#you didn't deserve to be doomed by the narrative </3
my-mt-heart · 3 years
Fact #1 Connie and Daryl are not getting together. She is a break in the chain of loss and tragedy both Daryl and Carol are used to going through. Period.
Fact #2 Leah is not pregnant, at least not by Daryl. It is amazing where people's mind can take them when they indulge their thoughts too much. Leah represents someone who actually is bound to her past and can't let go, juxtapose to Carol who to her own surprise can and will. Just like Merle was the doomed Dixon brother and Daryl got a second chance. Caryllels and Parallels always.
Fact #3: Daryl has let go of Leah. Listen, that fight Caryl had at the end of Find Me? Very telling. Daryl STILL listened to Carol. She said that he needs to stop thinking that everytime someone is gone that it's his fault. Daryl is very sentimental. Objects and people have meaning for him. That knife he gave to Carol because he is listening to her like he always has. He is letting go of that perception it was his fault Leah left.
Fact #4 Even at the end of Diverged, Daryl was still waiting and listening out for Carol. Look at Seasons 2, 5, 7, 9 and 10 in particular. All of them have very overt clues that Daryl is WAITING for Carol. AK has surely rewatched episodes regarding the Caryl ship. Everything she has written so far she didn't just pull out of her thin air. Everything she writes has context. Are we going to be lazy viewers and not look for context? Go ahead. But I know me and @my-mt-heart will watch for clues and narrative context.
Fact #5 Daryl and Carol have a spinoff. No one is going to take that away. Robert Kirkman also confirmed that the Daryl and Carol spinoff production will start as they get closer to the end of season 11.
Fact #6 If you think Daryl and Carol are not going to get cozy with one another in said spinoff, that deserves all my laughs. No way a man who associates this woman with hope and love, and Carol who literally dreams of him, thinks he is the best man and looks to him when she needs comfort, are not going to cuddle, nuzzle, hug, sleep in the same bed, hold each other if the other gets sick (they ate something bad or have a cold), do some serious level flirting and take care of each other, etc.. assuming they are not canon.
Fact #7 TWD is closing up so many storylines in season 11, INCLUDING the angsty one with these two since freakin' season 4/5 so they actually have new territory to explore in their relationship and friendship for the spinoff. Seriously, that's a fact. Any halfway decent television writer knows that's what going on here.
I agree wholeheartedly. To fact #6, I’ll just add that I think it’s more likely than not they’ll shift into romantic territory by the end of S11, then maybe explore it in more depth in the spinoff. 
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lucidpantone · 3 years
Why we dislike skamfr?
@metal-people asked the tag why we dislike skamfr so i thought i'd break it down.
This is such a loaded question and hard to explain. Firstly they are two skamfrance's there is david's one and shirley's one and they have different issues. David's was just super aggressive, over the top, misogynistic and also would make illogical storytelling decisions that were in opposition with prior narrative choices he made. Plainly put it was a mess.
