#you guys go back to arguing if it's okay to call male idols the D slur or something or doxxing people
dumbasswhatever · 11 months
every two weeks kpop fans do another "meme" that only exists for them to share every kpop song they like. a few months ago they would tweet "serve cunt in a way that supports public transportation" just so everyone following them would retweet it with any music video with a scene on a train or bus. now it's "trust men or be [insert whatever]". like the first few would try to seem vaguely like something someone might say someday but after three hours it's become this
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luvkyu · 7 months
hii kyu ! idk if ur reqs are open but if they are, i wanted 2 request a dokyeom (svt) x m!reader fluff oneshot where dk makes it his mission to cheer up his bf who's sick (or just tired/exhausted if u prefer) by taking him on a date :) anyways i hope u have a great day !! :D
home with u ( lee dokyeom/dk )
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dokyeom x male reader
kyeom takes care of his sick bf !
content : 1k words, fluff, idol!kyeom, kyeom calls reader pretty boy
( a/n ) this is literally MONTHS old im so sorry it took so long :( i changed it a little cause i was having a lot of trouble writing it for some reason but i hope you like it <3
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"kyeom, i can feel you staring."
"okay. and?"
y/n scowled quietly while opening his eyes. dokyeom was laying directly in front of him, just centimeters away.
"it's making me self conscious."
"but you're so perfect," dokyeom countered with a small pout. "looking at you makes me happy. my favorite boy."
"damn it," y/n muttered as he felt a blush creep onto his face. he quickly rolled over to the other side of his bed. "i hate you."
dokyeom simply laughed at his stubborness.
"you love me," he insisted while slipping his arms around y/n's waist, spooning him.
y/n smiled, still trying to hide it though. dokyeom nuzzled his face into his neck while planting tiny kisses against his skin.
"you're still burning up.." dokyeom mumbled. he could feel the heat radiating off of y/n's neck and face, making him even more worried.
"hm.. 'm fine, kyeom," y/n responded drowsily.
"are you sure you don't wanna just go to a doctor?"
"i hate doctors."
"baby," dokyeom quickly argued. y/n didn't need to look at him to know he was frowning - or probably just pouting. he sighed and turned back over to face him.
"if it doesnt pass after tomorrow then i'll go see one, okay?" he promised, leaving a short kiss on the other's forehead.
dokyeom smiled and nodded before catching the male's lips instead. he kissed him deeply, whispering a small "thank you" after pulling away.
"don't you need to leave for rehearsals with the guys?" y/n asked, looking up at him.
y/n blinked. "no?.."
"i'm staying here."
"what? no. you should go to work."
dokyeom shook his head. "i'm worried about you. i'm staying here."
"i already texted our manager. just let me take care of you."
y/n frowned, now seeing the concern in his boyfriend's eyes. he sighed and gave in before snuggling into dokyeom's chest.
"okay, baby. you can take care of me."
dokyeom finally smiled again and nodded his head in triumph.
"i'm sleepy," y/n mumbled into the other's slightly wrinkled shirt.
"then sleep, bub."
"mm.. will you sleep too?"
"i'm not really tired enough to nap, honestly. but i'll stay with you."
y/n felt his heart skip. he smiled and snuggled into him again, soon falling asleep in his arms.
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after sleeping for about an hour and a half, y/n woke up to hear soft humming coming from beside him. he looked up at his partner. dokyeom's eyes were closed peacefully as his phone played wave to earth on the bedside table. he was humming along quietly and running his hands along y/n's arms to the rhythm.
"your voice is so beautiful," y/n complimented.
dokyeom's eyes shot open. he looked down at the boy in his arms.
"did i wake you up??"
"kinda, but it's okay. i like waking up to this."
dokyeom frowned, "no, go back to sleep. i'll shut up."
y/n took the male's hand in his own and gave it a reassuring kiss.
"kyeom, it's okay. i'm hungry now anyways."
dokyeom looked at him for a moment, as if debating his fault.
"alright, i'll see what i can make us for dinner."
"i barely have any food here right now," y/n warned. "unless you want cup noodles for dinner."
"tsk. remind me to go grocery shopping for you tomorrow."
y/n rolled his eyes, "i like cup noodles."
