#you dont have to like snyder or his films. you donthabe to like any of the actors.
forcedsense · 3 years
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remember that every single time you claim Zack lied about having his cut of jl ruined by whedon (which there is five years of evidence of, and yes i know for sure because iv collected it all) youre saying people like r/ay f/isher are lying about the abuse and reshoots to save face for a white man, and ignorg the abuse they went through. beyond the fact wb fired aack for asking for time off because his tdaughter committed suicide. it you spread false information, all youre telling me is youre a racist, ableist, selfish piece of shit choosing to believe a racist abuser and a studio that allowed him to continue his abuse over the claims of the abused. You dont have to like zack, you dont have to like any of the cast, but dont ignore what they went through just because you feel like bitching about something you dont like. wat wb did to their directors and actors is horrific, and whedon is the only the surface. gsE/off j/ohns is ahuhe part of it, and wal/ter ham/ada allowed it to happen and tried to silence the abused. Dont spread falcities to make others hate something just because you dnt personally like it, all youre doing is silencing the abused. This has been a pattern for w/hedon for over 20 years, and hopefully now that zack and ray arent the only ones talking about it people will listen, but i doubt it since chari/sma spoke of this years ago and people just called her a liar. Youre part of the people purposefully silencing the abused. aide the abused, dont be annasshole, it foesnt cost you anything to care about other people.
also please relook at my rules, cause ive seen enough over the last three weeks to know you all need to read them again. they havent changed beyond the fact i added one thing in my story section, and bolded other important information about what i expect out of people who choose to interact with me regardless of personal opinion. Im dyslexic and still actively try to accomadate everyone. Dont act all high and mighty if you cant even tag your shit.
#when the entire fucking cast was talking about the abuse whedon caused during reshoots and pointed out whay wb did to them and zack#everyone chooses to ignore it and fontinue spreading lies of ‘it doesnt exist its not real yall just want a washed up bs to be brought back’#no. we want justice and whats right to be done. W/hedon doesnt deserve shit. This was never just about Zacks true vision being released.#this was about a man getting justice for a studio firing him for asking for time off because of his daughters suicde#this was about justice for ray keirsley ben gal amy connie and jason#this was about not talking over man of color jay oliva for talking about what the studio did#this is about whedon being held accountable for 20+ years of abuse#you dont have to like snyder or his films. you donthabe to like any of the actors.#you just need to choose whether youre going to side with a racist sexist pos abuser#whos been called out for 20 years and everyone ignored it#or if you’ll stand up and be a good person.#out.#i stand with ray fisher and charisma carpenter.#most of this is twitter tbh so dont worry too much here guys#but insaw smthn yesterday on this blog that went against ym rules entirely and i dont want to block people so i just left#but i am going to reiterate: if you follow someone you are saying you will follow their rules. If you dont follow them or make a mistake#once its fine. but for fucksnsake at least try to be better. you dint even need to apologize because#at the end of the day its still all opinions (except about whedon thays all facts i ahve five years of evidence for jl alone#) so you font have to apologize for them but at the very least be considerate of others#suicide cw#racism cw#abuse cw#and soon enough when i finish getting rays evidence and comments on posts from ALL the vctims of whedons abuse#i will be writing anpost showing all the abuse whedons done especially to the jl cast#dont talk over and ignore victims of abuse just because you dont like them it makes you an asshole
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