Shirley is not like David. Some of the decisions she has made on her own and some of the decisions were made by the network. I think we can all agree that skamfr issues is not their actors, directing or cinematography. Its their narrative choices it always been their narrative choices. So for example Shirley saw lola's season you would think after letting the audience endure such a dark melancholy season she would give us something else(maybe a jo season she was a fan fav) but no she chose to main the one person that made lola miserable and literally made fun of her mother dying. And i get this is a cinematic trend the whole antagonist redemption ark which we are now seeing all over the verse but after Lola's season like my god give us a break with the doom and gloom. Tiff season overall was fine. The actress was great the directing was very pretty and some narrative choices were interesting like Tiff and her mom. Parents governing teenage parents and her romance with Max but IDK the main selection was still meh and it would become more meh in the upcoming season. Shirley decides to main Bilal and talk poverty, prejudice and the fall out of small businesses during covid. We started off well, Khalid once again was amazing the skamfr cast always is and the topics were intriguing. THEN somewhere we got the surprise that Jo was a 2nd silent main and we spent 3/4 episodes discussing HIV which is a great topic to discuss but why in the middle of the season of the only man of color season when we are already talking about huge topics like poverty, poverty post covid, prejudice and racism. Shirley said the network made her introduce HIV but to me that topic in itself deserves its own season and so you gotta ask yourself why didn't they just explore this topic maining jo instead of saving tiff why undercut the only season which is main-ed by a man of color and is talking about really touchy subjects inflicting immigrant communities in france and their 1st gen children. It made bilal's season so underwhelming and also they force jo into the LI role and it just felt forced and odd. Also Jo was the 1st jewish sorta of main but we barely get to explore her because she is being shoe horn to fit into bilal's narrative. Am telling you narrative choices it will always be narrative choices and this is the 4th season that is a C average at best. Arthur's had potential but once again David fucked it with the cheating plot. SkamFR has all the ingredients to be good but the writers don't learn and at this point do we need to see them give it a 5th/6th chance to try to get a decent season out of them.......IDK I think I'll pass.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Hello, I just wanted to say I'm a major Charmed fan and love all four sisters! That being said, as much as I love Paige, I've still always hated that Prue had to die (even though it's been over 20 years, I'm still not over it), and I hate even more that Prue and Phoebe's relationship never had a chance to truly recover from her lie about Cole. Also , I think could see why you shipped Prue/Jack, there relationship certainly had a Moonlighting like dynamic to it, didn't it?
yeah wait we did just clear the twenty year anniversary of prue dying in may huh crazy how time works but like. like okay because ik the whole the way the story goes was ~they didn't know if they were killing off shannen or alyssa~ they left it ~open ended bc they didn't know which sister would die~ but like. they knew. oh bro they so knew. like dude. phoebe got a hot new steamy love interest filled w drama and intrigue who was like integral to the plot after basically two seasons of being love-interest-less prue got what? justin?? prue got an episode coming to terms w the fact she will die. like. they knew okay. and like. what breaks my heart is prue as a character like deserved So Much More like she deserved to break free of this narrative of matriarchal sacrifice that she had been locked into like prue practically had to sacrifice her childhood to raise us yeah yeah but like bro there are genuinely so few places where she got to like actually experience life outside of protecting her sisters and then she died protecting her sisters like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. like bro u knew u were going to kill her and you end her & phoebe on that. even if we're sticking with the narrative they didn't know which sister would die there was the very conscious choice to end the narrative on that. so like. 🤬
of course like. tbh. i don't think prue & phoebe's relationship needs to like fully like "recover" from cole i don't think this is nearly as big of a rift as say roger bc i think between the past three years like they've really grown as people and have a new respect for one another that really had yet to be unearthed in it pilot but it's still like. like phoebe was in the underworld trying to save cole when prue died (& piper almost died!!) and we never do see her grapple with that. like even when we're sowing seeds of doom by making cole the source and have phoebe go full dark side like even in the midst of tanking phole we never bother to get some good old fashioned anger self hatred and making the wrong choice like. like that good have been really fun.
