#you go from hairy gorilla to heart breaking mitsuba arc
doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
Hi 👉👈 i just finished watching gintama recently and it becomes one of my top 3 animes of all the time. Laughed and cried a lot too 💙⭐ so im happy to find people willing to write for gintama even though the fandom isnt as active as other newer anime fandoms 💙 thank you so much ⭐. Can i request hcs/scenario for gin-san with a s/o who has never dated before? They are around gin-san age yet they have zero experience and they are so insecure about it 🥺. im not sure how their dynamic will be coz this guy here has no shame but ... I love him so much 💙⭐🤍.
-To say the truth Gintoki never had a relationship too, the maximum was meeting with a prostitute.
-So Gintoki only knows more about the physical side of a relationship.
-He will never force you to do anything, Gintoki is already blessed enough to have found someone that likes him that much, love is a word that scares him too much, he won’t throw away the bond you made so easily.
-But at times your insecurities bother him. Like what do you have to be scared of?? He is such a dumbass, you can’t do any worse.
-Obviously, he will tell you that only after teasing you ‘till you are near tears. But Gintoki will stop sooner, he hates tears on his partner’s face.
-It’s all a long process where you both have to learn which boundaries to cross and which is better not to. Relationships take respect and responsibility and we know our whiter-haired boy loves to run away from them.
-You must have a lot of perseverance to keep Gintoki with his ass there talking, real talking, about the important matters in the relationship.
-So as a first relationship the one with Gintoki won’t be easy.
-But for sure smiles will often be shared between you two.
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