#you know she has talked ashlynn's ear off about how pretty darling is and how cool she is and wasn't it great of her to save them-?
isadvras · 7 years
hello everyone, it is i, your not so friendly neighbor ashlynn here to bring you yet another spawn from the fruits of the more creative sliver of my mind. i haven’t had to write an intro in forever and i forgot how awkward they were to write even though in april i’ll have been in this rp for a year. like...seriously. they’re juST SO HARD TO WRITE.
OKAY-- ON TO MORE PRESSING MATTERS !! this is my little lionheart, and her name is isadora. isadora is a greengrass. much like my other child, zahrah. fun fact: they’re half siblings, though i’m sure you probably guessed that by now. isadora and zahrah have the same mother, but different fathers due to margaret greengrass having an affair with an unnamed pureblood one night when feeling particularly spiteful against her husband, who’s totally cheating on margaret at the same time that she’s cheating on him tbh they really don’t like each other and are only married for power and money. this family is so complex man. now i gotta explain it:
okay, so william and margaret greengrass have 4 children together. annette, who is 19 and a hufflepuff. she’s exactly 9 months older than zahrah, who is 18 and a slytherin (( and also another one of my muses in this rp lol )), will, who is 11 and a ravenclaw, and then little wren, who is 7 and not old enough for hogwarts yet but when she is old enough she’s gonna be a slytherin bc shes a sneaky lil thing man. separately, william has 2 other children and margaret has one, all three being born from affairs. william’s children are named penelope and charles, and they’re twins. they’re 15 and in slytherin alongside zahrah. their mothers name is lisbette fairchild and she’s a pureblood, and also william’s mistress. she’s not in the picture anymore, after having dumped the twins onto the doorstep of greengrass manor not even 8 months after margaret gave birth to isadora, who is now 16 and in gryffindor house. margaret never disclosed who isadora’s father was, though it is known that he was pureblood, because margaret would never stoop to sleeping with someone of lesser status than herself. so, in order of age, it goes like this:
annette, zahrah, isadora, charles, penelope, will, and wren.
tbh will and wren were only born to ease the idea of scandals from everyones mind, even though it was quite obvious that the twins were definitely not margarets children, considering no one can recall her ever being pregnant after isadora’s birth until will was born five years later. sketchy stuff, my dudes. sketchy stuff.
but now i get to introduce to you my darling, isadora lily greengrass. she’s genuinely such a kind girl. pretty sassy, but overall just kind.
okay, so first things first. homegirl is sixteen, and she's in gryfindor, and she's a pureblood. she's in her sixth year, and is actually really good in school. the sorting hat had a difficult time choosing between gryffindor and ravenclaw for this peach, but ultimately chose gryffindor because it could sense the utmost courage and bravery that flowed within izzy's bloodstream.
izzy is 50% ashkenazi jew thanks to margaret, and from her fathers side, she is 12.5% african american, 12.5% boholano filipino, and 25% mix of english, german, scots-irish/northern irish, scottish.
isadora is not at all soft spoken, unless she really wants to be. she's loud, and happy, and incredibly sassy. she's always got some sort of witty comeback, but she also has one hell of a temper that she keeps on a short leash. a playful argument with her could quickly turn into something more, and when it does, watch out. she has a nasty habit of accidentally making things explode when her temper flares, kinda like how a small child would accidentally do when first learning about magic. she can also be really calm when she wants to be? like, yeah she's excitable and such, but she's also super mellow and just likes to linger in the background a bit. not chameleon style like andy, but more along the lines of a "hey im here but not really in the mood to make a big spectacle of myself today" kinda thing.
she's very aware that william greengrass is not her father, and that penelope and charles aren't related to her in any way at all. this is not one of her favorite subjects to talk about. she doesn't usually discuss it, though, seeing as technically no one is supposed to know that william isn't her father, even though it's painfully obvious that he's not.
isadora is an artist. she's always got paint splotches on her arms and legs, paint caked under her nails, pencils tucked behind her ears, and she's always carrying around supplies in her knapsack for when she gets bored. underneath her bunk in her dormitory are piles upon piles of full sketchpads and empty ones. she's also got a bunch of spiral notebooks that she buys off of muggleborn students every start of term that are filled with useless doodles that she'll sketch out when she's bored during class. her being an artist is a big part of her character because it brings forth her ability to spot details that others sometimes can't spot, if that makes any sense at all. she had even considered trying out as gryffindor seeker at one point bc of her ability to see things others can't see upon first glance and thought it would help with looking for the snitch but ultimately decided against it because she'd rather watch quidditch than play.
isadora has never once gone home for christmas holiday because she doesn't like putting herself in the uncomfortable position of having to deal with william treating her like dirt because she isn't actually his daughter.
she has a two year old persian cat named sir fluffington, and yes, she calls him sir fluffington all the time and expects others to do the same.
she hates going by isadora and usually doesn't even introduce herself as isadora. strictly izzy or iz will do. the only people that call her isadora would be her mother, william, the house elves back at greengrass manor, and occasionally zahrah but z only does it bc she knows izzy doesn't like it lmao
she's never been a big fan of fancy parties and usually hid up in her room whenever william and margaret decided to host a gala. she was probably painting and listening to the weird sisters tbh
iz really doesn't care about blood status. her opinion is that blood is blood just as magic is magic, no matter if you grew up in a muggle family or the oldest of pureblood families.
she has a huge interest in care of magical creatures, and reads tons of books on magical creatures and such. it's a passion of hers, honestly.
she's the only one in her family so far to continue to take muggle studies during her sixth year of schooling
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