"cup noodles are not a meal."
y/n scowled at such a response.
"'ooh look at me, i'm dk, i'm too good for cup noodles,'" y/n teased, waving his hands around in a mocking tone.
dokyeom squinted at him with fake hatred, "you're lucky you're sick right now."
y/n stuck his tongue out and sunk into the covers of his bed. dokyeom shook his head at him before finally exiting the bedroom.
sure enough, all he could find in y/n's kitchen were cup noodles. he sighed. he wished they could just go out for dinner, but he didn't wanna risk getting anyone sick. he settled on ordering in some food instead.
eventually, y/n got bored by himself. he slowly got out of bed and trudged out of his bedroom. he followed the sound of the music coming from dokyeom's phone, leading him onto his large balcony.
"what're you doing, love?" y/n asked.
dokyeom looked up in surprise as he adjusted one of y/n's small tables on top of some blankets he'd put on the balcony's floor.
"since we can't go out, i thought we'd have dinner outside at least. a home date," he explained. "the fresh air will be good for you and it's so nice out tonight."
y/n couldn't stop a smile from growing on his lips.
"that sounds amazing. thank you."
dokyeom nodded and gave his cheek a light kiss. y/n could tell that the other was proud of himself. dokyeom would never admit it, but he loved hearing approval and praise - especially from y/n.
once their food arrived, dokyeom set everything out and made them drinks. the balcony was the prettiest y/n had ever seen it. with his fairy lights lit and the blankets and a couple pillows brought out, it looked all cozy and warm.
dokyeom set their chopsticks out as a finishing touch before they finally sat down together. it smelled amazing and neither could wait to start eating.
after taking his first bite, y/n hummed in satisfaction. he smiled and closed his eyes, savoring the flavor in his mouth. dokyeom gazed over at him. he was completely in love.
"how do you still manage to look so perfect even when you're sick?"
y/n opened his eyes again and now saw his partner's eyes on him. he couldn't help but blush a little.
"your eyes are broken."
dokyeom's brows furrowed. he leaned forward, over the table and close to y/n's lips.
"my eyes are fine." he gave y/n another kiss, longer and deeper this time, "my pretty boy."
y/n then watched him pull away and go back to his food. he knew his ears and cheeks were probably turning red, while dokyeom just picked up his chopsticks and went right back to eating as if nothing happened.
"how-" y/n didn't know what to say. dokyeom looked back up at him.
"hm?" he hummed. the fake cluelessness on his face made y/n send him a small death glare.
"oh i hate you, lee seokmin."
dokyeom laughed endearingly at the remark, then simply smiled at him.
"you love me, baby."
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pasteljeon · 6 years
Do not tumble dry
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Anonymous said: Since your box is open could you possibly do a scene where you meet yeontan, Holly and Mickey for poly BTS??? Thank u!!
Anonymous said: omg can u do a super fluffy fic with tanie?? Like he comes to live with you or something like that, thank you :D
Summary: A spa day for the Bangtan pets.
Pairing: OT7/Reader
Warnings: F L U F F; consumption may rot teeth
Length: 2.6k
Notes: I wrote this as part of the YNWA universe but it can be read separately. Reader is a lawyer and they’re in an established poly relationship. I also dunno what gender Jin’s sugar gliders are so I’m assuming they’re both male + pretend yeontan is still a baby shdshds
11/19 edit: this is just a repost since Tumblr screwed up my original one!
“Hyung is sad,” Jungkook says firmly when you pick up. Your eyebrows raise in surprise, your unconvinced hum giving away your skepticism as you leaf through documents.
“Which hyung, Kookie?” You ask, nodding your thanks at the file your assistant breezes in to drop off. “Because if this is another one of your tricks to get me to do something to Yoongi it’s not happening.”
“That was only one time!” He protests. “Plus you’re the one that agreed to it!”
“I was drunk,” you argue, leaning back and pinching the bridge of your nose as your temple throbs.
“Why are you still at work, ____? Aren’t you supposed to be resting?” Jimin’s voice comes chiming in worriedly in the background. You sigh, taking another sip of your warm honey lemon mix.
“I should,” you admit, closing your eyes. “I’m just tying up some loose ends from my last case. I’ll be home in an hour, promise.”
