#you ever give your oc just the worst haircut for no reason
chaoscohort · 10 months
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Its like giving matches to paper dolls 💥
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noirapocalypto · 1 year
stature, roots and change 🖤
Thank you so much!! 🥺💕
[ oc asks: character design ]
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
Salem is 6'2" (188cm, I hope I converted that correctly, I'm a silly American), so he's a tall boy. He's broad shouldered and a bit on the stocky side. There's some natural thickness to him, especially around the arms, thigh and ass. He's thicc, juicy and bitable in all the right places. At his healthiest, he looks strong and in pretty good shape. He's the only OC of mine who's body type drastically changes throughout his story. In his very early 20s, he was a bit on the softer side. Not much muscle definition. During his bad years, when his mental health and drug addiction were at their worst, he was much more underweight. He looked a bit gaunt, and it obvious he was skipping meals or just not eating enough/properly for someone his size. Post rehab and during his recovery (at the start of 2077 and forward), he starts gaining his weight back after he begins to eat regularly again. He also begins to work out a bit more, so his muscles started developing some definition and he starts to tone up. He's not super defined and cut, and he likely won't ever be. But he is healthy and his more active lifestyle starts to show. While he does wear clothes that often show off his body (form fitting jeans, tank tops, etc), he doesn't really do it with the intention of accentuating his physique. He never really cared much to hide his looks, even when he was at his unhealthiest.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Most of Salem's drastic modifications started around his early 20s. Salem's is very into self-expression and thinks the way he looks is an expression of who he is and what he's about. Plus, I think Salem's always had a bit of a chip on his shoulder since his youth, he was always made to feel like he was strange and was a bit of a reject growing up. So he decided, 'If you think I'm weird now, just wait.' It started with little things here and there--the tattoos were the first time come. Then the scarification (for no other reason than he thought they looked cool), then the eyes. The facial cyberware and cyberarm were probably results of injuries from 'accidents' he's caused during his bad years. His wardrobe has more or less stayed the same. In his later years, he's more open to wearing some color: such as darker shades of reds/blues/greens. But for the most part, he's always going to be a dark palette kind of guy with his attires. Though he has been known to clean up very well when he wants to--especially when the situation calls for a more formal look. A huge contrast from the baby faced kid he was in those early years. But he's happy with how he looks. It feels like him, no one else looks like him. And people can either love it or leave it--because he's not one to change for anyone.
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
Answering this one last and putting it under a read-more since it's pic heavy. 🖤
Salem has a very specific style that I can't really recreate in game, sadly. 😭So I depend a lot on inspo pics, since I'm also not good at describing fashion. 😅 His main source of inspiration is rapper Ghostemane. He's the reason Salem exists, so I wanted to borrow from his aesthetics.
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Just grungy and distressed. Oversized tanks, covered in tattoos, all that good stuff. Then he started taking on some of $uicideboy$ aesthetics too. Just gives me Salem vibes, with the face tattoos and just the whole look.
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The rest is just a mishmash of grungy and urban style. So it's basically a giant mixing pot of these specific styles/looks dkjfghlsjddfg
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empire-at-war · 2 years
kink of the day: Uniform
additional kinks/warnings: dirty, messy sex
characters: Vic and Julien :)
A/N: yes, I occasionally ship my own OCs with each other. These two are bitter exes who still think about each other a lot, apparently.
here’s some amazing art of these two idiots on Nar Shaddaa
Right off the top of his head Vic could tell several stories in which thinking with his dick had gotten him in big trouble. He'd gotten shot once, stabbed and beaten up several times, and one time he had ruined a marriage and an intergalactic trade agreement, all because of one, amazing blowjob in an elevator, but none of those incidents could even begin to compare to the mistake he was about to make right now.
“That wasn't part of our deal.” Julien's voice was steady, but he didn't LOOK steady. More importantly, Vic realized he hadn't said 'no'. “Deals change.”
Julien retreated back to his stupid desk and turned his back on Vic. He was clearly stalling, busying himself with taking off the white gloves that went with his immaculate dress uniform. “I just.... I can't.” He didn't seem able to elaborate. His shoulders were tight with tension. Vic was strangely calm. He always was, once he had reached a decision. A few long strides closed the gap between them. Granted, this was the worst decision he had ever made. The absolute worst. But Vic had never been one to half-ass things. “Vic...”
Part of him knew that he should leave right now, before he went too far and there was no going back. He knew this, but instead of taking a step back, instead of punching Julien in the face as he had imagined himself doing so often, he grabbed a fistful of the immaculate white fabric and pulled the bastard in for a kiss.
The beard was new. It was surprisingly soft against his cheek. Vic had expected some resistance, some protest at least, but the lips under his parted eagerly for him, or perhaps desperately would be the better way to describe it.
The soft little moan that escaped Julien's lips definitely sounded desperate. He had closed his eyes, and only when Vic loosened his grip and released his jacket, did he open them again. Had they always been this green? Julien was panting, lips red and parted, face flushed a dark crimson, but he still didn't say 'no'. Vic let his hands run up and down the uniformed chest, stroking the brass and tracing the starched collar with his fingers. His hands were greasy, and left visible marks on the pristine fabric. He couldn't recall seeing Julien in a white uniform before, but he had to admit it looked good on him.
“You're getting my uniform dirty,” Julien complained, his voice a bit too shaky to have any authority.
“Looks like I am,” Vic laughed, leaning closer until he was only inches from the pale blonde hair on Julien's neck. The skin above the starched collar was sticky with sweat. Not one hair out of place on the admiral and his stupid imperial regulation haircut, but he actually shivered as Vic leaned closer. Damn. Last chance to step away and walk out now...
“You're going to get it all messy....” Julien's voice got even more shaky and thick with arousal. Vic could see the bulge starting to form in his uniform pants, and he knew for some reason that as soon as he touched it, he would have crossed some imaginary line. There would be no going back. “So? You always liked it when I made a mess on you.” Vic chuckled, sliding his hands lower to hook into the belt buckle. “Didn't you?”
“That's ridiculous. I don't want your dirty hands on my things,” Julien lied, the strict face he was trying to pull off failing as soon as Vic pushed his own pants down and took himself in hand, giving his cock a few long strokes. The expression on his face when he saw the piercing was very satisfying, Vic wasn't going to lie, he loved the way Julien's eyes widened and his mouth fell open. There was a little voice in the back of his head telling him that this didn't make sense. Julien should have seen him pierced before, shouldn't he? But he pushed that thought away and rubbed his cock against the pristine white fabric of Julien's pants, enjoying the way the admiral's ears turned red too.
Something was off about this, Vic could sense it, but he couldn't bring himself to think too much about it right now. This felt too good. He couldn't stop. He stroked himself faster and was consumed by the fantasy of finishing all over Julien's pretty uniform, the one he was so proud of, to cover the bastard in his cum and…. There was a loud noise, a beeping. That didn't make sense either. Wait. What was... Before Vic could finish jerking off, the blaring alarms of his ship tore him from his dreams. He sat up on his bed, cursing violently, before he jumped out of the bed and dragged himself to the bridge to deal with the situation, trying to ignore his throbbing cock and more importantly, what he had just seen in his dream. Whom he had just seen.
That bastard was just going to continue to make his life miserable, wasn't he? Even after all those years.
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official-weasley · 3 years
Dealing with Everything - (The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley AU)
Warnings: grief with a wholesome ending 💙
Word count: 3,508
Characters: Charlie Weasley and my OC Nova from TICW which you can find here
“Mum, I don't know how to thank you enough for staying with us this past month.” I placed two cups on the kitchen table and gestured for my mum to join me.
“No need to thank me. You both lost loved ones in the battle, you need time to process everything and recover.” Mum stood up, careful not to wake Aoede who was peacefully sleeping on the sofa.
“Mhm.” I hummed and sat down as my mum joined me.
“I know I ask you every day but how are you? And please try saying something else than you being fine. Aoede is sleeping so you have no excuse not to talk about your feelings.”
“Honestly, I don't know how to deal with it.” I felt tears gathering in my eyes. “I never thought I would have to attend a funeral of one of my closest friends while we're still in our twenties. And then seeing Charlie so down, not being his cheerful self, sleeping most of the time and eating a meal per day and even that has to be forced. And then there's her,” I nodded to where Aoede was sleeping, “it is so unfair to her for her parents being so absent. She deserves all the love and attention and I know she misses spending time with her dad and I...” I took a deep breath. “...I just force a smile and hug her as much as I can but it's not fair to her. I just...I can't help it, mum, I...”
“Shhh.” Mum pulled me in a hug as tears started running down my face. “It's okay, sweetheart. It's reasonable for you to feel this way and trust me, Aoede is too young to notice that you are hiding your emotions. I have been with you every day since you came back and you are doing great with her.”
“Really?” I sniffed.
“You will have enough time to love her as you think she deserves to be loved and I admire you for being so strong and laughing and having a good time with her.” Mum bestowed me with a small smile.
“She's the only thing that makes me smile every day.”
“Give it time, sweetheart. You will heal.” She brushed her fingers through my hair.
“I know. It's just...it's so hard. I can't even explain what happened to me when I saw Nymphadora like that and then all those thoughts about Teddy losing both his parents and thinking that the same thing could happen to Aoede, it completely destroyed me.” I buried my face in my hands.
“She was one of your best friends, Nova. It's only natural.” Mum tried calming me down.
“And the worst part is is that it wasn't as painful when dad died and I feel so guilty for that.”
I bit my tongue when I said that. I didn't mean to ever say it out loud, especially not in front of mum but it has been eating me alive.
“Nova, you were 14 when you lost your dad. We process death in a different way at that age and you said it yourself that now looking back you would react differently than you did and you didn't lose anyone else close to you until now and you're 25 years old now. You see things differently. You said you cried your eyes out and 5 minutes after that you went to find Harry to see how he was doing while you were falling apart yourself. When your dad died you didn't even know how you got to the Burrow that's how wrapped up in your grief you were.”
“I guess,” I shrugged my shoulders, “we were never close but I had this need to tell him that everything will be okay.”
“You have that after your dad.” Mum smiled at me. “He also put others first no matter how down he was.”
“Well, I have to be strong for my daughter and I have to be there for Charlie. Yes, losing Tonks has been hard and I know I won't be over it any time soon but Charlie lost a brother and I feel so helpless.” A new set of tears ran down my cheeks, me looking at the stairs that lead to the upper floor.
“I know how grateful you were when Charlie was by your side when your dad passed away, just remember what he did back then. You two are so similar and nobody knows him as you do. I am sure you will find a way to comfort him.”
“I will think of something,” I said absentmindedly.
“And while you do, I will be here for you both and help you around the house and with your beautiful baby girl.”
“Thank you, mum.” I sniffed and she pulled me into a tight hug.
“I told you to stop thanking me. Now that the war is over and I can retire, I can finally make up for all the lost time that I couldn't spend with you.” She smiled at me.
“Well, we love having you around and we have more than enough room so you are welcome to stay for as long as you want to.”
“Does Charlie still have nightmares?” Mum whispered after a minute.
“Yeah, he wakes up at least once per night. It's either Fred or Tonks.” I said, not even trying to hide the concern in my voice.
Ever since we came back Charlie has been having nightmares every night about his brother and our friend being killed or in a situation where he couldn't help them. Even if he denies it, I know he is trying to blame himself for what happened. Perhaps not so much for Tonks as for Fred, but the guilt is there.
“Can you watch over Aoede so I can go and check on Charlie? Perhaps I'll have more luck getting him downstairs for lunch for a change.” I said after a few minutes of us both sipping our tea in silence.
“Of course.”
“Char.” I gently knocked on the door of our bedroom.
“I'm awake.” I heard him say in a husky voice.
“Hi.” I smiled at him, happy to see him sit on the bed instead of lay in it. “What are you doing?”
“I am going through the family album.” He tapped on the bed for me to sit next to him.
I sat down and he turned the pages to get back at the beginning.
“Look, it's me and Bill when we were 3 and 5.” Charlie gave out a small chuckle.
“You two had the same haircut?” I giggled.
Arthur gave him the photo album when we moved to Romania and every time Charlie felt homesick we went through these pictures together. I have seen these photos so many times but I was so happy that Charlie was willing to speak and share it with me right now that I pretended I was seeing them for the first time.
“Hey, don't judge. We were adorable.” Charlie nudged me with his elbow.
“And here is us making cookies. And seeing Percy for the first time. And, oh, look! It's Freddie and Georgie's first birthday.” Charlie tilted his head, thinking I wouldn't be able to see that a tear marked his right cheek.
“It's okay to cry, Charlie,” I said in a whisper.
“I just can't stop, Nova. I am trying to get back on my feet. I want to get out of this room and go back to my everyday life. I want to play with our daughter and hear her giggle and I want to help you around the house. I am so useless and I just lay around all day feeling sorry for myself.” He closed the album and buried his head in my shoulder, sobbing.
“Hey, hey. First of all, you are not useless. I know you don't see it but I am not doing the best either. I don't know what I would do if my mum wouldn't be here to help us and you don't need to worry about the house. It can be a complete mess for all I care if it meant you would get better. Char, you lost a brother, how else are you supposed to feel?” I pressed him harder against my chest, neither of us wanting to let go.
“I just don't know what to do with all this pain. I have never had to deal with death before. How do you do it?” He loosened the grip around me just a little bit and looked up at me with his eyes red and puffy.
“Well, I have learned that talking about your feelings helps. It also feels good to cry and get a big, tight hug.” I pressed my forehead to his and smiled softly.
“It is also very nice when Aoede tells you one of her adventure stories. Honestly, I have no idea who she got such a vivid imagination from.” I smirked.
“Really?” Charlie chuckled. “I would take a wild guess that it's after us since we're both such daydreamers. But it's probably from her uncle Percy.”
“Yeah, probably.” We laughed together for the first time in a month.
“What time is it?” Charlie asked after us being embraced in silence for 15 minutes.
“It's going to be 2 I think,” I whispered.
“Oh, it's Aoede's nap time.”
“She'll wake up soon and I can bring her upstairs if you want.” I couldn't help but grin at him.
I was so proud of him for being so strong and coping with everything as he is. I was just happy that he was willing to talk about his feelings to me and telling me the truth about how he feels.
“No. I'll come downstairs.” He kissed me before getting up and walking to the closet.
“Do we have any plans for lunch yet?” He asked as he pulled a shirt over his head.
“No. I wanted to ask you if you were craving something just that I could make you eat anything.” I answered truthfully.
“I am sorry I have been so stubborn about it.” He bowed his head, sitting back next to me.
“Stop apologizing, Charles. All your behavior is completely normal for someone who is mourning.” I ran my fingers through his hair.
“Could you pull it up in a bun for me? I love when you do it.” He shook his head a bit, making his curly locks fly everywhere.
“It would be my pleasure.” I smiled and reached with my hand to the nightstand where he had a hair tie.
“So, why did you ask what we are having for lunch? What would you like?” I asked as I was trying to comb his hair with my fingers.
“Pancakes.” I felt his body vibrate in a giggle.
“Want to make them together?” I suggested with the biggest smile on my face.
Pancakes weren't only a tradition in our household on Sundays but they were our favorite comfort food too.
“You read my mind, love.” Charlie turned around and kissed me tenderly.
We both looked at the door when we heard Aoede giggle.
