight a week, and a crocodile typically ~10% of it’s body weight a week, while a gold dragon is supposedly going off ~6% a week, and the ratio is probably worse for greens and blues depending on the size of wherries-
And I’m just screaming in Scifi Writers Don’t Understand Scale. Love this series, but screaming
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