You know Jimin’s vying to protest so you change the subject quickly, “Which hyung is sad, Kook? Did something happen?”
“It’s Tae,” this time it’s Namjoon that replies.
You sit up instantly. “What’s wrong?”
But the leader is already amending his poor wording, “It’s nothing major, baby girl. It’s about Yeontan. He’s feeling down about not being able to be there for Tan since we’re gone so often and for so long. He’s thinking about giving him to his parents.”
You melt back into your seat. “Oh.”
“He’s just sulking now though,” Jungkook adds. Your head lolls to the side, blinking slowly as you stare at the dark cherry of your desk.
“Just give him to me,” you murmur tiredly. “I’m taking the week off anyway. He’s potty trained right? Maybe I’ll bring him to the office.”
“Really?!” You pull the phone from your ear in alarm at the eager shout. “Yay!! Thank you jagiya!”
“Don’t tell me,” you groan. “You guys planned this!”
There are a few sheepish chuckles and you growl, “Jeon Jungkook, you’re going to pay for this.”
An audible gulp.
The Pomeranian yips at you excitedly, scrabbling to escape Taehyung’s hold as he jumps down and circles your feet, barking.
“Don’t forget to—”
“Tae,” you cut him off, giving him a pointed look as you knelt to scoop up the puppy. “I’ll take care of him, okay?” You giggle when he licks you happily.
Taehyung falters, watching your interacting with a growing smile. “I’ll miss you,” he says, wrapping his arms around you, careful not to squish the fluff curled into your hold as he brushes a sweet kiss against your lips. “Both of you.”
“Don’t worry,” you whisper, pressing your forehead against his. “We’ll be right here, waiting for you.”
The first two weeks pass relatively quickly as you try to establish a routine with the growing pupper. Every morning, you wake to soft barks and wet licks moments before your alarm sounds.
Though all his equipment, toys and bed are set up in your living room, you didn’t like the idea of a fence, which was necessary at the dorms but not so much in your penthouse. Yeontan opted to take up station beside your head, leaping onto the bed every night and waiting for you to join him with gentle onyx eyes that remind you so much of his owner.
Just as you’re zipping up your sweater, Yeontan tugs on your jeans, nudging you toward the kitchen. You smile, knowing he’s reminding you to take your medication and to drink your customary cup of warm water before your day started.
You poured some kibble into his bowl before padding to the island kitchen to fix yourself a small breakfast.
“C’mon,” you say, bending to clip on his collar and leash, “Let’s take a walk!”
You swing by the café at the corner of the plaza, the morning peaceful as you bite into your croissant contentedly. You take a seat on the bench, legs swinging as you watch Yeontan tussle with the other dogs littered around the park.
“That one yours?” You look up, still chewing, to see a young man smiling down at you, motioning toward where the Pom is busy chasing a Border Collie.
“My boyfriend’s,” you say, flushing as you swallowed, dusting off the crumbs from your jacket. His smile wavers a moment, eyes flickering with fleeting disappointment.
“Ah, I see,” he says, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “It was just cute, that’s all. Just wanted to let you know.”
“He,” you correct him. “And yes, he is.” You turn to gaze at Yeontan who seems to have noticed you, barking loudly as he races toward you.
Yeontan skids to a step before you, a growl erupting low in his muzzle as he crowds you protectively. You’re taken aback, scratching between his ears as you reclip the leash. His eyes don’t leave the man who takes a step back.
“Err, nice meeting you,” he stammers, barely sparing you a weak smile as he scurries off.
You blink. “Weird guy,” you comment. Yeontan barks, already trotting away. You shrug, hurrying to catch up.
The fourth week is when things go downhill in a sad, wet, dirty splash.
It rained the night before, leaving the park drenched and muddy. The walk starts off normal—Yeontan sniffing everything and everyone that passed, occasionally barking when a bird fluttered too close.
Five minutes later, you regret every decision you’ve made leading up to this moment.
You stare in disbelief, Yeontan sitting before you, tongue out and tail wagging, seemingly unbothered by the abundance of mud, dirt and leaves smeared on his once-glorious fur.
“Oh shit.”