“Right on time.” Charlie clapped his hands together excited to spend some time with his daughter.
“I know you are happy to get out of bed and spend some time with us but just know that you don't have to force it if you feel it would do you better just being wrapped in a blanket and sleep all day. Know that we are not mad, we just want you to be okay.” I helped him get up and we started toward the door.
“I know. Thank you for giving me time and I don't know how I will feel tomorrow but right now I want to spend some time with my family.” He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back – I missed his smile so much.
He made us stop halfway downstairs.
“Also, I am thinking of going to see George tomorrow or maybe the day after that. We both lost a brother but he lost a twin and I haven't talked to him at all since...you know.”
“Okay, whatever you have to do.” I entwined our fingers and squeezed them together.
“Also, how are you dealing with everything? I am sorry for being such a lousy husband. I didn't ask you once since we came back.” Tears started gathering in his eyes again.
“I told you to stop apologizing and I am doing okay.” I shrugged and gestured for us to continue walking downstairs.
“Which is Nova language for I have to be strong for you and I don't care how I feel.” He raised his eyebrows at me, extending his arm to reach the wall so I couldn't walk past him.
“No, really, I am okay.”
“Stop lying to me, love. We promised to each other to always share our feelings no matter how bad they are, so stop pretending I don't know you better than that.
“I don't want to talk about it right now.” I blinked a few times, trying to hold in the tears, avoiding Charlie's gaze.
“It's a beautiful day outside. We can ask your mum if she would be willing to go for a walk with Aoede and we can have a proper cuddle session on the sofa and talk it out?” Charlie suggested.
“I think that's a brilliant idea.”
We both turned our heads to my mum who was smiling at us at the bottom of the stairs.
“Mum, Charlie suggested we make pancakes for lunch. Is that okay with you?” I brushed the tear that ran down my cheek and started walking downstairs again.
“Pancakes?!” I heard Aoede jump off the sofa and her little feet running toward us.
“What do you say, Pumpkin? Want to help daddy make pancakes?” Charlie's face lit up when he saw her and picked her up at once, placing a kiss on her cheek.
“Yes, please!” Aoede started clapping excitedly and pointed to the kitchen.
I sat down at the kitchen table along with my mum and watched them make a mess out of the place while making pancakes. One egg smashed on the floor and the flour was everywhere but nobody cared because of how much fun those two were having. Aoede was giggling so much that she hardly had the time to breathe and I heard Charlie genuinely laugh for the first time in a month.
After we were all too full to walk as Charlie and Aoede made way too much pancake dough, we all settled down on the sofa where Aoede fell asleep in Charlie's lap within minutes.
When she woke up my mum took her for a walk as we asked her to and as Charlie promised me, we stayed on the sofa, cuddled, and cried our eyes out while talking about how we feel and miss the people we lost.
I felt so much better talking to him and finding out how he is. I was so afraid for him just being in our bedroom all the time but I was patient and I hoped he would get better with time and as he said, we don't know how we will feel tomorrow, but today was a very good day for both of us.
I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door of George's apartment. I didn't know what I was going to say to him. I was more mentally preparing myself to see in what state he is.
I have been a mess for the past month and even though Fred was my brother I didn't see him as often as George did and I definitely wasn't as close to him as he was. Those two were inseparable since they were born.
I felt the need as an older brother to see how he was doing and see if I could help him in any regard.
I wrote to Bill this morning, inviting him and Fleur to visit us in Romania and I wrote to my mum that she could expect us next week. I wasn't all there yet – not even close, but I was good enough to see my family and be a proper husband to Nova and a father to Aoede.
“Charlie, what are you doing here?” George's eyes widened when he opened the door.
“I came to visit you if that's okay.” I smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck.
“Of course it is!” He pulled me in a hug so tight that it took my breath away but I didn't care that I couldn't breathe – it warmed my heart that he was so happy to see me. “Come in, come in!”
“Want some tea or something sweet?” He asked the second he closed the door behind us.
“Tea is fine, thank you.”
“Are you visiting mum and dad or Bill?” He gestured for me to sit down.
“I am only here to see you,” I answered honestly.
“Oh.” He let the word escape his mouth.
“I, uh, I haven't been doing well so I wanted to see how you are doing.” I took the cookie he offered me without asking why he has a full basket of them.
“I'm doing as good as someone can when they lose a brother.” He forced a smile. “Have been baking a lot, thus the cookies. Tell me what you think of them.”
“They are actually really good,” I said with my mouth full, “I had no idea you could bake.”
“Yeah, they are? Neither did I to be honest.” He sat down next to me, waiting for the water to boil.
“Are you alone all the time?” I couldn't hide the concern in my voice.
“Have been at the Burrow for a week but honestly being around mum is kind of depressing. I mean I understand, we are all a bit messed up but it's just not the environment I need right now. Bill visits me a lot and so does Ron. Ginny stayed with me for a week a few days ago and Angelina comes to hang out here and there.”
“How are the others? We are going to visit mum and dad soon but I have completely isolated myself.” I shook my head, I wasn't proud of it.
“I think we are all about the same.” George shrugged his shoulders and I saw that he wasn't keen on talking about our family.
“Should I even ask how you are?” I whispered.
“I miss him so much, Charlie. I feel like a part of me is gone. All our hard work, everything we did together, it's just memories now. I know it's going to be better with time but it's just so hard to think that this feeling inside my chest – the emptiness of him no longer being with us – will ever go away, you know. I never had to deal with something like this, especially not...” He stopped talking when his voice broke and stood up to finish making the tea.
“Me neither but I have some experience when Nova's dad passed away. You know how hard it was for her and if I have learned anything from her is that being patient with yourself, giving yourself time, and talking about it when you feel like it, is what makes it better. I wish there was a spell to make the feelings you have go away but despite being wizards, we are still only human and we have to deal with it the natural way.”
“I know. I just wish I could've been there with him, protect him, perhaps take his place or just be able to say goodbye if nothing else.” George released his tears, staring into his teacup.
“I wish the same but know that whatever you wanted to tell him, he knows.” I stood up and lifted his chin for him to look me in the eyes and hugged him.
“Thank you for taking the time and seeing me. It means more than I could ever say.” He returned the hug.
“If you have too much time on your hands, you can come and visit us in Romania. Spend some time with us. Bond with Aoede a little. Her laugh is contagious and honestly the best for mending your heart. And she loves to help and cook so perhaps you two could make a mess out of the kitchen together and make cookies.” I giggled.
“Truth be told, that sounds like exactly what I need.” He sniffed and gently pulled away.
“You are welcome anytime, brother.” I smiled at him and returned to my seat.
“How about you spend the night here and we go tomorrow?” He smiled back. “Oh, you know what never mind, you probably have other plans.” He hurried to say, his ears turning pink.
“Not at all,” I tapped him twice on the back, “you are definitely coming to Romania with me tomorrow.”
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Yesterday: One
A/N: Hey guys so I got this idea in my head for an Angel X OC story and it kind of just took off. I hope you all enjoy as I’m really excited for this. Hopefully maybe this will help me out of the slump I found myself in. I am still working on all my other stories and hope to have at least a request and the next part of Perfect done this week. Work has also picked up for me and looks like I have a long week ahead of me so I also may not get everything I want done. Thank you all so much for everything and all the support. I love you all and hope you enjoy ❤️😘
I want to thank @starrynite7114​ and @carlaangel86​ for listening and encouraging and helping me not only on this story but all of them! Your support means the world to me 🥰. And thank you so much Twinnie for sharing the song Yesterday by Leona Lewis for the inspiration for the title of this story. The song fits so beautifully 💖
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*gif not mine*
word count: 5045
Angel sat at the picnic table outside of the clubhouse enjoying a quiet smoke alone. It was a fairly easy day at work with no club shit to occupy his mind. He also had not heard from Adelita all day so it seemed as if it was going to be a quiet night. He could use the break but at the same time he welcomed the noise. Part of the reason he took on so much was to keep his mind busy. It was in those quiet moments when his mind wondered too much, bringing with it the pain that always came when he thought about Juliet, when he thought about his wife. 
It had been two years, five months, and three weeks since he had last seen her. It was a Friday morning. He had woken up with her in his arms like he always had, they had breakfast together, he gave her a kiss goodbye and told her how he couldn’t wait to see her that night. It was their three year anniversary. They were going to spend the evening together having a nice meal before heading to Vegas in the morning for a little get away. 
It was all so normal, so perfect. 
But then he ended up stuck on the other side of the border longer than he anticipated. He felt awful but she understood the club life and the responsibilities that came with it. He was sure she wouldn’t be upset. He left her a voicemail apologizing and promising to make it up to her and then rushed home as fast as he could. 
When he got home everything seemed fine. The lights were off and the house just as he had left it. He assumed she had just gone to bed so he carefully and quietly made his way through the house to the bedroom and undressed before slipping under the covers expecting to find her there. He was going to pull her close and she was going to flip around and snuggle into his chest.
It’s what they always did. 
But the bed was empty and she wasn’t there. He got up and searched the whole house but she was gone. Her purse was still hanging by the door, her car was in the driveway, all personal belongings were still there with no suitcases missing, and there was no damn note or signs of foul play. 
It was as if she just vanished. 
Some people said something horrible must have happened and other’s said she finally realized she deserved better than Angel and left him. Angel didn’t believe any of that. He held onto hope that she would come back, that all the searching would lead them to her, that they would find her. But they never did and eventually everyone else stopped looking, stopped hoping. 
Maybe it was time for Angel to too.
“Hey, you ready to go to Pop’s?” EZ asked, stepping in front of Angel’s gaze. 
Angel nodded getting up from his seat at the table. The brother’s tried to make it a point to go have lunch with Felipe at least once a week after EZ began prospecting for the club and the two had become busier. 
Angel was thankful that EZ was out and had decided to stick around town. Despite all the resentment towards his younger brother he still loved him more than anything. It made him feel really good when EZ told him he wanted to prospect for the club, that he wanted to be a part of something that Angel was. 
After everything that the Reyes family had been through it was just nice to have everyone together again. 
The two pulled up in front of Carniceria Reyes backing their bikes up to the curb before turning the engines off and taking their helmets off. Angel stepped off his bike when he overheard the two women’s conversation across the street as they tried to act like they weren’t looking their way. He knew they were. Someone was always looking at him and his family like they were dirty, no good criminals. 
“It’s honestly such a blessing Marisol isn’t around to see this and poor Felipe.” One of the women, probably in her fifties with a horrible Karen haircut said to her friend who looked almost like an exact copy of her as they sipped on their lattes outside the coffee shop. She was trying to keep her voice hushed as if that would matter. It didn’t, Angel already knew what so many people in this small town thought. “First his youngest kills that cop then Angel kills his wife, poor girl.” 
There were the people who thought Juliet was dead and there were the people who thought she left him but worst of all were the people who thought Angel had killed her, like he would ever do that. He never once laid a hand on her and never would. She was his soulmate, the only woman he ever loved besides his mother. The fact that anyone thought he could do such a thing to her is what hurt the most, it’s what made him feel sick. 
“Oh come on, you don’t know that.” Her friend said, trying to defend the boys. She had watched them grow up, they were good kids. Yes they were a part of the biker club now but that didn’t make them murderers. “Anything could have happened to her.”
Karen, or at least that’s what Angel was calling her sipped her coffee before meeting Angel’s eyes across the street. She looked away quickly ducking her head to respond to her friend. “Linda, everyone knows it’s always the spouse. There were no signs of foul play, no evidence. People don’t just up and vanish like that. He had to have done something to her and then buried her somewhere where no one would find her. People in those biker gangs do that shit all the time” 
Angel clenched his jaw about ready to stomp over there when EZ grabbed his arm, keeping him back. “Don’t Angel. It’s not worth it.” He understood where his brother was coming from. He hated the looks he’d get around town and the ones his brother got too. People looked down on them and it fucking sucked but they couldn’t change their opinions on them. They knew what was true and that was all that mattered. 
“We can't just let them get away with that, dragging our name through the mud and spreading their gossip. Someone has to set them straight EZ.” Angel kept his gaze on the woman across from them. He was sick of this, sick of the rumors. There was only so much he could take before he snapped again. Last time the fucker who wouldn’t shut up ended up in the hospital. “I can’t do this anymore. I didn’t fucking kill her.” 
“I know, I know.” EZ tried to calm his brother down, to be the rational voice he needed. He wasn’t here for Angel when everything went down but he was going to have his brother’s back now. Angel met Juliet while EZ was in Stockton. EZ didn’t know her well but from the visits she would make and hearing about her he knew she was a great person. He also knew how much his brother loved her and how broken he was after her disappearance. “It doesn’t matter what they think. Everyone is always going to have an opinion on what happened. Just ignore them Angel.”
“It’s not that easy Ezekiel.” Angel snapped. He didn’t mean to take it out on his brother. “You don’t know what it’s like to have everyone look at you like you’re some fucking monster, to have to hear as people whisper all the horrible things you supposedly did to the one person who you loved more than anything. Yeah so you killed a fucking cop, a dirty cop at that. That’s not the same.” Maybe it was a low blow but EZ had no idea what Angel was going through. He couldn’t know what it was like to live with the constant reminder of that night, what it was like to have his whole relationship under a microscope like it was everybody’s business. 
Angel sat in the small room staring past his reflection at whoever may be on the other side of the glass watching him. He had been in here for at least forty minutes. He was starting to get antsy as he tapped his rings against the table. Each moment wasted in here was a moment lost when he could be out looking for Juliet. 
The door finally opened as an older gentleman with grey hair in a dark suit walked into the room. Angel sat back in his chair looking the man straight on. “Mr. Reyes, I’m detective Lawrence. I’ll be working the case on your wife Juliet Reyes.” 
Lawrence took a seat across from Angel folding his hands on top of the table. “Now why don’t you tell me everything, starting from the beginning.”
“Look I’m willing to give you whatever the fuck you need to find my wife safe and alive but I don’t see why I’m here when I could be out there looking for her.” Angel said pointing to the door. 
“Just have to follow up on all leads. The best way to find your wife is to start with you Mr. Reyes.” 
“Angel.” Lawrence corrected himself. “You knew her better than anyone right? So our best shot at finding her is you.” Lawrence gave him a forced smile. Angel Reyes had a record, was a known criminal and a member of the Mayans MC. Right now he was their number one suspect if foul play happened to be involved. “So start from the beginning Angel. Friday morning was your wife acting suspicious at all? Anything out of the ordinary?” 
“No, everything was completely normal. We woke up, had breakfast like we always do and then I had to go to work early so I told her I loved her and would see her that night. She had about an hour left before work so she was going to finish grading some of her students' drawings before going in.” Juliet was a kindergarten teacher here in Santo Padre. She loved her job almost as much as she loved Angel. 
“And that was the last time you saw her that day?”
“That night was your anniversary right? You said you had a trip planned for the weekend to celebrate?” 
“Yes. We were going to have dinner at home and leave first thing in the morning.” Angel recalled. He was so excited to have a mini vacation with Juliet. They had been trying to get pregnant for a while and were hoping a relaxing vacation would be just what they needed with all the stress in their lives. 
“But you didn’t make it home in time.” Lawrence sat back folding his hands in his lap. “Why was that?” 
