#you dont understand id kill for drey ferin
saltielena · 2 years
it will never not amaze me how the jrwi boys play WILDLY different characters in each campaign
like charlie plays a paladin fish who is overconfident and easily gullible, but atthe same time he plays a pathetic teenage boy who despite being tired of being the smart one— would fucking die for his friends. and ontop of that he played a fucked up Guy who wouldve gotten shoved in lockers in highschool who has a lizard and a Posession.
do not get me started on bizly playing a tricky and charismatic bastard with a haunting past and a neverending bond with two people he met under Strange circumstances, while playing a robotic and gory tortured suit of armor who will kill anything in his path. and he plays a stoner who would shit his pants if he saw a fucking bear!
and condi?? plays a literal girlboss with so much damn respect for the world and nature around her while still being a badass with a fucking GUN. he plays a confused teenage elf boy who is a rebellious genuine murderer. he played a god damn pushover lawyer who KICKS ASS and gets high off shiitake mushrooms.
grizzly. oh my God grizzlyplays. he plays a mysteriously charming bard with an aspiration to only make the world fair through theft. he plays a stoner prettyboy bisexual rockstar with a terrifying calmness to him as he watches birds splatter on his car. he plays a god damn rambunctious undiagnosed autistic teenager with an insatiable appetite who refuses to kill and stands by it.
thats. insane to me? and the npcs these guys make, oh my god. i am literally in love with most of the prime defenders npcs (come on. lightspeed? how do you not love her) and every god damn riptide npc has more personality and life than i could even muster. blood in the bayou? more like! holy fuck! rat! my boy! becky jrwi! kisses her! and ill god damn say it worm boy from apotheosis deserves more
in short: pretzel jrwi is the greatest being
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