“Babe~” You answer with a grunt as you wrangle the whimpering pup into the tub, soothing him with quiet coos as you coaxed him in with treats.
“I’m home!” Several shouts echo through the complex, but you ignore them all as you focus on secure the wide-eyed Yeontan to the tub.
“Tan?” A sharp whistle has the Pom perking up, renewing his struggles and you sigh, ticking him beneath the chin as you murmur sweet nothings in an attempt to soothe the agitated dog that’s craning his neck to respond to his owner’s call.
“We’re in here guys!” You say in exasperation. The boys respond immediately, trampling toward your voice.
“___!” Hoseok beams. “Hi baby,” you say wearily, standing to give him a hug. He cradles you close, Namjoon leaning in to kiss one cheek, and Jin the other. Jungkook replaces him soon after, nuzzling your neck. Jimin presses his lips against your temple, Yoongi simply cocking his head, eyes crinkling as he takes your hand, squeezing lightly.
“Babe!” You sigh again, lifting your head to find Taehyung glancing between you and the puppy sitting obediently in the tub rapidly. “Were you—are you going to bathe him?”
“Yes,” you huff. “I don’t trust the groomers here to keep our secret.”
“But—but,” Taehyung sticks his lower lip out. “I can just take him to my regular groomer! I’ll just book an appointment.”
“Nuh uh,” you refuse. “I’m going to do it myself. You guys only have one day off this week and I’m not going to let it be ruined because of this.”
“Do you even know how to do this?” Namjoon asks doubtfully with a furrowed brow.
You smirk confidently, rolling up your sleeves. “Watch and learn boys. I worked as an assistant dog groomer for two summers.”
“You know what this means!” Hoseok exclaims, whipping out his phone. “No—” you start, panicked as even Yoongi brightens.
“Spa day!” Jungkook cheers.
Double shit.
It takes seven individual, excited phone calls to organize an impromptu get together. Luckily (or unluckily?), Holly, Rapmon, Mickey and Gureum were all visiting for the weekend and Jin drove back to the dorm to pick up Odeng and Gukmul with a short detour to the store to grab some apple-scented shampoo, conditioner and combs.
“Rub it in firmly,” you coach from the side, legs crossed, watching a kneeling Taehyung squirt the watered down mixture onto a very wet Yeontan and begin lathering. The idol had insisted on doing it himself, curiosity winning him over as his excitement grew.
Odeng sits on your shoulder, munching on some obscure protein-shot insect. You try not to think too much on it.
Taehyung settles into the rhythm quickly, humming to himself as he rinses the Pom down and starts on the conditioner.
Holly comes padding in, sniffing your proffered hand and plopping right onto your lap.
“Why does he like you better than me?” Yoongi complains as he follows his dog, glaring balefully but without real bite at the Poodle, a gentle smile playing on his lips.
“Because I’m just that loveable,” you sing, petting Holly. He licks your cheek, stretching his forelegs out before resting his chin on them, eyes closing.
Yoongi rolls his eyes but doesn’t disagree, taking a seat behind you, legs bracketing yours as he buries his face in your neck, sighing.
“Noona!” Jungkook’s shriek has Holly raising his head and Odeng cuddling closer in fear. You coo softly, stroking the glider’s head with a finger.
“Kookie, you can’t be that loud!” You scold the maknae when he comes into view. Your hand claps over your mouth as you let out a snort.
“What happened?” You manage to squeak out as Yoongi chortles aloud.
“Mickey happened,” Jungkook cries, gesturing wildly at his shirt that’s now splattered with … something and smelling even worse.
“Gukmul was eating on my shoulder and Mickey came in barking super loud and trying to swipe at Gukmul and he got scared and squeezed the bug all over me!” The youngest wails, fanning himself in disgust.
“Oh babe,” you say sympathetically. You nudge Holly off slowly, the dog shaking himself off and trotting back to the living room. Yoongi snickers, hands up when Jungkook glowers at him. He gives you one last kiss before making after the Poodle.
Jungkook looks at you pleadingly. You stifle a giggle at his forlorn expression and tell him to take off his shirt.
“Now what, ___?” Taehyung calls, lifting up a dripping Yeontan that barks happily at the sight of you.