“I was working, ended up being later than I anticipated. I called her to let her know. Her cell went to voicemail.” Angel had called her when he got a moment alone to tell her he’d be running late. He didn’t want her to worry about him and felt terrible about being late. They had one rule. If he was going to be doing club shit then she needed to know where he was. She was a natural worrier. He never wanted to add to her worry so he promised he would inform her of everything so she never felt blindsided. “I left a message.” 
“So it was your anniversary. How many years?” 
“Three.” Angel was starting to get testy. He didn’t see what any of this had to do with anything. 
“Three years,” Lawrence emphasized, “That’s a long time. Three years is a big deal and you bailed on her. You don’t think she’s just maybe upset? Maybe she left for your vacation herself or is with a friend.” 
“She didn’t leave. She wouldn't just leave like that.” There was no way Juliet just left him. That wasn’t like her. Plus all her belongings were there. “Why would she leave without anything? Her fucking purse and everything was still at home. No,” Angel shook his head, “She wouldn’t just leave me like that. Trust me if she was upset with me she would have let me know.” 
“Like on Thursday. We have a witness who says you and Juliet got into a little bit of a heated argument outside the school on her lunch break. What was that about?” 
Angel chuckled bitterly. He couldn’t believe this was happening right now. He was already worn out enough with worry. Now this asshole was starting down a path he hoped he sure as hell wouldn’t. “If whoever your witness is thinks what we had was a heated argument” he knew who it was. It was Brenda he was sure. She never did like him and made it well known. “I don’t want to know what they think a fight is. We got into a minor disagreement. Nothing out of the ordinary for a married couple.” Yes things got a little heated that afternoon but they had made up that night. It was none of the assholes goddamn business.
Lawrence decided to let that slide, for now. “Okay so if she didn’t leave then what happened?” 
“What else would have happened?!” Angel shouted, slamming his hands onto the table. He was over this now. “Someone must have grabbed her or something.” 
“And who would do that?” Lawrence pressed him. Angel was starting to crack. If he was going to get a confession it would be soon. “Who and how? There were no signs of a struggle. You know what that tells me?” 
“What?” Angel asked through clenched teeth squeezing his hands into fists. 
“It tells me if something did happen to her, it was someone she knew, someone close to her. Someone who she shared everything with.” Lawrence leaned back onto the table towards Angel. “Someone she trusted, who she loved enough to marry.” 
“What the fuck are you saying?” Angel’s chest started heaving as he did everything in his power to not deck this mother fucker right here and now. “You think I did something to her?” 
“Statistically speaking it's usually the spouse. Maybe you came home, she was naturally upset, things got physical. You love her. I can see that.” He was just trying to get a reaction from Angel, anything that would make him slip up. “You didn’t mean to hurt her, it just happened.” 
Angel wanted to lunge at him but instead he just stared him down never breaking the hold he had on his eyes. “I’ve never laid a fucking hand on my wife. Maybe you should look at her psychotic ex. You know the one she had to get a fucking restraining order against?” 
“Mr. Reyes, we are following up on all leads. How about you let me do my damn job?” Lawrence barked back at him. 
“Maybe I would if you were fucking doing it well. You’re wasting precious fucking time breathing down my neck when you could be out there, I could be out there!” Angel shouted, “Looking for my wife!” 
“If you weren’t home then where exactly were you? Do you have an alibi Mr.Reyes?” Lawrence asked. Angel said he was working late but he knew the scrapyard wasn’t open that late. What else could he have possibly been doing so late? Sounded like a good excuse to Lawrence. “Where were you Angel?”
Angel couldn’t exactly say where he was or what he was doing without possibly incriminating himself and the club. They were on the other side of the border doing a drug run. That did not really provide a good alibi for Angel. Angel knew he was in a real fucking tight spot. “I want my lawyer.” He wasn’t going to give them any more, especially if they weren’t going to be helping him. 
Angel sat at the table outside the Carniceria with Felipe and EZ enjoying their lunch. The sun was out only adding to the heat Santo Padre usually experienced. Angel finished his burrito wiping his mouth on his napkin and sitting back as he looked at the various shops across the street. Thankfully the two women decided to leave rather than watch the Reyes boys and their poor father. 
Sometimes Angel really fucking hated living in a small town where everyone knew everyone. 
“So EZ tells me you have a date tonight,” Felipe spoke, gaining Angel's attention. 
“Yep,” Angel said. He didn’t really have much to say about it. Quite frankly he had debated bailing more than once but he wouldn’t do that to Sierra. Gwen, Juliet’s best friend and partner in crime had been trying to set him up for months now insisting that he should move on, that that’s what Juliet would want but he just never could. Now EZ had joined in with trying to play matchmaker. Eventually Angel gave in agreeing to one date but nothing more. 
Sure he had been with other women, mostly just sex with the girls from Vicky’s but that was different. The sex was meaningless, a way to fill the empty void inside him, but an actual date that meant something more. Going on a date symbolized the start of something new, a future for him without Juliet. It felt like if he took this next step he’d be giving up on her and any hope that she was coming back.
But it has been two years now. Was it really so wrong for him to try to move on?
“How come you never dated after mom?” Angel asked Felipe. It was a question that had been on his mind, especially after he experienced a similar loss to his father.
“Your mother was the love of my life and still is,” Felipe told his boys. He didn’t often talk about Marisol to his sons. Even eight years later it was still hard but Angel needed to hear this. “It just never felt right but you’re still young Angel. You have the chance to start over, to have a family of your own. Juliet would want that for you.”
Everyone was constantly telling him what Juliet would want like they would know. The thing is they didn’t know. No one knew her like Angel did. They shared everything, told each other things they’d never tell another soul.
They were soulmates. 
But maybe this time they were right. Maybe this was what she wanted. 
Angel checked himself out in the full length mirror on the closet in his bedroom. He was wearing a green plaid button up and his best pair of black jeans. He felt weird standing here in his bedroom getting ready for a date with someone that wasn’t his wife. He didn’t know exactly how to feel but he knew this was the right time to start. He’d never feel completely ready. It was just something he had to do, to rip the band-aid off and get back out there. 
“I always loved that shirt,” He could hear Juliet saying, could see her standing behind him in the mirror. “It’s okay baby. I’m gone and I’m not coming back. You deserve to be happy. I want you to be happy.” She smiled, the one that shined so brightly reaching all the way to her eyes, the one that always made him feel lighter. 
This is what she would want.
He took a shaky breath, smiling as he fixed his hair up quickly. He would do it for her. He would do anything for her. With a spritz of his cologne he gave himself one last once over before heading out to the living room where his audience was waiting. “Well, how do I look?” He asked, holding his arms out. 
“Like an ass in a green shirt,” EZ grinned from his spot on the couch. Angel flipped off his brother while Serena, Gwen’s five year old daughter whacked EZ on the arm. 
“Hey you be nice to uncle Angel!” She shouted defending her favorite Uncle. Angel and Juliet were her godparents and spent a lot of time helping out as much as they could with Serena after her father bailed on her and Gwen. It wasn’t difficult, they both fell in love with the little girl instantly. The time they spent watching her grow up is what pushed them to start thinking about a family of their own. Angel only wished Juliet was here to see the sweet little girl Serena had grown into. 
“Thanks princesa” Angel chuckled, leaning over and pulling her into a hug as she jumped off the couch and into his arms. 
“I think you look beautiful.” She mumbled into him as she squeezed her little arms around his neck. 
Once Serena pulled away from the embrace Angel stood up meeting Gwen’s smile. She stood up off the couch coming over to Angel and straightened out his shirt that her daughter had now wrinkled up. “The most beautiful man,” she teased, smoothing out the last of the wrinkles. “You look great Angel. This is going to be good for you.” She knew Angel had doubts about dating but he couldn’t go on like he was. She loved her best friend more than anything but Juliet wasn’t coming back. If she was alive out there somewhere she would have at least contacted Gwen somehow. That told her that chances were she wasn’t alive. 
Angel became like family to her. She came to love him just as much as Juliet. They were family. After Juliet disappeared they became each other’s rock through the hard time. They both lost the most important person in their lives. It was good to have someone who could really relate to what they were going through.
“It’s time.” Gwen smiled up at him giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“You look good Angel.” EZ joined the three giving Angel a hug. They were all here for Angel. This was a big step he was taking. “Now you better get going before you are late. That wouldn’t look very good for your first date.”
“Right.” Angel nodded. He didn’t need to be late on his first date and he had one stop he had to make before he went. He gave them all a smile ruffling Serena’s hair before he headed for the door. 
“Wait!” Serena called out chasing after him. Angel turned around taking the small tin she extended out to him. “They’re mints so your breath doesn’t smell icky with smoke.” 
Angel shook his head chuckling. Serena was honest for sure and always made her displeasure with his smoking known. “Thank you.” He leaned over kissing her forehead before heading out.
On his way to his date at the bowling alley he stopped at the playground just a few blocks away from Santo Padre Elementary. Angel made his way over to the swing set on the far north side of the park. The park was one of three around town this one being the biggest one. 
Angel took Juliet here for their first official date and after that night under the stars it became their spot. It was here where she first started letting her walls down around him. She came to Santo Padre to stay with Gwen after escaping her then husband, James. 
That night she told him a little about James. From that day on Angel wanted to kill that asshole and swore to her and himself he would never treat her as such. With him she would always be safe. He only wished he was able to keep her safe as he had promised. 
Angel sat on the swing he used to push her in twisting his wedding band around his finger. He smiled to himself remembering the carefree feeling being here together always brought. It was the little things between them. They didn’t have much but as long as they had each other they would be set for life. 
“Fuck I miss you Jules.” Angel sighed, swinging lightly back and forth. “I miss you so fucking much. I’m lost without you. You were my everything. I’m not ready to let you go, not fully, but I have to do something. You’d want me to move on, right?” He looked up at the pink sky as the sun set. Sunset’s were always her favorite thing. Juliet loved sitting outside watching the colors of the sky change before the darkness took over and the stars began shining. 
“I love you, mi amor,” he murmured as he slipped the band off his finger. “This isn’t goodbye, just see you later. You’ll always hold my heart but it’s time. It’s been long enough.” Angel ran his hand through his hair trying to calm the growing ache in his chest. “You aren’t going to come back, I know that. I just hope wherever you are you’re resting easy. We’ll meet again.” Angel brought the wedding ring to his lips giving it a kiss before he slipped it into the pocket of his kutte above his heart. “I can’t wait to see you again.” 
The guy’s were all hanging around outside the clubhouse the next day towards the evening. They just got back from a short run and were enjoying a nice smoke and beer before heading home just enjoying each other’s company. 
“So?” Gilly nudged Angel’s shoulder with his beer wiggling his eyebrows.
“So what?” Angel asked, giving him a look. 
“How’d the date go?” They were all wondering how it went but were waiting for Angel to bring it up himself which so far he had yet to do. 
“Alright,” Angel shrugged, taking a swig of his beer. 
“Just alright?” Creeper asked from over at the picnic table. “That’s all we’re going to get?”
“What, you guys want to hear all the details like we’re a bunch of teenage girls at a slumber party?” Angel mocked them. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to share there just was not much to share. They hung out for a couple hours, talked a little and then said their goodbyes. There was no spark or anything making Angel want another one. At least not with her. 
“Did you at least get good head or something?” Coco asked, leaning his back against the table. “I heard Sierra gives great fucking head.” He chuckled along with the others.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Angel laughed with them. “Why don’t you find out for yourself?” 
“Really? Does that mean there’s not going to be a second date?” 
“No second date.” Angel admitted. “We just didn’t click.” She just wasn’t Juliet. “She’s free game.” 
“Well I’m proud of you hermano, for putting yourself back out there.” Coco said, raising his beer up in a toast to his brother. They all took a drink for Angel. It was a big step, one they thought he may never take. They were glad to see Angel at least trying.
“Fuck. Now that Angel’s back in the game we’re all going to have to step up our game.” Gilly commented.
“Like you had any game to begin with,” Angel teased, laughing with the guys. 
Bishop came out of the clubhouse looking for Angel. He just got off the phone with one of their brothers from another charter with information that would change everything. He smiled watching the guys joke around and laugh. Working with the cartel added extra stress to the men. They didn’t have as many light moments as these.
“Angel,” Bishop called out from the top of the steps. “Can I have a moment?” 
“Sure thing Prez,” Angel called back, releasing Gilly from the headlock he had him in now. He gave Gilly a pat on the back before following Bishop into the clubhouse and to Templo. 
Bishop stood by Angel’s chair. “You might want to take a seat for this brother.” Bishop’s face was dead serious making Angel’s smile drop instantly. Angel did as was suggested as his mind began racing. His first thought was somehow Bishop found out about his deal with the rebels but then he figured he wouldn't be here if that was the case.
“What’s going on Bish?” Angel asked cautiously. Whatever it was he had a feeling it was not going to be good. 
“I just got a call from one of our brothers in Arizona,” He started sitting down as well. “It’s about Juliet.” They had eyes out for her even after all these years. Until they had some solid evidence of what happened to her Bishop wasn’t going to give up. Juliet wasn’t just Angel’s wife but a part of the family. They all hurt when she went missing and they all felt for Angel and all the pain he endured the last two years. “Two hunters found her in Prescott National forest.” 
Angel’s heart stopped. He knew this day would come eventually but he wasn’t ready for it so soon. He didn’t want to hear this. He didn’t want to believe it. Thinking she was dead and knowing were two very different things. With just thinking there was at least a sliver of hope that she could be alive and well out there. Angel stood up from his chair. He couldn’t hear this. “I can’t Bish.” 
He went to leave when Bishop caught him by the arm. “She’s alive, Angel.”
Angel must have misheard. He turned back around, his face scrunched up. “What?”
“She’s alive. She’s in the hospital up there. I guess she took a bit of a tumble.” Bishop said recalling all the information he was given. “They are going to have a couple of the guys posted there until you get there.” 
“She’s alive?” Angel still couldn’t believe it.
“She’s alive,” Bishop grinned, pulling Angel into a tight hug. Bishop pulled back holding the back of Angel’s head doing the best to keep his own tears at bay as the younger man’s tears fell off his lashes. “You go get your wife and you bring her home.”  
Everything Tag list: @jad3djay​ @fairygardenss​ @carlaangel86​ @briannab1234​ @starrynite7114​ @agirllovespasta​ @howaboutash​ @gemini0410​ @naytraydr​ @knowles-morgan​ @woahitslucyylu​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @ktiz90​ @brothersofmayhem​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @vsfavs​ @scuzmunkie​ @chibsytelford​ @whyisgmora​ @sadeyesgf​ @blessedboo​ @nakusaych9​ @briana-mishell24​ @curvynerdfan​ @multiyfandomgirl40​
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mikenewtonhateblog · 4 years
My oc’s aka too long of a gd post
The “BL” Crew (does not stand for boys love I’m just a moron who made that abbreviation before knowing what it stands for). My main crew and main series, a lot is a big WIP right now as I’m slowly redoing the first book and all the lore. Why? I love torture. Book is fantasy type but I won’t specify what.
