#you know it must have been a tumblr glitch or s/t asjajj
velvetineblue · 2 years
hewwo ?   /  /   MUN AND MUSE QUESTIONS  .  ♡
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List 5 of your muse’s favourite sensations .
a perfect breeze; not too cold, not too hard, just enough to whistle through the grass and trees, and remind you that the earth really can be a pretty place . . . 
hearing the sound of laughter and warm conversation by your loved ones in the other room.
cold ice water with hints of fresh fruit inside, to flavor it.
a crowd tuned directly into you, effected by and influenced by the mood of your performance.
being trusted; being relied on.
Do they have any pet peeves ?
of course; who doesn’t ! here are some of the small, ‘insignificant’ things that minorly get on his nerves: medium-welldone/fried fish dishes ( fishies are best eaten fresh/raw in his humble onion, so he mourns to see it desecrated so... ), seeing people nail-biting, long text messages that are one big paragraph instead of broken up into smaller texts (i do that)... and if he has not met someone and pre-approved of them, he doesn’t like them telling him what to do or what not to do; this may lead him to commit acts of purely petty defiance against them . . .
Their comfort read ? (could be a book, magazine, comics, etc)
he preferred to read comic books as a kid, and some shonen manga’s. spiderman, batman, naruto, and godzilla comics being some of the major ones he reached for as a kid . . . so those would be the ‘comfort’ reads, though reading material is not what he’d usually reach for for comfort. but if he did, it would bring him some nostalgic comfort for a moment, . . . . until he got sad because oh no, the innocent childhood days of sitting on your bed reading a spiderman comic are gone, ahHhhHHhhhHH!!!!! 
If the book they are reading turns out to be shit, do they push through just for the sake of finishing it, or do they move on and find something else ?
he doesn’t read for leisure very often, but the same sentiment can be applied to various things: tv shows, food, etc. tai will usually abandon things he isn’t getting enjoyment from . . . but the exception is when it was recommended to him by a friend, or if it’s their favorite book, something like that -- in which case, he will want to stick it out, to see what it’s all about . . . even if he doesn’t like it, he’ll want to finish it, in hopes it will help him understand that person better or be closer to them.
Their comfort tv show / film .
he can relate to suki on this one : D it’s definitely the 2000′s cartoons / animation he watched growing up !  pokemon, naruto, disney movies that came out around and before that time, studio ghibli films; those are a few examples of the type of thing. his parents definitely used the tv to ‘babysit’ him a lot when he was at home, lmaoo. his childhood doesn’t have a lot of happy memories, but the pretty stories on the tv screen were a distraction from that, and inspired his adolescent imagination when he needed an escape from that reality, so, they are near and dear to his heart. 
A song that is currently stuck in their head ? (or multiple)
songs i have been listening to / or songs that i discovered recently, as they just came out within a few months of now . . . that he would like :  /   golden hour 😍     /   born to run  ( a classic but he’s like ‘damn bruce springsteen is THE DUDE... a man’s man... a musican-man’s-man... that man do be writing MUSIC AND SONGS.damb.....’ )  /    any way you want me   /    kids eat pills*    /   
The next three questions are for you. do you have anything special in common with your character ?
not much of significance; some of my characters are very similar to me, but he’s one of my most different ones. our similarities are relatively superficial things ( we both have a passion for music, and luv animals, make a lot of jokes, -- things like that... ), nothing really ‘special’ and highly personal comes to mind atm tbh. personally i think i gravitate towards writing characters quite different than me; i just find that i have more fun that way !  
What brings you the most joy about writing this character, right now ?
he’s sincere about who he is and what he feels-- even to a fault--, he’s witty & loves a good banter, he lives in the moment, and isn’t afraid to be silly or cringe ... but he contains a lot of depth, multitudes-- more than most will ever begin to uncover ... so he’s full of surprises, for those who choose to plumb those depths~ he’s just loads of fun to write!!
Who would win in a fight, you or them ?
him, for a million reasons asjjaj. among them, i’m WEAK like a limp noodle and SHORT, i don’t stand a chance. but it is for that reason that he’d never fight me lmao; he likes a challenge... or, dispatching a threat. i am neither, LOL.
Any advice from your muse ?
always be nice to your local 7-11 cashiers . . . if they like you, they will let you get free slushies every now and then, and let you take one of the candy bars by the register for free, too. ( sidenote: do not take any of the free hot dogs and/or gas station sushi they offer. it is not fit for consumption by mere mortals... ( who then, you ask, is it for? ) dare not thee question the ways of the 7-11 slurpee sage; he has spoketh.)
tagged by: @kamipyre​ thee freaking gREATEST tagging: um... hrm... who is alive out there who i haven’t seen tagged already... @seaprofound​ for the new bby boi perhaps ? :eyes: and @twojwrog​ UNLEASH MAGDA !!!!
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