#you just know on mock the week theyd rip into him
owenhcrper · 11 months
rip mock the week you would have loved making fun of david cameron's return
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
Pastry Negotiations
Decided to do a few cute funny oneshots for the witcher i wanted to do a modern reader x geralt collection somehow its become geralt x yennefer x modern reader this is just so i can take small a break from Trophy. Next imagine in series is Here
Warnings: maybe implied smut? Swearing
Your and Jaskier’s spat end in a hostage situation
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Pastry Negotiations
'Tho its eased up a bit now' you thought as you rummaged threw the small satchel that yennefer had given you full of a few clothes she had lent you and somewhere in here there should be a small pastry that you had squirreld away ,you growled as it wasnt at the top where you left it ripping the garments out of the bag frustrated. It wasn't there you rolled up the clothes throwing them back in. Geralt noticed your little tantrum 
It was early evening when the five of you settled in camp geralt sat leaning against a large tree a few feet away from the fire, watching over his small 'pack' as you called it. You'd been here just over two weeks now, no closer to finding a way home but you were slowly adapting. You got along with ciri like a house on fire she seemed to enjoy teaching you things and listening to stories of your home land;Even if you did cop out and just recited your favourite films to her.Jaskier had become more of a brother  ,you both loved irritating one another leading to squabbles and name calling which in all honesty put you at ease as he did remind you of your brothers at home.
The love birds? now that was becoming awkward because of your crush on them, you couldnt help it they were both beautiful and dominant. you were still unsure of them tho, yes they have been accommodating but they constantly watched you, always had one or both staring at you especially when you were around ciri but there was also somthing in their eyes as they swept over you that made you want to blush.
They had been keeping their distance only helping you when nesscasary or stepping in putting a stop to your and jaskiers banter that is until three of four days ago they became more attentive striking up small conversations with you asking about the things in the stories you told ciri. Yennefer had insisted that you sleep with her and geralt for your own safety, which you didn't understand as you'd been fine lying along side ciri and jaskier.
Nevertheless once geralt agreed you'd found yourself dragged between them a few nights ago and that was the end of it. It was a bit uncomfortable as during the night they 'accidentally' tangle themelves around you. The past two mornings waking up snuggled between the two.It would have been nice if one it didn't embarrass you and two if geralt could loosen up a bit ,your arms keep going numb.Apart from that new development the one thing you just had enough of was pain you couldn't stand it. your days used to consist of sitting at a desk all day proof reading, now you were expected to walk miles in already worn trainers.
Your feet and legs screamed with every step and you fell behind refusing to ride on roach ,until finally geralt had enough of stopping for you to catch up and sat you on roach, you had been all but hysterical as he had carried you towards her only then did he realise that you'd had avoided the horse at all costs because you were scared of her ,to your five foot fuck all she was huge.Ciri bless her, had climbed up behind you helping you to relax showing you where to hold on as geralt took the reigns and began walking again. Jaskier had poked fun about the ordeal until you'd explained at home you don't use horses to travel people only have them as pets and you'd never actually been this close to one before so didn't know how big theyd be. All four of them were stumped.
It was only a few hours later you realised that a horse was no better as yes it took the pressure off your feet but put it on your ass and thighs.It was painfull as geralt and yennefer comicaly pulled you off that night and you have since walked bow legged. 
"What have you lost Y/N?" You stomped over to the fire sitting down on a small blanket beside ciri capturing the attention of yennefer you huffed crossing your arms hangry.
"The pastry that yenn gave me is gone i put it in my bag so i could have it tonight and its grown legs and walked off apparently." You pouted staring daggers at the flames.
"Are your sure you put it away?" Yennefer answered him befor you
"Yes she did i was the one who told her to" geralt sighed 
"It could have fallen out, you have a habit of not doing up your bag" 
"It cOuLd HaVe FaLlEn OuT"you mocked scowling. you caught jaskiers gaze he freigned ignorance and nervously looked away
"Jaskier?" he breathed out a nervous laugh
"Have you seen it?"
"No of course not"
"Really you look shifty"
"you dont honestly think id take your pastry do you?" He said as you crawled towards his bag he snatched it quickly.
"I wouldnt put it past you show me" you said sitting infront of the now cornered sputtering bard
"Y/N id never even dream of-"
"Cut the crap and open it" you interupted befor he could come up with an excuse you pounced on him wrestling for the bag. Untill 
"AHA! You did pinch it you little sneak theif" you announced as he quickly pulled the snack from his bag holding it out of reach. He shook his head shuffleing back making distance between you.
"no no i found it on the floor earlier so i took it" you squinted at him
"give it back" 
"No finders keepers" 
"But its mine" you whined petulantly
"No" you growled at him turning to the left
"H-HEY put that down no what are you?" You faced him again his precious lute in one hand and a small blade you'd swiped off geralt yesterday ignoring geralts
"Is that my knife when did you get that?"
"Not now geralt , Jaskier Drop the pastry or the lute gets it" you threatend sliding the blade flat under a few strings he jumped forward catching himself as you tilted away twisting the blade untill two strings rested taught on it.
"Ok ok lets not do anything rash how about we split it" he offered.no dice.
"How about i cut these" you countered tilting your head at him watching him squirm
"Ok ok i get it you pass me the lute and ill give this back" he concluded
"How do i know you will give it back when you have your lute?"
"You have my word" 
"Words are cheap"
"I promise"
" you give me the pastry and then ill release the hostage unharmed"
"No i dont trust you to do that"
"Then it appears we are at an impass" you said tilting th knife unbeknownst to you the witcher of the group was already on the move quickly stalking up behind you before things could get ugly with out either of you haveing time to react geralt had snatched the pastry off of jaskier Growling out
"If you cant behave neither of you have it" then he turned you struggled as he took the lute and knife off of you throwing the lute towards the small pile of bags near the tent pointing a threatening finger at jaskier.leave it. Geralt took a few steps around you muttering somthing along the lines of 'couple of fucking children'  causing the girls to giggle he gave ciri the treat who happily began munching it.You pouted at his back when he made his way back to his tree trying to locate where you'd stolen the knife from. 
"Thats not fair he'll get his lute back tomorrow and i cant have my snack" you sulked as jaskier laughed behind you.
"It will act as a reminder to do up your fucking bag im tired of reminding you" was the reply from geralt you heard Yennefer pipe up in agreement your face soured as you crawled back beside ciri who had finished your pastry. Smileing impishly you sighed then looked at the resident smug couple.
"Fuck you both" you muttered with out missing a beat yennefer replied 
"We would but we assumed your still sore after your ride on roach" silence fell over the camp as you stuttered speechless a deep blush crept up your chest and neck jaskier gaped at the three of you geralt smirked as he and yennefer shared a knowing look.Jaskiers hearty laugh echoed in the camp.
Wow i realy enjoyed that watch out for more of these in the next few days see ya soon xx
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