Lacie, the protagonist. God tier idiot, bisexual bipolar depressed MESS, insomniac, former theater kid, doesn’t know what she wants out of life but currently it is not This(plot of book). Hot headed, impulsive, crude, rude, Mommy IssuesTM, would rather be taking a nap right now, rules are made to be broken, absolutely fucking FERAL, more bags under her eyes than the airport lost and found. 5’5, 130lbs, Aries, age 18, white as shit like literally the whitest human you have ever seen, strawberry blonde hair in a 2011 Hayley Willaims haircut with long bangs, the darkest brown eyes you’ve ever seen that stare directly into your soul. Lanky, no curves, body of a 12 year old boy but works out so she can and will kick your ass and thats a threat. Not human?
Josh. Soft boy, smart, Lacie’s cousin and only friend for like the first 18 years of her life, autistic anxious mess who’s special interest is anchient egyptian history, is in honors classes, despises math, passes out when his girlfriend looks too cute, just needs a hug. Can eat a whole carton of easy mac if left alone, whole wardobe is the same outfit just different colors/hoodies, sensory issues, seriously can someone give this guy a hug. 5’9, 150lbs, Pisces, age 18, mixed (half whatever flavor of white Lacie’s family is [they don’t even know its just some scandanavian shit and irish], and half mexican on his mom’s side), medium olive skin with freckles and moles, dark chocolate brown hair that’s a bit of a 2009 Beiber cut, warm brown eyes, not beefy, a lil thicc and self concious about it but squishy boys are GOOD. Gets bit by a werewolf so now he is one his mood on it is “thats a lot to unpack but let’s just throw the whole suitcase away”.
Zander. There is not one braincell in this man, himbo KING, pansexual dumbass with undiagnosed ADHD, no impulse control, head empty and full at the same time, PTSD, his fashion sense should be an actual crime, gets in fights to feel something, basic requirements for him to be attracted to you: kick his ass. Drinks his respect women juice, sees a folding table and must immediately launch himself on it, chaotic, cannot drive a car and will not, food aggression and eats enough for 3 people but never gains weight which is ILLEGAL, him and Lacie may be a couple.....but in this house we stan slow burn, he talks in caps and every sentence either ends with a question mark or exclaimation point, likes romcoms. 6’2, 190lbs, Sagittarius, age 19, austrailian roots and has the accent but is from [REDACTED FOR STORY REASONS], white, dorito shaped with long legs, blueish black hair that’s long and messy, dark navy eyes that match his hair, bigass neck scar from [REDACTED]. Not human
Peter. Gay dad friend who is TIRED of having to be in charge of a bunch of teenagers, only one with full functioning braincells, lowkey a genius who loves engineering, mixes magical technology with human technology because he likes to play god, is he ever sober? No one knows, will kill for a bottle of single malt, his fashion sense? Tastefully expensive suits perfectly tailored. Likes building his own weapons that no one else knows how to even use, generally non-threatening but can get scary if needed. 6’4, 140lbs string bean man, Scorpio, age 179 but looks early 30s, I know I said Lacie is the whitest human but he’s even paler like a literal sheet of paper with scandanavian roots/ancestors were vikings or some shit, blonde hair styled like 2013 Brendon Urie lmfao, light crystal blue eyes. He’s a vampire and was born one.
Danielle. Tiny, sweet, queen of girls supporting girls, comments on all her friends instagram posts with 20 emojis, LOVES fashion and has a wardrobe that would make anyone jealous, oozes feminine energy, only child and parents are in love still, gets exactly 8 hours of sleep each night and wakes up looking like a disney princess. Just because she is small and cute doesn’t mean you should underestimate her she WILL fuck your shit up. Quiet when angey which is terrifying. Josh is her bf and she loves him so much but also loves teashing the shit out of him. Legally cannot cuss, polite, used her high heels as a weapon once, speaks like 5 languages because studying them is her hobby, gardens, hugs everyone. 5’0, 110, Taurus, age 18, mixed (half french-american, half Korean-american), glowy skin always, PETITE frame aka the friend everyone can pick up when they hug, long past her waist curly brown hair, bright green eyes. She’s not fully human as she has fae blood in her and this gives her the ability to talk to and control plants. Flower crowns for everyone
Becca. Theater kid who would die to sing in Wicked and has the vocal range to do so, cannot wait to graduate and go to her dream college which she got into and a scholarship, closeted lesbian bc her whole giant family is extremely catholic and she feels like not dealing with it, “no boys allowed in bedroom” rule is her favorite joke, chill, middle child of 5 siblings and just wants some peace and quiet for ONCE. Her fashion sense is “I’m dropping subtle hints I’m gay but only to other gays”, has a black belt and took self defense classes. 5’6, 145lbs, Virgo, age 18, Latina (cuban and mexican mix), darker brown skin with light freckles over her nose, athletic build, eyebrows on POINT, bright caramel eyes, short light brown hair cut in a bob, has a tiny nose stud, always wears a blue friendship bracelet her gf made her. Human
Anika. Calling her a bitch/slut is a compliment, bisexual, a bit of a mean girl but she grows out of it give her time!!! Is always Too Much, the horny friend, favorite color is red so thats almost all of her outfits, loves to show off her body as much as she can because she’s hot and knows it and thrives in her own confidence. Her mom is literally like Regina George’s mom from Mean Girls but married a rich man 20 years older than her, Anika doesn’t know her bio dad but thats fine neither does her mom and her step dad is nice and does his best to be a dad. Becca’s gf, always hanging out at her home so Becca can get some quiet because Anika’s an only child and has a pool. 5’9, 135lbs, Gemini, age 18, white, long layered dark reddish brown hair, teal-blue eyes, swimmers body type (I normally do not mention bust size but she would want the internet to know she was blessed with big bahoogles so there you go), can sprint in heels. Half mermaid (boy was that a surprise considering her mom doesn’t know who her father is LOL)
Rex. Nb uses they/them he/him pronouns but honestly will respond to any, goth lite, only attracted to men and ace, can read minds so knows all your secrets, mischevious little shit, great friends with Zander and enjoys his dumbass thoughts and that he’s basically a human version of Jackass, wears too many rings, goth boots for kicking and fashion babey, always has the freshest memes and will not hesitate to roast in the group chat, hangs with the girls most of the time. Chaos god who loves making art, be gay do crime, skateboard and spraypaint. 5’8”, 165lbs, Leo, age 18, Native American, masculine frame, dark brown skin, blue eyes, firetruck red shoulder length hair that’s usually in a ponytail, knock-off gucci sunglasses just for judging their friends. Has magic in their blood so not entirely human and can cast spells and shit (don’t roast me its a wip and I’m doing my research)
Sam. Boho goddess, aromantic, makeup and nails are always instagram worthy, quiet and stoic type but losens up around close friends, Rex is her best friend, has some trauma and doesn’t want to talk about it, emotionally numbed out a bit and wants to purely vibe. Has seen some of the worst parts of humanity and wishes she hadn’t, finds no point in being bitter or resentful though because that won’t change anything, loves cats and once she moves out shes adopting one or three. Has wine aunt energy. 5’4, 200lbs PLUS SIZE QUEEN, Scorpio, age 18, Filipino (her parents are immigrants fun fact!), really olive skin sometimes has a grey/green tinge to it, dark brown almost black shoulder length hair, gold-hazel eyes. Sam’s the victim of a family curse that requires her to consume human hearts to survive, she can transform into a pretty scary looking being and uses this curse to hunt down pedoph*les, r*pists, murderers, and abusers. The less often she feeds the less human she looks, hence the constant grey/green tinge to her skin. 
Andy. Baby of the group, must be protected at all costs, 100% didn’t sign up to be in a friendgroup of 90% monsters but highkey loves it, trans, bi, anxiety MAXED, just wants to draw comics and cosplay spiderman, has to babysit his two younger sisters a lot because his parents are....not great, and as a result now knows all the lines to Tangled and The Little Mermaid. Big nerd energy, has to draw on everything including homework, gets inspiration for comics from his friends, awkward and socially anxious, drinks way too much tea and will accidentally steal your pens. Fears include: crowds, thunder, tall angry men, tiny spaces. Just trying his best. 5’2, 100lbs BEANPOLE BOY, Leo, age 16, white (irish and scottish roots), freckles absolutely EVERYWHERE, orangey red hair thats in desperate need of a haircut, chocolate brown eyes, braces, chronic nail biter. Human and kinda wishes he wasn’t.
That’s it for now if you read all this bless u thank u here is my whole heart. Please no discourse, literally these are fictional people I’ll never publish the books they go to.
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petrichorismydrug · 5 years
Pairings: Jungkook x reader
Genre: Fluff, minor angst (this can change) | Roommates, coffee shop, soulmates AU | Latina OC
Word count:  2.5+k
Sumary:  It started with a small hold of his hand, then it was just easy to hold his hand because for some weird and unknown reason it fit perfectly with yours.
A/N: This part wa written with me half asleep, so I will edit this later
This chapter contains one (1) phrase in spanish, and maybe I will edit this later cause I think I switched the POV but its almost midnight and I'm most sleep than awake.... but the idea didn't leaved me so I need to write this.
The writters block is finally over!!!!
Hope you like. Lots of love
Pt 1 | Pt2 |
“You know, it’s really unfair to realize that romance was created by corporations to prey in losers who thing buying nice things will make somebody love them, when in reality it’s not. That is why I don’t support all this gift giving thing that happens on valentine’s day or B-days. So, I don’t want any of you buying me unnecessary things”
The new ones in this group of friends were surprised, they even had theirs presents ready for valentine’s day; it was in three days. The older ones knew that you actually loved presents although you really did think that it was unnecessary to spend money in something useless when they can easily give you a used t-shirt or hoodie, normally you give them hints when saying things like, ‘that’s cool’ when something  catches your attention from their wardrobe. A long time ago you stopped saying ‘that will look amazing on me’ but they still saw the words on your eyes when something catches your attention.
“It is already ‘That’s 70’s show’ time of the year?” said Jin while grabbing another slice of pizza. Yoongi was looking at the ceiling for answers, Hobi pressed his lips making his dimples appear and Joon just shake his head.
“I think I already told you, Hyde is a bad influence” Namjoon spoke while reaching for his soda.
“If you want to call someone a bad influence, that is Kelso. Hyde is beautiful, don’t you dare say something bad about him with your dirty mouth in my presence” Joonie looked offended for a big moment there, and when his jaw did the thing, she knew she almost fucked up “Sorry, you know...”
“He cheated on Jackie” he stabbed back at you, both holding each other stare, the old ones knew this was getting on a dangerous war line. It was not a good day for both and your fights, the real ones usually end bad. On the other hand, the young ones were already lost on fighting the idea of returning the presents or not. Jungkook started to sweat cold.
“How very dare you?” her voice trembles a little, Hyde was your sunshine, your emotional support character
“He did” matter of fact his voice sounded back, in a low tone.
“The writers just did him dirty because he was too good for the show and people started to like him more than the other guys” Joon just shrugged “and for your information, he is much better than Ross Geller, he is a person with and obsession”
“How can I say no, when you are right?”
“You see. I have good eye for characters, I mean, I love Chandler.”
Namjoon scoffed “Everyone loves Chandler.” After a long pause, with the air thick, and everybody nervous except for Jin that was still eating his slice of pizza unbothered; you broke the silence, just to give a message to Joon.
“Sabes que te quiero y eres un tonto, ¿verdad?” a smile made his face to shine and his deep nice dimples appeared. How can you fight with this one? He is the nicest that always try to protect you. Your one and only giant that was there to fight your dragons. Your moon to your dark nights. The hot to your shot. The landscape to your big picture. The plane to your dream travel. He was always there, and you don’t see your life without him. A brother from another mother.
“What she said?” Jimin asked softly to Yoongi, who was still looking for answers on the roof; after a couple of seconds he grabbed his fake wise man beard.
“That he’s an idiot and she hate us all” as fast as the light travels four cousins flew across the living room to where Yoongi was seated, making a mess of popcorn in the floor paired with some complain noises from him. “Fork! That was uncalled for”
“You are going to clean all that as punishment” You said, privilege of living here, you can sometimes order around, and your cute friends would obey you. Sometimes. Even though this time he was asking for doing some house cleaning with all his bad behavior, and by bad behavior I mean, he is being a liar, what he knows is forbidden in this household.
“You are the ones that made this mess, I’m the victim here, why would I?”
“You broke rule number one” Jungkook spoke, standing up taking some empty glasses to refill them with soda in the kitchen. Everyone just laughed at that, because it was true and Yoongi was shook, you could just tell that by his face, but he laughed too.
Looking at Jungkook walk away you were immediately attracted to follow him as if he was like some weird and strong magnet, because you know, maybe he needs help with something. Clearly that was the only reason. Clearly. Before even realizing what, you were doing you were walking behind him.
“Need a hand?” He saw you leaning to the counter near him, but he shook his head with a smile pasted on his face. How could someone so tall look so cute and huggable. He was serving the drinks and mumble some words, but you couldn’t make out any. “You said something?”
“Okay? No need to scream here.”
“I didn’t scream, just talked with enthusiasm” you just laughed at his pink cheeks and red ears, but you would not say that to him. Its not polite. But you know what, lets forget about that, you were distracted by how his hair was starting to cover his eyes and it started to be a dangerous future without going back. His coconut hair was like a safe point, but this new him with a new pierced ear started to haunt your days, more because he lived with you.
Reaching for his hair you spoke again “You urgently need a haircut” the softness of his hair was a new sensation to your hands, but it was so nice. There was no way you were using the same shampoo and your hair needed extra care and treatments. Was he made on a lab? Even his eyelashes were longer than yours, or any women you know.
“Ah… maybe, but I’m saving money, I’m going to let it grow for another month, probably two” two months, the words echoed in your head, two months without a cut? That was too much. Because this person in front of you was unique but adding long hair… you were not ready for that path in your life.
“I can cut it for you, if you want” you say still grabbing some strands of hair, Jungkook looked at the ceiling and then at you, the stars that shared the space in the black of his eyes always amazed you, -stars, that was the only option for that shine in his eyes, the light in the kitchen wasn’t even that bright, probably he actually was a robot, normal eyes can’t shine like that- “what..? I don’t know what that look means”
“You want to cut my hair?” his tone could be mistaken for a mockery but was a nervous one with a smile at the end. It's just so much to say, but you misunderstood.
“Well, its not as if I want it’s just that I wanted to help, but forget I say it” you were not offended, but there was this feeling in your chest, maybe shame, not sure you can’t put a finger on it but was a weird chest pressure. The quick and most easy escape was just going back to the living room, it was your want and decision, but the hand in your hand kept you in place. Leaning his head to your hand working on his hair.
“You will not chop my head off?”
“I’m not doing it”
“No! do it, please” if you wanted to name an animal that fully described Jungkook you were sure he was a bunny, but now you were concerned cause you could practically see the bunny in him but also a puppy. A bunny with puppy eyes, that was unfair… he was unfair. He started to notice you can’t say no to him, and the worst part? Even though you knew that too, you still say yes to him.
A big huff leaved your mouth “Alright, I’ll do it. But I don’t want any regrets later.
“Never” his smile was bigger, how so?
“When you want to do it? Let’s set a date”
“You are crazy, we have people over, we can’t”
“Why not?” he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer, not hugging you but close enough for you to have troubles breathing. Why he always smells so nice and baby like?