but then!! circling over 2 prue/jack bc i do really love prue/jack i think like my favorite thing about it is like. just like how fun and stupid it is. like. like okay so for starters i will say i love the idea of jack as the one to be prue's first real love interest after andy because with andy like you really did have this whole childhood friends to lovers this deep mutual understanding and trust and love and passion like definitely set up to vibe like soulmatism and then he fuckin bites the dust. but like. it's 1999. it's shannen doherty. she can't be an shw forever like you need your female characters to have love interests that's just kind of the way the world works but how do you top andy? how do you beat like the love of her life her perfect man? do you try to go well here's her perfect-er man,, this one's even better than before!! that we did so many countless times with phoebe no because that shit's fucking stupid instead they said here's jack sheridan & he fuckin sucks. & i love it i really do for starters excellent representation for women who are into lame ass guys like i know it's easy to say like haha i'm into guys and aren't they all lame but i'm talking specifically a man being lame is what makes him unreasonably sexy it's a mental condition i know i suffer from it it's bad but it's also like. really funny. but it's also bad. but that's not the point. the point is prue/jack was always supposed to be something kind of stupid something with an imminent expiration date you know? this is not andy. i mean from the moment we met andy we're like hearing wedding bells right from the moment we meet jack we're like ew wtf lol??? like both prue And jack know goddamn well entering this relationship that this is pointless. this is only here to end. and yet!! in spite of that!!! genuine love blossoms!!!! like. whether or not prue was ever in love with jack is definitely debatable i don't think she ever was like in love with him per se mainly because she didn't like. she didn't want to be. she didn't want to do love again that wasn't the point of this relationship so she's not gonna do it. and then for jack theoretically it should be the same thing because like he does constantly play it so nonchalant like he's not head over heels fucking in love with her but he is!!!! he took this relationship that was meant to be casual and stupid and over in a month and he fuckin blew it man he fell So So In Love With Her. like. drives me crazy it does i love that dynamic. and there was something there from prue's side too like. like over and over again she's telling him like you're not the guy for me you're not the guy i'm going to end up with But right now you're the one i want. like. like she has this vision definitely this andy-like figure someone who will you know be the stable father to her kids and her steady husband for many many years to come and her brain's going yeah no way that's jack but at the same time she doesn't care??? like, she likes him right now? she wants to spend time with him right now??? like fuck that potential future mr. right because he's not the one prue wants to spend time with right now she'd rather spend the night with jack like!!!!!! there are some vastly underrated dynamics going on with pruejack that definitely make me start munching on drywall every time i talk about them but like Oh My God. them <3. lol.
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dachi-chan25 · 4 years
April 2020 Wrap Up
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Sooo I read a hell of a lot... I needed the distraction.
1.- The Girl in the Tower (The Bear and the Nightingale #2)- Katherine Arden
I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK. It left me shook, everything felt rich and woven perfectly into the story. Vasya gets so tested as a heroine, and comes out with more understanding of her own abilities and the world of the chyarti. It was such a magical and immersive story.
2.-Words of Radiance (Stormlight Archives #2) - Brandon Sanderson
:00000 this is my review, it was so good. This world is being crafted so perfectly with such a care for the political situation and the different species with their culture. I am dying to read the next one.
3.-Iron Gold (Red Rising #4) -Pierce Brown
Pierce Brown broke my heart again!!! I was so happy on how things ended on Morning Star, like I imagined at least Darrow would have some peace... well nope he is still fighting and has a lot of conflict with the new government they set up and the Ash Lord is still giving trouble. I really loved the mentorship between Cassius and Lysander it felt good for Cassius. But darn I was not ready for this , the political stakes are as high as always in this universe and can my son Darrow rest pls 😢😢???
4.- City of Night (Frankenstein #2) - Dean R. Koontz
This book didn't move the plot that much but holy shit was it intense. We follow all our storyline were we left them in book 1 (Randal was scary but at the end I did feel for him) Victor Helios still thinks he has the upper hand even when all evidence points to the contrary, the members of his New Race keep having mutations and failures and it is only a matter of time before Deucalion finds a way to kill him.
5.- One of us is next (One of us is lying #2) - Karen McMannus
I think I might like this one better than the 1st one (I still love Addy tho) it reminded me a bit of Gossip Girl or Pretty Little Liars (the text messages and gossip stuff) and I am a sucker for those, the characters were pretty great and even if I did guess who was the Simon Keller copy cat it managed to shook me in other ways. My only pet peeve is why does everyone has to end on a romantic relationship??? So wierd. But I still enjoyed it a lot .
6.-The Queen of Nothing (Folk of Air #3) - Holly Black
It was sooooooo good. I really loved this one, my favorite in the series I think. Jude really comes strong in this one. I was crying like a fool at the very end, it was a very satisfactory ending though I wish Tamryn had been more developed and had her own narrative arc instead of dropping everything in this book. That ending was so heart warming and cute.
