#you know how when you're really thirsty you just become overtaken by some kind of beast and drink So Much water?
heroing · 3 months
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@peranarkia asked They don't say anything about it. As they're speaking with Tim, discussing a new job for them to work on, Lonnie holds out something for Tim to take, not obscuring it, but likewise counting on him to be distracted enough to grab it without checking. It's a water bottle. Drink water, Tim.
brown eyes focus solely on the computer in front of him as he talks to lonnie about their latest potential case, delving into the specifics with a little frown. it seems like a tricky one, has him chewing the inside of his lip in thought. 
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which means he’s distracted enough that when they hand him something, he takes it unquestioningly. cylindrical, cool to the touch. ‘bottle,’ his brain supplies, but it isn’t enough to pull him away from his screen. instead, he instinctively brings it to his lips, taking a long sip from it. 
cool water slips down his throat and he makes a startled sound as it washes away the bitter taste of caffeine that perpetually lingers on his tongue. he takes another sip. 
something unidentifiable comes over him and he tips his head back, practically chugging the water, eyes going slightly wide as he does. the water level falls in the bottle nearly to the bottom as he drinks it down. 
pulling the bottle away from his mouth, he gasps softly. “jesus,” he mutters, staring down at the bottle.
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