“Because… because, because Jeon…” a hand in his chest made it worst for you, that was a note for future reference, not that you will go around touching him or something. But it was hard to ever consider that when he flicks his hand to the back of his neck; such gestures make one fall in love madly. Hold on, what was that? The noise of someone cleaning his throat made you both look at the source of the noise, that happens to be Jin. This saved you from a talk with yourself that you surely were not ready to have.
“Sorry, did I interrupt something?”
“No” you cut any word that Jungkook wanted to say and took a step away from him cleaning the inexistent crumps on your clothes. “Just talking”
“About what?” that alarmed you, the look on Jin face told you he was there a long enough to misunderstand this conversation you were having.
“He wants me to cut his hair”
“Ah” Jin relaxed but for some reason his posture started to take a defensive one “she is actually good at it, she did an amazing job at my last haircut”
“You cut his hair?” that was one of the two questions Jungkook wanted to ask you, because ‘you go to his apartment alone?’ was the other and Jin never comes here for you to do that.
“Yes, since a long time actually. When was the first? When I moved here?”
“No, remember that time Namjoon told you I was really mad at that person that chopped out my bangs? Then you volunteered, it was when we meet, like a month into the friendship.”
“Oh right, and that person being you because alcohol do weird thing to you. Please don’t even do that again, its damn hard to fix your hair with that length.”
“Still handsome.”
“I never said anything about your looks”
“So, he is handsome?” the tone of indignation in Jungkook voice was astonish, why was he like that?
“Yes, he is”
“Yes, I am” you both said, you in a normal voice while Jin had an offended one. His pouty mouth was so cute. Why were your friends so damn handsome?
“What’s up with this bickering?” Namjoon entered the kitchen followed with the other 4 guests of the night.
“He doubted my handsome face” Jin yelled, he was not a narcissist, but he knew well he was handsome, you all knew. They all are sinfully handsome. Maybe you did well in your previous life to be in the same room with seven specimens like them.
“Oh! You are handsome dear” Hobi said, patting his back.
“Yes, even Y/N couldn’t help but fall in love with him in the past” Yoongi apported an unnecessary fact of your life, making you and Jungkook to open your eyes as big as you could, if it was a competition Jungkook would have won. Even though the reason why you did it was for different causes.
 “Hey! I’m not going around telling your crushes! If this is a revenge for you cleaning, you will be banned for movie night”
 “It’s not revenges, I didn’t know we were not allowed to tell this, is in the public domain, the one involved knows, what’s wrong with the kids knowing?”
 “So, you dated?” Jimin said with a cute and curious smile, you can’t get mad at him. But the air was thick, and everyone noticed.
 “Umm… no, Brandon, that bastard…” Jin said lowly
 “Who is Brandon?” Tae asked, munching a slice of pizza
 “No, his name is Bradney, it’s my fairy”
 “Your what?!” Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook screamed making you all to wince. 
 “My fairy… I, we all have a soulmate. So, we all have a fairy, the one that brings the things our soulmates lost. I’m not the only one knowing this, right?” When they nodded you continued “My soulmate didn’t let me” you pointed between Jin and you “let’s keep it that way”
 “You know your soulmate?” Jimin asked what Jungkook was struggling to say, but the words didn’t find the way out of his mouth.
 “What is the problem? Maybe you never meet him or her” the words Tae said were true, everyone knew them, they were people that knew his soulmate, and nothing happened, some never meet, and nothing changed their life.
 “Its… It’s a he, but…” when you looked at Jin, he and all the old ones knew this was your limit for this topic, cause you really liked Jin, and Jin liked you back, but this was so hard cause you can’t turn back time, you had your chance and you decided to say no to it. You don’t regret it, but still, there is this weird feeling when this is the topic.
 “Maybe we should get going guys, it’s getting late” The sunshine to your life saved you with his most brilliant voice and smile that made his eyes disappear. Luckily everyone takes the hint and didn’t asked further. Your chest was aching a littler and the release of air was making you to conscious of the lack of breathing you were making. A hand in your back bring you to earth again. It was your moon.
 “You okay? You want me to call Sunmi?”
 “I’m okay, really. If I need something, I will call her myself.” then a figure was behind Joonie
 “I am sorry, I, you know I don’t have a filter when I’m with y’all” Yoongi apologized
 “Don’t worry, I know you didn’t do it on purpose” you hugged him tightly “Still you need to clean” a grunt leaved him, but he actually made a mistake then.
 In less than half an hour everyone leaved with small talk and vibrant goodbyes; lots of hugs were given. Yoongi actually cleaned, in a weird way that you almost stepped and did it yourself but at the end he did a good and decent job. You were just taking the trash out of the bin to take it out of the apartment in the morning when you leave for work. Jungkook was fixing the cushions, making them look fluffy by hitting them with more energy than needed, but if it was his way of doing it, you were more than happy to let him enjoy his time with them.
“So” he broke the silence “Tomorrow?”
 “What is happening tomorrow?”
 ���I am setting a date for my haircut”
 “Oh right. Yes, I can tomorrow.”
 “It’s a date then” he bunny smiled, and it was the most adorable thing, you are sure you are never getting tired of it.
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ct-hardcase · 6 years
How about 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 for the oc questions? Any oc :)
Thank you so much! I’ll talk about Lan since I’m celebrating her (belated) birthday!
1. How did you come up with your oc? I was watching the Gathering arc from tcw because I love those funky kids and heard the line that they’re the best younglings in their class and go on the first Gathering of their class. Going off of that, presumably the younglings that struggle a bit more would be in the last Gathering. I headcanon that the inquisitors weren’t the best Jedi, so for some reason I centered on Fifth Brother, and wanted to focus on his Gathering, and I gave him a friend who was a counterpoint to his sadness by being optimistic despite them being in the last one, and that friend is Lan!
5. What makes you like them so much? She’s really perseverant and despite the fact that she gets caught up in Order 66 and eventually dies, her story is one of joy: she gets her Master and grows in her ability as a Jedi, going from one of the worst in her class to being a passable Knight whose bravery gets her sent on special ops missions, and even after Order 66, she becomes critical of a flawed Order (despite her wanting to preserve it now that it’s gone), finds love, and eventually gets married and has as good a life as she can have in hiding.
6. What is the best part about writing/drawing them? I personally really like her hair and height difference with the other characters. Also, bonus points for her being an enabler and her friends enabling her to be dumb.
7. Has their name ever changed? If so, what did it change to? I mostly added on: her name was originally just the placeholder letter “L”, then Lan, then I gave her the last name Okailah. I have to give her an Empire-era alias too, but I haven’t settled on one yet.
8. Has their appearance ever changed? If so, describe the change, or show a picture if you are more comfortable with that. I needed to diversify the way I draw East Asian faces, so in order to do that, I gave her a bit more of a upturn in her nose and a somewhat more defined squarish jawline than my original design. Her post-empire haircut has also changed from a bowl cut to a bit shorter.
If anyone else wants, ask me  questions about my ocs!
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canadian-buckbeaver · 6 years
Double Trouble
A small dabble for @saiyurimai for her genderbent version of her oc, as well as a late birthday gift.  Hopefully you enjoy (and I may make another chapter)
It wasn’t very often that they could escape to the Mainland.  After so many years there was still so much unrest between the two groups.  Small groups of humans would attack the monsters and those who were friendly to them without warning, and the laws of the monster integration were written in a way that made it impossible for them to retaliate.
Sai and Bucky had already met their fair share of these Anti-Monster warriors, seeking to “save” them from their “captors”.  These men offered many gifts and promises, but seemed deaf to Sai’s and Bucky’s words of no.  Luckily, aside from the one instance with Grillby, there had been no violent altercations.
Today, the boys were sure that there was going to be no such problems.
There were talks of a new law being written, one that would finally give monsters the same legal rights as humans.  The little attacks against the monsters of Undertale had worked against the Anti-Monster Groups.  There was a need for their protection…
But they weren’t going to think about that right now.
Gaster and Grillby sat on the little bench in the local mall, sighing softly.  There were several shopping bags between the two of them. It was their monthly shopping trip and they had needed a few more supplies than usual.  Food, artistic supplies, clothing, household and others. They were just about finished their entire list.
There was just one more thing.
“Alright. It is time for my hair appointment.” Sai said, tossing her red and purple hair over her shoulder.  It contrasted magnificently with her star-studded hoodie.  “Vixen can’t fit me in for a while and I am simply dying for a good, shampooing massage. Her paws just don’t cut it sometimes.”
“I like your hair long, do you really need a cut?” Gaster grumbled softly, no heat to his words. He wasn’t against the haircut itself, just more against anyone else touching his, their, Sai.  It was difficult enough sharing her with the rest of her mates back at the mansion some days.  Grillby silently nodded, his hands full of bags.
Sai giggled softly, pressing a soft kiss to both Grillby’s and Gaster’s foreheads.  “Just a trim, I promise,” she told them with a small wink. “I know how much you both love my long, flowing locks… besides, Vixen would kill me if I did anything drastic without her approval.”
Oh, it was true. They both loved her long hair. Especially when it cascaded down her back, sticking to her flushed and sweaty cheeks…
“Bucky, you sure you don’t want a cut?” Sai turned to her friend now.
Bucky sighed sounding slightly longing.  “I would but they don’t have anyone who has been trained on curly hair yet.  I already asked them when you made the appointment.  Maybe we will have to run into a different salon and see what they have.”
“Next time then. May the stars forbid that the same guy cuts your hair again.”  Last time Bucky went in for a cut with Sai, the hair cutter had not been properly trained with curly hair and, once his style had worn off, one side of her hair had ended up being two inches shorter than the other.
Stretch wrapped his arms around her.  “I will find someone for you,” he promised her, nuzzling against her cheek.  “No matter how many hair stylists I have to comb through.”
Sai and Bucky shared a groaning laugh at his pun.  ���Ok. I’m off. See you guys in a bit!” Sai said, waving back at the gang as she entered the salon.
* ** * * * * * *
It was about thirty minutes later. Grillby and Gaster were watching something on his phone and Bucky was still entangled within a purring Stretch’s arms. They were comfortable, not yet worried about Sai.
There was a sound of approaching footsteps and Grillby looked up first.  He was a little more on edge since his attack, the first to react to sounds.  He gave a muted gasp and grabbed Grillby’s arms, gesturing.  Gaster looked up from his phone and saw what Grillby was gesturing at.  “HOLY FUCK SAI.  HOW ON EARTH WAS THAT A TRIM?”
Stretch and Bucky looked up in shock.  They had never heard Gaster scream like that before.  They turned…
And saw a confused looking Sai, hands jammed in the sweater pockets.  There was no mistaking the galaxy hoodie (a present from Gaster), Sai’s green collar with the golden tag…
And those purple and red locks, now trimmed into a short military cut.
“Holy shit… it looks good Sai, it really does…” Bucky said, eyes widening.  “But damn that’s a lot of hair.”
Those hazel eyes flicked back and forth between the entire group, confusion slowly fading and that mischievous spark returning to them “Heh, what can I say? I’m full of surprises.” Sai smirked and sat between Grillby and Gaster, grinning at them. Arms wrapped around them, pulling them close.  “And I know that is part of the reason why you love me so much,” Sai said in a husky voice.  “How many more surprises can you take?” Sai grinned, squeezing their shoulders. “Because, if you’re up for it, I say we ditch the shopping and take this party into a more secluded area and have some fun.”
Grillby and Gaster looked up at Sai and then to each other. “Uh…” Gaster said, thoroughly confused. It was one thing for Sai to get a radically different haircut than they were expecting, but another for Sai for wanting to bypass their coffee spot and… well, she was horny at the best of times true.
But enough to give up coffee?
“What is the meaning of this?” a familiar voice said, sounding slightly irritated.
Heads turned and saw another Sai, this one with long, flowing hair, this one with more feminine features. The other Sai grinned and continued to drape his, it was a definite masculine air about him, his arms over the two monsters’ shoulders.  There was a slight buzz of hair on his chin, one that had been missed in the initial shock.
“Sai?” Gaster asked, looking between the two humans.  There was little difference between the two of them.  If Gaster and Grillby had not known Sai’s family personally, they could have sworn that this other Sai was a twin.
“Yes?” The two humans asked, both looking at each other.  “He’s talking to me,” they said in unison, the same eyebrow arching up slightly.
Grillby couldn’t help it.  He snorted and covered his face, shaking his head.  Only they would meet Sai’s genderbent twin on the mainland.  If only the rest of her mates could see this now.  They might explode from a mixture of joy, surprise and hunger.
The male Sai smiled at them.  “Yes, I too am named Sai,” he said, “but call me Yuri, for confusion’s sake.”
Sai huffed and folded her arms.  “So, care to explain why you were making a move on my fiancés?” she demanded.
Yuri raised his eyebrow again.  “And I trust that you wouldn’t make a move on mine if you had a chance?”  Flushing, Sai huffed at him.  Yuri interrupted before she could speak again. “You can’t say that you wouldn’t jump at such a chance.  I know myself a little too well.”
“You have no proof of that!” she snapped at him.
Bucky pulled slightly on Stretch’s arms.  “I always did know that she was her own worst enemy.” She whispered, causing Stretch to chuckle.
“Really?” he hummed, looking over his shoulder.
Following his gaze, Sai gulped.  There was an orange flame monster, willowy and slim, wearing a trim little suit. Turning, Sai saw that this female flame monster was rather gifted.  Beautiful and lush, Sai felt her mouth watering.
“Checkmate,” Yuri said, winking at her.
Sai flushed and shook her head.  “I…”
“Or perhaps…” standing beside the flame monster was a skeleton, eye lights lit up with a pale purple, also dressed in a form-fitting blouse and skirt, showing off her pale ecto-breasts and ass perfectly.  They were as beautiful as her mates were handsome.  Showstoppers.  Any of them on their own would have been stunning.  Together…
With a sigh, Sai turned to Yuri.  “You win this round.” She simply said, admitting defeat, extending her hand to the other version of her.  
To her surprise, Yuri kissed her hand instead, eyes flashing at her.  “We have to go, Grilz has a shift starting soon.  But,” he said, handing her a piece of paper, numbers written on it, “if you ever, ever get the urge to switch partners or see how good you are in bed,” he gently folded her fingers around the paper, “give me a call.” He said, giving her one more wink before walking away from them, coming up to the other monsters’ side.
The small group watched the three of them interact and watch off, realizing quickly that it was like looking in a mirror.  “Well, that went a lot better than I expected,” Gaster said, sighing softly and picking up most of the bags by his feet.
‘How long should I wait to call myself?” Sai asked, already adding the number to her phone.
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11 Questions Tag Thing
So, I was tagged by the amazing @rockyroadkylers (thanks babe!)
Rules: Always post the rules, do all 11 questions by the tagger, write 11 of your own questions, and tag 11 people to answer said questions.
1. What’s your comfiest comfort food? Chocolate Chip Cookies!
2. If you could hug anyone in the world right now, for as long as you wanted with no fear of it getting awkward, who would you hug? @punnyanon @punnyanon @punnyanon
3. You found a box of old toys you used to love. Which one makes you smile the most? Hmmm probably Tinker Toys because even as a little kid I was building and inventing things (i’m studying mechanical engineering rn)
4. What’s one thing you always want when you’re sick? (Food, item, drink, show/movie, person, etc.) I have this dumb tradition of watching this old movie, The Pink Panther Strikes Back, it’s a Peter Sellers’ (or however his name is spelled) movie and it’s so funny it just cheers me up.
