#you could look thru my mcr tag where i keep my fan art and decide if that’s something you don’t mind seeing :)
cordspaghetti · 3 months
Followed you for your art, but I have to unfollke you for how much mcr you post. NOT because I don't like that you post mcr.. but because I feel like I'm not enough in the know about mcr to understand what's going on.. I was never an mcr fan but maybe that should change.. do you think your blog is a good place to start or are there beginner mcr blogs that I shall dip my toes into.. I want to stay on your blog I feel like I owe mcr the chance..
omg this is so funny bc lately every time i post/reblog mcr i’m like damn this must suck for everyone who followed me for my small handful of original drawings !!! 😭
hmm as for beginner mcr blogs…. off the top of my head i can think of @on-this-day-mcr maybe? they post abt various band-related anniversaries which is fun and chill. also not so much Beginner but @angstics has a bunch of tags & documents dedicated to mcr archiving that you can look through! if anyone has other recommendations or wants to plug their own blog pls do!!
anyway they are a very cool band of incredibly talented musicians and i think they are definitely worth checking out… they only have 4 albums so they’re pretty easy to get into! if you like glam/horror/metal/pop you will have a good time :)
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