“Now you dry him,” you say, pointing at a vacuum-like machine you pulled from the closet. “Just dry him in the tub. Then you can use the fluffer and comb out the knots.”
Taehyung eyes the equipment doubtfully but does as he’s told. You turn to Jungkook. “Let’s get you cleaned up baby.”
One long shower later, Jungkook sits between Holly and Rapmon, inhaling food like he hasn’t eaten in days.
“A black hole, that’s what he is,” Jin grumbles, shovelling another helping onto his plate.
“He’s a growing boy, let him live,” you laugh, kissing him in thanks as you take the plate he offers.
Hoseok tugs you onto his lap, and you nestle your head into the crook of his neck, balancing your meal on one hand as Gukmul climbs onto your shoulder from where he was fiddling restlessly on Jimin’s extended arm. The 95 liner is leaning against the couch, one leg propped up as he leans back, tracing figures on your exposed knee lazily.
“How does he look?” Taehyung bursts into the room, and you all look up to see him holding up Yeontan like the Lion King and the eager expression on his face combined with the dense mass of fur that’s bundled in his grasp has Yoongi cackling.
“Err, you’re supposed to brush out the tangles all the way, Tae,” you say, squinting. “Can he even breathe in there?”
“But I did!” The idol tilts his head to the side, confusion painting his voice. Yeontan gives a muffled bark.
You make a move to get up, but Hoseok’s grip tightens and Jin lets out an exasperated sigh. “Let us go child,” he says, ushering the still perplexed Taehyung back into the bathroom.
“They’re going to be there for a while,” Namjoon remarks as he flicks through the movie selections.
“Want to do something else in the meantime?” Jimin murmurs, hand sliding down to circle your ankle as he smiles at you innocently.
You blush but swat at him, scandalized. “Jimin,” you hiss, “Not with them here! They’d be scarred for life.”
“You’re right,” Yoongi says tragically. “Your screams had your neighbours moving out the next month.”
You squeak, kicking him lightly. He jostles, smirking as he catches your calf, resting it on his legs. “Yoongi!”
“Stop flirting right in front of my food,” Jungkook grouses, pouting as he stabs at a noodle. You turn to him, smiling at his adorable nature as you dust a gentle kiss onto his cheekbone.
Mickey chooses this moment to jump onto the maknae’s lap, nearly scattering the remains of his food. He circles for a moment before flopping down, closing his eyes. Jungkook scratches his ear tentatively, grinning when Mickey presses closer.
“___?” You sigh at Taehyung’s slightly panicked shout. Hoseok takes your plate, Yoongi and Jimin releasing their hold and you clamber over Namjoon.
“Start the movie, we probably won’t be done for a bit,” you inform them. Namjoon chuckles and Jimin takes your place on the couch, snagging the remote.
“Jimin, no. We are not going to watch Frozen for the seventh time—!”
“I’m thinking about adopting that kitten,” Jimin tells you later, one arm thrown over your waist as he rests his head on your stomach. Gureum sleeps next to him, ears flicking slightly as he dreams.
“Go for it, hyung,” Jungkook murmurs sleepily from where he spoons you, breaths steady and ruffling your hair with every exhale. Mickey and Holly occupy opposite ends of the bed, ignoring the aghast look of their owners as they both sauntered past them and snuggled into your bed. It was Taehyung’s time to laugh, though it was cut off abruptly when Yeontan ran past him and pounced right onto your stomach.
Gukmul and Odeng are tucked back into their cage safely, though they’re still awake with the way they skitter around in it.
The bedroom is encased in a peaceful darkness, curtains drawn and blankets tucked in, though a faint light comes from the bathroom.
It blinds you for just a moment, bright even beneath your lashes, but the light is flicked off almost immediately after.
“Sorry,” Hoseok murmurs, kissing the corner of your eye as an apology. Yoongi thumbs your cheek, and you catch a flash of his gummy smile when you peek up at him.
The mattress dips as Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung join you. They each take turns kissing you goodnight.
“Sweet dreams baby,” Jin whispers as he closes the door behind them.
“I love you,” you mumble.
The creaking pauses.
“I love you too.”
Eyes now fully closed, you smile.
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