5. Best thing that happened this week/month? Big or small, just your happiest recent memory. Cute guy from texas has been hardcore flirting with me!
6. If you died, where would your stuff go? A person? A charity? The dump? Somewhere else entirely? Well, you see, I’ve told my best friend he can have all my shit if I die, so I guess it’s his. 
7. What’s the most-hated present you’ve ever received? Well, I don’t really hate the present here, I hate the reason behind it, so I hope that counts. One year my sister gave me this headband for Christmas, alright, yeah, great, I have bangs and I cook so that’ll be nice. But it turns out, that’s not why she bought it. She looks at me, right in the face, and says “so i bought that for myself but then I realized that it made me look like i’m twelve so i’m giving it to you’ 
8. Describe the worst haircut you think you’ve ever had. I used to have long hair as a little kid, and my mom made the mistake of taking me to Great Clips. And they cut off like all of it. My bangs were crooked and halfway up my forehead, my hair was up to my chin. I was crying. It was a bad  day. 
9. Your opinion on fairy lights? Yay or nay? And what kind do you like best? YAY YAY YAY I have some in my room that are metal flowers with the light in the middle and i love them
10. What’s your favorite musical? NO. THIS IS NOT OKAY I CANNOT BE EXPECTED TO CHOOSE But, my favorites are as follows, in no particular order, The Light Princess Dear Evan Hansen Be More Chill Hamilton The Lightning Thief (Not A Musical Yet But) It’s Kind Of A Funny Story
11. I like your shoelaces. Um, what? 
My Questions: 1. What are the personality traits you imagine in a perfect significant other? 2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where? 3. On a scale of one to potato, how well do you flirt? 4. Top Five books/book series? 5. What’s the most recent TV show you’ve binged 6. Do you have any pets? 7. What’s your dream job? 8. Favorite Movie? 9. Most recent creative project? 10. Favorite animal? 11. What’s a strange hobby that you have?
Tags: @punnyanon, @the-torture-anon, @thehazardsoflove13, @chinchilla-ocs, @rockyroadkylers, @fragilegayloser, @ anyone who wants to bc i’m seriously blanking on all of y’all’s users rn. so just do it and tag me
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kehideni · 6 years
Gonna do this because i’m bored.
Original post: http://liaraliara.tumblr.com/post/140046142390/super-detailed-questions-about-your-ocs
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Beasteye Denalien. He is of the Beast warband and as he is the hunter of his warband he chose Beasteye as his name. You know for... aiming and stuff...
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
He has a lot but i chose “Veteran” for him canonically. It’s because he’s been a beastmaster for 20+ years with the Ash Legion and it’s rare to keep a job for that long.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
Well, he had a pretty normal childhood for a charr except for his mom died when he was 5 and the poor cub didn’t know how to process that or if he should process that at all so in his personal story his reaction to death is mostly hurt and confusion. He doesn’t know how to deal with death that is until Tybalt. When Tybalt dies in the personal story he learns how to mourn.
His favourite memory is of when his first pet- Raphael the red drake - hatched and thus started his career as a beastmaster.
His worst memory is... well, every death he witnessed. For a charr he is pretty sensitive, but he grew to be a pretty good actor too so you will not see him cry. The damage is completely inner-working. He remembers every face.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? 
He knew both of his parents, his mom was very strict but also very caring. Alas she’s dead and he doesn’t learn how to mourn till Tybalt. His relationship with his father is good, he helped Vallus escape.
His good memory with his mom is when she’d pet him on his back and sing to him till he fell asleep as a small cub.
With his father his favourite memory is when they were playing ball while Vallus fixed an Ash Legion tank’s wheel. (I actually drew a comic of that but i plan to digitalize it)
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
He was from a litter but for some reason one of his siblings was dead-born, and the other was so much of a runt that no matter how hard his mother tried the cub just died. If those two would have survived Denalien would now have a brother and a sister.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
He was a very friendly cub at the fahrar but he got bullied for it so later on he became the silent type. He still likes making allies and bonds easily but he no longer initiates those friendships.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
His friends in the fahrar were the ones that later on became his warband. You know how that goes down.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? 
He is a beastmaster/hunter. :D He has his red drake Raphael. And yes he loves animals a lot.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
Yes and yes.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Yes he likes children, and children like him too(think back to the Olmakhan). He never considered the topic though. He doesn’t know if he wants cubs. Maybe after the Tyria is safe from the Elder Dragons. He is already a parental figure for Braham, Taimi and even Aurene though.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
No. He eats whatever he wants.
12. What is their favourite food? Meat on a stick.
13. What is their least favourite food? I guess vegetables.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
He had a drinking competition with Pirates, back with Tybalt.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
YES! That was the first profession i maxed with him.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? 
Evon Gnashblade Actionfigures. He loves how he could sell it for 5gold/each whenever he wants. It makes him feel like he got an investment xD
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos? 18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else 19. What’s their least favourite genres? 20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
He likes music of course. He would love to waltz sometime, but between one world ending dragon and the other there really isn’t time.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
He is very patient but once angered he goes for the throat. There’s no getting away from him. (enemies)
When allies anger him for sh*ts and giggles he takes it. When it’s something like Caithe’s betrayal in HoT he is just heartbroken and sulks until A) like Caithe it turns out it was not intentional or B) it was intentional then the traitor is treated like an enemy.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
“Who are you and why are you breathing at me?” He doesn’t really insult he is more of the type of “ask stupid questions get a stupid answer”. He doesn’t do b**ing behind someone’s back.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
He does have a good memory.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
He sleeps too few hours because of stress, sadly yes they snore mostly because when he does sleep he passes out. He sleeps on whatever surface he passes out on :’D
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
He loves sarcasm and silly puns.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
He is very vocal when he is happy. He laughs he cheers he roars he hums and sings sometimes too.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Misfortune makes him sad, deaths that are his faults and he doesn’t cry outwards. His soul cries but physically he just can’t. Except for the very last LW story... he just collapses and cries.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
His biggest fear is that someone else will pay the ultimate price for his incompetence or weakness. That he gives all but it’s not enough, that the soldiers who follow him blindly into battle will once realise that he is nothing special, they were the ones raising him into power.(That’s what he thinks atleast, he doesn’t realise that what the Pact achieved so far are his victories)
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
He tries to be supportive, he is very understanding. Will try to help them through it rather than ridicule them. (Braham with spiders, anyone?)
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
He really doesn’t need to with his 24/7 combat activity.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing? 32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
He wears clothes out of materials he finds in his environments. Fur, bones, leather. His hair is all grown out because who has time for a haircut when you got a World to save?
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties? 34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
He is pretty big even for a charr. Well built and pretty tall(can’t really say measures) yes he likes his body.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
His guilty pleasure would be eating weird stuff, like toxin cured hogs x’D Unguilty pleasure is dancing it’s just that he doesn’t have time for that. 
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing? He likes carving wood. He likes to dance and is pretty good at it too. He can sing but not that greatly. You know he can sing on his own speaking voice but not professional singing with higher and lower tones.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
Doesn’t really like nor hate reading, they are pretty average readers. He hasn’t read that much to decide wether he likes poetry or not. Same with other literature.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
He really admires people who can truely sing. 
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? 40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert? 41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
He never stopped to consider his sexuality nor did he ever find anyone THAT attractive. He also never thought about relationships that much. But from an outsider’s point of view i think he would need someone who trusts him but also is critical of him. Someone who would be an equal partner to him because as of right now he feels pretty alone even with Dragon’s Watch there to back him up. 
The closest anyone has gotten to a role such as that is Caithe who was an equal parner in raising Aurene. She also trusts the commander and although we haven’t seen her being critical of him we have seen her NOT follow the commander blindly around.
(I... kinda ship Caithe with the commander. No, not my character but i mean the commander as the universal character(which means with my oc too but you get my point i hope))
I think the commander needs someone BY him not all these support BEHIND him. (Note how he told Braham that too in A Star to Guide Us) Welp i got sidetracked.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Well that’s an obvious one. “To make a world worth of his loved ones.”
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people? CHARR HAVE NO GODS!
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? 
He prefers spring but as he is a furry little kitty cat person he is pretty good in all weather.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? That’s hard to answer as there is someone who calls him a murderer for failing her husband in a mission and there are others who ask for his autograph on their greatsword.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves? 47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
He doesn’t like fancy suits but if he must he bears with it. He can put on a font and chitchat but that’s mostly to spare himself from boredom.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? 
Honestly, he’d really just like to rest finally. Sit down by a fire at night and stare off into the dark distance. Finally letting his guard down knowing nothing bad will happen if he does it. And just... be with his own thoughts for a change.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
He has a Tybalt plushie he got from Tybalt as a joke, and an Aurene mini. Both have a photo function, a visual reminder who they were and what they looked like.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Other than the sentimental stuff, i guess food and survival tools.
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senyoun · 6 years
[Delayed Affection] Ch.1: Witnesses of Time
Fandom: One Piece
Relationships: Roronoa Zoro / OC
Tags: ANGST!, Unhealthy Friendship, Unhealthy Relationship, Therapy sessions, OC´s, Toxic Relationship, Depressions, Anxiety, later on smut
Word Count: 2.298
I jump onto the Angst-train guys.  You can also find this fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17509382/chapters/41244938
"Scars are the witnesses of time. They will follow you all your life and make you remember your mistakes."
"Tell me about your past friendship with Ms. Reynolds, Lienna."
Sitting in the comfortable but cold leather chair the young woman starred into her hands she folded and unfolded nervously. She eyed the woman seated across from her carefully and somehow pleading, maybe she would change her question to something more... comfortable. It was obvious that sooner or later Dr. Robin would address the difficult topics and Meg, or how the therapist called her, "Ms. Reynolds" was such a topic she would rather avoid talking about. By merely hearing that woman´s name lots of different and also opposing emotions started to boil up inside of her.
"Didn´t we already go through that? There is not much to talk about it anyway. We were best friends until I realised I was nothing more than a tool for her. She used me to make herself look better in front of others. She´s a slu-"
"Ah, ah, language, Lienna. We are civilized and won´t put ourselfs on the same level as the people who hurt us." Dr. Robin interfered and after murmuring a quiet ´Sorry´, Lienna continued: "She is... a woman who enjoyed snatching the things I wanted right under my nose. When I told her about a dress I thought of pretty, she bought it to herself 2 days later. When I wanted to get a new haircut, she got it first. And do you know what the worst is? She always surpassed me. The dress I liked, she was stunning in it. The haircut? She rocked it better than I ever could. All I aimed for, she was always first and better in it than me." Lienna didn´t know when she started to get mad or when she began to clench her fists into the leather seat. She hated herself for letting that get so close to her since she now knew what kind of person Meghan was.
Putting her pen on the lips the raven-haired therapist thoroughly observed her client. "You were saying "what the worst is". Do you still consider her as superior?"
Shooting her gaze to the therapist as if she was caught off guard, Lienna nearly gasped at that question. "Of course not!" She hesitated and bit her lip before going on, "But I can´t deny that she still has something, someone I wanted so much. She could´ve taken everything from me. All the clothes, all the things. But she decided to take him as well. And that is what will make her always superior to me. Also because he chose her since, again, Meghan was faster than me."
"You are talking about Zoro, right? I assume you are trying to avoid any thought of him, is that the reason why you refuse to use his name?" And after Lienna nodded sadly Robin added: "But what strikes me as odd: I learned a lot about Zoro´s character from your previous stories. You are still not ready to talk about him directly, but to me it doesn´t make sense how he could even fall for someone as Ms. Reynolds?"
Lowering her head, Lienna starred at her thighs. She lost a lot of weight in these past 5 years, hunger simply wasn´t present and in the first months all nutrition she took to herself was puked out some hours later. Instead her alcohol consumption increased a lot but thankfully she started to get slowly rid of this unhealthy habit. "Meghan has a really unique talent: She wraps everyone around her finger. She is very good at manipulating people, I mean, I am the prime example, right? Even headstrong and cautious people like him are an easy prey for her."
Satisfied with the answer, Dr. Robin started a different topic. "Tell me how you met Ms. Reynolds."
Taking a deep breath and collecting all the courage she had Lienna started to speak.
Now that she stood in front of the still closed classroom door, the young girl´s anxiety reached a new high and restlessly she plucked on the hem of her skirt. Today was Lienna´s first day at the East Blue Middle School and she would prefer to just sink into the ground than going into the -with lots of strangers filled- classroom. But she promised her mom to not cause any problems and she really didn´t want to upset her, so when the teacher opened the door and winked her in, Lienna held her breath and stepped in.
It was lunch break when she approached Lienna. The brown-haired girl was wearing twin-tails which fell over her shoulder and on the desk she was supporting herself with. She starred down at the blue-eyed girl with a big smile. "Hi, I´m Meghan but you can call me Meg. Welcome to Class 1-C! I hope we can be good friends in the future!"
"I swear to god maths is killing me. Who needs something as useless and overly complicated as Integrals? I mean where in daily life would you need that anyway?" Meghan was walking besides Lienna sighing painfully. She pushed out her big chest annoyed. The whitette giggled slightly. "You only have to know it for the exams, after that you can just forget about it." Upon hearing those words Meghan swayed with her hips. "I can´t wait to get out of school and into university." She turned to Lienna. "And I can´t wait for us to move into our own apartment, we´re gonna be the coolest commune on the campus! Also..." Meghan licked her lips seductively. "... I can´t wait to lay my eyes and fingers on the boys." Now it was Lienna´s turn to sigh. "As long as you don´t forget to keep studying." The Brunette grinned. "That´s what I have you for, Lia. You will help me out if I need you, right?" Her gaze was intense and after some moments Lia answered. "S-sure."
Dr. Robin listened carefully and occasionally wrote something in her notebook. "I see. Did the friendship start to crumble when Zoro came into your lives? Or did something happen before?" She shifted in her seat and eyed Lienna carefully waiting for a reaction.
The Doc was a tall and beautiful women with long, black hair and hazel eyes which gave off a friendly and warm feeling. She was someone you know you can trust and can talk to. When Lienna first came into her practice for her first session she immediately felt that she could even entrust her darkest secrets to this woman, hell, the Doc would most likely even join her for a murder. Sometimes, when topics became rather difficult for Lienna to talk about, Dr. Robin knew exactly what buttons to push to make the Whitette spill what she wanted to know. The sessions were rough with her but Lienna was thankful for the Doc´s direct attitude. Dr. Robin doesn´t talk things pretty, she states out even the most uncomfortable facts and it was not unusual that Lienna started to cry like a baby in some of the sessions.
"I honestly don´t know. I mean, when we went through puberty both of us changed, I guess. She became more and more confident since her body was pretty well developed and she has always been popular with the boys. And I... well I just became more..."
"... submissive? Obeying?" Dr. Robin ended her sentence.
Lienna stayed silent and played around with her hands again. She couldn´t deny the truth of it as much as it hurt and before she could think of anything to reply to the Doc, latter spoke again.
"Where you scared of her? Were you afraid of the things she eventually could´ve done to you if you disobeyed?"
Shrugging, the younger woman impatiently pulled at her fingers. She knew that the Doc studied her body language just as much as her verbal answers so there was no need to actually say something. Closing her eyes and smiling softly, Dr. Robin stood up. "I think we made good progress today." Walking over to Lienna who also raised from her chair, the black-haired woman placed a hand on her clients shoulder in a soothing way. "Let´s continue there next week, shall we?"
