#you guys know you aren't the first people to put forward the assertion that lesbians can like men right? think about who else does that
hotdyke-hardstyle · 1 year
my issue with bi lesbians/mspec lesbians isn't the idea that it will lead to men being even shittier to lesbians, because shitty men will always be shitty men, they don't need that excuse. it's that these people and their supporters are saying that lesbians can be attracted to men in any capacity. if you can't understand how gross it is to push that narrative all on its own, and you can't understand what a fundamental misunderstanding that is of the lesbian sexuality, then idk what to tell you but you're stupid at best, hold malicious intent towards lesbians at worst, and it's also likely there's a lot of internalised biphobia and/or lesbophobia at work. there are also the biphobic and transmisognyistic aspects to the label that i've mentioned in past posts/reblogs, but my point rn is it is completely reasonable for us to want to avoid you and keep you from interacting, because you do not respect lesbians or bi sapphics at all. yes, even if you are also a lesbian supporting these identifies. idk why people think just because it's not the most important issue in the world that they can avoid criticism for a genuinely harmful idea and opinion. identifying this way and supporting these types of identities implies certain opinions and worldviews.
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