7.- Petals on the Wind (Dollanganger #2) - V.C Andrews
The drama. Gosh had I witnessed any of this I would have called the Police on everyone (yes Dr. Paul included). Cathy has the worst coping mechanisms ever. Like I understand wanting to get back at her mom (she totally deserves it no matter how she tries to justify herself) but bitch u don't have to base all your life on that or she wins. This fool getting into relationships with trashy ass man instead of pursuing her dreams earnestly. Like it could have been so easy to denounce her (you had proof you were her children and Carrie's medical records) and boom her money would be gone but instead she chose to be a dramatic ho and ruin all her life and the life of others (also fuck Julian, it wasn't Cathy's responsability to fix his needy ass or fix Dr. Paul's mopey ass he was her guardian yet he abused her gross)
8.-Oligarchy - Scarlett Thomas
This was a heavy read, it deals a lot with mental health and eating disorders, and it's so so dark. I really enjoyed it though I would have liked it if it went deeper with some stuff like the ending felt a bit rushed, there should have been more build up for the final reveal but all in all it was great.
9.-LifeLik3 - Jay Kristoff
I just couldn't . I never got used to the slang, the story seemed so predictable, there wasn't worldbuilding to speak off and the romance was the deal breaker for me, insta-love I can't handle.
10.-Tiffany Sly lives here now - Dana L. Davis
I cried multiple times reading this book. It was beautiful and so real. Tiffany's struggles with her new life and this family she is just getting to know that come with all this inflexible rules on top of her mental health and coping with her mother's death.
11.- A Trick of light - Stan Lee
It was a cute story, really with TONS of cómic vibes. The characters were pretty good , they did have depth and the powers were cool. The plot twist left me shook. Super enjoyable I really recommend it to any superhero fan.
12.-Infinity Son - Adam Silvera
It was okay-ish. I mean it wasn't a bad story but it was full of clichés and predictable. We don't get much on worldbuilding and honestly that last "twist" pretty much ruined the whole thing for me. It was an intresting premise but the execution was not great.
13.-Alex and Eliza - Melissa de la Cruz
It felt so disconnected, maybe because Melissa de la Cruz usually writes Contemporary and tried to use the same tone for this one, but it just didn't work on this historical fiction romance, it felt too juvenile for me. I will still read her other books cuz she knows how to write cute romance but this series is not for.
14.-Family Life - Akhil Sharma
As someone who has had to care for a incapacitated family member some of this book really hit me hard. Still I think it moved to fast towards the end. It was a good story but the ending was kind of bland.
15.- Dreamland - Nancy Bilyeau
It was a pretty fun read. I always enjoy a good mystery and this one is pretty fun, yes it is predictable but I don't think that's necessarily bad in this case, because it was more about the privilege and the Police being onto an immigrant because they are so prejudiced.
16.- The Princess of Cleves - Mme. De Lafayette
This is a classic about the court of France during the Dauphin's reign, there is lots of romantic drama and anguish very intresting because it depicts a very complicated and ultimately doomed relationship. But also it is tremendously intrincate on the factions between these powerful woman and the political drama. I super recommend it.
17.- Cranford - Elizabeth Gaskell
All this vignettes were lovely. They are interconnected with one another showing us the life of all this color full characters living on a small town of England during the Industrial Revolution, all their moments sad and happy, their ambitions modest as they may be are reflected beautifully in here.
18.-John - Annie Baker
I miss doing theatre a lot, and when I come back I hope I can do something as great as this. This play is complex and emotional, when it's setting and characters seem so simple and first. It made me laugh and cry and even be scared and unnerved. I really recc it.
19.-Angelina o el Honor de un brigadier - Enrique Jardiel Poncela
Una obra muy ingeniosa y divertida. Una lectura increíblemente placentera,la historia es simple y fácil de seguir, los personajes son bien definidos y poseen una voz propia.
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