#you get a nearly incomprehensible post ✌️
miniscrew-anon · 8 months
I got sucked into playing Oxygen Not Included again and now it’s living rent free in my brain like the boys. Enjoy these extremely specific headcanons on them playing base building/resource management/colony sim games.
Sky - He plays like a normal person. Does his best to make his base thrive but makes all the beginner mistakes. His second attempt is way way better but nothing crazy. Never gets too deep into the mechanics. Only plays for a few hours and eventually stops because someone starts backseat playing.
Wild - Chaos. His base is somehow drowning, on fire, in the middle of a drought and freezing. All at once. Literally nothing is working and his little guys are all dying to death. His second attempt is not any better. Nor is his third. He’s not good at micromanaging and constantly tries to build things that are way too big and wayyyy too resource heavy and it ends up killing him. He was super into building a really cool hot tub/massage room and neglected to make sure his guys have oxygen. But he’s having fun so it’s all good
Champion - Is on top of everything. Reads the entire in-game encyclopedia before he even starts the game so he knows everything he needs to. His base is very spartan but at least nothings on fire. Enjoys the challenge of planning ahead and creative problem solving.
Twilight - Gets way too invested in the little creatures. Creates a whole big ranch and makes the place really, really nice for his pets. His people are vegan and he lets his base starve to death because he can’t bring himself to eat his animals. But also mourns the loss of every one of his people. It’s a heartbreaking game for Twilight. He prefers games when he can pet the animals, not eat them.
Warriors - Base building isn’t his preferred genre but he gives it a try anyway. Aesthetics before anything is his playstyle. His base works well enough but he does surrender some efficiency to make it pretty. Dresses up all his little guys and gives them snazzy clothes. But he loses interest pretty fast and goes to bother Sky.
Hyrule - His base is a mess of hallways and ladders. No real central area because he just want to expand and see what’s out there. Is a real explorer. He ends up accidentally opening up his base to the cold vacuum of space and kills everyone.
Legend - Hates that he’s constantly running out of resources. If it’s not air then it’s water, and if it’s not water it’s food, and if it’s not food it’s space, and if it’s not space it’s fucking air again! He curses up a storm every time something goes wrong. Which is all the time.
Four - Spreadsheets. Lots and lots of spreadsheets. Sixty hours in and his base is ten miles long with a ridiculously convoluted yet effective HVAC system that abuses every game mechanic to be self sustaining. Runs on things like giving his base contaminated food to give them food poisoning to make them vomit so he can refine that vomit back into clean water to offset the moisture entropy. A monster of efficiency. Four loves building games where there are calculable data sets and realistic physics. Can and will play this game forever is no one stops him.
Wind - He streams it and names his colony members after viewers. Uses console commands to do crazy things like spawn in 100 colonists and summons meteor showers to spice things up. He’s pretty decent and he actually learns to to use the convoluted automation mechanics. Also mods. Lots and lots of mods.
Time - His base dies immediately. This old man never got more advanced than Pong and so when he is confronted with a game in which the density and weight of different gasses is important he can’t handle it. He accidentally digs down and his whole colony suffocates on carbon dioxide within 5 minutes. He puts the game down and never plays again.
Dark - Only plays for a bit before he stops. Even though it’s just simulation he doesn’t enjoy the strange sense of claustrophobia it gives him. He’ll happily watch Twi play it though.
Shadow - He logs into Fours game and disconnects one (1) wire somewhere in the base.
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