While she was sitting in the tram on her way to the office Lienna thought about Dr. Robin´s last words.
´Where you scared of her?´
She was. After they moved into their shared apartment, Meghan started to finalise her authority over Lienna and she was at her mercy, not able to do anything. And when he became part of their lives it only got worse since Lienna didn´t want to give Meghan any area she could attack and in front of him she also wanted to leave a good impression. She wondered what he thought really of her, did he only see her as the friend of his girlfriend all this time? Did he consider her as friend of him? Geez, she hated the post-session hours. Her thoughts went completely on rampage and made her forget her principles, for example to waste as less thoughts as possible on him. It only hurt her in the end and caused her sleepless nights she spend with crying into her pillow.
When the robot-like voice announced the trams arrival at Blue Water Station, Lienna forced herself back into reality and made her way to the exit. From here on it would only be a good 10-minute walk to her workplace and some fresh air would help lifting her spirits, even if it was just for a bit. Though she had to admit, the work at the Galley-La Company really did help a lot coping with her anxieties and depressions.
The Galley-La Company became famous in the 17th century as one of the largest ship-building companies in the city. To adapt to the industrialization they changed their business model to architecture. And nowadays the company is responsible for most of the buildings which were built in the vast city. When Lienna finished University and passed her exams she took the chance to apply for the assistance job the company was offering. Not only was this a huge step in her career, it was also her long-awaited possibility to leave. She couldn´t believe it when the chef, Iceburg told her after her interview that she convinced him to be the right choice for it. Especially, since she was directly working under him.
It was also Iceburg that got her on top of Dr. Robins way too long waiting list. Despite trying her best to keep her depressions and anxiety out of her workplace and at home, Lienna one day bursted out in tears when she messed up the model of a new Health Care Center Iceburg was working on. But instead of scolding her, Iceburg helped her out of her panic attack and talked her through it. When some of her colleagues told her that Iceburg treats his employees like his family, there weren´t exaggerating.
Waving to the twin-receptionists Mozu and Kiwi, Lienna went to the elevators, which carried her to the floor where her office was. The elevator was entirely empty besides her and especially after sessions she was happy to just listen to the lame elevator music before the turmoil of daily life comes haunting her. Stepping out of the elevator she was greeted by a tall, blonde man who looked way too stressed for his own good. "Morning, Paulie, going for a smoke?" The addressed man sighed exhausted and scratched the back of his head. "Morning, Lienna. Don´t ask, it´s only 10 am and I´m already done with everything and everyone for the day. We have way too much work. Anyway, see you later at lunchtime." Poor man, being Iceburgs head-engineer surely was an exhausting job since that man could come up with some really crazy stuff which Paulie had to put into reality.
"Good Morning! How is Robin doing?" Someone approached her as soon as she stepped through the door of the main office. Iceburg was leaning against Kalifa´s desk and both looked up when they heard someone entering. Before answering, Lienna took off her coat and placed her handbag on her desk. "I think she´s doing good. She doesn´t really talk about herself, so her private life is more or less a mystery to me. But she seemed to be happy with the progress we made today, so..." The Whitette shrugged but Iceburgs eyes lightened up, he came over to her and placed both of his hands on her shoulders. "That sounds really good, I´m happy for you!" Kalifa who still sat on her desk adjusted her glasses and narrowed her eyes: "Direct body contact without getting permission of the employee, thats sexual harrassment." she stated bluntly and Iceburg shuddered upon her words. Lienna though waved it off. "It´s fine, Kalifa."
The following hours went by without any exciting events. She finished transfering some paper-plans to the computer and constructed the 3D-Model for it and during lunch time she tried to take part into some daily conversations her colleagues held. It was around 5 p.m. when she decided to call it a day and made her way home. Saying her goodbye´s to Iceburg and Kalifa who both tended to work until late in the evening -damn workaholics-, Lienna stepped out of the large building and instantly pulled her warm scarf deeper into the face. The late afternoons really started to get cold and if not for the city lights everything would´ve been engulfed in darkness.
Drawing a comparison, Lienna decided that it has been a good day. Sure, her early morning session with Dr. Robin has been exhausting, but her work and the constant but somehow cute bickering between Iceburg and Kalifa made up for it. She managed to eat most of her lunch and drank a lot of water and as soon as she came home she would take a nice relaxing bath and end the day with a good book. She smiled, her nose and cheeks slightly red from the cold she strolled out of the tram station which was closest to her apartment.
Lienna just turned around the corner when she saw him standing there. And the whole world seemed to freeze. With a pale face and wide eyes she starred at him, frozen at her spot, talking to two men which seemed to be his friends. There goes her good mood. She wanted to run away or hide but the sheer sight of him turned her legs into stone and she was unable to move. Her heart hammered in her chest and cold sweat made its way down her spine and set off a weird contrast to her bodyheat. She tried to calm her breathing as the Doc taught her, else she would run into the danger of hyperventilating and just as she closed her eyes to soothe herself and opened them again, their gazes met.
Over the range of approximately 15 meters blue eyes looked into grey ones which looked more surprised than shocked. She saw his, still so kissable, lips moving but the chattering and traffic noises of the environment made it impossible for her to hear his words. Not that she wanted to hear them. She wanted to get away, as far away as possible, somewhere where she doesn´t have to see him, even though, at the same time, there was nothing more she wanted. He gestured something to his friends and started to move towards her with fast steps. That´s when reality finally woke up her senses and her legs seemed to function again. She turned around and dived into the sea of people, desperately trying to escape his gaze and his entire being before he could even reach out to her.
Closing the door to her apartment behind her she sank down to her knees, trying to catch her breath. She practically ran all the way to her apartment, taking small detours to stay out of sight. Thank God that man had a way too bad sense of orientation.
Why is he here?
This question kept echoing in her head and only when she felt her face being wet, Lienna realised she had started to cry uncontrollably. With shaking deep breaths she tried again to calm herself and after a while she was able to stand up, take off her shoes and coat and pulling out her phone to dial Dr. Robins number with shivering fingers.
"Oi, you have been searching now for nearly an hour, Zoro. She´s gone." The raven-haired man slapped him on the back, trying to compensate his friend. "Shit! I never expected her to be here out of all places. And damn, she´s fast. I need to find her, Luffy!" Zoro gasped between his heavy breaths and braced the hands on his knees. The man named ´Luffy´raised an eyebrow. "What´s your relation with her, anyway?" The Greenette erected himself and sternly looked into the distance where Lienna had run off to. "She is the one I should´ve choosen instead."
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hollowpages · 6 years
Violet and Deimos, or, the Cleric and the Warlock (Commission)
The following is a commission of a client’s D&D OCs. Some swearing and some violence is within.
Violet and Deimos, or, the Cleric and the Warlock
The purple-skinned Tiefling woman with long black hair hummed to herself as she glanced about the town. It had been a few weeks since her last job - she spent about three months as a healer at a local physician’s to the east, and while it paid well and the people she worked with were decent folk, she had grown restless.
Violet was the sort of woman that grew bored with things easily if there wasn’t enough excitement to keep her interest. Sure, she’d enjoyed helping and healing, especially when those whom she helped treated her with kindness and appreciation for her skills, but healing grew stale after a time. So, eventually, she’d packed her things up and left, and now here she was, in a different town, scouring about for any people in need of a healer - preferably a group of adventurers eager to see the world.
Her tail swished through the air as she looked around. She didn’t know this particular town’s name - it was big and full of people, but it seemed more of the sort of town where one could find work in a tavern, of which there were two, both clearly active with men and women of all races drinking even outside the confines of the building.
She chortled, but paid these no mind. Instead, she reached into a pocket and pulled out a small flyer - it was a worn note, yet the writing was fancy, and great detail taken in the words used and the embellishments of the note - it was a flyer for any who wished to adventure, saying that they could congregate at a specific inn, where they would be served drinks at a lower price and offered rooms at a discount as well. This was where Violet was heading. She was eager to see what sorts of warriors she could find, and hopeful that someone would be wise enough to seek the services of a trained Cleric.
Unfortunately, Violet had no bloody clue where the place was. She hadn’t been in town for long, and it was so large, it was broken into several districts from the looks of it.
She shrugged and kept on walking. She would ask for directions only if need be, but since she wasn’t in a hurry at the moment, she saw no reason to not spend the day taking in the sights and getting a feel for the town as a whole… and that included figuring out what the hell the damned place was called, too.
Some time passed, and Violet wandered down several streets. She found her way down a shady-looking street at one point, and while she knew it was unwise to go that way, Violet was not the sort to get scared so easily. She could defend herself, of course, which helped keep her confident, if level-headed and wary at the same instant.
And lo, not but a few minutes went by of Violet walking down this secluded street when she found herself surrounded by three less-than-savory individuals - dressed in dark, ragged clothes, none of them in a good mood.
Violet stopped as the three surrounded her. Her eyes flicked between their faces, taking in the features to see how to best handle them. It did not take a smart person to tell they were muggers, or thugs, and the fact all three of them held weapons that were unsheathed spelled that out rather easily.
“Alright, lady,” the first said, an orc. He was a big fellow, burly and scarred, missing some patches of hair and one of his tusks. He reeked of booze, but his bloodshot eyes were oddly aware, so Violet figured he was the type that could drink gallons of alcohol and still function properly. “Hand over your belongings. Make it snappy, and this doesn’t have to get ugly.”
He spoke with a gruff, guttural voice that held within it an air of authority. The ringleader, or at least the strongest of the three of them, Violet figured. She stood still, tense and expecting anything, yet she did not speak, nor give any of her belongings away.
“You hear us, bitch?” the second said, an elf woman. She was tall and wiry in build, with the worst haircut Violet had ever seen, as if she’d cut it herself with a rusty dagger. Granted, this just made her more deranged, especially when Violet took the eyepatch over her right eye and the half-cut right ear, plus the scars, into account. “We want your fuckin’ jewelry and goodies. Hand ‘em over, or you get cut.”
“Now,” growled the final one, a human. Pale-skinned and bearded, he was eerily thin, decked in all black, including a hood that shrouded his eyes. Only his mouth and braided beard were visible, creating a very unnerving image.
Violet soaked these details in, and stood her ground. “How about no.”
The elf woman hissed. “Stupid cunt, ain’t ya? There’s three of us, and one o’ you.”
“This doesn’t need to get violent,” the orc said, though he brandished his blade, pointing it dangerously close to Violet. “But it will if you don’t comply. We’re not blind. We see the pretty little gems you’re brandishing, Tiefling. Hand them over, plain and simple.”
The human just stood there - she couldn’t see his eyes, but she could FEEL a wicked glare coming off the man.
“And I said how about NO,” Violet replied coldly. “Why don’t you three make an honest living instead of being scumbags, hm?” She braced herself, standing tall and at the ready. “This is unbecoming for anyone. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves - throwing away your lives to be crooks. Disgusting. Leave me, and leave this life behind, lest you suffer the consequences.”
Silence fell. The three muggers didn’t budge an inch. The orc’s eyes narrowed, the elf gritted her teeth, and the human… stood there.
“She thinks she’s better ‘an us,” the elf said, spitting on the ground. “Fuckin’ devil twat. I’ll teach ya to look down on us!”
She lunged forward, a shortsword in hand, but Violet reacted, ducking to the side and using her tail to smack the elf in the face. The elf woman toppled, but recovered quickly, and sprang forward again, swinging down with her blade. Violet managed to roll to the side in the nick of time, and the elf hit air. The elf woman snarled, and spun around, right as Violet leapt back.
Violet didn’t get a chance to do much, however, as she became instantly aware of the human - he had circled behind her and went to stab at her back with a pair of daggers. Violet managed to use her tail to grab onto his right arm and caught his left with her own left. He hardly reacted to this beyond a rumbling growl, yet Violet wasn’t going to give him the chance - she threw him to the ground with her might, and he landed roughly.
“Bitch!” The elf woman surged at her from the right and slugged her.
Violet nearly collapsed - the woman had a MEAN left hook - and stumbled, awkwardly trying to stand her ground still. The elf woman stabbed at her with the shortsword, yet Violet managed to parry this, slamming her left palm into the woman’s elbow with enough force to cause a loud SNAP. The elf woman howled in pain, and Violet tossed her into the human, who was on his feet, at least until his comrade slammed into him.
It was only then, with two of them grounded, that the orc finally moved. Violet hadn’t forgotten about him looming over there, but he’d been silent, standing almost like a statue, waiting for the right moment to strike. It seemed Violet forced his hand, because he didn’t look pleased when he finally came at her - not that she cared either way.
He did not attack with his sword, however, and instead got in close and threw a punch. Violet ducked, but the orc expected this, for he shot his knee forward, right toward her jaw. Violet, fortunately, was fast enough to roll to the side to avoid this strike.
The orc was equally fast, though - he leapt and threw his other arm out, managing to punch her in the shoulder. Violet winced at the throb of pain and tried to throw a kick, but the orc punched her leg with the other hand. She winced at THIS even more and backpedalled, gritting her teeth. He hit hard, the bastard.
“Give it up, devil,” the orc said. “You’re outnumbered.”
Violet’s eyes flicked to the other two - they were on their feet now. The human strode toward her, his daggers at the ready as he didn’t utter a word. And the elf woman pounced, spinning through the air so that she landed behind Violet. They now had her surrounded once more, but their weapons were readied, and it was clear they would attack as one rather than one at a time.
Violet cracked her neck side to side. “Fine. Have it your way.”
She grabbed her own weapons at last, her precious mace in one hand, her shield in the other. She would not cower in fear despite the odds against her, nor would she give up and hand over her belongings, not to cretins like this.
“Gutsy devil, ain’t ya?” the elf woman asked, cackling. “Ya fuckin’ tieflings. Always thinkin’ you’re tough shit. Fuck that. I’ll rip those pretty horns off your head, bitch.”
“Brave, at least,” the human muttered.
Violet stood tall. “Bring it on, you fuckers.”
The elf woman sneered. The orc shook his head and scowled. The human continued to show little emotion besides his lips curling into a grimace.
Violet waited, tensed and as ready to fight them as she could be. She’d dealt with odds like this before, yet in the past, she’d had at least one ally to aid her. Now, though, she was on her own, and she wasn’t sure if these three worked well enough as a unit to give her too much of a challenge…
Yet before anyone could do anything, Violet noticed something odd - a mist seemed to forming, coming at first from the direction she’d come from. It moved fast, an eerie light green mist that hovered above the ground, only to appear from all around. The three muggers took notice seconds after Violet did, and by then, the mist now surrounded them. And with it, an odd whistling noise - it echoed from all sides.
“Is that…?” the orc said, trailing off.
“Damn,” the human said.
The whistling grew louder with each passing second, until it fell silent in a flash.
“I… seeeeeeee… yooouuu…”
Violet’s eyebrows knitted together. The voice came from all directions, too, followed by a haunting laugh - a demented sort of laugh that rang about, sending a chill up Violet’s spine for reasons she couldn’t comprehend. The three muggers froze in place.
“Ah, SHIT, it’s him again!” the elf woman shouted. She had her weapon at the ready and whipped her head about viciously. “Fucker!”
“I told you fools he’d be back,” the orc man said.
