#you fks better bl0ck th0se tags
milesofsoup · 4 years
i am... always S0 s0 s0 guilty f0r p0sting venty shit 0n main because i kn0w my mutuals w0rry here but als0. its. nicer??? alm0st, kn0wing theres a c0ntained am0unt 0f pers0ns versus a bit 0ver a hundred, s0 really i never know what will happen what resp0nse i will even get and.
my heart hurts. n0t my chest, my heart. and n0t in a call an ambulance way. i kn0w im l0nely. im 0ne 0f th0se "physical affecti0n" pe0ple agdiwiedbev ew i kn0w right? yeah haha........... anyways.
im l0sing pe0ple left and right like i knew a few were t0ast but there was 0ne pers0n i at least... kind 0f h0ped was telling the truth but he didnt he lied i was never even an acquaintance and i get this shit is childish thats why i feel like shit talking ab0ut it. mixed bag. and all that jazz.
i just really. REALLY. want at least s0me0ne t0 be truthful. and thats why im is0lating again. because this mindset is danger0us and n0t healthy but i HURT i hurt
fuck it
fuck it s0 fucking MUCH i hate being here
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