The mist began to swirl around toward the front of the street. Footsteps began to echo, yet these came from the same direction - and within a minute, a figure strode out of the mist, breaking free from it in a single, fluid motion. Violet squinted, at least until the figure became visible - it was a man, a well-dressed man decked in a purple-and-red suit, in fact, who appeared elven, or at the very least half elven.
He wore a purple top hat decorated with tiny skulls and pumpkins, and carried a weird cane - to Violet’s eyes, at least - with a grinning pumpkin at the tip. He spun the cane several times as he continued walking toward them, the mist billowing off his body like a cape. When he stopped, he tilted his top hat up, revealing long white hair and orange eyes.
“Cheers there, mates,” the stranger said, grinning wide. “Didn’t think I’d run into you lot again in this sort of situation, but, here we are. Seems you haven’t learned your lesson like I told you to. Shame about that. You must be slow-witted.”
“Deimos,” the human said.
“That’s my name, dear friend! Do try not to wear it out.”
“We’re not scared of you, boy,” the orc said. His voice held a bit of an edge to it, yet his features smoothed, and he pointed his blade at him. “You bested us once. It won’t happen again.”
“Really, now?” the stranger, Deimos, replied. He twirled his weird cane about. “Funny. You don’t look like you aren’t afraid. You sure you aren’t? Just a tiny bit, hm?”
“Fuck off, ya cocksucking maggot!” the elf woman snarled. “You’ll pay for what ya did t’ us the last time, I fuckin’ swear it!”
Deimos let out an impish, eerie giggle. “Oh, now, now, no need for that.” He set his cane down, then proceeded to pounce onto it, somehow sitting crosslegged on the pumpkin while the cane stood in place. Deimos retrieved a cigar from a big skull on his tophat, lit it, then took a slow drag from it. “You lot glower at me, as if I’m the one to blame for your predicaments. I warned you the last time we fought that I didn’t take kindly to the way you treated people.”
“Ya took my bloody eye!” the elf woman snapped.
“And my tusk,” the orc said coldly.
The human just growled.
Deimos rolled his eyes. “You know, I DID promise I would restore them if you were good little minions. But then you had to go and hassle this nice Tiefling lady.” He giggled once again, grinning rather dangerously. “She looks rather beaten up. You okay, Miss?”
“Fine,” Violet said simply.
Deimos took a long drag from his cigar. The smoke came from his nostrils when he breathed out. “So, my dear little pets. I can see the fear in your hearts and the dread in your voices. And I’m in a charitable mood today!” He rested his chin on one hand. “This is how it works - I’ll give you three idiots a final warning: quit this criminal life you’ve carved out for yourselves, and stay out. Do so for three months, and I vow to you I will restore what I took from you.”
“How do we know we can trust you, boy?” the orc asked.
“Hmm. Trust me… That’s a good question.” Deimos hopped off his cane and snatched it up. “You know, I suppose the fact I’ve beaten you once before, yet I’m willing to let you live for a SECOND time without doing any more damage should be enough of a reason, yes? I mean, you’re WELCOME to test that theory out, if you so desire…”
He gave a sinister grin at this, as if daring the three to come at him.
Violet watched the features of the muggers shift from various emotions. They shot one another glances, as if they couldn’t decide what to do. It was clear to Violet they didn’t like the idea of surrendering, and yet, they weren’t attacking this man, either. Whatever he had done to them must’ve really messed them up.
“Fine,” the human male said.
The elf clicked her teeth. “Ya cocky fucker. We’ll play by your rules and… quit.”
“Aye,” the orc said. He sheathed his weapon. “Bitter as I may be, I’m not dense enough to try my luck against you again, warlock. The scars I can live with, but you humiliated me by taking my tusk. If you vow to give that back, along with the eye and what you stole from our silent friend there, you’ll have our word.”
“See to it I do anyways,” Deimos said. “Now, be good little dearies, and be off with you.”
He slammed his cane into the ground, and the mist swirled about like three great tornadoes. The three muggers bolted without another word, vanishing the way Violet had come from. Once they were gone and out of sight completely, the mist dissipated, and the man named Deimos cackled to himself.
“Ah… That never gets old,” Deimos said to himself, pleased. He turned back to Violet, who had sheathed her weapons. “I do trust you’re actually fine, and not banged up?”
“I am,” Violet said. “My thanks, colorful one. Or, Deimos, as they said.”
He removed his hat and bowed. “Deimos it is, my dear. A pleasure.”
“You’ve dealt with them before,” Violet said.
“Some months ago, yes,” Deimos said, returning the tophat to wear it belonged. “There were four of them at the time, a nasty little gang of degenerates trying to rob a human and his male elven lover. The poor dears were defenseless, but I saw to it that they weren’t harmed.” His features darkened. “Granted, I may have gone… overboard. Being a half-elf, I did not take it well to see either of my kin threatened in such a way.”
Violet furrowed her brow. “Four? I only saw… Oh. I see.”
“To be fair, I didn’t kill their fourth friend,” Deimos said. “I simply took a leg off of her. She’s alive and recovering, hence why she wasn’t with her friends.” He spun his cane about casually as his features lightened. “You saw the result with the others. Simple attacks with enough magical oomph to scar and maim, but not kill.”
“The elf’s eye and the orc’s tusk,” Violet said, and Deimos nodded. “And the human? What exactly did you take or destroy of his?”
Deimos grinned darkly. “Best not to ask that, my dear. I feel he’s learned his lesson the most of the lot, though. Always a good thing in my book.”
Violet nodded quietly, briefly taking in the sight of the elven man. He was quite handsome, she had to admit, and she rather liked the oddness in his attire. There was a level of charm he possessed in the way he dressed - the pumpkins and skulls were a curious motif for one to have, but, he pulled it off. She also rather liked his eyes.
“By the by,” Violet said. “By any chance, are you here to answer this poster as well?” She retrieved the flyer with the information on it and showed it to him. “That’s what brought me to this town in the first place, though I admit, I don’t know where the specific inn is.”
Deimos glanced at the poster for a couple seconds. “Why yes, I am.” He cracked a small smile. “And I hate to be the one to inform you, but it’s a tavern you’re seeking, not an inn. The wording is a bit misleading - I discovered that already. Fortunately, I know the exact one you’re looking for. Would you like to head there to answer the call of adventure together?”
Violet grinned and gave the man a hearty pat on the back. “We shall indeed! Ah, and my name is Violet, by the way.”
She extended her hand to him. Deimos smiled and shook it.
“Violet,” Deimos said. “That’s a lovely name, and quite befitting.” He smiled as he said this, and twirled his cane around, switching between hands as he did. “I’m curous, though, if YOU are curious? Have you seen magic like mine before?”
Violet appraised him thoughtfully. “Like that? No. It’s quite useful, and frightening, for lack of a better word.”
Deimos beamed. “I’m glad you think so - I’d be terribly unsatisfied if my abilities didn’t register some level of fear in everyone, even the people I aim to help or leave be. It’s a benefit when your patron is the Baroness of Fear and Dread Herself, after all.”
“Baronness of Fear and Dread?” Violet asked. She’d never heard of such a being before, though she doubted it was the sort of being to make light of.
“Yes, the deity I struck a bargain with for the gifts you’ve witnessed,” Deimos said. There was a twinkle in his eyes. “To me, she is Elenor. But her true name is… well, beings like that, their names are vastly different from the various mortal tongues. It’s impossible to actively pronounce, even though I ask how fairly often about it, in an ill-fated attempt to address her as properly as I can. I think she finds it amusing, or perhaps charming, hence why she obliges any time I inquire.”
Violet stared at the man quizzically. “What’s the closest you’ve gotten?”
“Bear with me,” Deimos said, and he took a moment to brace himself as if it were a challenge to speak it. “The best I’ve managed thus far is… Ae’liiess’ahny’unnaerrr.”
Violet’s expression was one of sheer befuddlement. “I… what… What even…”
Deimos cackled at the expression on her face. “Like I said, their names are FAR beyond our realm of comprehension. Apparently, what I just said is only about twenty percent of the full name. She was quite impressed I managed to get that at all, although between you and I, I spent a good year practicing from memory alone. There are a few noises in there I can’t register. Clicks and guttural words too deep for my ears to pick up. And some extra pauses, but, I doubt I’ll ever fully get it.”
Violet shook her head. “Fascinating. So this… Elenor. Her domain appears to be centered on fear magic?”
“But of course,” Deimos said. “My primary gifts are based on frightening people. Illusions, spirits, voice throwing, the mist… It also dips into shadow magic and summoning some rather unpleasant creatures, but, I won’t bother you with any of that right now, anyways.”
He gestured for them to start walking, and so they did.
“You strike me as less of a magic user, if I may say,” Deimos said.
“I’m a cleric,” Violet replied. “My specialty is healing, though I know plenty how to bash some asshole’s skull in if need be.”
“Why not use that when they first surrounded you?” Deimos asked.
She shrugged. “I prefer not to get overly violent if it can be helped. Once it became clear they weren’t going to back off, I decided fighting with my mace and shield was the best option. I’m actually fairly skilled at using my hands and feet, though. I trained in a few martial arts when I was younger, a skill you don’t often see in clerics and healers.” She blinked a few times. “Were you watching the whole time?”
“To a degree,” Deimos said, offering a small sheepish grin. “I spotted those three and figured they’d slip up, so I watched on from the shadows. I waited while you fought, to see if you could scare them off or handle them. I only chose to step in when it was obvious the numbers game would be against you.”
“I appreciate it,” Violet said. “Why not kill them, though? You’re obviously capable of it.”
He tapped the pumpkin against his chin a few times. “Killing is something I try to keep as a last resort, in truth. I’m all for terrifying the piss out of someone, be they man or woman, human or elf or orc or tiefling, or anything, really. But to kill them… I don’t care for ending lives unless it is the sole option that reminds. Fortunately, terrorizing them tends to be enough in most cases.”
Violet chuckled. “And apparently removing body parts.”
He snickered. “To tell you the truth, it was actually a very simple magic. The elf woman I merely used a darkness spell to blind her eye. The orc, a quick solid mist to remove his tusk without much pain. The other two were… a bit more, I’ll admit, but I do plan to fix that once they’ve learned not to be criminals.”
“Curious,” Violet said. “A man of many gifts and obvious power, but you prefer not to overuse it. I find that admirable.”
“I appreciate that, my gorgeous tiefling friend,” Deimos said with a wink.
Violet chuckled. “Oh my. Flattering me AND flirting? So soon after we just met?”
“It’s a habit,” Deimos said. “When I see a gorgeous woman, I simply must give them an earnest compliment. Hell, I do the same with gorgeous men - I see no reason not to pass out compliments to those who deserve them. And before you ask how I identify ‘gorgeous,’ I see beauty in all shapes and sizes. The mind is what matters most to me.”
“I’m guessing you’ve made a lot of people blush by complimenting them, eh?” Violet asked.
Deimos noticed a faint pink blush to her purple skin and grinned, giggling a bit. “Kind of like how you’re blushing right now, beautiful?”
Her cheeks burned even more. She didn’t hide it, though. “I can’t help that a handsome, dapper gentleman swept in and made my day, you know.” She grinned and smacked his rear with her tail, taking him by surprise entirely. “Nice ass there, Deimos.”
He giggled once more, a hint of a blush on his own fairer skin. “Hey, hey now. I’m not THAT easy of a man, Miss Violet. You’ll need to get a few drinks in me before you can be that touchy.” He winked. “Fortunately, we’re almost to the tavern.”
“Well then, let’s get there quickly, hm?”
She linked her arm in his, and he smiled at this. The two new friends picked their pace up, heading down a few side streets until they finally reached the tavern that the flyer pointed to. When they got inside, they were greeted by a massive interior, filled with men and woman warriors and adventurers, chatting, drinking, and having a good time.
Violet broke away to order some drinks while Deimos found a cozy table. She returned with their drinks relatively quickly, and the two clinked glasses together.
“Quite the lively place,” Deimos said, sipping from his whiskey. “Should’ve expected that much, I suppose.”
“It feels about right for a place meant to draw in adventurers,” Violet said with a shrug. She glanced around and snickered. “So many are drunk already. I imagine there’s a handful that claim to be adventurers just to get the special discounts this place gives out.”
“Likely,” Deimos said. “But they seem to be having fun.” He gestured to a group of men and women singing on one side of the tavern. “Take that lot for example. They’re inebriated to the very core, and singing ‘The Horseless Headsman’s Axe’!” He snorted. “I haven’t heard that song in ages--” One of the woman toppled onto the floor with a drink in hand and guffawed while her friends laughed and cheered. Deimos smirked. “It’s pleasant, though. They’re not being obnoxious about it. Very refreshing.”
Violet nodded and sipped at her bourbon. “You know, I have to say, you didn’t strike me as a whiskey man, Deimos. A man like you, I immediately imagine wine.”
He snickered. “Wine’s fine, my dear, but whiskey stole my heart ages ago.” He proceeded to slam down the drink without missing a beat. “And you know, I could say the same to you.”
Violet snorted and slammed down her own drink with ease. “Please. Bourbon is my favorite. Though I must admit, I do love a man who can hold his drink.”
“And I love a woman that can do the same,” Deimos said, wiggling his eyebrows.
They laughed together and poured themselves another of their preferred drink. Yet while there was plenty of merriment about, Deimos’ eyes flicked to the side of the tavern, where there were less people, as he witnessed a half-orc woman being harrassed by two male humans. The humans were drunk and clearly trying to flirt with the woman, but their flirting wasn’t working, and they were growing agitated, with her and each other.
Deimos retrieved his cane and lightly tapped it onto the floor. Violet noticed, watching his orange eyes flicker. The pumpkin at the tip of his cane closed its mouth, its own eyes glowing - when its mouth opened, a trail of mist spewed forth from it, mist that hit the floor and surged toward the two men. Violet turned and saw the mist strike the legs of the men - who didn’t notice, nor did anyone else, it seemed - only for both of them to freeze as a massive snake sprang from each man’s abdomen.
The snakes snapped their jaws at the men - they shrieked and proceeded to drunkenly flee the tavern. Or, they tried to, but they stumbled and ran into one another, each trying to push the other back to escape. The half-orc woman stared for a moment before going back to her drink.
Deimos giggled impishly, smirking. “There we go…”
“That was a pretty impressive trick,” Violet said.
“Why thank you,” Deimos said.
“Did no one else see that?” Violet asked.
He nodded. “Since you’re right beside me, you’re in my little bubble - but I can will who sees my illusions and who doesn’t. The fine young woman there didn’t see a thing besides those drunken oafs stumbling over one another, right after she shot a death stare at them, of course. I couldn’t have timed it better even if I tried, honestly.”
Violet grinned. “I have a feeling adventuring with you will be quite entertaining, won’t it?”
“I’d like to think so,” Deimos said. “We should invite the lovely half-orc over there to join our party. I can sense she’d be a good fit for us, and I do love a muscular beast of a woman, don’t you?”
“I do, yes,” Violet said. “Though perhaps not as much as a handsome fellow like you.”
He cackled. “You’re right there with me, gorgeous.”
The two continued to have a chat for their ‘date’ together - and as they did, they began to make plans, plans for picking whom to go with them, and for what sort of adventure they would be going on. It was the start of a very fun night...
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